Vuetify modules

Vuetify modules of vois library contain classes that simplify the usage of ipyvuetify widgets inside a Jupyter notebook or a Voilà application.


app class

App class to easily define the structure of a typical Voilà dashboard.

class'Title of the dashboard', titlesvg='', titlesvgclass='pa-0 ma-0', titlecredits='', titlecredits2='', titlestyle='', titlespacestyle='width: 50px; min-width: 50px;', titleheight=70, totalheight=985, dark=False, backcolor='#efefef', titlewidth='600px', footercolor='lightgrey', backgroundimageurl=None, backgroundimageposition='center center', logourl='', logomaxwidth=80, logomaxheight=60, titletabs=['Tab 1', 'Tab 2', 'Tab 3'], titletabsdark=False, titletabsactive=0, titletabsstile='font-weight: bold;', titletabsactiveparameter=None, titletabscolor='#f8bd1a', footertext='2024 - Joint Research Centre', footerbuttons=['Home', 'About Us', 'Team', 'Services', 'Blog', 'Contact Us'], footerheight=68, footercopyright=True, footerdark=False, footercredits='', footercreditstooltip='', footercreditsurl='', sidepaneltitle='Settings', sidepanelwidth=400, sidepaneltext='', sidepanelcontent=[], sidepaneldark=False, sidepanelbackdark=False, minipanelicons=[], minipaneltooltips=[], minipanelopen=False, minipanellarge=True, minipanelbuttoncolor='black', minipaneliconscolor='black', onclicktab=None, onclickcredits=None, onclickcredits2=None, onclicklogo=None, onclickfooter=None, onclickminipanel=None, fullscreen=False)[source]

App class to easily define the basic structure of a typical Voilà dashboard.

An app instance displays a series of ipywidgets.Output() widgets to ease the usage of messages/dialog-boxes/etc, through these methods:

snackbar() dialogMessage() dialogYesNo() dialogGeneric() dialogWaitOpen() dialogWaitClose() fab() downloadText() downloadBytes() urlOpen() urlParameter() urlParameter()

The main content of the dashboard should be displayed in the app.outcontent Output widget that completely fills the empty space of the dashboard between the title bar and the footer bar.

  • title (str, optional) – Main title of the application to be displayed on the title bar (default is ‘Title of the dashboard’)

  • titlesvg (str, optional) – SVG string to use as application title when the title string is empty (default is ‘’)

  • titlesvgclass (str, optional) – Class margins and padding to apply to the titlesvg drawing (default is ‘pa-0 ma-0’)

  • titlecredits (str, optional) – Credits string to be displayed on the right side of the title bar (default is ‘’)

  • titlecredits2 (str, optional) – Secondary credits string to be displayed on the right side of the title bar (default is ‘’)

  • titlestyle (str, optional) – CSS style to apply to the main title of the dashboard (default is ‘’, an example could be: ‘font-family: “Times New Roman”, Times, serif; font-weight: bold; font-size: 22px;’)

  • titlespacestyle (str, optional) – CSS style to apply to the space at the left of the title (default is ‘width: 50px; min-width: 50px;’). It can be useful to move the title more on the centre of the title bar, by providing a titlespacestyle like ‘width: 200px;’

  • titleheight (int, optional) – Height of the title bar in pixels (default is 70 pixels)

  • totalheight (int, optional) – Total height in pixels of the page (default is 985 pixels which is coherent with a FullHD screen dimension)

  • dark (bool, optional) – If True the title text color is settings.textcolor_dark, if False it is settings.textcolor_nodark (default is settings.dark_mode)

  • backcolor (str, optional) – Background color of the title bar (default is settings.color_second)

  • titlewidth (str, optional) – Width of the part of the title bar that contains the main title of the dashboard (default is ‘600px’, other values could be, for instance: ‘50%’)

  • footercolor (str, optional) – Background color to use for the footer bar displayed in the bottom part of the screen (default is ‘lightgrey’)

  • backgroundimageurl (str, optional) – URL of the optional image to display as background of the title bar (default is None)

  • backgroundimageposition (str, optional) – Defines the way the backgroundimage in the title is cropped (default is ‘center center’). See Vuetify.js v-img and CSS background-position documentation for help.

  • logourl (str, optional) – URL of the image or SVG to use as a logo in the right end side of the title bar (default is European Commission logo)

  • logomaxwidth (int, optional) – Maximum width in pixels of the logo image (default is 80 pixels)

  • logomaxheight (int, optional) – Maximum height in pixels of the logo image (default is 60 pixels)

  • titletabs (list of strings, optional) – List of tabs to be added to the title bar as the main visualization options of the dashboard (default is [‘Tab 1’, ‘Tab 2’, ‘Tab 3’])

  • titletabsactive (int, optional) – Index of the tab to activate at start (default is 0)

  • titletabsstile (str, optional) – CSS style to apply to the tabs in the title bar (default is ‘font-weight: bold;’)

  • titletabsactiveparameter (str, optional) – Name of the URL parameter to read for setting the activetab (default is None)

  • titletabscolor (str, optional) – Color of the selected tab in the title tabs (default is settings.color_first)

  • titletabsdark (bool, optional) – If True the text color of unselected tabs is settings.textcolor_dark, if False it is settings.textcolor_nodark (default is False)

  • footertext (str, optional) – Text to display in the footer tab (default is ‘<current year> - Joint Research Centre’)

  • footerbuttons (list of strings, optional) – List of strings containing the caption of the buttons to display in the footer tab (default is [‘Home’, ‘About Us’, ‘Team’, ‘Services’, ‘Blog’, ‘Contact Us’])

  • footerheight (int or float or str optional) – Height of the footer bar. If an integer or a float is passed, the height is intended in pixels units, otherwise a string containing the units must be passed (example: ‘4vh’). Default is 68 for 68 pixels

  • footercopyright (bool, optional) – If True adds the copyright symbol to the footer text (default is True)

  • footerdark (bool, optional) – If True the footer text color is settings.textcolor_dark, if False it is settings.textcolor_nodark (default is settings.dark_mode)

  • footercredits (str, optional) – Text for footer credits button (default is ‘’)

  • footercreditstooltip (str, optional) – Tooltip for the footer credits button (default is ‘’)

  • footercreditsurl (str, optional) – URL to open when the user clicks on the footer credits button (default is ‘’)

  • sidepaneltitle (str, optional) – Title of the left side panel (default is ‘Settings’)

  • sidepanelwidth (int, optional) – Width in pixels of the left side panel (default is 400). If the size is 0, the icon to open the sidepanel will not be added to the title bar

  • sidepaneltext (str, optional) – Text to display in the left side panel (default is ‘’)

  • sidepanelcontent (list of ipywidgets, optional) – List of ipywidgets object to display in the left side panel (default is [])

  • sidepaneldark (bool, optional) – If True the title text color of the sidePanel is black, otehrwise is white (default is settings.dark_mode)

  • sidepanelbackdark (bool, optional) – If True the background color of the sidePanel is black, otehrwise is white (default is settings.dark_mode)

  • minipanelicons (list of strings, optional) – List of string containing the names of the icons to display in the minipanel that is displayed on the left side of the footer tab (default is [])

  • minipaneltooltips (list of strings, optional) – List of tooltips to set for the icons of the minipanel (default is [])

  • minipanelopen (bool, optional) – If True the minipanel is dopened on startup of the app (default is False)

  • minipanellarge (bool, optional) – If True, the minipanel icons are displayed in the large version (default is True)

  • minipanelbuttoncolor (str, optional) – Color of the ‘three vertical points icon’ that opens/closes the minipanel (default is the textcolor_notdark defined in the module)

  • minipaneliconscolor (str, optional) – Color of the icons in the minipanel (default is the textcolor_notdark defined in the module)

  • onclicktab (function, optional) – Python function to call when the user clicks on one of the tabs of the title bar. The function will receive a parameter of type string containing the text of the tab

  • onclickcredits (function, optional) – Python function to call when the user clicks on the credits button on the title bar. The function will receive no parameters

  • onclickcredits2 (function, optional) – Python function to call when the user clicks on the secondary credits button on the title bar. The function will receive no parameters

  • onclicklogo (function, optional) – Python function to call when the user clicks on the logo image on the title bar. The function will receive no parameters

  • onclickfooter (function, optional) – Python function to call when the user clicks on one of the buttons of the footer bar. The function will receive a parameter of type string containing the text of the button

  • onclickminipanel (function, optional) – Python function to call when the user clicks on one of the icons of the minipanel in the footer bar. The function will receive a parameter of type int containing the index of the icon

  • fullscreen (bool, optional) – If True the app will be displayed in fullscreen mode (default is False). In fullscreen mode the app will occupy all the available space on the web page (the titlebar will be aligned on top, the footer bar will be aligned on the bottom of the page, and the outcontent will occupy all the intermediate space between the title bar and the footer bar, irrescpective of the value passed in the totalheight parameter), and the positioning of the elements will be fully responsive.


This is the output widget where the content of the application can be displayed

To visually highlight the app.outcontent Output widget, this line of code can be executed:

g_app.outcontent.layout.border = '1px solid lightgrey'

After the execution of that line, the border of the g_app.outcontent will be visible. To reset the border to the empty line, this line of code can be executed:

g_app.outcontent.layout.border = ''

ipywidgets.Output instance


Creation of an app class to define the structure of a Voilà dashboard:

from vois.vuetify import app, settings
import ipyvuetify as v

# Change global settings
settings.dark_mode      = False
settings.color_second   = '#68aad2'
settings.color_first    = '#1c4056'
settings.button_rounded = False

# Click on a tab of the title
def on_click_tab(arg):

# Click on the credits text
def on_click_credits():

# Click on the logo
def on_click_logo():

# Click on the footer buttons
def on_click_footer(arg):

# Click on the footer minipanel
def on_click_minipanel(index):

g_app ='Energy consumption example dashboard',
                titlecredits='Created by Unit I.3',
                titletabs=['Chart', 'Table', 'Static Map', 'Dynamic Map'],
                footercredits='Data credits',
                footercreditstooltip='Eurostat - European Commission',
                sidepaneltext='Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.',
                sidepanelcontent=[v.Icon(class_='pa-0 ma-0 ml-2', children=['mdi-help'])],
                minipanelicons=['mdi-chart-bar', 'mdi-table-large',
                                'mdi-map-legend', 'mdi-file-chart-outline'],
                minipaneltooltips=['Download Chart', 'Download Table',
                                   'Download Map', 'Generate Report in Word'],
app widget

Fig. 54 App structure example

contentAddPanel(width, height, left, top, border='1px solid black', backcolor='white', name='', number=None, title='', titleround=False, titlewidth='8vw', titleheight='2.4vh', titlefontsize='1.8vh', titlefontweight=500, icon='', icontooltip='', iconcolor='black', icononclick=None)[source]

Adds a new panel to overlay on top of the outcontent output widget.

  • width (str) – Width of the panel (can be in any CSS coordinates, examples: ‘300px’, ‘40vw’ or ‘calc(100vw - 600px)’)

  • height (str) – Height of the panel (can be in any CSS coordinates, examples: ‘300px’, ‘40vh’ or ‘calc(100vh - 400px)’)

  • left (str) – Position of the panel from the left border of the outcontent output widget (can be in any CSS coordinates, examples: ‘300px’ or ‘10vw’)

  • top (str) – Position of the panel from the top border of the outcontent output widget (can be in any CSS coordinates, examples: ‘300px’ or ‘10vh’)

  • border (str, optional) – Border of the panel (default is ‘1px solid black’)

  • backcolor (str, optional) – Background color of the panel (default is ‘white’). Please be aware that colors different from ‘white’ work badly if used for panels that will contain ipywidgets or ipyvuetify widgets. Transparent colors (for example: #ffffff00) or semi-transparent colors (for example: #ffffff55) work well if the panel contains only one of the SVG charts of the vois library (svhHeatmap, svgBubblesChart, etc.)

  • name (str, optional) – Name of the panel (default is ‘’)

  • number (int, optional) – Number to assign to the panel, to generate unique CSS class names (default is None which means that the number is automatically generated)

  • title (str, optional) – Title to show in the top-left border of the panel (default is ‘’)

  • titleround (bool, optional) – If True the sides of the title are rounded (default is False)

  • titlewidth (str, optional) – Width of the title area (default is ‘8vw’)

  • titleheight (str, optional) – Height of the title area (default is ‘2.4vh’)

  • titlefontsize (str, optional) – Size of the font to use to display the title (default is ‘1.8vh’)

  • titlefontweight (int, optional) – Weight of the font to use to display the title (default is 500)

  • icon (str, optional) – Name of an icon to display in the title bar of the panel (default is None)

  • icontooltip (str, optional) – Tooltip to show when hover on the icon (default is ‘’)

  • iconcolor (str, optional) – Color of the icon (default is ‘black’)

  • icononclick (function, optional) – Python function to call when the user clicks on the icon. The function will receive as parameter the name of the panel (default is None)


Sets the background image for the outcontent output widget


imageUrl (str, optional) – URL of the optional image to display as background of the outcontent output widget (default is None)


Resets the list of panels to display on top of the outcontent output widget

contentSetPanel(name, width, height, left, top, border='1px solid black', backcolor='white', titleround=False, titlewidth='8vw', titleheight='2.4vh', titlefontsize='1.8vh', titlefontweight=500, icon='', icontooltip='', iconcolor='black', icononclick=None)[source]

Change position, sizing and colors of a panel given its name.

  • name (str) – Name of the panel to modify

  • width (str) – Width of the panel (can be in any CSS coordinates, examples: ‘300px’, ‘40vw’ or ‘calc(100vw - 600px)’)

  • height (str) – Height of the panel (can be in any CSS coordinates, examples: ‘300px’, ‘40vh’ or ‘calc(100vh - 400px)’)

  • left (str) – Position of the panel from the left border of the outcontent output widget (can be in any CSS coordinates, examples: ‘300px’ or ‘10vw’)

  • top (str) – Position of the panel from the top border of the outcontent output widget (can be in any CSS coordinates, examples: ‘300px’ or ‘10vh’)

  • border (str, optional) – Border of the panel (default is ‘1px solid black’)

  • backcolor (str, optional) – Background color of the panel (default is ‘white’). Please be aware that colors different from ‘white’ work badly if used for panels that will contain ipywidgets or ipyvuetify widgets. Transparent colors (for example: #ffffff00) or semi-transparent colors (for example: #ffffff55) work well if the panel contains only one of the SVG charts of the vois library (svhHeatmap, svgBubblesChart, etc.)

  • titleround (bool, optional) – If True the sides of the title are rounded (default is False)

  • titlewidth (str, optional) – Width of the title area (default is ‘8vw’)

  • titleheight (str, optional) – Height of the title area (default is ‘2.4vh’)

  • titlefontsize (str, optional) – Size of the font to use to display the title (default is ‘1.8vh’)

  • titlefontweight (int, optional) – Weight of the font to use to display the title (default is 500)

  • icon (str, optional) – Name of an icon to display in the title bar of the panel (default is None)

  • icontooltip (str, optional) – Tooltip to show when hover on the icon (default is ‘’)

  • iconcolor (str, optional) – Color of the icon (default is ‘black’)

  • icononclick (function, optional) – Python function to call when the user clicks on the icon. The function will receive as parameter the name of the panel (default is None)

dialogGeneric(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Display a dialogGeneric. See dialogGeneric() for the list of parameters.

dialogMessage(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Display a dialogMessage. See dialogMessage() for the list of parameters.


Close the dialogWait. See close().

dialogWaitOpen(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Open a dialogWait. See dialogWait() for the list of parameters.

dialogYesNo(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Display a dialogYesNo. See dialogYesNo() for the list of parameters.


Display something in the service Output of this application

downloadBytes(bytesobj, fileName='download.bin')[source]

Direct download of an array of bytes.

  • bytesobj (bytes-like object) – Bytes to write in the file to be downloaded

  • fileName (str, optional) – Name of the file that is to be downloaded (default is ‘download.bin’)


If g_app is an instance of the app class, this code will download a binary file containing the passed bytes:

g_app.downloadBytes(b'ajgh lkjhl ')
downloadText(textobj, fileName='download.txt')[source]

Direct download of a .txt file containing a string.

  • textobj (str) – Text to write in the file to be downloaded

  • fileName (str, optional) – Name of the file that is to be downloaded (default is ‘download.txt’)


If g_app is an instance of the app class, this code will download a text file containing the passed string:

g_app.downloadText('aaa bbb ccc')
fab(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Open a fab button. See fab() for the list of parameters.


Set the active tab of the title bar of the app


Display the app

snackbar(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Display a message in a snackbar. See snackbar() for the list of parameters.

urlOpen(url, target='_blank')[source]

Open a web page in another tab.

  • url (str) – URL of the page to be opened

  • target (str, optional) – Target of the open operation (default is ‘_blank’ which means that the page will be opened in a new browser’s tab)


If g_app is an instance of the app class, this code will open a new tab in the browser:

urlParameter(parameterName, parameterDefaultValue='')[source]

Read the parameters passed on the URL.

  • parameterName (str) – name of the parameter to read from the URL that launched the Voilà dashboard

  • parameterDefaultValue (str, optional) – Default value of the parameter, in case it is not present in the URL that launched the Voilà dashboard (default is ‘’)


If g_app is an instance of the app class, this code print the value of an URL parameter:


Update the URL visualized in the top bar of the browser.


url (str) – Partial url to add to the current browser’s page key/values


If g_app is an instance of the app class, this code will add a key=value to the URL of the application:


basemaps widget

Widget to select the basemap to visualise on a ipyleaflet Map

class basemaps.basemaps(m, color='#f8bd1a', dark=False, width=320, height=650, addBDAPbasemaps=True, removeBasemaps=[], rootName='Basemaps', onchange=None)[source]

Treeview widget to select a basemap for an ipyleaflet map.

