"""Map widget for interactive display of geospatial datasets"""
# Author(s): Davide.De-Marchi@ec.europa.eu, Edoardo.Ramalli@ec.europa.eu
# Copyright © European Union 2024
# Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.2 or as soon they will be approved by
# the European Commission subsequent versions of the EUPL (the "Licence");
# You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence.
# You may obtain a copy of the Licence at:
# https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/collection/eupl/eupl-text-eupl-12
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the Licence is distributed on an "AS IS"
# express or implied.
# See the Licence for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the Licence.
# Imports
from ipywidgets import widgets, HTML, Layout, CallbackDispatcher
import ipyleaflet
from ipyleaflet import SearchControl, ScaleControl, FullScreenControl, WidgetControl, DrawControl, Icon
import ipyvuetify as v
from threading import Timer
# Vois imports
from vois.vuetify import settings, toggle, switch
from vois.geo import mapUtils
from vois.templates import PageConfigurator
# Name of layers
# Map class
class Map(ipyleaflet.Map):
Map widget for interactive display of geospatial datasets. This class inherits from the `ipyleaflet.Map class <https://ipyleaflet.readthedocs.io/en/latest/map_and_basemaps/map.html>`_ and adds methods and controls to simplify the Map customisation.
width : str, optional
Width of the Map widget (default is '100%').
height : str, optional
Height of the Map widget (default is '600px').
show_fullscreen : bool, optional
Show or Hide the fullscreen control (default is True).
show_search : bool, optional
Show or Hide the Search control (default is True).
show_scale : bool, optional
Show or Hide the Scale control (default is True).
show_coordinates : bool, optional
Show or hide the Coordinates control (default is True).
show_overview : bool, optional
Show or hide the Overview control (default is False).
show_basemaps : bool, optional
Show or hide the Basemaps toggle control (default is True).
color_first : str, optional
Main color of the overlapped widgets (default is settings.color_first).
color_second : str, optional
Secondary color of the overlapped widgets (default is settings.color_second).
dark : bool, optional
Dark flag (default is settings.dark_mode).
basemapindex : int, optional
Initial basemap index (0=EC, 1=Esri, 2=Google), default is 0.
onclick : python function, optional
Callback function to call on click (receives as parameter: map, lon, lat, zoom), default is None.
Creation of a map instance displaying an overview window::
from IPython.display import display
from vois.geo import Map
m = Map(show_overview=True, center=[52,12], zoom=4, basemapindex=1)
.. figure:: figures/Map.png
:scale: 70 %
:alt: Map widget
Example of a Map with overview
# Initialization
def __init__(self,
center=[50, 12],
show_fullscreen=True, # Show or Hide the fullscreen control
show_search=True, # Show or Hide the Search control
show_scale=True, # Show or Hide the Scale control
show_coordinates=True, # Show or hide the Coordinates control
show_overview=False, # Show or hide the Overview control
show_basemaps=True, # Show or hide the Basemaps toggle control
color_first=None, # Main color
color_second=None, # Secondary color
dark=None, # Dark flag
basemapindex=0, # Initial basemap index (0=EC, 1=Esri, 2=Google)
onclick=None, # Callback function to call on click (receives as parameter: map, lon, lat, zoom)
self._width = width
self._height = height
self._show_fullscreen = show_fullscreen
self._show_search = show_search
self._show_scale = show_scale
self._show_coordinates = show_coordinates
self._show_overview = show_overview
self._show_basemaps = show_basemaps
self._onclick = onclick
self._color_first = color_first
if self._color_first is None:
self._color_first = settings.color_first
self._color_second = color_second
if self._color_second is None:
self._color_second = settings.color_second
self._dark = dark
if self._dark is None:
self._dark = settings.dark_mode
