"""Utilities functions for maps"""
# Author(s): Davide.De-Marchi@ec.europa.eu
# Copyright © European Union 2024
# Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.2 or as soon they will be approved by
# the European Commission subsequent versions of the EUPL (the "Licence");
# You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence.
# You may obtain a copy of the Licence at:
# https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/collection/eupl/eupl-text-eupl-12
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the Licence is distributed on an "AS IS"
# express or implied.
# See the Licence for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the Licence.
from ipywidgets import widgets, Layout
import ipyleaflet
from ipyleaflet import basemaps, basemap_to_tiles, WidgetControl, Rectangle
from PIL import Image
import ipyvuetify
import ipyvuetify as v
import requests
import math
# Management of basemaps and layers (see viewer.py of Lucas)
# Build a basemap that works in old and new versions of ipyleaflet
def buildBasemap(oldstyledictionary):
return basemap_to_tiles(oldstyledictionary)
def EmptyBasemap(): # gray background
Returns a fully gray basemap TileLayer instance.
return buildBasemap({'attribution': '',
'max_zoom': 21,
'max_native_zoom': 21,
'name': 'Empty basemap',
'url': 'https://jeodpp.jrc.ec.europa.eu/services/shared/pngs/gray.png'})
def OSM_EC():
Returns a OpenStreetMap European Commission compliant TileLayer instance.
return buildBasemap({'attribution': '',
'max_zoom': 21,
'max_native_zoom': 21,
'name': 'Gisco.OSMCartoV4Composite',
'url': 'https://gisco-services.ec.europa.eu/maps/tiles/OSMCartoV4Composite/EPSG3857/{z}/{x}/{y}.png'})
def CartoLabels():
Returns a TileLayer instance displaying only EC compliant labels.
return buildBasemap({'attribution': '',
'max_zoom': 21,
'max_native_zoom': 21,
'name': 'Gisco.OSMCartoV4Labels',
'url': 'https://gisco-services.ec.europa.eu/maps/tiles/OSMCartoV4Labels/EPSG3857/{z}/{x}/{y}.png'})
def EsriWorldImagery():
Returns Esri WorldImagery TileLayer instance.
return buildBasemap({'attribution': '',
'max_zoom': 21,
'max_native_zoom': 21,
'name': 'Esri.WorldImagery',
'url': 'https://server.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/World_Imagery/MapServer/tile/{z}/{y}/{x}.jpg'})
def GoogleRoadmap():
Returns Google Roadmap TileLayer instance.
return buildBasemap({'attribution': '',
'max_zoom': 21,
'max_native_zoom': 21,
'name': 'Google.Roadmap',
'url': 'https://mt1.google.com/vt/lyrs=m&x={x}&y={y}&z={z}'})
def GoogleSatellite():
Returns Google Satellite TileLayer instance.
return buildBasemap({'attribution': '',
'max_zoom': 21,
'max_native_zoom': 21,
'name': 'Google.Satellite',
'url': 'https://mt1.google.com/vt/lyrs=s&x={x}&y={y}&z={z}'})
def GoogleHybrid():
Returns Google Hybrid TileLayer instance.
return buildBasemap({'attribution': '',
'max_zoom': 21,
'max_native_zoom': 21,
'name': 'Google.Hybrid',
'url': 'https://mt1.google.com/vt/lyrs=y&x={x}&y={y}&z={z}'})
# Any ImageProcess or VectorLayer: returns an ipyleaflet.TileLayer instance
def BDAPLayer(p):
Returns a TileLayer instance from a BDAP ImageProcess or VectorLayer instance passed as input parameter.
procid = p.toLayer()
return ipyleaflet.TileLayer(url='https://jeodpp.jrc.ec.europa.eu/jiplib-view?x={x}&y={y}&z={z}&procid=%s'%procid, max_zoom=21, max_native_zoom=21)
# Add the layer to a map or substitute it using the name
def addLayer(m, tLayer, name, opacity=1.0):
Add or substitutes a layer given a name.
m : ipyleaflet.Map instance
Map where the layer is to be added.
tLayer : ipyleaflet.TileLayer instance
Layer to add to the map.
name : str
Name of the layer
opacity : float, optional
Opacity of the layer in the [0.0,1.0] range. Default is 1.0.
tLayer : ipyleaflet.TileLayer instance
The layer added to the map.