  • m (ipyleaflet.Map instance) – Map instance on which the selected basemap has to be set as backdrop layer

  • color (str, optional) – Color to use for the widget (default is settings.color_first)

  • dark (bool, optional) – If True, the widget will have a dark background (default is settings.dark_mode)

  • width (int, optional) – Width of the widget in pixels (default is 320)

  • height (int, optional) – Height of the widget in pixels (default is 650)

  • addBDAPbasemaps (bool, optional) – If True the treeview will contain also some BDAP layers selectable as basemaps (default is True)

  • removeBasemaps (list of str, optional) – List of basemaps names to be removed from the widget (default is [])

  • rootName (str, optional) – Name to use as the root node of the basemaps treeview (default is ‘Basemaps’)

  • onchange (function, optional) – Python function to call when the user selects a different basemap. The function will receive no parameters. (default is None)


Creation of a basemap selection widget:

from jeodpp import inter, imap
from ipywidgets import widgets, Layout

from vois.vuetify import basemaps

height = 650

m = imap.Map(layout=Layout(height='%dpx'%height))

b = basemaps.basemaps(m, height=height, dark=False)

basemaps widget

Fig. 55 Example of a basemaps selection widget

property current_layer

Get the currently select layer (instance of ipyleaflet.leaflet.TileLayer class or ipyleaflet.leaflet.LayerGroup class)


Returns the ipyvuetify object to display (the internal v.Card containing the treeview)


Set the default basemap (OpenStreetMap.EC)

property value

Get/Set the active basemap name.


name – Name of the basemap

Return type:



Programmatically select one of the basemaps and print the value selected:

b.value = 'Esri.WorldImagery'

button widget

Button widget to call a python function when clicked.

class button.button(text, onclick=None, argument=None, width=100, height=36, selected=False, disabled=False, tooltip='', large=False, xlarge=False, small=False, xsmall=False, outlined=False, textweight=500, href=None, target=None, onlytext=False, textcolor=None, class_='pa-0 ma-0', icon=None, iconlarge=False, iconsmall=False, iconleft=False, iconcolor='black', autoselect=False, dark=False, rounded=True, tile=False, colorselected='#f8bd1a', colorunselected='#efefef', ondblclick=None)[source]

Button widget to call a python function when clicked.

  • text (str) – Test string to be displayed on the button widget

  • onclick (function, optional) – Python function to call when the user clicks on the button. The function will receive as parameter the value of the argument (default is None)

  • ondblclick (function, optional) – Python function to call when the user double-clicks on the button. The function will receive as parameter the value of the argument (default is None)

  • argument (any, optional) – Argument to be passed to the onclick function when user click on the label (default is None)

  • width (int, optional) – Width of the button widget in pixels (default is 100)

  • height (int, optional) – Height of the button widget in pixels (default is 36)

  • selected (bool, optional) – Flag to show the button as selected (default is False)

  • disabled (bool, optional) – Flag to show the button as disabled (default is False)

  • tooltip (str, optional) – Tooltip text to show when the user hovers on the button (default is ‘’)

  • large (bool, optional) – Flag that sets the large version of the button (default is False)

  • xlarge (bool, optional) – Flag that sets the xlarge version of the button (default is False)

  • small (bool, optional) – Flag that sets the small version of the button (default is False)

  • xsmall (bool, optional) – Flag that sets the xsmall version of the button (default is False)

  • outlined (bool, optional) – Flag to show the button as outlined (default is False)

  • textweight (int, optional) – Weight of the text to be shown in the label (default is 500, Bold is any value greater or equal to 500)

  • href (str, optional) – URL to open when the button is clicked (default is None)

  • target (str, optional) – Designates the target attribute (where the URL page is opened, for instance: ‘_blank’ to open it in a new browser tab). This should only be applied when using the href parameter (default is None)

  • onlytext (bool, optional) – If True, the button will contain only the text (default is False)

  • textcolor (str, optional) – Color used for the button text (default is None)

  • icon (str, optional) – Name of the icon to display aside the text of the label (default is None)

  • iconlarge (bool, optional) – Flag that sets the large version of the icon (default is False)

  • iconsmall (bool, optional) – Flag that sets the small version of the icon (default is False)

  • iconleft (bool, optional) – Flag that sets the position of the icon to the left of the text of the label (default is False)

  • iconcolor (str, optional) – Color of the icon (default is ‘black’)

  • autoselect (bool, optional) – If True, the button becomes selected when clicked (default is False)

  • dark (bool, optional) – Flag to invert the text and backcolor (default is the value of settings.dark_mode)

  • rounded (bool, optional) – Flag to display the button with rounded corners (default is the value of settings.button_rounded)

  • tile (bool, optional) – Flag to remove the button small border (default is False)

  • colorselected (str, optional) – Color used for the button when it is selected (default is settings.color_first)

  • colorunselected (str, optional) – Color used for the button when it is not selected (default is settings.color_second)


All the icons from site can be used, just by prepending ‘mdi-’ to their name.

All the free icons from site can be used, just by prepending ‘fa-’ to their name.


Creation and display of a some button widgets playing with the parameters:

from vois.vuetify import settings, button

def onclick(arg=None):
    if arg==1: b1.selected = not b1.selected
    if arg==2: b2.selected = not b2.selected
    else:      b3.selected = not b3.selected

b1 = button.button('Test button 1', textweight=300, onclick=onclick, argument=1,
                   width=150, height=36,
                   tooltip='Tooltip for button 1', selected=False, rounded=True,
                   icon='mdi-car-light-high', iconcolor='black')

b2 = button.button('Test button 2', textweight=450, onclick=onclick, argument=2,
                   width=150, height=48,
                   tooltip='Tooltip for button 2', selected=True, rounded=False)

b3 = button.button('Test button 3', textweight=450, onclick=onclick, argument=3,
                   width=150, height=38,
                   tooltip='Tooltip for button 3', outlined=True, rounded=True)

b4 = button.button('Contacts', onlytext=True, textcolor=settings.color_first,
                   width=150, height=28,
                   href='', target="_blank",
                   tooltip='Open a URL')

button widget

Fig. 56 Example of a 4 button widgets with different display modes.

property disabled

Get/Set the disabled state of the button widget.


disabled status – True if the button is disabled, False otherwise

Return type:



Returns the ipyvuetify object to display (the internal v.Html containing a v.Btn widget as its only child)

property selected

Get/Set the selected state of the button widget.


selected status – True if the button is selected, False otherwise

Return type:



Programmatically select a button:

b.selected = True

Change the icon for the button


Creation of a button and programmatically change of its icon:

from vois.vuetify import settings, button

b = button.button('Test button', textweight=450, width=150, height=46,
                  selected=True, rounded=True,
                  icon='mdi-menu-open', iconcolor='black', iconlarge=True)

Change the text for the button


Creation of a button and programmatically change of its icon:

from vois.vuetify import settings, button

b = button.button('Test button', textweight=450, width=250, height=46,
                  selected=True, rounded=True)
b.setText('New button text')

card widget

Simple card with title, subtitle and image.

class card.card(**kwargs: Any)[source]

Simple card displaying title, subtitle and an image.

  • width (str, optional) – Width of the card (default is ‘400px’)

  • color (str, optional) – Background color of the card (default is ‘white’)

  • dark (bool, optional) – If True the title and subtitle texts are displayed in white color, if False they are displayed in black (default is False)

  • ripple (bool, optional) – If True the click on the card is highlighted (default is False)

  • elevation (int, optional) – Elevation of the card over the background of the page (default is 3)

  • title (str, optional) – Title of the card (default is ‘Title’)

  • subtitle (str, optional) – Subtitle of the card (default is ‘Subtitle’)

  • icon (str, optional) – URL of the image to display as an icon before the card title (default is ‘’)

  • iconsize (str, optional) – Size of the area where the icon is displayed (default is ‘32px’)

  • image (str, optional) – URL of the image to display in the right side of the card (default is ‘’)

  • imagesize (str, optional) – Size of the area where the image is displayed (default is ‘190px’)

  • on_click (function, optional) – Python function to call when the user clicks on the card. The function will receive no parameters. (default is None)

  • argument (any, optional) – Argument to pass to the on_click python function (default is None)

  • responsive (bool, optional) – If True, the font size is automatically changed according to the page size (default is False)

  • fontsizemultiplier (float, optional) – Multiply factor for changing the standard size of the font used for title and subtitle (default is 1.0)

  • backgroundimageurl (str, optional) – URL of the optional image to display as background of the card (default is ‘’)

  • tooltip (str, optional) – Text to display as tooltip of the whole card (default is ‘’)

  • titletooltip (str, optional) – Text to display as tooltip of the card title (default is ‘’)

  • focusedopacity (float, optional) – Opacity of the card background when the card is clicked (has focus). Default is 0.1

  • textcolor (str, optional) – Color of the text (default is ‘black’)

  • titleweight (int, optional) – Font weight for the title (default is 700)

  • subtitleweight (int, optional) – Font weight for the subtitle (default is 400)


Creation of a card to display text and an image:

from vois.vuetify import card
from ipywidgets import widgets
from IPython.display import display

output = widgets.Output()

def on_click():
    with output:

subtitle = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi...'
width = 600

c = card.card(elevation=5, width='600px', title='Sample dataset', subtitle=subtitle,
              image='', on_click=on_click)

card widget

Fig. 57 Example of a card with text and an image


cardsGrid widget

Cards with title, subtitle and image displayed in rows and columns

class cardsGrid.cardsGrid(**kwargs: Any)[source]

Cards with title, subtitle and image displayed in a grid of rows and columns.

  • cards (list of json element, one for each card to display, optional) – Each of the json elements must have this structure: { “title”: “”, “subtitle”: “”, “image”: “”}, optional tags are “color”, “imagesize”, “icon” and “iconsize”, “titletooltip”

  • width (str, optional) – Width of the cards (default is ‘400px’)

  • height (str, optional) – Heigth of the cards (default is ‘’ which means that each card has its own height defined by its content)

  • cols (int, optional) – Horizontal column span [1,12] for each of the card (default is 6)

  • color (str, optional) – Background color of the cards (default is ‘white’)

  • dark (bool, optional) – If True the title and subtitle texts are displayed in white color, if False they are displayed in black (default is False)

  • ripple (bool, optional) – If True the click on the card is highlighted (default is False)

  • iconsize (str, optional) – Size of the area where the icon is displayed (default is ‘32px’)

  • imagesize (str, optional) – Size of the area where the image is displayed (default is ‘190px’)

  • on_click (function, optional) – Python function to call when the user clicks on the card. The function will receive as parameter the index of the clicked card. (default is None)

  • responsive (bool, optional) – If True, the font size is automatically changed according to the page size (default is False)

  • fontsizemultiplier (float, optional) – Multiply factor for changing the standard size of the font used for title and subtitle (default is 1.0)

  • tooltipwidth (str, optional) – Max width of the tooltip window to open on hover on the cards title (default is ‘600px’)


Creation of a cards grid to display text and an image:

from vois.vuetify import cardsGrid
from ipywidgets import widgets
from IPython.display import display

output = widgets.Output()

def on_click(index):
    with output:

cards = [
   { "title": "title0", "subtitle": "subtitle0", "image": "", "titletooltip": "Example of card title tooltip" },
   { "title": "title1", "subtitle": "subtitle1", "image": "" },
   { "title": "title2", "subtitle": "subtitle2", "image": "" },
   { "title": "title3", "subtitle": "subtitle3", "image": "" }

g = cardsGrid.cardsGrid(cards=cards, cols=6, width='350px', imagesize='200px', on_click=on_click)

cardsGrid widget

Fig. 58 Example of a cardsGrid to display multiple cards containing texts and an images


colorPicker widget

Input widget to select a color

class colorPicker.colorPicker(color='#FF0000', dark=False, width=40, height=30, rounded=False, canvas_height=100, show_canvas=True, show_mode_switch=True, show_inputs=True, show_swatches=True, swatches_max_height=164, text='', textweight=400, onchange=None, argument=None, offset_x=False, offset_y=True, disabled=False)[source]

Input widget to select a color.

  • color (str, optional) – Initial color selected on the widget expressed in hexadecimal format ‘#RRGGBB’ (default is ‘#FF0000’)

  • dark (bool, optional) – If True, the popup color selection will have a dark background (default is settings.dark_mode)

  • width (int, optional) – Width of the widget in pixels (default is 40)

  • height (int, optional) – Height of the widget in pixels (default is 30)

  • rounded (bool, optional) – If True the color widget is displayed as a round button (default is False)

  • canvas_height (int, optional) – Height of the canvas displayed on top of the popup window to select the colors (default is True)

  • show_canvas (bool, optional) – If True the popup window will show the color canvas (default is True)

  • show_mode_switch (bool, optional) – If True the popup window will show mode switch control among RGB, HSL and HAX (default is True)

  • show_inputs (bool, optional) – If True the popup window will show the input field for the color components (default is True)

  • show_swatches (bool, optional) – If True the popup window will show the color swatches (default is True)

  • swatches_max_height (int, optional) – Height in pixels of the swatches area in the popup window (default is 164)

  • text (str, optional) – Text to display in the color button (default is ‘’)

  • textweight (int, optional) – Weight of the text to be shown in the button (default is 400, Bold is any value greater or equal to 500)

  • onchange (function, optional) – Python function to call when the user selects a different color. The function will receive the argument parameter. If the argument is None, the function will receive no parameters. (default is None)

  • argument (any, optional) – Argument to be passed to the onchange function (default is None)

  • offset_x (bool, optional) – If True the popup window will be opened on the right of the color button (default is False)

  • offset_y (bool, optional) – If True the popup window will be opened on the bottom of the color button (default is True)

  • disabled (bool, optional) – True if the selection of the color is disabled, False otherwise (default is False)


Creation of a color picker widget to select a color:

from vois.vuetify import colorPicker
from ipywidgets import widgets
from IPython.display import display

output = widgets.Output()

def onchange():
    with output:
        print('Changed to', c.color)

c = colorPicker.colorPicker(color='#00AAFF',
                            width=30, height=30,

colorPicker widget

Fig. 59 Example of a colorPicker to select a color

property color

Get/Set the selected color.


c – color currently selected

Return type:



Programmatically change the color:

picker.color = '#00FF00'
property disabled

Get/Set the disabled state of the widget.


flag – True if the widget is disabled, False otherwise

Return type:



Programmatically change the date:

picker.disabled = True

Returns the ipyvuetify object to display (the internal v.Menu)


datatable widget

Display of a Pandas DataFrame in a data-table widget.

class datatable.datatable(**kwargs: Any)[source]

Display of a Pandas DataFrame in a data-table widget.

  • data (Pandas DataFrame, optional) – Pandas DataFrame to be displayed (default is pd.DataFrame() empty DataFrame)

  • height (str, optional) – Height of the data-table widget (default is ‘400px’)

  • on_click (function, optional) – Python function to call when the user clicks on one of the rows of the data-table. The function will receive a parameter of type dict containing all the column names as keys and the clicked row data as values

  • color (str, optional) – Color to use for the display of alert and warning messages (for instance if no records are present in input DataFrame) (default is ‘error’)

  • dark (bool, optional) – If True, the error and warning messages are displayed in white color, if False they are displayed in black (default is False)

  • searchshow (bool, optional) – If True, on top of the table a search field will be displayed, allowing for search (default is False)

  • search (str, optional) – Initial search string to be displayed in the search field (default is ‘’). If searchshow is False, this argument will not be used

  • title (str, optional) – In case searchshow is True, a Title can be shown on top of the datatable (default is ‘’)

  • icon (str, optional) – In case searchshow is True, an icon can be shown on the right of the datatable title (default is ‘’)

  • icon_tooltip (str, optional) – Tooltip string to be used for the icon (default is ‘’)

  • icon_color (str, optional) – Color of the icon (default is ‘grey’)

  • icon_disabled (bool, optional) – If True, the icon will be disabled (default is False)

  • font_size (str, optional) – Font size to use for the rows and headers of the datatable (default is ‘14px’)

  • font_size_title (str, optional) – Font size to use for the title of the datatable (default is ‘16px’)

  • on_icon (function, optional) – Python function to call when the user clicks on the icon on the top of the data-table. The function will receive no parameters

  • unsortable_columns (list of str, optional) – List of names of columns that must not be sortable in the datatable (please note that the DataFrame column names will be displayed in capital letters in the datatable: use in this list the original column names of the DataFrame and not the capitalized names)


Creation of a Pandas DataFrame from the ‘Our World In Data’ dataset on Covid-19 daily data and display of last 100 days for Italy:

from vois.vuetify import datatable
import pandas as pd
from ipywidgets import widgets
from IPython.display import display

output = widgets.Output()

df = pd.read_csv('')

def on_click(data):
    with output:

df = df[df['location']=='Italy']
d = datatable.datatable(data=df.tail(100), height='500px', on_click=on_click)

datatable widget

Fig. 60 Last 100 days of Covid-19 data on Italy displayed in a datatable widget


datePicker widget

Input widget to select a date

class datePicker.datePicker(date=None, label='', dark=False, width=88, color='#f8bd1a', show_week=False, onchange=None, offset_x=False, offset_y=True, disabled=False, mindate=None, maxdate=None)[source]

Input widget to select a date.

  • date (str, optional) – Initial date selected on the input widget expressed in format ‘YYYY-MM-DD’ (default is None, corresponding to the today date)

  • label (str, optional) – Label to be displayed inside the widget (default is ‘’)

  • dark (bool, optional) – If True, the popup date selection will have a dark background (default is settings.dark_mode)

  • width (int, optional) – Width of the widget in pixels (default is 88)

  • color (str, optional) – Color to use for the widget and the header of the popup window (default is settings.color_first)

  • show_week (bool, optional) – If True the popup window will also show number of the week (default is False)

  • onchange (function, optional) – Python function to call when the user selects a date. The function will receive no parameters. (default is None)

  • offset_x (bool, optional) – If True the popup window will be opened on the right of the input field (default is False)

  • offset_y (bool, optional) – If True the popup window will be opened on the bottom of the input field (default is True)

  • disabled (bool, optional) – True if the selection of the date is disabled, False otherwise (default is False)

  • mindate (str, optional) – Minimum selectable date (default is None)

  • maxdate (str, optional) – Maximum selectable date (default is None)


Creation of a date picker widget:

from vois.vuetify import datePicker
from ipywidgets import widgets
from IPython.display import display

output = widgets.Output()

def onchange():
    with output:
        print('Changed to',

d = datePicker.datePicker(date=None, label='Start date',
                          offset_x=True, offset_y=False,

datePicker widget

Fig. 61 Example of a datePicker

property date

Get/Set the selected date.


d – date currently selected in the format ‘YYYY-MM-DD’

Return type:



Programmatically change the date: = '2022-07-15'
property disabled

Get/Set the disabled state of the widget.


flag – True if the widget is disabled, False otherwise

Return type:



Programmatically change the date:

picker.disabled = True

Returns the ipyvuetify object to display (the internal v.Menu)


dayCalendar widget

Calendar widget showing days with events

class dayCalendar.dayCalendar(, 3, 20),, 4, 20), color='#f8bd1a', dark=False, days=[], show_count=False, width=340, height=None, on_click=None, on_click_event=None)[source]

Input widget to display a daily calendar for a range of dates and allows for highlighting some of the days and manages the click on the days.

