User Guide
- Introduction
- Tutorial
- Energy consumption dashboard
- Dashboard steps
- Step 1: Creation of the dashboard structure
- Step 2: Use Pandas to read the input CSVs and display the DataFrame as a table
- Step 3: Add the filtering controls to the dashboard to select countries and sector
- Step 4: Add the Plotly Bar Chart View
- Step 5: Add the SVG Static Map View
- Step 6: Add the Dynamic Map View
- Step 7: Add the functions for downloading chart, table and map
- Step 8: Manage the parameters passed in the URL and open external URLs
- Step 9: Add an interactive AnimatedPieChart in SVG to select the consumption sector
- Step 10: Add minipanel to footer bar and the function to generate and download a report in docx format
- Step 10 dark: Creation of the “dark” version of the final dashboard
- Dashboard steps
- MultiPage Demo
- Energy consumption dashboard
- Reference manual
- Setup
- Packages
- Modules
- General modules
- colors module
- download module
- eucountries module
- geojsonUtils module
- interMap module
- ipytrees module
- leafletMap module
- svgBarChart module
- svgBubblesChart module
- svgGraph module
- svgHeatmap module
- svgMap module
- svgPackedCirclesChart module
- svgRankChart module
- svgUtils module
- textpopup module
- treemapPlotly module
- urlOpen module
- urlUpdate module
- Vuetify modules
- app class
- basemaps widget
- Button widget
- card widget
- cardsGrid widget
- ColorPicker widget
- datatable widget
- DatePicker widget
- dayCalendar widget
- dialogGeneric widget
- dialogMessage widget
- dialogWait widget
- dialogYesNo widget
- fab widget
- footer widget
- iconButton widget
- IconClipboard widget
- label widget
- layers widget
- mainPage widget
- menu widget
- multiSwitch widget
- page widget
- paletteEditor widget
- palettePicker widget
- palettePickerEx widget
- popup widget
- Progress widget
- queryStrings module
- Radio widget
- rangeSlider widget
- rangeSliderFloat widget
- selectImage widget
- selectMultiple widget
- selectSingle widget
- settings module
- sidePanel widget
- slider widget
- sliderFloat widget
- snackbar widget
- sortableList widget
- svgsGrid widget
- switch widget
- tabs widget
- textlist widget
- title bar
- toggle widget
- tooltip widget
- treeview widget
- upload widget
- UploadImage widget
- UploadJson widget
- Geo modules
- General modules
- Sources of documentation and help
- License
- Indices and tables