alreadyPresent = False
tLayer.name = name
tLayer.opacity = opacity
for layer in m.layers:
if name == layer.name:
m.substitute_layer(layer, tLayer)
alreadyPresent = True
if not alreadyPresent:
return tLayer
# Search for a layer of a map by name
def getLayer(m, name):
Search for a layer of a map by name.
m : ipyleaflet.Map instance
Map where to search for the layer.
name : str
Name of the layer.
tLayer : ipyleaflet.TileLayer instance
If a layer with the name exists on the map it is returned, otherwise the function returns None.
for layer in m.layers:
if name == layer.name:
return layer
return None
# Remove a layer given its name
def removeLayer(m, name):
Remove a layer from a map given its name.
m : ipyleaflet.Map instance
Map where to search for the layer.
name : str
Name of the layer to remove.
for layer in m.layers:
if name == layer.name:
# Remove all popups from the map
# Remove all layer except current basemap
def clear(m):
Remove all layer except current first layer from a map.
m : ipyleaflet.Map instance
Map to be cleared.
if len(m.layers) > 0:
baselayer = m.layers[0]
baselayer = None
#baselayer = ipyleaflet.basemap_to_tiles(m.basemap)
#baselayer.base = True
if baselayer is not None:
# Zoom a map to a rectangle
def zoomToExtents(m, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, epsg=4326):
m.fit_bounds([[ymin, xmin], [ymax, xmax]])
# Display of coordinated at mousemove on a map
# Searches the controls of the Map m to find a control added as a Widget by using its name
def getCardByName(m, name, position='topright', class_='pa-0 ma-0'):
Searches the controls of the Map m to find a control added as a Widget by using its name. If the control is not found, a new control is added to the map.
m : ipyleaflet.Map instance
Map instance.
name : str
Name of the card to search for.
position : str, optional
Position of the card inside the map. Valid positions are 'bottomleft', 'bottomright', 'topleft' and 'topright'. Default is 'topright'.
class_ : str, optional
Margins to set for the adde card (default is 'pa-0 ma-0')
c : v.Card instance
The card added to the map that can be filled with any type of widgets content by setting its children property.
for control in m.controls:
if isinstance(control, ipyleaflet.leaflet.WidgetControl):
if isinstance(control.widget, ipyvuetify.generated.Card):
if control.widget.active_class == name:
return control.widget
# If not found: add it to the map!
card = v.Card(flat=True, class_=class_, active_class=name)
wc = WidgetControl(widget=card, position=position)
return card
# Remove a WidgetControl from the map given its name, if present
def removeCardByName(m, name):
Remove a WidgetControl Card from the map given its name, if present.
m : ipyleaflet.Map instance
Map instance.
name : str
Name of the card to search for.
for control in m.controls:
if isinstance(control, ipyleaflet.leaflet.WidgetControl):
if isinstance(control.widget, ipyvuetify.generated.Card):
if control.widget.active_class == name:
# Display of coordinated at mousemove on a map
# Searches the controls of the Map m to find the coordinates control
# N.B.: the Coordinates control is a v.Card having active_class == 'Coordinates' (so that it can be retrieved from the list of m.controls)
def getCoordinatesCard(m):
Searches the controls of the Map m to find the coordinates control (where the lat/lon coordinates are displayed at mouse move) and returns a v.Card instance.
return getCardByName(m, MAPCARD_COORDINATES, 'topright')
# Remove the Coordinates WidgetControl from the map, if present
def removeCoordinates(m):
Remove the WidgetControl dedicated to the display of the coordinates at mouse move.
# Display of an overview map
# Add an overview map
def addOverview(m, color='red', position='bottomright', overviewLayer=None):
Add an overview map.
m : ipyleaflet.Map instance
Map instance.
color : str, optional
Color of the rectangle that displays the current zoom of the map inside the overview map.
position : str, optional
Position of the card inside the map. Valid positions are 'bottomleft', 'bottomright', 'topleft' and 'topright'. Default is 'bottomright'.
overviewLayer : ipyleaflet.TileLayer instance, optional
Optional layer to be displayed on the overview map (default is None).