  • start (str or datetime or date instance, optional) – Initial date of the calendar as a string in format ‘YYYY-MM-DD’ or as an instance of datetime.datetime or (default is today date minus one month)

  • end (str or datetime or date instance, optional) – Final date of the calendar as a string in format ‘YYYY-MM-DD’ or as an instance of datetime.datetime or (default is today)

  • color (str, optional) – Color to use for the highlighting of days in the calendar (default is settings.color_first)

  • dark (bool, optional) – If True, the calendar will have a dark background (default is settings.dark_mode)

  • days (list of str, optional) – List of days to be highlighted as strings in “YYYY-MM-DD” format (default is []). The list can contain repeated days (see show_count below).

  • show_count (bool, optional) – If True, the event bar will show the number of events on each of the highlighted days (default is False)

  • width (int, optional) – Width of the widget in pixels (default is 340)

  • height (int, optional) – Height of the widget in pixels (default is None). If None is passed, the height will be calculated depending on the range of dates defined by start and end parameters.

  • on_click (function, optional) – Python function to call when the user clicks on one day of the calendar. The function will receive as parameter a string in “YYYY-MM-DD” format. (default is None)

  • _event (on_click) – Python function to call when the user clicks on the highlighting bar of one day of the calendar. The function will receive as parameter a string in “YYYY-MM-DD” format. (default is None)


Creation of a date picker widget:

from vois.vuetify import dayCalendar
from ipywidgets import widgets
from IPython.display import display

output = widgets.Output()

def on_click(day):
    with output:
        print('Clicked on ', day)

c = dayCalendar.dayCalendar(start='2023-10-01', end='2023-10-31',
                            days=['2023-10-10', '2023-10-20'],

dayCalendar widget

Fig. 62 Example of a dayCalendar

property color

Get/Set the color of the highlighted days


color – Color of the highlighted days in the calendar

Return type:



Programmatically change the color:

cal.color = 'red'
property days

Get/Set the highlighted days


listfodays – List of days currently highlighted in the calendar

Return type:

list of strings in “YYYY-MM-DD” format


Programmatically change the highlighted days:

cal.days = ['2023-10-15', '2023-10-25']

Returns the ipyvuetify object to display (the internal Output widget)


dialogGeneric widget

Generic modal dialog-box to ask input from the user.

class dialogGeneric.dialogGeneric(title='', text='', color='#f8bd1a', dark=False, show=False, content=[], width=500, fullscreen=False, persistent=False, no_click_animation=False, addclosebuttons=True, addokcancelbuttons=False, on_ok=None, on_cancel=None, on_close=None, transition='dialog-fade-transition', output=None, titleheight='dense', customclass='', custom_icon='', custom_tooltip='', custom_icon_onclick=None)[source]

Generic modal dialog-box to ask input from the user.

  • title (str, optional) – Title of the dialog-box to be displayed in the top toolbar (default is ‘’)

  • text (str, optional) – Text to display on top of the dialog-box body (default is ‘’)

  • color (str, optional) – Color of the title bar of the dialog (default is settings.color_first)

  • dark (bool, optional) – Flag that controls the color of the text in foreground (if True, the text will be displayed in white, elsewhere in black)

  • show (bool, optional) – Flag to immediately show the dialog-box upon creation (default is False)

  • content (list of ipyvuetify widgets, optional) – List of ipyvuietify widgets to be displayed in the body of the dialog-box (default is [])

  • width (int or str, optional) – Width of the dialog-box. If an integer is passed the width is intended in pixels. Default is 500 pixels

  • fullscreen (bool, optional) – If True, the dialog-box is opened in fullscreen mode (default is False)

  • persistent (bool, optional) – If True, clicking outside of the dialog or pressing esc key will not deactivate it (default is False)

  • no_click_animation (bool, optional) – If True, disables the bounce effect when clicking outside of a dialog’s content when using the persistent property (default is False)

  • addclosebuttons (bool, optional) – If True, the dialog will have a ‘close’ button in the top toolbar (default is True)

  • addokcancelbuttons (bool, optional) – If True, the dialog will have ‘ok’ and ‘cancel’ buttons in the bottom row (default is False)

  • on_ok (function, optional) – Python function to call when the user clicks on the OK button. The function will receive no parameters (default is None)

  • on_cancel (function, optional) – Python function to call when the user clicks on the CANCEL button. The function will receive no parameters (default is None)

  • on_close (function, optional) – Python function to call when the user clicks on the CLOSE button. The function will receive no parameters (default is None)

  • transition (str, optional) – Transition to use for the dialog display and close (default is ‘dialog-fade-transition’. See: for a list of available transitions (substitute ‘v-’ with ‘dialog-‘’)

  • output (ipywidgets.Output, optional) – Output widget on which the widget has to be displayed

  • titleheight (str, optional) – Height of the title toolbar. It can be: ‘prominent’, ‘dense’, ‘extended’ or a value in pixels (default is ‘dense’)

  • custom_icon (str, optional) – Name of the optional icon to display in the top toolbar (default is ‘’)

  • custom_tooltip (str, optional) – Tooltip to display when hovering on the custom icon in the top toolbar (default is ‘’)

  • custom_icon_onclick (function, optional) – Python function to call when the user clicks on the custom icon on the topbar. The function will receive no parameters (default is None)


Creation and display of a modal dialog-box containing a switch widget:

from vois.vuetify import dialogGeneric, switch
from ipywidgets import widgets
from IPython.display import display

output = widgets.Output()

def on_s_change(value):
    with output:

s = switch.switch(True, 'PNG format', onchange=on_s_change)

dlg = dialogGeneric.dialogGeneric(title='Settings',
                                  text='Please select the format for download:',
                                  show=True, addclosebuttons=True, width=600,
                                  fullscreen=False, content=[s.draw()], output=output)
dialogGeneric widget

Fig. 63 Example of a dialogGeneric containing a switch widget.


Close the dialog.

property okdisabled

Get/Set the disabled status of the ok button.


flag – True if the ok button is disabled, False otherwise

Return type:



Programmatically set the disabled status and print it:

dlg.okdisabled = True

Open the dialog.


dialogMessage widget

Dialog-box to display a message for the user.

class dialogMessage.dialogMessage(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Dialog-box to display a message for the user.

Derived class from dialogGeneric.dialogGeneric.

  • title (str, optional) – Title of the dialog-box to be displayed in the top toolbar (default is ‘’)

  • text (str, optional) – Text to display on top of the dialog-box body (default is ‘’)

  • dark (bool, optional) – Flag that controls the color of the text in foreground (if True, the text will be displayed in white, elsewhere in black)

  • show (bool, optional) – Flag to immediately show the dialog-box upon creation (default is False)

  • width (int or str, optional) – Width of the dialog-box. If an integer is passed the width is intended in pixels. Default is 500 pixels

  • addclosebuttons (bool, optional) – If True, the dialog will have a ‘close’ button in the top toolbar (default is True)

  • transition (str, optional) – Transition to use for the dialog display and close (default is ‘dialog-fade-transition’). See: for a list of available transitions (substitute ‘v-’ with ‘dialog-‘)

  • output (ipywidgets.Output, optional) – Output widget on which the widget has to be displayed

  • titleheight (str, optional) – Height of the title toolbar. It can be: ‘prominent’, ‘dense’, ‘extended’ or a value in pixels (default is ‘dense’)


Creation and display of a modal dialog-box containing an error message:

from vois.vuetify import dialogMessage
from ipywidgets import widgets
from IPython.display import display

output = widgets.Output()

e = dialogMessage.dialogMessage(title='Error',
                                text='''Sorry but the task could not be completed<br>
because there are errors in the code to save in PNG format''',
                                show=True, width=450, output=output)
dialogMessage widget

Fig. 64 Example of a dialogMessage to display an error message to the user.


Close the dialog.

property okdisabled

Get/Set the disabled status of the ok button.


flag – True if the ok button is disabled, False otherwise

Return type:



Programmatically set the disabled status and print it:

dlg.okdisabled = True

Open the dialog.


dialogWait widget

Dialog-box to display a message to the user during a lenghty operation.

class dialogWait.dialogWait(**kwargs: Any)[source]

Dialog-box to display a message to the user during a lenghty operation.

  • text (str, optional) – Text to display on top of the dialog-box body (default is ‘’)

  • indeterminate (bool, optional) – If True the progress bar will constantly animate (to be used when completion progress is unknown). Default is True. If set to False, setting the value property of the dialog (e.g.: dlg.value = 30) to the percentage will change the progress bar.

  • height (int, optional) – Height of the progress bar in pixels (default is 4)

  • linecolor (str, optional) – Color of the progress bar (default is None, meaning that the progress bar will be white or black depending on settings.dark_mode)

  • showtext (bool, optional) – If True the percentage text will be displayed at the center of the progress bar (default is False)

  • textcolor (str, optional) – Color of the percentage text displayed if the showtext parameter is True (default is ‘#cccccc’)

  • output (ipywidgets.Output, optional) – Output widget on which the widget has to be displayed


Creation and display of dialogWait during a lenghty operation:

from vois.vuetify import dialogWait
from ipywidgets import widgets
from IPython.display import display

output = widgets.Output()

dlg = dialogWait.dialogWait(text='Please wait for processing to terminate...',
dialogYesNo widget

Fig. 65 Example of a dialogWait opened during a lenghty operation.


Close the dialogWait.


dialogYesNo widget

Dialog-box to ask a yes-no question to the user.

class dialogYesNo.dialogYesNo(on_yes=None, on_no=None, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Dialog-box to ask a yes-no question to the user.

Derived class from dialogGeneric.dialogGeneric.

  • title (str, optional) – Title of the dialog-box to be displayed in the top toolbar (default is ‘’)

  • dark (bool, optional) – Flag that controls the color of the text in foreground (if True, the text will be displayed in white, elsewhere in black)

  • show (bool, optional) – Flag to immediately show the dialog-box upon creation (default is False)

  • width (int or str, optional) – Width of the dialog-box. If an integer is passed the width is intended in pixels. Default is 500 pixels

  • addclosebuttons (bool, optional) – If True, the dialog will have a ‘close’ button in the top toolbar (default is True)

  • transition (str, optional) – Transition to use for the dialog display and close (default is ‘dialog-fade-transition’. See: for a list of available transitions (substitute ‘v-’ with ‘dialog-‘’)

  • output (ipywidgets.Output, optional) – Output widget on which the widget has to be displayed

  • titleheight (str, optional) – Height of the title toolbar. It can be: ‘prominent’, ‘dense’, ‘extended’ or a value in pixels (default is ‘dense’)

  • on_yes (function, optional) – Python function to call when the user clicks on the YES button. The function will receive no parameters (default is None)

  • on_no (function, optional) – Python function to call when the user clicks on the NO button. The function will receive no parameters (default is None)


Creation and display of a Yes-No dialog box:

from vois.vuetify import dialogYesNo
from ipywidgets import widgets
from IPython.display import display

output = widgets.Output()

def on_yes():
    with output:

def on_no():
    with output:

dlg = dialogYesNo.dialogYesNo(title='Question',
                              text='Confirm removal of the selected file?',
                              titleheight=40, width=400, output=output,
                              show=True, transition='dialog-bottom-transition',
                              on_yes=on_yes, on_no=on_no)
dialogYesNo widget

Fig. 66 Example of a dialogYesNo to ask a yes-no question to the user.


Close the dialog.

property okdisabled

Get/Set the disabled status of the ok button.


flag – True if the ok button is disabled, False otherwise

Return type:



Programmatically set the disabled status and print it:

dlg.okdisabled = True

Open the dialog.


fab widget

Floating-action-button to be displayed in absolute mode on the page. It will display a menu when hovered.

class fab.fab(left=100, top=100, items=[], onclick=[], icon='mdi-arrow-down-thick', tooltipitems=[], iconsmall=True, menumode=True, width=200, height=36, textcolor=None, selected=False, disabled=False, dark=False, large=False, small=False, xsmall=False, outlined=False, textweight=500, zindex=9999, output=None)[source]

Floating-action-button to be displayed in absolute mode on the page. It will display a menu when hovered.

  • left (int or string, optional) – Absolute left position of the button (example: ‘800px’ or ‘90%’ or 750)

  • top (int or string, optional) – Absolute top position of the button (example: ‘100px’ or ‘10%’ or 120)

  • items (list of strings, optional) – Strings to be displayed as text of the options (default is [])

  • onclick (list of function, optional) – Python functions to call when the user clicks on one of the items. One function for each of the items (default is [])

  • tooltipitems (list of strings, optional) – Tooltip text for the items (default is [])

  • iconsmall (bool, optional) – Flag to display the icon in small dimension (default is True)

  • menumode (bool, optional) – Flag to display the options as dropdown menu. If False, the items are displayed as horizontally displaced toggle buttons (default is True)

  • width (int, optional) – Width in pixel of the toggle buttons when menumode is False (default is 200)

  • height (int, optional) – Height in pixel of the toggle buttons when menumode is False (default is 36)

  • textcolor (str, optional) – Color to be used for the text of the buttons when menumode is False (default is None)

  • selected (bool, optional) – If True the buttons have the settings.color_first as background (default is False)

  • disabled (bool, optional) – If True the buttons are disabled (default is False)

  • dark (bool, optional) – Flag that controls the color of the text in foreground (if True, the text will be displayed in white, elsewhere in black)

  • large (bool, optional) – Flag that displays the fab button larger

  • small (bool, optional) – Flag that displays the fab button smaller

  • xsmall (bool, optional) – Flag that displays the fab button extra smaller

  • outlined (bool, optional) – Flag that displays the fab button outlined

  • textweight (int, optional) – Weight of the text to be shown in the label (default is 500, Bold is any value greater or equal to 500)

  • zindex (int, optional) – Z-index of the fab button (default is 9999)

  • output (ipywidgets.Output, optional) – Output widget on which the widget has to be displayed


Creation and display of two fab widgets for the selection among 3 options:

from vois.vuetify import fab
from ipywidgets import widgets
from IPython.display import display

output = widgets.Output()

def on1():
    with output:
        print('selected 1')

def on2():
    with output:
        print('selected 2')

def on3():
    with output:
        print('selected 3')

b1 = fab.fab(left='70%', top='150px',
             items=['Option 1', 'Option 2', 'Option 3'],
             tooltipitems=['Tooltip for Option 1'],
             onclick=[on1,on2,on3], menumode=True,
             width=180, selected=True,
             dark=True, zindex=100, output=output)

b2 = fab.fab(left='70%', top='250px',
             items=['Option 1', 'Option 2', 'Option 3'],
             tooltipitems=['Tooltip for Option 1'],
             onclick=[on1,on2,on3], menumode=False,
             width=180, selected=True,
             dark=True, zindex=100, output=output)

fab widget

Fig. 67 Fab widget for selecting alternative options using a menu.

fab widget as toggle buttons

Fig. 68 Fab widget for selecting alternative options using toggle buttons.


Close/hide the fab button

seticon(iconname, index=0)[source]

Set a different icon for the fab button

settooltip(text, index=0)[source]

Change the tooltip text of one of the buttons


Show/hide the fab button


iconButton widget

Button displaying an icon.

class iconButton.iconButton(icon='mdi-alert-outline', tooltip='', color='#f8bd1a', outlined=False, rounded=True, width=None, large=False, small=False, x_large=False, x_small=False, margins='pa-0 ma-0', onclick=None, argument=None, disabled=False)[source]

Button displaying an icon.

  • icon (str, optional) – Icon to display inside the button (default is ‘mdi-alert-outline’)

  • tooltip (str, optional) – Tooltip text for the button (default is ‘’)

  • color (str, optional) – Color used for the widget (default is the color_first defined in the module)

  • outlined (bool, optional) – If True applies a thin border to the button (default is False)

  • rounded (bool, optional) – If True the shape of the button is rounded (default is True)

  • large (bool, optional) – If True makes the button large (default is False)

  • small (bool, optional) – If True makes the button small (default is False)

  • x_large (bool, optional) – If True makes the button extra-large (default is False)

  • x_small (bool, optional) – If True makes the button extra-small (default is False)

  • margins (str, optional) – Marging apply to the button (default is ‘pa-0 ma-0’)

  • onclick (function, optional) – Python function to call when the user clicks on the button. The function will receive no parameters

  • argument (any, optional) – Argument to be passed to the onclick funtion (default is None)

  • disabled (bool, optional) – If True the button will be disabled (default is False)


Creation and display of an icon button which changes color and tooltip on click:

from vois.vuetify import iconButton
from IPython.display import display

def onclick():
    if b.color == 'red':
        b.color = 'amber'
        b.tooltip = 'Click to make the icon red'
        b.color = 'red'
        b.tooltip = 'Click to make the icon yellow'

b = iconButton.iconButton(onclick=onclick, tooltip='Initial tooltip', x_large=True)
property color

Get/Set the color of the button.

property disabled

Get/Set the disabled state of the button.

property tooltip

Get/Set the tooltip of the button.


label widget

Label widget to display a text with an optional icon.

class label.label(text, onclick=None, argument=None, disabled=False, textweight=350, height=20, margins=0, margintop=None, icon=None, iconlarge=False, iconsmall=False, iconleft=False, iconcolor='black', tooltip=None, textcolor=None, backcolor=None, dark=False)[source]

Label widget to display a text with an optional icon.