self._basemapindex = basemapindex
# Initial center and zoom of the map
self.center = center
self.zoom = zoom
# List of WKT strings edited using the DrawControl
self.wktstrings = []
# DrawControl instance
self._drawctrl = None
# Card containing the widgets to configure the map appearance
self.configure_card = None
self.s1 = self.s2 = self.s3 = self.s4 = self.s5 = self.s6 = None
self.update_properties = True
# Map widget
super().__init__(max_zoom=21, center=self.center, zoom=self.zoom, scroll_wheel_zoom=True,
basemap=mapUtils.EmptyBasemap(), attribution_control=False, layout=Layout(width=self._width, height=self._height, margin='0px 0px 0px 0px'),
mapUtils.addLayer(self, mapUtils.OSM_EC(), LAYERNAME_BACKGROUND)
mapUtils.addLayer(self, mapUtils.CartoLabels(), LAYERNAME_LABELS)
layer = mapUtils.getLayer(self, LAYERNAME_LABELS)
layer.opacity = 0.0
self.toggleBasemap = None
self.cardCoordinates = None
# Add FullScreen control
self.show_fullscreen = self._show_fullscreen
# Add Search control
self.show_search = self._show_search
# Add Scale control
self.show_scale = self._show_scale
# Add widget control to select basemaps
self.show_basemaps = self._show_basemaps
# Add overview
self.show_overview = self._show_overview
# Add widget control to display geographic coordinates at mouse move
self.show_coordinates = self._show_coordinates
# Manage interaction events
self._interaction_callbacks = CallbackDispatcher()
# Fake "draw" method
def draw(self):
return self
# Remove all layers from map
def clear(self):
Remove all the additional layers from the map.
mapUtils.addLayer(self, mapUtils.EmptyBasemap(), LAYERNAME_BACKGROUND)
mapUtils.addLayer(self, mapUtils.CartoLabels(), LAYERNAME_LABELS)
# Add a ipyleaflet.TileLayer to the map
def addLayer(self, tileLayer, name=None, opacity=1.0):
Add a new layer to the map.
tileLayer : ipyleaflet.TileLayer or a class that has a tileLayer() callable
Layer to add to the map
name : str, optional
Name of the layer (default is None)
opacity : float, optional
Opacity of the layer in the range [0.0,1.0] (default is 1.0)
layer : instance of ipyleafler.Layer
The layer added to the map
# if no name is passed, generate a layer name
if name is None:
count = len(self.layers)
name = "layer%d"%(count+1)
# In case a vectorlayer or rasterlayer is passed: call .tileLayer() to get the ipyleaflet.TileLayer instance!
if isinstance(tileLayer, ipyleaflet.TileLayer):
res = mapUtils.addLayer(self, tileLayer, name=name, opacity=opacity)
res = mapUtils.addLayer(self, tileLayer.tileLayer(), name=name, opacity=opacity)
return res
# Manage all user interaction on the map
def handleMapInteraction(self, **kwargs):
if self._show_coordinates:
if kwargs.get('type') == 'mousemove':
lon = kwargs.get('coordinates')[1]
lat = kwargs.get('coordinates')[0]
self.cardCoordinates.children = [v.Html(tag='div', children=[' %.4f° N, %.4f° E'%(lat,lon)], style_='color: black;', class_='pa-0 ma-0 ml-1 mr-1')]
if self._onclick is not None:
if kwargs.get('type') == 'click':
lon = kwargs.get('coordinates')[1]
lat = kwargs.get('coordinates')[0]
self._onclick(self, lon, lat, int(self.zoom))
# Selection of a basemap
def onSelectBasemap(self, index):
layer = mapUtils.getLayer(self, LAYERNAME_LABELS)
self._basemapindex = max(0, min(2, index))
if self._basemapindex == 1:
basemaplayer = mapUtils.EsriWorldImagery()
layer.opacity = 1.0
elif self._basemapindex == 2:
basemaplayer = mapUtils.GoogleHybrid()
layer.opacity = 0.0
basemaplayer = mapUtils.OSM_EC()
layer.opacity = 0.0
mapUtils.addLayer(self, basemaplayer, LAYERNAME_BACKGROUND)
# Change of configure widgets
def change_fullscreen(self, flag):
if self.update_properties:
self.show_fullscreen = flag
def change_coordinates(self, flag):
if self.update_properties:
self.show_coordinates = flag
def change_search(self, flag):
if self.update_properties:
self.show_search = flag
def change_scale(self, flag):
if self.update_properties:
self.show_scale = flag
def change_basemaps(self, flag):
if self.update_properties:
self.show_basemaps = flag
def change_overview(self, flag):
if self.update_properties:
self.show_overview = flag
# Create a card instance to configure the Map appearance and returns it
def configure(self):
if self.configure_card is None:
self.configure_card = v.Card(flat=True, class_='pa-2 ma-0')
self.s1 = switch.switch(self.show_fullscreen, 'Add the Fullscreen control', inset=True, dense=True, onchange=self.change_fullscreen, color=self._color_first)
self.s2 = switch.switch(self.show_coordinates, 'Add the Coordinates control', inset=True, dense=True, onchange=self.change_coordinates, color=self._color_first)
self.s3 = switch.switch(self.show_search, 'Add the Search control', inset=True, dense=True, onchange=self.change_search, color=self._color_first)
self.s4 = switch.switch(self.show_scale, 'Add the Scale control', inset=True, dense=True, onchange=self.change_scale, color=self._color_first)
self.s5 = switch.switch(self.show_basemaps, 'Add the Basemaps control', inset=True, dense=True, onchange=self.change_basemaps, color=self._color_first)
self.s6 = switch.switch(self.show_overview, 'Add the Overview control', inset=True, dense=True, onchange=self.change_overview, color=self._color_first)
self.configure_card.children = [widgets.VBox([PageConfigurator.label('Map', color='black'), self.s1.draw(), self.s2.draw(), self.s3.draw(), self.s4.draw(), self.s5.draw(), self.s6.draw()])]
return self.configure_card
def content(self):
return 'Map'
def content(self, c):
def width(self):
Get/Set the width of the Map widget.
return self._width
def width(self, w):
self._width = w
self.layout.width = self._width
def height(self):
Get/Set the height of the Map widget.
return self._height
def height(self, h):
self._height = h
self.layout.height = self._height
def show_fullscreen(self):
Display or hides the Fullscreen control.
return self._show_fullscreen
def show_fullscreen(self, flag):
self._show_fullscreen = flag
if self.s1 is not None:
self.update_properties = False
self.s1.value = flag
self.update_properties = True
for control in self.controls:
if isinstance(control, ipyleaflet.leaflet.FullScreenControl):
if self._show_fullscreen:
def show_coordinates(self):
Display or hides the Coordinates control.
return self._show_coordinates
def show_coordinates(self, flag):
self._show_coordinates = flag
if self.s2 is not None:
self.update_properties = False
self.s2.value = flag
self.update_properties = True
if self._show_coordinates:
self.cardCoordinates = mapUtils.getCoordinatesCard(self)
def show_search(self):
Display or hides the Search control.
return self._show_search
def show_search(self, flag):
self._show_search = flag
if self.s3 is not None:
self.update_properties = False
self.s3.value = flag
self.update_properties = True
for control in self.controls:
if isinstance(control, ipyleaflet.leaflet.SearchControl):
if self._show_search:
def show_scale(self):
Display or hides the Scale control.
return self._show_scale
def show_scale(self, flag):
self._show_scale = flag
if self.s4 is not None:
self.update_properties = False
self.s4.value = flag
self.update_properties = True
for control in self.controls:
if isinstance(control, ipyleaflet.leaflet.ScaleControl):
if self._show_scale:
def show_basemaps(self):
Display or hides the Basemaps selection control.
return self._show_basemaps
def show_basemaps(self, flag):
self._show_basemaps = flag
if self.s5 is not None:
self.update_properties = False
self.s5.value = flag
self.update_properties = True
mapUtils.removeCardByName(self, 'Basemaps')
if self._show_basemaps:
c = mapUtils.getCardByName(self, 'Basemaps', position='bottomright')
c.tile = True
self.toggleBasemap = toggle.toggle(self._basemapindex,
['Gisco', 'Esri', 'Google'],
tooltips=['Select EC Gisco roadmap as background layer', 'Select ESRI WorldImagery as background layer', 'Select GOOGLE Satellite as background layer'],
colorselected=self._color_first, colorunselected=self._color_second, rounded=False,
dark=self._dark, onchange=self.onSelectBasemap, row=True, width=70, justify='start', paddingrow=0, tile=True)
c.children = [self.toggleBasemap.draw()]
def show_overview(self):
Display or hides the Overview control.