removeCardByName(m, MAPCARD_OVERVIEW)
# Create the overview map
moverview = ipyleaflet.Map(center=[57,10], zoom=2, scroll_wheel_zoom=False, zoom_control=False, dragging=False,
attribution_control=False, layout=Layout(height='200px', width='200px'), max_zoom=2)
# Add the overview layer
if not overviewLayer is None:
addLayer(moverview, overviewLayer, 'CustomLayer')
# Set the card for the overview
card = getCardByName(m, MAPCARD_OVERVIEW, position=position, class_='pa-0 ma-1')
card.style_ = 'overflow: hidden;'
card.children = [moverview]
# Add the current zoom
rect = Rectangle(color=color, fill=False, bounds=m.bounds)
# Update the rectangle at each zoom/pan on the main map
def onMapBoundsChanged(*args):
nonlocal rect
newrect = Rectangle(color=color, fill=False, bounds=m.bounds)
moverview.substitute_layer(rect, newrect)
rect = newrect
m.observe(onMapBoundsChanged, 'bounds')
# Remove the overview card from the map
def removeOverview(m):
Remove the overview map, if present.
removeCardByName(m, MAPCARD_OVERVIEW)
# Save a map view in a PIL image
def toImage(m):
Save the current map content as a PIL image.
m : ipyleaflet.Map instance
Map instance.
img : PIL/Pillow image
A raster image displaying the current content of the map.
# Bounds and zoom of the current view
(latmin, lonmin), (latmax, lonmax) = m.bounds
zoom = m.zoom
# URLs of all the Tilelayer on the map
baseUrls = [x.url for x in m.layers if type(x) == ipyleaflet.leaflet.TileLayer]
# Opacities
opacities = [x.opacity for x in m.layers if type(x) == ipyleaflet.leaflet.TileLayer]
# Convert lat/lon/zoom to xtile,ytile.
# See https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Slippy_map_tilenames
def latlon2tile(lat_deg, lon_deg, zoom):
lat_rad = (lat_deg * math.pi) / 180.0
n = math.pow(2,zoom)
xtile = n * ((lon_deg + 180.0) / 360.0)
ytile = n * (1 - (math.log(math.tan(lat_rad) + 1.0/math.cos(lat_rad)) / math.pi)) / 2
return xtile, ytile
xtile1f, ytile2f = latlon2tile(latmin, lonmin, zoom)
xtile2f, ytile1f = latlon2tile(latmax, lonmax, zoom)
xtile1 = int(xtile1f)
xtile2 = int(xtile2f)
ytile1 = int(ytile1f)
ytile2 = int(ytile2f)
# Amount of pixels to crop on each side
dx1 = 256*(xtile1f-xtile1)
dx2 = 256*(xtile2+1-xtile2f)
dy1 = 256*(ytile1f-ytile1)
dy2 = 256*(ytile2+1-ytile2f)
dx1 = round(dx1*100)//100
dx2 = round(dx2*100)//100
dy1 = round(dy1*100)//100
dy2 = round(dy2*100)//100
# Number of tiles
nx = xtile2 - xtile1 + 1
ny = ytile2 - ytile1 + 1
# Dimension of the overall image
w = 256 * nx
h = 256 * ny
imageTotal = Image.new(mode="RGBA", size=(w,h))
# Substitute x,y,z into a TileService URL
def url(baseurl, x, y, zoom):
return baseurl.replace('{x}', str(int(x))).replace('{y}', str(int(y))).replace('{z}', str(int(zoom)))
# Cycle on all tiles and compose the overall image
for x in range(nx):
xt = xtile1 + x
xpos = x*256
for y in range(ny):
yt = ytile1 + y
ypos = y*256
for baseurl, opacity in zip(baseUrls, opacities):
image = Image.open(requests.get(url(baseurl, xt, yt, zoom), stream=True).raw)
image = image.convert('RGBA')
if opacity < 1.0:
# Split image in 4 channels
(r, g, b, a) = image.split()
# Change the alpha channel
# See https://pillow.readthedocs.io/en/stable/reference/Image.html#PIL.Image.eval
a = Image.eval(a, lambda px: opacity*px)
# Merge 4 channels
image = Image.merge('RGBA', (r, g, b, a))
# Transparent paste!!!
# See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5324647/how-to-merge-a-transparent-png-image-with-another-image-using-pil
imageTotal.paste(image, (xpos, ypos), mask=image)
# Crop the image
area_crop = (dx1, dy1, w-dx2, h-dy2)
return imageTotal.crop(area_crop)