  • text (str) – Test string to be displayed on the label widget

  • onclick (function, optional) – Python function to call when the user clicks on the label. The function will receive as parameter the value of the argument (default is None)

  • argument (any, optional) – Argument to be passed to the onclick function when user click on the label (default is None)

  • disabled (bool, optional) – Flag to show the label as disabled (default is False)

  • textweight (int, optional) – Weight of the text to be shown in the label (default is 350, Bold is any value greater or equal to 500)

  • height (int, optional) – Height of the label widget in pixels (default is 20)

  • margins (int, optional) – Dimension of the margins on all directions (default is 0)

  • margintop (int, optional) – Dimension of the margin on top of the label (default is None)

  • icon (str, optional) – Name of the icon to display aside the text of the label (default is None)

  • iconlarge (bool, optional) – Flag that sets the large version of the icon (default is False)

  • iconsmall (bool, optional) – Flag that sets the small version of the icon (default is False)

  • iconleft (bool, optional) – Flag that sets the position of the icon to the left of the text of the label (default is False)

  • iconcolor (str, optional) – Color of the icon (default is ‘black’)

  • tooltip (str, optional) – Tooltip string to display when the user hovers on the label (default is None)

  • textcolor (str, optional) – Color used for the label text

  • backcolor (str, optional) – Color used for the background of the label

  • dark (bool, optional) – Flag to invert the text and backcolor (default is the value of settings.dark_mode)


All the icons from site can be used, just by prepending ‘mdi-’ to their name.

All the free icons from site can be used, just by prepending ‘fa-’ to their name.


Creation and display of a label widget containing an icon:

from vois.vuetify import label

lab = label.label('Test label', textweight=300, margins=2,
                  icon='mdi-car-light-high', iconcolor='red',
                  iconlarge=True, height=22)

label widget

Fig. 70 Example of a label widget with text and an icon.


Returns the ipyvuetify object to display (the internal v.Html which has a v.Container as its only child)

property text

Get/Set the label text.


text – Text currently shown in the label

Return type:



Programmatically set the label text (needs a re-display to be visible!):

lab.text = 'New text for the label'

layers widget

Widget to manage the layers Table Of Content for a ipyleaflet Map

class layers.interaproLayer(name, visible=True, opacity=1.0, path=None, file=None, epsg=None, nodata=None, colorfile=None, colortable=None, colormap=None, valuemap=None, colorscheme=None, colorcustom=None, scalemin=None, scalemax=None, interpolate=None, bands=None, rmin=None, rmax=None, gmin=None, gmax=None, bmin=None, bmax=None)[source]

A Layer to be visualized by interapro

edit(output, outdebug, onok=None, oncancel=None)[source]

Open a dialog-box to edit the layer


Return a ipyleaflet.TileLayer instance

class layers.layers(m, color='#f8bd1a', dark=False, width=400)[source]

Widget to manage the layers Table Of Content for a ipyleaflet Map

  • m (ipyleaflet.Map instance) – Map instance to connect to the layers widget

  • color (str, optional) – Color to use for the widget (default is settings.color_first)

  • dark (bool, optional) – If True, the widget will have a dark background (default is settings.dark_mode)

  • width (int, optional) – Width of the widget in pixels (default is 320)


Creation of a layers management widget:

import ipyleaflet
from jeodpp import inter, imap
from ipywidgets import widgets, Layout

from vois.vuetify import layers

# Given a collection path returns a ipyleaflet.TileLayer
def tileLayer(name, collectionpath):
    p = inter.Collection(collectionpath).process()
    procid = p.toLayer()
    return ipyleaflet.TileLayer(name=name, url='{x}&y={y}&z={z}&procid=%s'%procid)

layer1 = tileLayer('Merit DEM',    inter.collections.BaseData.Elevation.MERIT.Hillshade)
layer2 = tileLayer('Corine 2018',  inter.collections.BaseData.Landcover.CLC2018)
layer3 = tileLayer('Gisco Labels', inter.collections.Basemaps.Gisco.OSMCartoLabels)

height = 500
m = imap.Map(layout=Layout(height='%dpx'%height))


ly = layers.layers(m, width=400, dark=False)

layers widget

Fig. 71 Example of a layers management widget


Returns the ipyvuetify object to display (the internal card containing the widgets)


mainPage widget

Initial page for an application

class mainPage.mainPage(title='Application main title', subtitle='Subtitle to be shown below the main title', applogo_url='', applogo_widthpercent=35.0, credits='Credits Team XXX', creditslogo_url='', text_color='#0e446e', background_image=22, background_filter='', vois_show=True, vois_opacity=0.4, titlebox_widthpercent=40.0, titlebox_heightpercent=24.0, titlebox_toppercent=14.0, titlebox_opacity=0.4, titlebox_border=4, buttonbox_widthpercent=80.0, buttonbox_heightpercent=50.0, buttonbox_toppercent=43.0, creditbox_widthpercent=80.0, creditbox_heightpercent=17.0, creditbox_toppercent=80.0, creditbox_opacity=0.6, button_widthpercent=30.0, button_heightpercent=10.0, button_elevation=6, button_opacity=0.5, disclaimer='')[source]

Initial page of an application. The page contains a box for the title/subtitle/logo of the application, a box containing one or more buttons, each of them calling a callback function, and a box containing credits information. All these boxes are horizontally centered inside the page, while their vertical position can be customized (by default the title is on top, the buttons in central position and the credit box is at the bottom of the page).

  • title (str, optional) – Title of the page (default is ‘Application main title’)

  • subtitle (str, optional) – Subtitle of the page (default is ‘Subtitle to be displayed below the main title’)

  • applogo_url (str, optional) – Url of the application logo (default is a sample logo)

  • applogo_widthpercent (float, optional) – Width of the area where the application logo is displayed in percentage of the screen (default is 35.0)

  • credits (str, optional) – Credits string to display inside the credit box on the bottom of the page (default is ‘Credits Team XXX’)

  • creditslogo_url (str, optional) – Url of the image to display inside the credit box on the bottom of the page (default is ‘’)

  • text_color (str, optional) – Color to use for text (title, subtitle, credits, buttons text, etc.). Default is ‘#0e446e’.

  • background_image (str or int, optional) – Image to use as fullscreen background. If an integer in the range [0,59] is passed, one of the sixty predefined wallpapers is used, otherwise any image URL can be used (default is 22)

  • background_filter (str, optional) – CSS image filter to apply to the background image (default is ‘’). See for a list of available filters.

  • vois_show (bool, optional) – Is True, a credit to the vois library is displayed in the top-right side of the page (default is True)

  • vois_opacity (float, optional) – Opacity to apply to the vois logo, in case vois_show is set to True (default is 0.4)

  • titlebox_widthpercent (float, optional) – Width of the top box containing the title, in percentage of the screen width. Default is 40.0.

  • titlebox_heightpercent (float, optional) – Height of the box containing the title, in percentage of the screen height. Default is 24.0.

  • titlebox_toppercent (float, optional) – Top position of the box containing the title, in percentage of the screen height, measured from the top of the page. Default is 14.0.

  • titlebox_opacity (float, optional) – Opacity to apply to the box containing the title (default is 0.4)

  • titlebox_border (int, optional) – Border width in pixels of the box containing the title (default is 4)

  • buttonbox_widthpercent (float, optional) – Width of the box containing the buttons, in percentage of the screen width. Default is 80.0.

  • buttonbox_heightpercent (float, optional) – Height of the box containing the buttons, in percentage of the screen height. Default is 50.0.

  • buttonbox_toppercent (float, optional) – Top position of the box containing the buttons, in percentage of the screen height, measured from the top of the page. Default is 43.0.

  • creditbox_widthpercent (float, optional) – Width of the box containing the credits, in percentage of the screen width. Default is 80.0.

  • creditbox_heightpercent (float, optional) – Height of the box containing the credits, in percentage of the screen height. Default is 17.0.

  • creditbox_toppercent (float, optional) – Top position of the box containing the credits, in percentage of the screen height, measured from the top of the page. Default is 80.0.

  • creditbox_opacity (float, optional) – Opacity to apply to the box containing the credits (default is 0.6)

  • button_widthpercent (float, optional) – Width of each of the buttons, in percentage of the screen width. Default is 30.0.

  • button_heightpercent (float, optional) – Height of each of the buttons, in percentage of the screen height. Default is 10.0.

  • button_elevation (int, optional) – Elevation in pixels to apply to the buttons (default is 6)

  • button_opacity (float, optional) – Opacity to apply to the buttons (default is 0.5)

  • disclaimer (str, optional) – Text to display at the bottom of the creditbox (default is the empty string)


Creation of a main page with 6 buttons displaying random images from

from vois.vuetify import mainPage
from random import randrange

def onclick1():
    print("Clicked Function 1")

m = mainPage.mainPage(title='mainPage demo',
                      subtitle='Showcase how easy is to create a front page for an app',
                      credits="vois library development team",
                      titlebox_widthpercent=50, titlebox_opacity=0.2, titlebox_border=0,
                      vois_show=True, vois_opacity=0.1,
                      button_widthpercent=23, button_heightpercent=14, button_elevation=16, button_opacity=0.6,
                      background_filter='blur(2px) brightness(1.2) contrast(0.7) sepia(0.05) saturate(1.2)',

m.addButton('Function 1',
            subtitle='Launch calculation of ...',
            tooltip='Tooltip text to display on hover',

for i in range(2,7): m.addButton('Function %d'%i, image=''%randrange(1000))
mainPage widget

Fig. 72 Example of a mainPage

addButton(title, subtitle='', tooltip='', image='', onclick=None, argument=None)[source]

Add a button to the page

  • title (str) – Title of the button

  • subtitle (str, optional) – Subtitle of the button (default is ‘’)

  • tooltip (str, optional) – Tooltip to show when hovering the button title (default is ‘’)

  • image (str, optional) – Image to show on the right side of the button (default is ‘’)

  • onclick (function, optional) – Python function to call when the user clicks on the button. The function will receive the argument value as parameter if it is not None, otherwise it will be calle with no parameters. Default is None

  • argument (any, optional) – Argument to pass to the onclick python function (default is None)


Close the page


Open the page


menu widget

Menu widget opened on hover on a button.

Menu widget opened on hover on a button.

  • index (int) – Index of the option initially selected (from 0 to len(labels)-1)

  • title (str) – Title string to display in the button

  • labels (list of strings) – Strings to be displayed as options in the menu widget

  • color (str, optional) – Color used for the widget (default is the color_first defined in the module)

  • onchange (function, optional) – Python function to call when the user selects one of the values in the list. The function will receive a single parameter, containing the index of the selected option in the range from 0 to len(labels)-1

  • width (int, optional) – Width of the button in pixels (default is 150 pixels)

  • highliteselection (bool, optional) – If True, the menu will show the selected option in bold (default is True)


Creation and display of a menu widget to select among three options:

from vois.vuetify import menu
from ipywidgets import widgets
from IPython.display import display

output = widgets.Output()

def onchange(value):
    with output:

m =, 'Hover to select',
              ['Option 0', 'Option 1', 'Option 2'],
              onchange=onchange, highliteselection=True)

menu widget

Fig. 73 Example of a menu widget to select from three options.

Returns the ipyvuetify object to display (the internal v.Menu widget)

Get/Set the active option index.


index – Index of the selected option (from 0 to len(labels)-1)

Return type:



Programmatically select one of the options and print the index of the selected option:

m.value = 2

multiSwitch widget

Widget to select independent options using a list of buttons displayed horizontally or vertically.

class multiSwitch.multiSwitch(values, labels, tooltips=None, color='#f8bd1a', onchange=None, dark=False, row=True, width=150, height=36, justify='space-between', rounded=True, outlined=False, colorselected='#f8bd1a', colorunselected='#efefef', managedblclick=False, paddingrow=1, paddingcol=2, tile=False, small=False, xsmall=False, large=False, xlarge=False)[source]

Widget to select independent options using a list of buttons displayed horizontally or vertically.

  • values (list of bool) – Initial state of the buttons representing the independent options

  • labels (list of strings) – Strings to be displayed as text of the options

  • tooltips (list of strings, optional) – Tooltip text for the options

  • color (str, optional) – Color used for the widget (default is the color_first defined in the module)

  • dark (bool, optional) – Flag to invert the text and backcolor (default is the value of settings.dark_mode)

  • onchange (function, optional) – Python function to call when the user clicks on one of the buttons. The function will receive a parameter of list containing the status of all the buttons, from 0 to len(labels)-1

  • row (bool, optional) – Flag to display the buttons horizontally or vertically (default is True)

  • width (int, optional) – Width in pixels of the buttons (default is 150)

  • height (int, optional) – Height in pixels of the buttons (default is 36)

  • justify (str, optional) – In case of horizontal placement, applies the justify-content css property. Available options are: start, center, end, space-between and space-around.

  • rounded (bool, optional) – Flag to display the buttons with a rounded shape (default is the button_rounded flag defined in the module)

  • outlined (bool, optional) – Flag to display the buttons as outlined (default is True)

  • colorselected (str, optional) – Color used for the buttons when they are selected (default is settings.color_first)

  • colorunselected (str, optional) – Color used for the buttons when they are not selected (default is settings.color_second)

  • managedblclick (bool, optional) – If True the dblclick event is managed to select a single button of the multi-switch (default is False)

  • paddingrow (int, optional) – Horizontal padding among toggle buttons (1 unit means 4 pixels). Default is 1

  • paddingcol (int, optional) – Vertical padding among toggle buttons (1 unit means 4 pixels). Default is 2

  • tile (bool, optional) – Flag to remove the buttons small border (default is False)

  • large (bool, optional) – Flag that sets the large version of the button (default is False)

  • xlarge (bool, optional) – Flag that sets the xlarge version of the button (default is False)

  • small (bool, optional) – Flag that sets the small version of the button (default is False)

  • xsmall (bool, optional) – Flag that sets the xsmall version of the button (default is False)


Creation and display of a widget for the selection of 3 independent options:

from vois.vuetify import multiSwitch
from ipywidgets import widgets
from IPython.display import display

output = widgets.Output()

def onchange(values):
    with output:

m = multiSwitch.multiSwitch([False, True, False], ['Option 1', 'Option 2', 'Option 3'],
                            tooltips=['Tooltip for option 1'],
                            onchange=onchange, row=False, width=150, rounded=False, outlined=True,
                            colorselected='#FFA300', colorunselected='#aaaaaa')

multiSwitch widget

Fig. 74 multiSwitch widget for selecting independent options using buttons.


Returns the ipyvuetify object to display (the internal v.Row or v.Col widget)

property value

Get/Set the status of the multiSwitch buttons.


flags – Selected status of all the options

Return type:

list of booleans


Programmatically set the options and print the status of the multiSwitch buttons:

t.value = [False, True, True]

page widget

Fullscreen page

class, title, output, onclose=None, titlecolor='#f8bd1a', titledark=True, titleheight=54, footercolor='#efefef', footerdark=False, footerheight=30, logoappurl='', logowidth=40, on_logoapp=None, copyrighttext='', show_back=True, show_help=True, on_help=None, logocreditsurl='', show_credits=True, on_credits=None, transition='dialog-bottom-transition', persistent=False)[source]

Fullsceen page with title and footer bar.

  • appname (str) – Name of the application. It will be displayed on the left side of the title bar

  • title (str) – Title of the page

  • output (instance of widgets.Output() class) – Output widget to be used for the opening of the fullscreen dialog that implements the page

  • onclose (function, optional) – Python function to call when the user closes the page. The function will receive no parameters (default is None)

  • titlecolor (str, optional) – Color to use for the title bar background (default is settings.color_first)

  • titledark (bool, optional) – If True the text on the title bar will be displayed in white, otherwise in black color (defaul is True)

  • titleheight (int, optional) – Height of the title bar in pixels (default is 54)

  • footercolor (str, optional) – Color to use fir the footer bar background (default is settings.color_second)

  • footerdark (bool, optional) – If True the text on the footer bar will be displayed in white, otherwise in black color (defaul is False)

  • footerheight (int, optional) – Height of the footer bar in pixels (default is 30)

  • logoappurl (str, optional) – String containing the url of the application logo, to be displayed on the left side of the title bar (default is ‘’)

  • logowidth (int, optional) – Width in pixels of the logo button (default is 40)

  • on_logoapp (function, optional) – Python function to call when the user clicks on the pplication logo. The function will receive no parameters (default is None)

  • copyrighttext (str, optional) – Text to display as copyright message on the footer bar (default is ‘’)

  • show_back (bool, optional) – If True a “back” button is displayed on the right side of the title bar (default is True)

  • show_help (bool, optional) – If True a “help” button is displayed on the right side of the title bar (default is True)

  • on_help (function, optional) – Python function to call when the user clicks the help button. The function will receive no parameters (default is None)

  • logocreditsurl (str, optional) – String containing the url of the credits logo, to be displayed on the right side of the title bar (default is ‘’). If no url is passed, the logo of the European Commission is displayed

  • show_credits (bool, optional) – If True a “credits” button is displayed on the right side of the title bar (default is True)

  • on_credits (function, optional) – Python function to call when the user clicks the credits button. The function will receive no parameters (default is None)

  • transition (str, optional) – Transition to be used for display and hide of the page (default is ‘dialog-bottom-transition’). See: for a list of available transitions (substitute ‘v-’ with ‘dialog-‘)

  • persistent (bool, optional) – If True the page will be persistent and not close at the hitting of the “ESC” key (default is False)


Creation of an example page:

from vois.vuetify import page
from ipywidgets import widgets
from IPython.display import display

output = widgets.Output()

def onclose():

def on_click():

p ='Application XYZ', 'Map page', output, onclose=onclose,
              titlecolor='#008800', titledark=True,
              footercolor='#cccccc', footerdark=False,
              on_logoapp=on_click, copyrighttext='European Commission - Joint Research Centre',
              show_back=True, show_help=True, on_help=on_click,
              show_credits=True, on_credits=on_click)

card = p.create()
card.children = []
page widget

Fig. 75 Example of a page


paletteEditor widget

Widget for the creation and editing of color palettes.


Utility function to convert a list of colors to a list of items to pass as parameter to the paletteEditor.paletteEditor class


colorlist (list of str, optional) – List of string representing colors in the format ‘#RRGGBB’ (default is [])

Return type:

A list of items ready to be passed to the paletteEditor.paletteEditor class constructor

class paletteEditor.paletteEditor(title='', items=[], interpolate=True, width=420, maxheightlist=600, color='#f8bd1a', dark=False, onchange=None, buttonstooltip=True)[source]

Widget for the creation and editing of color palettes.