return self._show_overview
def show_overview(self, flag):
self._show_overview = flag
if self.s6 is not None:
self.update_properties = False
self.s6.value = flag
self.update_properties = True
if self._show_overview:
mapUtils.addOverview(self, position='bottomleft')
def color_first(self):
Get/Set the primary color.
return self._color_first
def color_first(self, color):
self._color_first = color
if self.toggleBasemap is not None:
self.toggleBasemap.colorselected = self._color_first
if self.configure_card is not None:
self.s1.color = self._color_first
self.s2.color = self._color_first
self.s3.color = self._color_first
self.s4.color = self._color_first
self.s5.color = self._color_first
self.s6.color = self._color_first
def color_second(self):
Get/Set the secondary color.
return self._color_second
def color_second(self, color):
self._color_second = color
if self.toggleBasemap is not None:
self.toggleBasemap.colorunselected = self._color_second
def dark(self):
Get/Set the dark mode flag.
return self._dark
def dark(self, flag):
self._dark = flag
if self.toggleBasemap is not None:
self.toggleBasemap.dark = self._dark
def basemapindex(self):
Get/Set the current basemap (index from 0 to 1).
return self._basemapindex
def basemapindex(self, index):
if self.toggleBasemap is not None:
self.toggleBasemap.value = self._basemapindex
def state(self):
return {x: getattr(self, x) for x in ['content',
#'width', # Will inherit from content!!!
def state(self, statusdict):
for key, value in statusdict.items():
setattr(self, key, value)
def onclick(self):
Get/Set the python function to call when the user clicks on the map.
return self._onclick
def onclick(self, callback):
self._onclick = callback
# Feature draw
def drawctrl(self):
Display or hides the Feature Draw control. The wktstrings member of the Map class contains the list of all the features added in WKT format.
if self._drawctrl is None:
return False
return True
def drawctrl(self, flag):
if flag:
if self._drawctrl is None:
self._drawctrl = DrawControl()
self._drawctrl.marker = {
"shapeOptions": {
"color": self._color_first,
"weight": 4,
"opacity": 1.0
self._drawctrl.polyline = {
"shapeOptions": {
"color": self._color_first,
"weight": 4,
"opacity": 1.0
self._drawctrl.polygon = {
"shapeOptions": {
"fillColor": self._color_first,
"color": self._color_first,
"fillOpacity": 0.2
"drawError": {
"color": "#dd253b",
"message": "Error!"
"allowIntersection": True
self._drawctrl.circle = {}
self._drawctrl.circlemarker = {}
self._drawctrl.rectangle = {
"shapeOptions": {
"fillColor": self._color_first,
"color": self._color_first,
"fillOpacity": 0.2
if self._drawctrl is not None:
self._drawctrl = None
def updateWKT(self):
self.wktstrings = [geojson2WKT(x) for x in self._drawctrl.data]
def on_draw(self, control, action, geo_json):
t = Timer(1.0, self.updateWKT)
# Utility: convert geojson to WKT
def geojson2WKT(geojson):
# Force a longitude in [0,360]
def lon(x):
while x > 360: x -= 360
while x < 0: x += 360
return x
# Force a latitude in [0,90]
def lat(y):
while y > 90: y -= 90
while y < 0: y += 90
return y
# From a list of x,y to lon,lat
def c2latlon(c):
return lon(c[0]), lat(c[1])
coords = geojson['geometry']
wkt = coords['type'].upper() + '('
if coords['type'] == 'Point':
c = coords['coordinates']
wkt += '%f %f'%c2latlon(c)
elif coords['type'] == 'LineString':
wkt += ','.join(['%f %f'%c2latlon(x) for x in coords['coordinates']])
for ring in coords['coordinates']:
wkt += '(' + ','.join(['%f %f'%c2latlon(x) for x in ring]) + ')'
wkt += ')'
return wkt