  • title (str, optional) – Title of the palette (default is ‘’)

  • items (list of dicts, optional) – List of dicts containing “value”, “class” and “color” (default is [])

  • interpolate (bool, optional) – Flag to control the interpolation of the colorlist: if True the palette will be displayed by adding intermediate colors (default is True)

  • width (int, optional) – Width of the widget in pixels (default is 420)

  • color (str, optional) – Color used for the widget (default is the color_first defined in the module)

  • dark (bool, optional) – Flag to invert the text and backcolor (default is the value of settings.dark_mode)

  • onchange (function, optional) – Python function to call when the user changes the order of colors or removes a color. The function will receive no parameters as input (default is None)

  • buttonstooltip (bool, optional) – If True, the buttons to mode, add, remove colors and assign values to colors will have a tooltip (default is True)


Example of a widget to create and edit a color palette:

from vois.vuetify import paletteEditor
from ipywidgets import widgets
from IPython.display import display

output = widgets.Output()

def onchange():
    with output:

p = paletteEditor(items=[], width=450, onchange=onchange)

card widget

Fig. 76 Example of a widget to create and edit a color palette

property colors

Get/set the colors of the palette.


colorlist – List of colors of the palette

Return type:

list of strings in ‘#RRGGBB’ format


Get the edited palette colors:


Returns the ipyvuetify object to display (a v.Html object displaying two output widgets)

property interpolate

Get/set the interpolate flag.


flag – Interpolate flag

Return type:


property items

Get/set the items of the palette.


items – List of dicts containing “value”, “class” and “color”

Return type:

list of dicts


Print the edited palette items:

property title

Get/set the title of the palette.


t – Title of the palette

Return type:



palettePicker widget

Selection of a palette of colors

class palettePicker.palettePicker(family='sequential', label='', interpolate=True, width=400, height=34, custompalettes=[], clearable=True, color='#f8bd1a', onchange=None)[source]

Selection of a palette of colors.

  • family (str, optional) – Family of the palette, one of these values: [‘carto’, ‘cmocean’, ‘cyclical’, ‘diverging’, ‘plotlyjs’, ‘qualitative’, ‘sequential’, ‘custom’]. If family is ‘custom’ the user of the widget has to pass the list of palettes to display (default is ‘sequential’)

  • custompalettes (list of dicts containing tags: "name" and "colors", optional) – Custom palette to be selected when the family is ‘custom’ (default is [])

  • label (str, optional) – Label to display inside the selection widget (default is ‘’)

  • interpolate (bool, optional) – If True the colors are displayed as interpolated (default is True)

  • width (int, optional) – Width of the widget in pixels (default is 400)

  • height (int, optional) – Height of the widget in pixels (default is 34)

  • clearable (Bool, optional) – If True the selection widget will show a -x- button to clear the selection (default is True)

  • color (str, optional) – Color of the selection widget (default is settings.color_first)

  • onchange (function, optional) – Python function to call when the user selects one of the palettes. The function will receive no parameters (default is None)


Creation of a simple selection widget for the palettes:

from vois.vuetify import palettePicker
from ipywidgets import widgets
from IPython.display import display

output = widgets.Output()

def onchange():
    with output:

p = palettePicker.palettePicker(onchange=onchange)

palettePicker widget

Fig. 77 Example of a simple palette picker

Creation of a complex selection widget for the palettes that manages all the palette families:

from vois.vuetify import palettePicker, selectSingle, switch
import ipyvuetify as v
from ipywidgets import widgets
from IPython.display import display

output = widgets.Output()

# Utility: convert three integers to '#RRGGBB'
def RGB(r,g,b):
    return '#{:02X}{:02X}{:02X}'.format(r, g, b)

# Custom palettes
custompalettes = [
    { "name": "Simple",
      "colors": ['#000000', '#FF0000', '#00FF00', '#0000FF',
                 '#FFFF00', '#FF00FF', '#00FFFF', '#FFFFFF']},

    { "name": "Dem",
      "colors": [RGB(255,255,170), RGB( 39,168, 39),
                 RGB( 11,128, 64), RGB(255,255,  0),
                 RGB(255,186,  3), RGB(158, 30,  2),
                 RGB(110, 40, 10), RGB(138, 94, 66),

    { "name": "NDVI",
      "colors": [RGB(120,69,25),   RGB(255,178,74),
                 RGB(255,237,166), RGB(173,232,94),
                 RGB(135,181,64),  RGB(3,156,0),
                 RGB(1,100,0),     RGB(1,80,0)]}

families = ['carto', 'cmocean', 'cyclical', 'diverging',
            'plotlyjs', 'qualitative', 'sequential', 'custom']

family      = 'sequential'
interpolate = True

p = None
def onchangePalette():
    if not p is None:
        with output:
            print("Palette changed to", p.value, p.colors)

def onchangeFamily():
    global family, interpolate
    family = sel.value
    if family == 'carto' or family == 'qualitative':
        interpolate = False
        sw.value = interpolate
        interpolate = True
        sw.value = interpolate

def onchangeInterpolate(flag):
    global interpolate
    interpolate = flag

sel = selectSingle.selectSingle('Family:', families, selection=family,
                                width=160, onchange=onchangeFamily,
                                marginy=1, clearable=False)
sw  = switch.switch(interpolate, "Interpolate",

p = palettePicker.palettePicker(family=family, custompalettes=custompalettes,
                                label='Palette:', height=26, onchange=onchangePalette)

spacer = v.Html(tag='div',children=[' '], style_='width: 10px;')

display(widgets.HBox([sel.draw(), spacer, p.draw(), spacer, sw.draw()]))
palettePicker full widget

Fig. 78 Example of a palette picker that also manages the palette families

property colors

Get the colors of the selected palette.


colorlist – List of colors of the selected palette

Return type:

list of strings in ‘#RRGGBB’ format


Get the selected palette colors:


Returns the ipyvuetify object to display (the internal v.selectImage)

updatePalettes(family='sequential', interpolate=True)[source]

Update the displayed palette by changing family and/or interpolation flag

  • family (str, optional) – Family of the palette, one of these values: [‘carto’, ‘cmocean’, ‘cyclical’, ‘diverging’, ‘plotlyjs’, ‘qualitative’, ‘sequential’] (default is ‘sequential’)

  • interpolate (bool, optional) – If True the colors are displayed as interpolated (default is True)

property value

Get/Set name of the selected palette.


name – Name of the currently selected palette

Return type:



Set and then get the current palette name:

picker.value = 'Viridis'

palettePickerEx widget

Extended selection of a palette of different families (sequential, divergent, etc.)

class palettePickerEx.palettePickerEx(family='sequential', value='Viridis', interpolate=True, show_interpolate_switch=True, onchange=None, width=400, clearable=True, show_opacity_slider=True, onchangeOpacity=None)[source]

Advanced selection of a palette of colors managing all the palette families and the interpolate flag

  • family (str, optional) – Family of the palette, one of these values: [‘carto’, ‘cmocean’, ‘cyclical’, ‘diverging’, ‘plotlyjs’, ‘qualitative’, ‘sequential’, ‘custom’] (default is ‘sequential’)

  • value (str, optional) – Name of the initially selected palette (default is ‘Viridis’)

  • interpolate (bool, optional) – If True the colors are displayed as interpolated (default is True)

  • show_interpolate_switch (bool, optional) – If True an interpolate switch is shown to enable or disable the interpolated display of the selected palette (default is True)

  • width (int, optional) – Width of the widget in pixels (default is 400)

  • clearable (bool, optional) – If True the dwopdown list of palettes will allow for no selection (default is True)

  • onchange (function, optional) – Python function to call when the user selects one of the palettes. The function will pass as parameters the list of colors and the interpolate flag (default is None)

  • show_opacity_slider (bool, optional) – If True an slider to select opacity is shown (default is False)

  • onchangeOpacity (function, optional) – Python function to call when the user changes the opacity. The function will as parameter the selected opacity in [0.0,1.0] (default is None)


Creation of a selection widget for the palettes managing all the families:

from vois.vuetify import palettePickerEx
from ipywidgets import widgets
from IPython.display import display

output = widgets.Output()

def onchange(colors, interpolate):
    with output:
        print(colors, interpolate)

p = palettePickerEx.palettePickerEx(onchange=onchange)

palettePicker widget

Fig. 79 Example of an extended palette picker managing all the palette families and the interpolate flag

property colors

Get the colors of the selected palette.


colorlist – List of colors of the selected palette

Return type:

list of strings in ‘#RRGGBB’ format


Get the selected palette colors:

property familyname

Get/Set name of the selected family.


name – Name of the currently selected family

Return type:



Set and then get the current palette family:

picker.familyname = 'qualitative'
property opacity

Get/Set the opacity value.


opacity – Current value of opacity in thenrange [0.0,1.0]

Return type:



Set and then get the opacity:

picker.opacity = 0.5
property value

Get/Set name of the selected palette.


name – Name of the currently selected palette

Return type:



Set and then get the current palette name:

picker.value = 'Viridis'

popup widget

Popup window opened at hover on a button.

class popup.popup(widget, buttontext, buttonwidth=140, buttonheight=40, icon=None, icon_small=True, icon_large=False, margins=0, margintop=None, color='#f8bd1a', rounded=True, outlined=True, text=False, popupwidth=160, popupheight=250, open_on_hover=True, close_on_click=True, close_on_content_click=True, title='', show_close_button=False)[source]

Popup window opened at hover on a button

  • widget (any widget) – Widget to be displayed inside the popup menu

  • buttontext (str) – Text to display inside the button

  • buttonwidth (int, optional) – Width of the button in pixels (default is 140)

  • buttonheight (int, optional) – Height of the button in pixels (default is 40)

  • icon (str, optional) – Name of the icon to be displayed inside the button (default is None)

  • icon_small (bool, optional) – If True the icon will be small (default is True)

  • icon_large (bool, optional) – If True the icon will be small (default is False)

  • margins (int, optional) – Dimension of the margins on all directions (default is 0)

  • margintop (int, optional) – Dimension of the margin on top of the label (default is None)

  • color (str, optional) – Color used for the button (default is the color_first defined in the module)

  • rounded (bool, optional) – If True the button will be rounded (default is the button_rounded defined in the module)

  • outlined (bool, optional) – If True the button will be outlined (default is True)

  • text (bool, optional) – If True the button will display only the text and/or the icon, with no background (default is False)

  • popupwidth (int, optional) – Width of the popup window in pixels (default is 160). The popup cannot have a width smaller than the width of the button

  • popupheight (int, optional) – Height of the popup window in pixels (default is 250)

  • open_on_hover (bool, optional) – If True the popup opens/closes when hovering the button, otherwise it opens/closes on click on the button (default is True)

  • close_on_click (bool, optional) – Designates if popup should close on outside click (default is True)

  • close_on_content_click (bool, optional) – Designates if popup should close when its content is clicked (default is True)

  • title (str, optional) – Text to add at the top of the popup (default is ‘’)

  • show_close_button (bool, optional) – If True a close icon button is displayed on the top-right side of the popup to ease the closing of the popup (default is False). It can be useful mainly when close_on_click is set to False.


All the icons from site can be used, just by prepending ‘mdi-’ to their name.

All the free icons from site can be used, just by prepending ‘fa-’ to their name.


Creation and display of a popup window displaying a tree and opened by hovering on a button:

from vois.vuetify import popup, treeview
from IPython.display import display

sectors = ['S%d'%x for x in range(10)]
treecard = treeview.createTreeviewFromList(sectors,

p = popup.popup(treecard, 'Sectors', popupheight=270)

popup widget example

Fig. 80 Example of a button that, on hover, opens a popup window containing a treeview


Returns the ipyvuetify object to display


progress widget

Circular progress bar to use for lenghty operations.

class progress.progress(output, text='', show=False, size=120, width=15, outputheight=400, color='#f8bd1a')[source]

Circular progress bar to use for lenghty operations.

  • output (ipywidgets.Output) – Output widget on which the progress bar has to be displayed

  • text (str, optional) – Small text to display inside the circle (default is ‘’)

  • show (bool, optional) – If True, display the progress upon creation (default is False)

  • size (int, optional) – Diameter of the circle in pixels (default is 120 pixels)

  • width (int, optional) – Width in pixels of the moving line (default is 15)

  • outputheight (int, optional) – Height in pixels of the output widget (default is 400 pixels)

  • onchange (function, optional) – Python function to call when the user selects one of the values in the list. The function will receive no parameter (use value property to retrieve the current selection)

  • color (str, optional) – Color used for the widget (default is the color_first defined in the module)


Creation and display of a progress widget:

from vois.vuetify import progress
from ipywidgets import widgets, Layout
from IPython.display import display

outputheight = 500
output = widgets.Output(layout=Layout(width='99%', height='%dpx' % (outputheight+10)))

p = progress.progress(output, text='Please, wait...',
                      size=200, width=20,
                      show=True, outputheight=outputheight)

To close the progress:

progress widget

Fig. 81 Example of progress widget displayed inside an Output.


Hides the progress by clearing the output widget content


Displays the progress into the output widget

showAbsolute(output, left, top, zindex=9999)[source]

Displays the progress as an overlay layer in a specific position

  • output (ipywidgets.Output) – Output widget to use for the display of the transparent widget

  • left (str) – Position of the left side of the widget. It can be in pixels, vw, or other units.

  • top (str) – Position of the top side of the widget. It can be in pixels, vh, or other units.

  • zindex (int, optional) – Z-index of the progress on the page (default is 9999)


queryStrings module

Read parameters passed in the URL of the Voila dashboard


Read parameters passed in the URL of the Voilà dashboard.


parameters – Dictionary containing key-values for all the URL passed to the Voilà page

Return type:



Read URL parameters and get value of one of the parameters:

from vois.vuetify import queryStrings

parameters = queryStrings.readParameters()
activetab = parameters.get('activetab', ['chart'])[0]

radio widget

Radio buttons to allow users to select from a predefined set of options.

class, labels, tooltips=None, color='#f8bd1a', onchange=None, row=True)[source]

Radio buttons to allow users to select from a predefined set of options.

  • index (int) – Index of the option initially selected (from 0 to len(labels)-1)

  • labels (list of strings) – Strings to be displayed as options in the radio widget

  • tooltips (list of str, optional) – List of strings to use as tooltips for the corresponding radio items (default is None)

  • color (str, optional) – Color used for the widget (default is the color_first defined in the module)

  • onchange (function, optional) – Python function to call when the user selects one of the values in the list. The function will receive a single parameter, containing the index of the selected option in the range from 0 to len(labels)-1

  • row (bool, optional) – Flag to control the position of radio buttons, either horizontal or vertical (default is True)


Creation and display of a radio widget to select among three options:

from vois.vuetify import radio
from ipywidgets import widgets
from IPython.display import display

output = widgets.Output()

def onchange(value):
    with output:

r =,
                ['Option 0', 'Option 1', 'Option 2'],
                tooltips=['Tooltip for Option 1'],

radio widget

Fig. 82 Example of a radio widget to select from three options.


Returns the ipyvuetify object to display (the internal v.RadioGroup widget)


rangeSlider widget

Slider to select a range of numeric values.

class rangeSlider.rangeSlider(selectedminvalue, selectedmaxvalue, minvalue, maxvalue, color='#f8bd1a', onchange=None, height=250, vertical=True)[source]

Slider to select a range of numeric values.

  • selectedminvalue (numeric) – Minimum value of the selected range

  • selectedmaxvalue (numeric) – Maximum value of the selected range

  • minvalue (numeric) – Minimum value selectable by the user

  • maxvalue (numeric) – Maximum value selectable by the user

  • color (str, optional) – Color used for the widget (default is the color_first defined in the module)

  • onchange (function, optional) – Python function to call when the user selects a value. The function will receive two parameters of numeric type containing the current min and max value selected by the user

  • height (int, optional) – Height of the slider widget in pixel (default is 250 pixels)

  • vertical (bool, optional) – Flag to display the range slider in vertical mode (default is True)


Creation and display of a range slider widget:

from vois.vuetify import rangeSlider

s = rangeSlider.rangeSlider(5,18, 0,20)
rangeSlider widget

Fig. 83 RangeSlider widget example


Returns the ipyvuetify object to display (the internal v.Html widget that contains a v.RangeSlider as its unique child)


rangeSliderFloat widget

Widget to select a range of float values

class rangeSliderFloat.rangeSliderFloat(selectedminvalue, selectedmaxvalue, minvalue=0.0, maxvalue=1.0, text='Select', showpercentage=True, decimals=2, maxint=None, labelwidth=0, sliderwidth=200, resetbutton=False, showtooltip=False, onchange=None)[source]

Compound widget to select a range of float values in a specific range.

  • selectedminvalue (float) – Initial minimum value of the slider

  • selectedmaxvalue (float) – Initial maximum value of the slider

  • minvalue (float, optional) – Minimum value of the slider (default is 0.0)

  • maxvalue (float, optional) – Maximum value of the slider (default is 1.0)

  • text (str, optional) – Text to display on the left of the slider (default is ‘Select’)

  • showpercentage (bool, optional) – If True, the widget will write the current value as a percentage inside the allowed range and will append the % sign to the right of the current value (default is True)

  • decimals (int, optional) – Number of decimal digits to use in case showpercentage is False (default is 2)

  • maxint (int, optional) – Maximum integer number for the underlining integer slider (defines the slider sensitivity). Default value is None, meaning it will be automatically calculated

  • labelwidth (int, optional) – Width of the label part of the widgets in pixels (default is 0, meaning it is automatically calculated based on the provided label text)

  • sliderwidth (int, optional) – Width in pixels of the slider component of the widget (default is 200)

  • resetbutton (bool, optional) – If True a reset button is displayed, allowing for resetting the widget to its initial value (default is False)

  • showtooltip (bool, optional) – If True the up and down buttons will have a tooltip (default is False)

  • onchange (function, optional) – Python function to call when the changes the range value of the slider. The function will receive a single parameter, containing the new value of the opacity in the range from 0.0 to 1.0 (default is None)


Creation and display of a range slider widget to select an opacity range in a custom interval:

from vois.vuetify import rangeSliderFloat
from ipywidgets import widgets
from IPython.display import display

output = widgets.Output()

def onchange(value):
    with output:

o = rangeSliderFloat.rangeSliderFloat(1.8, 2.5, text='Select Value in [1.0,3.0]:',
                                      minvalue=1.0, maxvalue=3.0, onchange=onchange)

opacity widget

Fig. 84 Example of an range slider widget to select a floating point range.


Returns the ipyvuetify object to display (a v.Row widget)

property value

Get/Set the slider range value as a list of min and max selected value.


value – Current value of the range slider

Return type:

list of 2 floats


Programmatically set the slider value

s.value = [0.56, 0.83]


selectImage widget

Select widget that displays images and enables for single selection.

class selectImage.selectImage(**kwargs: Any)[source]

Select widget that displays images and enables for single selection.

  • images (list of json element, one for each image to display, optional) – Each of the json elements must have “name”, and “image” tags. Optional tags are “max_width”, “max_height”, “margins”

  • label (str, optional) – Label to show in the select widget (default is ‘’)

  • selection (int, optional) – Index of the image to display as selected in the selection widgets at start (default is -1)

  • onchange (function, optional) – Python function to call when the user selects one of the images. The function will receive no parameters. (default is None)

  • color (str, optional) – Main color of the selection widget (default is settings.color_first)

  • outlined (bool, optional) – If True the selection widget will have a border around it (default is True)

  • clearable (Bool, optional) – If True the selection widget will show a -x- button to clear the selection (default is True)

  • width (str, optional) – Width of the select widget. It can be expressed as pixels (ex: “400px”) or percentage (ex: “50%”). Default is “100%”

  • dense (Bool, optional) – If True the items of the widgets have a reduced height (default is True)

  • max_width (int, optional) – Max width in pixels of the images displayed inside the selection widget (default is 100)

  • max_height (int, optional) – Max height in pixels of the images displayed inside the selection widget (default is 100)

  • margins (str, optional) – Margins to apply to the images in the selection list and when displayed as selected in the widget (default is “ma-0 mr-1 mb-1”)


Creation of a select widget to select an image:

from vois.vuetify import selectImage
from ipywidgets import widgets
from IPython.display import display

output = widgets.Output()

def onchange():
    with output:

images = [
      { "name": 'Image 0', "image": ''},
      { "name": 'Image 1', "image": ''},
      { "name": 'Image 2', "image": ''},
      { "name": 'Image 3', "image": ''}

s = selectImage.selectImage(images=images, selection=1, max_height=100, onchange=onchange,
                            label='Please select an image from the list',
                            outlined=True, clearable=True, margins="ma-1")

selectImage widget

Fig. 85 Example of a selectImage widget


Change the images to be selected.


images (list of json element, one for each image to display) – Each of the json elements must have “name”, and “image” tags. Optional tags are “max_width”, “max_height”, “margins”

property value

Get/Set the selected image index.


v – index of the image currently selected

Return type:



Programmatically select one of the images given its index:

sel.value = 3

selectMultiple widget

Multiple selection widget.

class selectMultiple.selectMultiple(label, values, selected=[], mapping=None, reverse_mapping=None, width=300, onchange=None, marginy=1)[source]

Single selection widget from a dropdown list. Passing the parameter newvalues_enabled=True enables the user to insert new strings in the widget.

  • label (str) – Help text to display

  • values (list of strings) – Strings to be displayed in the dropdown list of the widget

  • selected (list of str, optional) – List of strings that are initially selected (default is [])

  • mapping (function, optional) – Python function to call to transform the visible strings into codes (for example names of countries to their iso2 codes)

  • reverse_mapping (function, optional) – Python function to call to transform the codes into visible strings (for example iso2 codes of countries to their names)

  • onchange (function, optional) – Python function to call when the user selects one of the values in the list. The function will receive no parameter (use value property to retrieve the current selection)

  • width (int, optional) – Width in pixel of the widget (default is 300 pixels)

  • marginy (int, optional) – Margin in y coordinates to position the widget from top (default is 1)


Creation and display of a multiple selection widget for the selection of one or more countries:

from vois.vuetify import selectMultiple
from ipywidgets import widgets
from IPython.display import display

output = widgets.Output()

def onchange():
    with output:

sel = selectMultiple.selectMultiple('Country:',
                                    ['Belgium', 'France', 'Italy', 'Germany'],
                                    selected=['France', 'Italy'],
selectMultiple widget

Fig. 86 Example of a selectMultiple widget to select from a list of countries.


Returns the ipyvuetify object to display (the internal v.Html widget that contains a v.Select as its unique child)

property value

Get/Set the selected value.


v – list of strings of the items currently selected

Return type:



Programmatically select a list of values:

sel.value = ['Italy', 'Belgium']

selectSingle widget

Single selection widget from a dropdown list.

class selectSingle.selectSingle(label, values, selection='', mapping=None, reverse_mapping=None, width=300, onchange=None, clearable=True, marginy=1, newvalues_enabled=False, newvalues_type='text', colorbackground=False)[source]

Single selection widget from a dropdown list. Passing the parameter newvalues_enabled=True enables the user to insert new strings in the widget.

  • label (str) – Help text to display

  • values (list of strings) – Strings to be displayed in the dropdown list of the widget

  • selection (str, optional) – String that is initially selected (default is ‘’)

  • mapping (function, optional) – Python function to call to transform the visible strings into codes (for example names of countries to their iso2 codes)

  • reverse_mapping (function, optional) – Python function to call to transform the codes into visible strings (for example iso2 codes of countries to their names)

  • onchange (function, optional) – Python function to call when the user selects one of the values in the list. The function will receive no parameter (use value property to retrieve the current selection)

  • width (int, optional) – Width in pixel of the widget (default is 300 pixels)

  • clearable (bool, optional) – Flag that controls if the widget should show to the user the ‘X’ button to clear its content (default is True)

  • marginy (int, optional) – Margin in y coordinates to position the widget from top (default is 1)

  • newvalues_enabled (bool, optional) – Flag that enables the user to insert new values beside those listed in the dropdown (default is False)

  • newvalues_type (str, optional) – Type of the new values that the user can add in case newvalues_enabled is True (default is ‘text’)

  • colorbackground (bool, optional) – Flag that controls the filling of the widget background with color when a value of the list is selected (default is False)


Creation and display of a single select widget for the selection of a country:

from vois.vuetify import selectSingle
from ipywidgets import widgets
from IPython.display import display

output = widgets.Output()

def onchange():
    with output:

sel = selectSingle.selectSingle('Country:',
                                ['Belgium', 'France', 'Italy', 'Germany'],
selectSingle widget

Fig. 87 Example of a selectSingle widget to select from a list of countries.

property disabled

Get/Set the disabled state.


Returns the ipyvuetify object to display (the internal v.Html widget that contains a v.Select or a v.Combobox as its unique child)

property value

Get/Set the selected value.


v – text of the item currently selected

Return type:



Programmatically select one value:

sel.value = 'Italy'

settings module

General settings for ipyvuetify widgets.

settings.button_rounded = True

Flag to control the appearance of all button widgets (also in the toggle module or inside the title and footer bars).

If True, the buttons will have rounded borders, if False, the buttons will have squared borders.

The button.button class has an optional parameter rounded that can be used to force a single button to be rounded or squared. This setting will have influence on all the buttons created without expliciting setting the rounded parameter.

Example of changing the appearance of all buttons to be rounded:

from vois.vuetify import settings, button
settings.button_rounded = True

import importlib

b = button.button('Round button', width=200, selected=True)

Fig. 88 Example of a round button

Example of changing the appearance of all buttons to be squared:

from vois.vuetify import settings, button
settings.button_rounded = False

import importlib

b = button.button('Squared button', width=200, selected=True)

Fig. 89 Example of a squared button


The usage of importlib.reload is needed to reload the button module after the settings.button_rounded flag is changed

settings.color_first = '#f8bd1a'

Primary color to be used for all the widgets of the vuetify package (for instance the buttons that have the selected state True will have this color as background color)

settings.color_second = '#efefef'

Secondary color to be used for all the widgets of the vuetify package (for instance the buttons that have the selected state False will have this color as background color)

settings.dark_mode = False

Flag to control the dark_mode of all the vuetify widgets.

If this flag is False, the foreground color used for text is ‘black, otherwise it is ‘white’


sidePanel widget

Side panel that opens on the side of the screen to show content or get user input.

class sidePanel.sidePanel(title='', text='', width=500, right=False, zindex=9999, showclosebuttons=True, dark=False, backdark=False, content=[], output=None, onclose=None)[source]

Side panel that opens on the side of the screen to show content or get user input.

  • title (str, optional) – Title to display on top of the side panel (default is ‘’)

  • text (str, optional) – String of text to display in the content of the side panel (default is ‘’)

  • width (int, optional) – Width of the panel in pixel (default is 500 pixels)

  • right (bool, optional) – Flag that controls if the panel is opened on the right side of the screen (default is False)

  • zindex (int, optional) – Z-index assigned to the panel (default is 9999)

  • showclosebuttons (bool, optional) – Flag to display the close button in the top bar of the side panel (default is True)

  • dark (bool, optional) – Flag that controls the color of the text in foreground (if True, the text will be displayed in white, elsewhere in black)

  • backdark (bool, optional) – Flag that controls the background color of the panel (if True, the background will be black, elsewhere white)

  • content (list of widgets, optional) – Additional content to be added to the side panel to get user input (default is [])

  • output (ipywidgets.Output, optional) – Output widget on which the side panel has to be displayed

  • onclose (function, optional) – Python function to call when the user closes the side panel. The function will be called withput any parameter


Creation and display of a side panel:

from vois.vuetify import sidePanel, slider
from ipywidgets import widgets
from IPython.display import display

output = widgets.Output()

def onclose():
    with output:

text  = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore...'

s = slider.slider(66,0,100)

panel = sidePanel.sidePanel(title='Help panel', text=text,
                            width=400, content=[s.draw()],
                            output=output, onclose=onclose,
sidepanel widget

Fig. 90 Example of a side panel containing text and a slider widget.


Closes the side panel widget


Queries the status of the side panel widget: returns True if the panel is displayed, False if it was closed


Displays the side panel widget


slider widget

Slider widget is a better visualization of the number input. It is used for gathering numerical user data.

class slider.slider(selectedvalue, minvalue, maxvalue, vertical=False, color='#f8bd1a', onchange=None, height=120, width=None, step=1.0)[source]

Slider widget is a better visualization of the number input. It is used for gathering numerical user data.

  • selectedvalue (numeric) – Initial value of the slider

  • minvalue (numeric) – Minimal value selectable by the user

  • maxvalue (numeric) – Maximum value selectable by the user

  • step (numeric, optional) – Step interval for ticks (default is 1.0)

  • vertical (bool, optional) – Flag that controls the direction of the slider: horizontal or vertical (default is False)

  • color (str, optional) – Color used for the widget (default is the color_first defined in the module)

  • onchange (function, optional) – Python function to call when the user selects a value. The function will receive a parameter of numeric type containing the current value of the slider widget

  • height (int, optional) – Height of the slider widget in pixel (default is 120 pixels)

  • width (int, optional) – Width of the slider widget in pixel. It is needed only for vertical sliders (default is None)


Creation and display of a slider widget:

from vois.vuetify import slider
from ipywidgets import widgets
from IPython.display import display

output = widgets.Output()

def onchange(value):
    with output:

s = slider.slider(2015, 2010,2021, onchange=onchange)
slider widget

Fig. 91 Slider widget example


Returns the ipyvuetify object to display (the internal v.Html that contains a v.Slider widget as its only child)

property value

Get/Set the current value.


value – Current value selected

Return type:



Programmatically set the value and print it:

s.value = 2012

sliderFloat widget

Widget to select a float value

class sliderFloat.sliderFloat(value=1.0, minvalue=0.0, maxvalue=1.0, text='Select', showpercentage=True, decimals=2, maxint=None, labelwidth=0, sliderwidth=200, resetbutton=False, showtooltip=False, onchange=None)[source]

Compound widget to select a float value in a specific range.

  • value (float, optional) – Initial value of the slider (default is 1.0)

  • minvalue (float, optional) – Minimum value of the slider (default is 0.0)

  • maxvalue (float, optional) – Maximum value of the slider (default is 1.0)

  • text (str, optional) – Text to display on the left of the slider (default is ‘Select’)

  • showpercentage (bool, optional) – If True, the widget will write the current value as a percentage inside the allowed range and will append the % sign to the right of the current value (default is True)

  • decimals (int, optional) – Number of decimal digits to use in case showpercentage is False (default is 2)

  • maxint (int, optional) – Maximum integer number for the underlining integer slider (defines the slider sensitivity). Default value is None, meaning it will be automatically calculated

  • labelwidth (int, optional) – Width of the label part of the widgets in pixels (default is 0, meaning it is automatically calculated based on the provided label text)

  • sliderwidth (int, optional) – Width in pixels of the slider component of the widget (default is 200)

  • resetbutton (bool, optional) – If True a reset button is displayed, allowing for resetting the widget to its initial value (default is False)

  • showtooltip (bool, optional) – If True the up and down buttons will have a tooltip (default is False)

  • onchange (function, optional) – Python function to call when the changes the value of the slider. The function will receive a single parameter, containing the new value of the slider in the range from minvalue to maxvalue (default is None)


Creation and display of a slider widget to select an opacity value in the range [0.0, 1.0]:

from vois.vuetify import sliderFloat
from ipywidgets import widgets
from IPython.display import display

output = widgets.Output()

def onchange(value):
    with output:

o = sliderFloat.sliderFloat(0.8, text='Fill opacity:', minvalue=0.0, maxvalue=1.0, onchange=onchange)

opacity widget

Fig. 92 Example of an slider widget to select a floating point value.


Returns the ipyvuetify object to display (a v.Row widget)

property value

Get/Set the slider value.


value – Current value of the slider

Return type:



Programmatically set the slider value

s.value = 0.56


snackbar widget

Widget to display a quick message to the user in an overlapping window that will disappear after a timeout

class snackbar.snackbar(title='', text='', show=False, color='#f8bd1a', dark=False, wrapwidth=80, timeout=10000, output=None)[source]

Widget to display a quick message to the user in an overlapping window that will disappear after a timeout.

  • title (str, optional) – Title of the message

  • text (str, optional) – Text of the message

  • show (bool, optional) – Flag to control the immediate show of the message to the user (default is True)

  • color (str, optional) – Color used for the widget (default is the color_first defined in the module)

  • dark (bool, optional) – Flag that controls the color of the text in foreground (if True, the text will be displayed in white, elsewhere in black)

  • wrapwidth (int optional) – Number of chars for each line of the message (default is 80)

  • timeout (int, optional) – Timeout in milliseconds before the widget disappears (default is 10000, 10 seconds)

  • output (ipywidgets.Output, optional) – Output widget on which the snackbar has to be displayed


Creation and display of a snackbar message:

from vois.vuetify import snackbar
from ipywidgets import widgets

title = 'Title of the message'
text  = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore...'

s = snackbar.snackbar(title=title, text=text, show=True, wrapwidth=40, timeout=3000)
snackbar widget

Fig. 93 Example of a snackbar message


Closes the snackbar message


Returns the ipyvuetify object to display (the internal v.Snackbar widget)


Shows the snackbar message


sortableList widget

Vertically aligned list of customizable cards with items that can be moved, added and removed.

class sortableList.sortableList(items=[], width=400, maxheightlist=10000, outlined=True, dark=False, allowNew=True, newOnTop=False, newButtonOnTop=False, itemNew=None, itemContent=None, bottomContent=[], onchange=None, onmovedown=None, onmoveup=None, onremoving=None, onremoved=None, onadded=None, buttonstooltip=False, tooltipadd='Add new', tooltipdown='Move down', tooltipup='Move up', tooltipremove='Remove', activatable=False, ondeactivated=None, onactivated=None)[source]

Vertically aligned list of customizable cards with items that can be moved, added and removed.

  • items (list of dicts, optional) – List of items to display in the list (default is [])

  • width (int, optional) – Width of widget in pixels (default is 400)

  • outlined (bool, optional) – Flag to show each of the items with a border (default is True)

  • dark (bool, optional) – Flag to invert the text and backcolor (default is the value of settings.dark_mode)

  • allowNew (bool, optional) – If True, a ‘plus’ button is displayed that allows for adding new items (default is True)

  • newOnTop (bool, optional) – If True, the ‘+’ button adds a new item in first position on the items list (default False, new items are added as last in the items list)

  • newButtonOnTop (bool, optional) – If True, the ‘+’ button is displayed on top of the first item, otherwise it is displayed below the last item (default is False, the ‘+’ button is on the bottom)

  • itemNew (function, optional) – Python function called when a new items is added. The function is called with no arguments and it must return the dict initialized with the new item content (default is None). As an alternative, the function can return None, but then the real adding of the new item must be done by directly calling the doAddItem method

  • itemContent (function, optional) – Python function called when an item is displayed. The function is called with an item as its first argument and the index (position of the item) as second argument. The function must return a list containing the ipyvuetify widgets to display the item content (default is None)

  • bottomContent (list of ipyvuetify widgets, optional) – Additional widgets content to display in the bottom line (containing the ‘plus’ button), aligned to the right (default is [])

  • onchange (function, optional) – Python function to call when the user changes the order of items or removes an item. The function will receive no parameters as input (default is None)

  • onmovedown (function, optional) – Python function to call when the user moves one item down. The function will receive as parameter the zero-based index, before the move, of the moved item (default is None)

  • onmoveup (function, optional) – Python function to call when the user moves one item up. The function will receive as parameter the zero-based index, before the move, of the moved item (default is None)

  • onremoving (function, optional) – Python function to call when the user is about to remove an item. The function will receive as parameter the zero-based index of the item that is going to be removed (default is None)

  • onremoved (function, optional) – Python function to call just after the user removes an item. The function will receive as parameter the zero-based index of the removed item (default is None)

  • onadded (function, optional) – Python function to call just after a new item is added. The function will receive as parameter the zero-based index of the new item (default is None)

  • buttonstooltip (bool, optional) – If True, the buttons to mode, add, remove items will have a tooltip (default is False)

  • tooltipadd (str, optional) – Tooltip text for the “add” button (default is ‘Add new’)

  • tooltipdown (str, optional) – Tooltip text for the “move down” buttons (default is ‘Move down’)

  • tooltipup (str, optional) – Tooltip text for the “move up” buttons (default is ‘Move up’)

  • tooltipremove (str, optional) – Tooltip text for the “remove” buttons (default is ‘Remove’)

  • activatable (bool, optional) – If True the items can be activated by clicking on them (default is False)

  • ondeactivated (function, optional) – Python function to call just after an item that was the active one, is deactivated. The function will receive as parameter the zero-based index of the deactivated item (default is None)

  • onactivated (function, optional) – Python function to call just after an item becomes the active one (or by user-clicking or by setting the active property). The function will receive as parameter the zero-based index of the active item (default is None)


Simple list displaying static text:

from vois.vuetify import sortableList
from ipywidgets import widgets
from IPython.display import display
import ipyvuetify as v

items = [{ "name": 'Jane Adams',   "email": ''   },
         { "name": 'Paul Davis',   "email": ''   },
         { "name": 'Amanda Brown', "email": '' }

# Creation of a new item
def itemNew():
    return {"name": "new", "email": "empty"}

# Content of an item
def itemContent(item, index):
    return [
        v.CardSubtitle(class_="mb-n4", children=[item['name']]),
        v.CardText(    class_="mt-n2", children=[item['email']])

s = sortableList.sortableList(items=items, dark=False, allowNew=True,
                              itemNew=itemNew, itemContent=itemContent)
label widget

Fig. 94 Example of a simple sortableList displaying static text

Example of a sortable list displaying editable text, boolean and date values (using the datePicker.datePicker class):

from vois.vuetify import sortableList, datePicker, switch, tooltip
from ipywidgets import widgets
from IPython.display import display
import ipyvuetify as v

output = widgets.Output()

items = [
    { "name": "Paul",    "surname": "Dockery",  "married": False, "date": "" },
    { "name": "July",    "surname": "Winters",  "married": True,  "date": "1997-07-28" },
    { "name": "David",   "surname": "Forest",   "married": True,  "date": "1999-03-03" },
    { "name": "Dorothy", "surname": "Landmann", "married": False, "date": "" }

dark = False

# Called when an item is moved or deleted
def onchange():
    with output:

# Creation of a new item
def itemNew():
    return { "name": "", "surname": "", "married": False, "date": "" }

# Remove all items
def itemRemoveAll(widget, event, data):
    s.items = []

reset = v.Btn(icon=True, children=[v.Icon(children=['mdi-playlist-remove'])])
reset.on_event('click', itemRemoveAll)

# Content of an item
def itemContent(item, index):

    def onname(widget, event, data):
        item["name"] = int(data)

    def onsurname(widget, event, data):
        item["surname"] = data

    def onmarried(flag):
        item["married"] = flag
        dp.disabled = not flag
        if not flag:
            item["date"] = ''
   = None

    def ondate():
        item["date"] =

    tfname = v.TextField(label='Name:', value=item['name'],
                         color='amber', dense=True,
                         style_="max-width: 70px", class_="pa-0 ma-0 mt-2")
    tfname.on_event('input', onname)

    tfsurname = v.TextField(label='Surname:', value=item['surname'],
                            color='amber', dense=True,
                            style_="max-width: 100px", class_="pa-0 ma-0 mt-2")
    tfsurname.on_event('input', onsurname)

    sw = switch.switch(item['married'], "Married", onchange=onmarried)

    dp = datePicker.datePicker(date=item['date'], dark=dark, width=88,
                               onchange=ondate, offset_x=True, offset_y=False)
    dp.disabled = not item['married']

    sp = v.Html(tag='div', class_="pa-0 ma-0 mr-3", children=[''])

    return [ v.Row(class_="pa-0 ma-0 ml-2", no_gutters=True,
                   children=[tfname, sp, tfsurname, sp, sw.draw(), sp, dp.draw()]) ]

s = sortableList.sortableList(items=items,
                              bottomContent=[tooltip.tooltip("Remove all persons",
label widget

Fig. 95 Example of a sortableList to edit textual, boolean and date values on persons.

property active

Get/Set the active item.


index – index of the active item

Return type:



Manual adding of a new item


Returns the ipyvuetify object to display (a v.Html object displaying two output widgets)

property items

Get/Set the updated items.


items – List of items in their updated position

Return type:

list of dicts


svgsGrid widget

Display and selection of a list of SVG files

class svgsGrid.svgsGrid(**kwargs: Any)[source]

Display of a list of SVG files in rows and columns, with possibility to select one of the SVGs.

  • filepaths (list of str) – File paths of the SVG files to display in the grid

  • width (str, optional) – Width to use for the display of the SVGs (default is ‘80px’)

  • height (str, optional) – Heigth to use for the display of the SVGs (default is ‘100px’ to accomodate for the title of the files)

  • cols (int, optional) – Horizontal column span [1,12] for each of the SVGs (default is 1, meaning 12 files are displayed in every row)

  • color (str, optional) – Background color of the SVGs (default is ‘white’)

  • ripple (bool, optional) – If True the click on the SVG files is highlighted (default is False)

  • svgsize (int, optional) – Size in pixel of the square area where the SVG is displayed (default is 80)

  • on_click (function, optional) – Python function to call when the user clicks on one of the SVG files. The function will receive as parameter the index of the clicked SVG. (default is None)


Creation of a grid to display and select SVG files read from a subfolder:

from vois.vuetify import svgsGrid
from ipywidgets import widgets
from IPython.display import display
import glob

output = widgets.Output()

def on_click(index):
    with output:

filepaths = sorted(glob.glob("./maki/icons/*"))

svgsize = 80
height  = '%dpx'%(svgsize + 30)
g = svgsGrid(filepaths=filepaths, cols=1, svgsize=svgsize,
             height=height, ripple=True, on_click=on_click)

svgsGrid widget

Fig. 96 Example of an svgsGrid to display a list of SVG files allowing selection


switch widget

The switch widget provides users the ability to choose between two distinct values.

class switch.switch(flag, label, color='#f8bd1a', inset=True, dense=False, onchange=None)[source]

The switch widget provides users the ability to choose between two distinct values.

  • flag (int) – Initial value of the switch

  • label (str) – Text to display on the left of the switch widget

  • color (str, optional) – Color used for the widget (default is the color_first defined in the module)

  • inset (bool, optional) – Flag to enlarge switch track to encompass the thumb (default is True)

  • dense (bool, optional) – If True, the widget is displayed with smaller dimensions (default is False)

  • onchange (function, optional) – Python function to call when the user clicks on the switch. The function will receive a parameter of type bool containing the status of the switch flag


Creation and display of a switch widget:

from vois.vuetify import switch
from ipywidgets import widgets
from IPython.display import display

output = widgets.Output()

def onchange(value):
    with output:

s = switch.switch(True, "Label of the switch", inset=True, onchange=onchange)

switch widget

Fig. 97 Switch widget with inset flag True.

property disabled

Get/Set the disabled state.


Returns the ipyvuetify object to display (the internal v.Html that has a v.Switch widget as its only child)

property value

Get/Set the status of the switch.


flag – Status of the switch

Return type:



Programmatically set the switch status and print it:

t.value = True

tabs widget

Widget to select among alternative display using a list of tabs displayed horizontally or vertically.

class tabs.tabs(index, labels, contents=None, tooltips=None, color='#f8bd1a', dark=False, onchange=None, row=True)[source]

Widget to select among alternative display using a list of tabs displayed horizontally or vertically.

  • index (int) – Index of the selected option at start (from 0 to len(labels)-1)

  • labels (list of strings) – Strings to be displayed as text of the options

  • contents (list of widgets, optional) – Widgets to be alternatively displayed when each of the tabs option is selected (for instance could be a list of ipywidgets.Output widgets). Default is None

  • tooltips (list of strings, optional) – List of strings to be used as tooltips for the single tabs, in order (default is None)

  • color (str, optional) – Color used for the widget (default is the color_first defined in the module)

  • dark (bool, optional) – Flag to invert the text and backcolor (default is the value of settings.dark_mode)

  • onchange (function, optional) – Python function to call when the user clicks on one of the tabs. The function will receive a parameter of type int containing the index of the selected tab, from 0 to len(labels)-1

  • row (bool, optional) – Flag to display the tabs horizontally or vertically (default is True)


Creation and display of a tabs widget to select among alternative Outputs display:

from vois.vuetify import tabs
from ipywidgets import widgets
from IPython.display import display

debug = widgets.Output()

output0 = widgets.Output()
output1 = widgets.Output()
output2 = widgets.Output()

with output0: print('This is output 0')
with output1: print('This is output 1')
with output2: print('This is output 2')

def onchange(index):
    with debug:

t = tabs.tabs(0, ['Option 0', 'Option 1', 'Option 2'],
              onchange=onchange, row=False)

tabs widget

Fig. 98 Creation of a tabs widget to display ipywidgets.Output content at every selection.

property disabled

Get/Set the disabled state.


Returns the ipyvuetify object to display (the internal v.Tabs widget)

property value

Get/Set the active tab index.


index – Index of the selected tab (from 0 to len(labels)-1)

Return type:



Programmatically select one of the tab and print the index of the selected option:

t.value = 2

textlist widget

Widget to display text strings vertically aligned.

class textlist.textlist(titles, texts, titlesbold=[], titlefontsize=12, textfontsize=12, titlecolumn=4, textcolumn=8, titlecolor='black', textcolor='black', lineheightfactor=1.5)[source]

Widget to vertically display a list of titles and texts strings. Each couple of title and text occupies a row.

  • titles (list of strings) – Strings to be displayed as title of each row

  • texts (list of strings) – Strings to be displayed as the content of each row

  • titlesbold (list of strings, optional) – List of titles whose corresponding texts should be displayed in with bold font (default is [])

  • titlefontsize (int, optional) – Size in pixel of the font used for the titles (default is 12)

  • textfontsize (int, optional) – Size in pixel of the font used for the texts (default is 12)

  • titlecolumn (int, optional) – Number of column (out of 12) occupied by the titles (default is 4)

  • textcolumn (int, optional) – Number of column (out of 12) occupied by the texts (default is 8)

  • titlecolor (str, optional) – Color to use for the titles (default is ‘black’)

  • textcolor (str, optional) – Color to use for the texts (default is ‘black’)

  • lineheightfactor (float, optional) – Factor to multiply to the font-size to calculate the height of each row (default is 1.5)


Creation and display of a widget to display some textual information:

from vois.vuetify import textlist
from IPython.display import display

t = textlist.textlist(['Name', 'Surname', 'Address', 'Role'],
                      ['Davide', 'De Marchi', 'via Eduardo 34, Roccacannuccia (PE)', 'Software developer'],

# Set some attributes of the card widget (margins, colors, width, etc.)
t.card.class_    = 'pa-0 ma-4 ml-6 mr-8'
t.card.flat      = False
t.card.color     = '#e0ffe0'
t.card.elevation = 8
t.card.width     = '430px'

textlist widget

Fig. 99 Textlist widget for displaying textual information.


Returns the ipyvuetify object to display (the internal v.Card widget)


title bar

Class that implements a title bar that can be used as a simple main interface for a dashboard.

class title.title(text='', textweight=500, buttons=[], menu=True, onmenuclick=None, dark=False, height=85, color='#f8bd1a', onclick=None, logo='', logowidth=100, logomarginy=0, menumarginy=2, output=None)[source]

Class that implements a title bar that can be used as a simple main interface for a dashboard.

  • text (str, optional) – Text to display in the title widget

  • textweight (int, optional) – Weight of the title text (default is 500)

  • height (int, optional) – Height of the title bar in pixels (default is 85 pixels)

  • color (str, optional) – Background color of the title bar (default is the color_first defined in the module)

  • dark (bool, optional) – Flag that controls the color of the text in foreground (if True, the text will be displayed in white, elsewhere in black)

  • buttons (list of strings, optional) – List of strings to be used as text of the buttons to display below the title bar main text

  • onclick (function, optional) – Python function to call when the user clicks on one of the buttons. The function will receive a parameter of string containing the name of the button clicked

  • menu (bool, optional) – Flag that controls the display of a menu icon on the left side of the title bar (default is True)

  • menumarginy (int, optional) – Vertical displace of the menu icon from the top of the title bar (default is 2)

  • onmenuclick – Python function to call when the user clicks on the menu icon. The function will receive no parameters

  • logo (str, optional) – String conaining the URL of the logo image to display on the right side of the title bar

  • logowidth (int, optional) – Width in pixels of the area where the logo has to be displayed

  • logomarginy (int, optional) – Vertical displace of the logo from the top of the title bar (default is 0)

  • output (ipywidgets.Output, optional) – Output widget on which the title bar has to be displayed


Creation and display of a title bar with additional buttons and left menu icon:

from vois.vuetify import title
from ipywidgets import widgets
from IPython.display import display

output = widgets.Output()

def onclick(arg):
    with output:

def onmenu():
    with output:

f = title.title(text='Title text to display', color='amber',
                menu=True, onmenuclick=onmenu,
                buttons=['Home', 'About Us', 'Team', 'Services', 'Blog', 'Contact Us'],
                logomarginy=6, menumarginy=4,
                height=80, onclick=onclick, output=output)
title widget

Fig. 100 Example of a title bar.


toggle widget

Widget to select among alternative options using a list of buttons displayed horizontally or vertically.

class toggle.toggle(index, labels, tooltips=None, color='#f8bd1a', onchange=None, row=True, width=150, height=36, justify='space-between', rounded=True, outlined=False, colorselected='#f8bd1a', colorunselected='#efefef', dark=False, paddingrow=1, paddingcol=2, tile=False, small=False, xsmall=False, large=False, xlarge=False)[source]

Widget to select among alternative options using a list of buttons displayed horizontally or vertically.

  • index (int) – Index of the selected option at start (from 0 to len(labels)-1)

  • labels (list of strings) – Strings to be displayed as text of the options

  • tooltips (list of strings, optional) – Tooltip text for the options

  • color (str, optional) – Color used for the widget (default is the color_first defined in the module)

  • onchange (function, optional) – Python function to call when the user clicks on one of the buttons. The function will receive a parameter of type int containing the index of the clicked button, from 0 to len(labels)-1

  • row (bool, optional) – Flag to display the buttons horizontally or vertically (default is True)

  • width (int, optional) – Width in pixels of the buttons (default is 150)

  • height (int, optional) – Height in pixels of the buttons (default is 36)

  • justify (str, optional) – In case of horizontal placement, applies the justify-content css property. Available options are: start, center, end, space-between and space-around.

  • rounded (bool, optional) – Flag to display the buttons with a rounded shape (default is the button_rounded flag defined in the module)

  • outlined (bool, optional) – Flag to display the buttons as outlined (default is False)

  • colorselected (str, optional) – Color used for the buttons when they are selected (default is settings.color_first)

  • colorunselected (str, optional) – Color used for the buttons when they are not selected (default is settings.color_second)

  • dark (bool, optional) – Flag that controls the color of the text in foreground (if True, the text will be displayed in white, elsewhere in black)

  • paddingrow (int, optional) – Horizontal padding among toggle buttons (1 unit means 4 pixels). Default is 1

  • paddingcol (int, optional) – Vertical padding among toggle buttons (1 unit means 4 pixels). Default is 2

  • tile (bool, optional) – Flag to remove the buttons small border (default is False)

  • large (bool, optional) – Flag that sets the large version of the button (default is False)

  • xlarge (bool, optional) – Flag that sets the xlarge version of the button (default is False)

  • small (bool, optional) – Flag that sets the small version of the button (default is False)

  • xsmall (bool, optional) – Flag that sets the xsmall version of the button (default is False)


Creation and display of a widget for the selection among 3 options:

from vois.vuetify import toggle
from ipywidgets import widgets
from IPython.display import display

output = widgets.Output()

def onchange(index):
    with output:

t = toggle.toggle(0, ['Option 1', 'Option 2', 'Option 3'], tooltips=['Tooltip for option 1'],
                  onchange=onchange, row=False, width=150, rounded=False)

toggle widget

Fig. 101 Toogle widget for selecting alternative options using buttons.


Returns the ipyvuetify object to display (the internal v.Row or v.Col widget)

property value

Get/Set the active option index.


index – Index of the selected option (from 0 to len(labels)-1)

Return type:



Programmatically select one of the options and print the index of the selected option:

t.value = 2

tooltip widget

Add tooltip text to a widget: returns a “modified” widget to be used instead of the original one.

tooltip.tooltip(text, widget)[source]

Add a tooltip to a widget.

  • text (str) – Text of the tooltip

  • widget (ipyvuetify widget) – Instance of the widget to which the tooltip has to be added


An ipyvuetify v.Item widget having a v.Tooltip as its only child

Return type:



Add a tooltip to a switch widget:

from vois.vuetify import tooltip, switch
from IPython.display import display

s = switch.switch(True, "Activate the notification")
t = tooltip.tooltip('Select to activate the notification of events to the user', s.draw())
tooltip widget

Fig. 102 Tooltip added to a switch widget.


treeview widget

Simplified creation of v-treeview vuetify widget to display hierarchical data in a tree

class treeview.CustomTreeview(**kwargs: Any)[source]

Ipyvuetify template to display a custom treeview. The nodes of the tree can have a checkbox (selectable=True) and/or can be activated (activatable=True).


JSON object to represent the tree: each object has ‘id’ and ‘name’ key, ‘disabled’, ‘isfolder’ and ‘icon’ are optional keys (default is [])


list, optional


If True the nodes of the tree have a checkbox to select them (default is True)


bool, optional


If True, one of the nodes of the tree can be activated (default is False)


bool, optional


List of id of the nodes that are selected on start (default is [])


list, optional


List of name of the nodes that are selected at any time (default is [])


list, optional


List of id of the nodes that are to be opened on start (default is [])


list, optional


Color for the selected nodes (default is ‘blue’)


str, optional


Python function to call when the selection of the tree items changes (default is None)


function, optional


Python function to call when the active item changes (user selecting a node) (default is None)


function, optional


If True, also the parent nodes are returned as selected when all children are selected (default is True)


bool, optional


If True, an icon is added to each node of the tree (default is False)


bool, optional


Color of the icons (default is ‘blue’)


str, optional


Name of the icon to use for opened nodes that have children when iconsfolder is True (default ‘mdi-folder-open’)


str, optional


Name of the icon to use for closed nodes that have children when iconsfolder is True (default ‘mdi-folder’)


str, optional


If True the nodes will show the tooltip (default is False)


bool, optional


Minimum lenght of the node label to show the tooltip (default is 20)


int, optional


Filter to display only the nodes of the tree that contain the text (default is ‘’ which means that all the nodes of the tree are displayed)


str, optional


Item height in pixels (default is 24)


int, optional


Font size in pixels (default is 15)


int, optional


Icon size in pixels (default is 18)


int, optional


Checkbox size in pixels (default is 24)


int, optional


This class is not intended to be called directly, but only through the functions createTreeviewFromList() and createTreeviewFromDF2Columns().

treeview.createFlatTreeview(nameslist=[], select_all=True, on_change=None, on_activated=None, displayfullname=True, width='200px', height='500px', elevation=0, color='#f8bd1a', dark=False, transition=False, selectable=True, activatable=False, active=None, selected=[], disabled=[], iconsshow=False, iconscolor='#f8bd1a', iconsDict=None, tooltips=False, tooltips_chars=20, item_height=24, font_size=15, icon_size=18, checkbox_size=24)[source]

Create a flat treeview form a list of strings

  • nameslist (list, optional) – List of strings that contain a hierarchical structure, considering the separator character (default is [])

  • select_all (bool, optional) – Flag to control the initial selection of all the nodes of the tree (default is True)

  • on_change (function, optional) – Python function to call when the selected nodes change caused by user clicking in one of the checkboxes (default is None)

  • on_activated (function, optional) – Python function to call when the active item changes (user selecting a node) (default is None)

  • displayfullname (bool, optional) – If True the nodes will display the full names, id False only the last part splitted by the separator (default is True)

  • width (str, optional) – Width of the treeview widget (default is ‘200px’)

  • height (str, optional) – Height of the treeview widget (default is ‘500px’)

  • elevation (int, optional) – Elevation to assign to the widget (default is 0)

  • color (str, optional) – Color to be used as main color of the Treeview widget (default is settings.color_first)

  • dark (bool, optional) – If True, the treeview widget will have a dark background (default is settings.dark_mode)

  • transition (bool, optional) – If True applies a transition when nodes are opened and closed (default is False)

  • selectable (bool, optional) – If True the nodes of the tree have a checkbox to select them (default is True)

  • activatable (bool, optional) – If True, one of the nodes of the tree can be activated (default is False)

  • active (str, optional) – Name of the node to activate on start (default is None)

  • selected (list of str, optional) – List of fullnames of the nodes to select at start (default is []).

  • disabled (list of str, optional) – List of fullnames of the nodes to display as disabled in the tree (default is [])

  • iconsshow (bool, optional) – If True, an icon is added to each node of the tree (default is False)

  • iconscolor (str, optional) – Color of the icons (default is settings.color_first)

  • iconsDict (dict, optional) – Dictionary to apply icons to the fullnames of the items, if iconsshow is True (default is None)

  • tooltips (bool, optional) – If True the nodes will show the tooltip (default is False)

  • tooltips_chars (int, optional) – Minimum lenght of the node label to show the tooltip (default is 20)

  • item_height (int, optional) – Item height in pixels (default is 24)

  • font_size (int, optional) – Font size in pixels (default is 15)

  • icon_size (int, optional) – Icon size in pixels (default is 18)

  • checkbox_size (int, optional) – Checkbox size in pixels (default is 24)


v.Card – An ipyvuetify v.Card widget having a v.Html as its only child. The v.Html has a treeview.CustomTreeview widget as its only child

Return type:

ipyvuetify Card widget


Creation and display of a treeview:

from vois.vuetify import treeview
from IPython.display import display

treecard = treeview.createFlatTreeview(['A','B','C','D','E'], color='green', height='150px')
flat treeview widget

Fig. 103 Flat treeview widget created from a list of strings.

treeview.createTreeviewFromDF2Columns(df, columnName1, columnName2, rootName='Root', separator='.', select_all=True, on_change=None, on_activated=None, expand_selection_to_parents=True, width='200px', height='500px', elevation=0, repeat_parent_as_first_child=False, color='#f8bd1a', dark=False, transition=False, selectable=True, activatable=False, active=None, open_on_click=False, opened=[], opened_all=False, selected=[], disabled=[], iconsshow=False, iconscolor='#f8bd1a', iconsfolder=True, icons_folder_opened='mdi-folder-open', icons_folder_closed='mdi-folder', iconroot=None, iconscolumnName1=None, iconscolumnName2=None, tooltips=False, tooltips_chars=20, item_height=24, font_size=15, icon_size=18, checkbox_size=24)[source]

Create a two levels treeview form the strings contained in two columns of a Pandas DataFrame.

  • df (Pandas DataFrame) – Pandas DataFrame containing at least two columns of type string

  • columnName1 (str) – Name of the column of the Pandas DataFrame df containing the parent strings

  • columnName2 (str) – Name of the column of the Pandas DataFrame df containing the child strings

  • rootName (str, optional) – Name to be displayed as root of the tree (default is ‘Root’)

  • separator (str, optional) – String or character to be considered as separator for calculating the fullname of a node (default is ‘.’). The full name of a node is the concatenation of the path to reach the node, using the separator character

  • select_all (bool, optional) – Flag to control the initial selection of all the nodes of the tree (default is True)

  • on_change (function, optional) – Python function to call when the selected nodes change caused by user clicking in one of the checkboxes (default is None). The function receives as argument a list of all the fullnames of the selected nodes

  • on_activated (function, optional) – Python function to call when the active item changes (user selecting a node) (default is None)

  • expand_selection_to_parents (bool, optional) – If True, also the parent nodes are returned as selected when all children are selected (default is True)

  • width (str, optional) – Width of the treeview widget (default is ‘200px’)

  • height (int, optional) – Height of the treeview widget (default is ‘500px’)

  • elevation (int, optional) – Elevation to assign to the widget (default is 0)

  • repeat_parent_as_first_child (bool, optional) – If True each parent node will have a first children with its name (default is False)

  • color (str, optional) – Color to be used as main color of the Treeview widget (default is settings.color_first)

  • dark (bool, optional) – If True, the treeview widget will have a dark background (default is settings.dark_mode)

  • transition (bool, optional) – If True applies a transition when nodes are opened and closed (default is False)

  • selectable (bool, optional) – If True the nodes of the tree have a checkbox to select them (default is True)

  • activatable (bool, optional) – If True, one of the nodes of the tree can be activated (default is False)

  • active (str, optional) – Fullname of the node to activate on start (default is None). The full name of a node is the concatenation of the path to reach the node, using the separator character

  • open_on_click (bool, optional) – If True, the nodes of the tree can be opened also by clicking on the node label (default is False)

  • opened (list of str, optional) – List of fullnames of the nodes to open at start (default is []). The full name of a node is the concatenation of the path to reach the node, using the separator character

  • opened_all (bool, optional) – If True, all the tree nodes are opened at start (default is False). This setting has prevalence over the opened parameter.

  • selected (list of str, optional) – List of fullnames of the nodes to select at start (default is []). The full name of a node is the concatenation of the path to reach the node, using the separator character

  • disabled (list of str, optional) – List of fullnames of the nodes to display as disabled in the tree (default is [])

  • iconsshow (bool, optional) – If True, an icon is added to each node of the tree (default is False)

  • iconscolor (str, optional) – Color of the icons (default is settings.color_first)

  • iconsfolder (bool, optional) – If True (and if iconsshow is True) it adds the open/closed folder icon to nodes that have children (default is True)

  • icons_folder_opened (str, optional) – Name of the icon to use for opened nodes that have children when iconsfolder is True (default ‘mdi-folder-open’)

  • icons_folder_closed (str, optional) – Name of the icon to use for closed nodes that have children when iconsfolder is True (default ‘mdi-folder’)

  • iconroot (str, optional) – Name of the icon for the root node of the tree (default is None)

  • iconscolumnName1 (str, optional) – Name of the DataFrame column that contains the icon name for the node on the first level of the tree (default is None)

  • iconscolumnName2 (str, optional) – Name of the DataFrame column that contains the icon name for the node on the second level of the tree (default is None)

  • tooltips (bool, optional) – If True the nodes will show the tooltip (default is False)

  • tooltips_chars (int, optional) – Minimum lenght of the node label to show the tooltip (default is 20)

  • item_height (int, optional) – Item height in pixels (default is 24)

  • font_size (int, optional) – Font size in pixels (default is 15)

  • icon_size (int, optional) – Icon size in pixels (default is 18)

  • checkbox_size (int, optional) – Checkbox size in pixels (default is 24)


An ipyvuetify v.Card widget having a v.Html as its only child. The v.Html has a treeview.CustomTreeview widget as its only child

Return type:



Creation of a treeview from a simple Pandas DataFrame:

from vois.vuetify import treeview
import pandas as pd

table = [['parent', 'child'], ['John', 'Mary'], ['John', 'Peter'],
                              ['Ann', 'Hellen'], ['Ann', 'Sue'], ['Ann', 'Claire']]
headers = table.pop(0)
df = pd.DataFrame(table, columns=headers)

def on_change(arg):

treecard = treeview.createTreeviewFromDF2Columns(df, headers[0], headers[1],
treeview widget

Fig. 104 Treeview widget created from a Pandas DataFrame.

treeview.createTreeviewFromDF3Columns(df, columnName1, columnName2, columnName3, rootName='Root', separator='.', select_all=True, on_change=None, on_activated=None, expand_selection_to_parents=True, width='200px', height='500px', elevation=0, repeat_parent_as_first_child=False, color='#f8bd1a', dark=False, transition=False, selectable=True, activatable=False, active=None, open_on_click=False, opened=[], opened_all=False, selected=[], disabled=[], iconsshow=False, iconscolor='#f8bd1a', iconsfolder=True, icons_folder_opened='mdi-folder-open', icons_folder_closed='mdi-folder', iconroot=None, iconscolumnName1=None, iconscolumnName2=None, iconscolumnName3=None, tooltips=False, tooltips_chars=20, item_height=24, font_size=15, icon_size=18, checkbox_size=24)[source]

Create a three levels treeview form the strings contained in three columns of a Pandas DataFrame.

  • df (Pandas DataFrame) – Pandas DataFrame containing at least two columns of type string

  • columnName1 (str) – Name of the column of the Pandas DataFrame df containing the parent strings

  • columnName2 (str) – Name of the column of the Pandas DataFrame df containing the child strings

  • columnName3 (str) – Name of the column of the Pandas DataFrame df containing the sub-child strings

  • rootName (str, optional) – Name to be displayed as root of the tree (default is ‘Root’)

  • separator (str, optional) – String or character to be considered as separator for calculating the fullname of a node (default is ‘.’). The full name of a node is the concatenation of the path to reach the node, using the separator character

  • select_all (bool, optional) – Flag to control the initial selection of all the nodes of the tree (default is True)

  • on_change (function, optional) – Python function to call when the selected nodes change caused by user clicking in one of the checkboxes (default is None). The function receives as argument a list of all the fullnames of the selected nodes

  • on_activated (function, optional) – Python function to call when the active item changes (user selecting a node) (default is None)

  • expand_selection_to_parents (bool, optional) – If True, also the parent nodes are returned as selected when all children are selected (default is True)

  • width (str, optional) – Width of the treeview widget (default is ‘200px’)

  • height (int, optional) – Height of the treeview widget (default is ‘500px’)

  • elevation (int, optional) – Elevation to assign to the widget (default is 0)

  • repeat_parent_as_first_child (bool, optional) – If True each parent node will have a first children with its name (default is False)

  • color (str, optional) – Color to be used as main color of the Treeview widget (default is settings.color_first)

  • dark (bool, optional) – If True, the treeview widget will have a dark background (default is settings.dark_mode)

  • transition (bool, optional) – If True applies a transition when nodes are opened and closed (default is False)

  • selectable (bool, optional) – If True the nodes of the tree have a checkbox to select them (default is True)

  • activatable (bool, optional) – If True, one of the nodes of the tree can be activated (default is False)

  • active (str, optional) – Fullname of the node to activate on start (default is None). The full name of a node is the concatenation of the path to reach the node, using the separator character

  • open_on_click (bool, optional) – If True, the nodes of the tree can be opened also by clicking on the node label (default is False)

  • opened (list of str, optional) – List of fullnames of the nodes to open at start (default is []). The full name of a node is the concatenation of the path to reach the node, using the separator character

  • opened_all (bool, optional) – If True, all the tree nodes are opened at start (default is False). This setting has prevalence over the opened parameter.

  • selected (list of str, optional) – List of fullnames of the nodes to select at start (default is []). The full name of a node is the concatenation of the path to reach the node, using the separator character

  • disabled (list of str, optional) – List of fullnames of the nodes to display as disabled in the tree (default is [])

  • iconsshow (bool, optional) – If True, an icon is added to each node of the tree (default is False)

  • iconscolor (str, optional) – Color of the icons (default is settings.color_first)

  • iconsfolder (bool, optional) – If True (and if iconsshow is True) it adds the open/closed folder icon to nodes that have children (default is True)

  • icons_folder_opened (str, optional) – Name of the icon to use for opened nodes that have children when iconsfolder is True (default ‘mdi-folder-open’)

  • icons_folder_closed (str, optional) – Name of the icon to use for closed nodes that have children when iconsfolder is True (default ‘mdi-folder’)

  • iconroot (str, optional) – Name of the icon for the root node of the tree (default is None)

  • iconscolumnName1 (str, optional) – Name of the DataFrame column that contains the icon name for the node on the first level of the tree (default is None)

  • iconscolumnName2 (str, optional) – Name of the DataFrame column that contains the icon name for the node on the second level of the tree (default is None)

  • iconscolumnName3 (str, optional) – Name of the DataFrame column that contains the icon name for the node on the third level of the tree (default is None)

  • tooltips (bool, optional) – If True the nodes will show the tooltip (default is False)

  • tooltips_chars (int, optional) – Minimum lenght of the node label to show the tooltip (default is 20)

  • item_height (int, optional) – Item height in pixels (default is 24)

  • font_size (int, optional) – Font size in pixels (default is 15)

  • icon_size (int, optional) – Icon size in pixels (default is 18)

  • checkbox_size (int, optional) – Checkbox size in pixels (default is 24)


An ipyvuetify v.Card widget having a v.Html as its only child. The v.Html has a treeview.CustomTreeview widget as its only child

Return type:



Creation of a treeview from a simple Pandas DataFrame:

from vois.vuetify import treeview
import pandas as pd

table = [['parent', 'child', 'nephew'], ['John', 'Mary', 'Johnny'], ['John', 'Peter', 'Lisa'],
                                        ['Ann', 'Hellen', 'July'], ['Ann', 'Sue', 'Hellen'],
                                        ['Ann', 'Claire', 'Pieter']]
headers = table.pop(0)
df = pd.DataFrame(table, columns=headers)

def on_change(arg):

treecard = treeview.createTreeviewFromDF3Columns(df, headers[0], headers[1], headers[2],
treeview widget

Fig. 105 Treeview widget created from a Pandas DataFrame.

treeview.createTreeviewFromList(nameslist=[], rootName='Root', separator='.', select_all=True, on_change=None, on_activated=None, expand_selection_to_parents=True, displayfullname=True, width='200px', height='500px', elevation=0, repeat_parent_as_first_child=False, substitutionDict=None, color='#f8bd1a', dark=False, transition=False, selectable=True, activatable=False, active=None, open_on_click=False, opened=[], opened_all=False, selected=[], disabled=[], iconsshow=False, iconscolor='#f8bd1a', iconsfolder=True, icons_folder_opened='mdi-folder-open', icons_folder_closed='mdi-folder', iconroot=None, iconsDict=None, tooltips=False, tooltips_chars=20, item_height=24, font_size=15, icon_size=18, checkbox_size=24)[source]

Create a treeview form a list of strings and a separator that defines the hierarchical structure (example: [‘A’, ‘A.1’, ‘A.2’, ‘B’, ‘B.3’]).

  • nameslist (list, optional) – List of strings that contain a hierarchical structure, considering the separator character (default is [])

  • rootName (str, optional) – Name to be displayed as root of the tree (default is ‘Root’)

  • separator (str, optional) – String or character to be considered as separator for extracting the hierarchical structure from the nameslist list of strings (default is ‘.’)

  • select_all (bool, optional) – Flag to control the initial selection of all the nodes of the tree (default is True)

  • on_change (function, optional) – Python function to call when the selected nodes change caused by user clicking in one of the checkboxes (default is None)

  • on_activated (function, optional) – Python function to call when the active item changes (user selecting a node) (default is None)

  • expand_selection_to_parents (bool, optional) – If True, also the parent nodes are returned as selected when all children are selected (default is True)

  • displayfullname (bool, optional) – If True the nodes will display the full names, id False only the last part splitted by the separator (default is True)

  • width (str, optional) – Width of the treeview widget (default is ‘200px’)

  • height (str, optional) – Height of the treeview widget (default is ‘500px’)

  • elevation (int, optional) – Elevation to assign to the widget (default is 0)

  • repeat_parent_as_first_child (bool, optional) – If True each parent node will have a first children with its name (default is False)

  • substitutionDict (dict, optional) – Dictionary to apply substitutions to the fullnames of the items extracted from the nameslist parameters (default is None)

  • color (str, optional) – Color to be used as main color of the Treeview widget (default is settings.color_first)

  • dark (bool, optional) – If True, the treeview widget will have a dark background (default is settings.dark_mode)

  • transition (bool, optional) – If True applies a transition when nodes are opened and closed (default is False)

  • selectable (bool, optional) – If True the nodes of the tree have a checkbox to select them (default is True)

  • activatable (bool, optional) – If True, one of the nodes of the tree can be activated (default is False)

  • active (str, optional) – Name of the node to activate on start (default is None)

  • open_on_click (bool, optional) – If True, the nodes of the tree can be opened also by clicking on the node label (default is False)

  • opened (list of str, optional) – List of names of the nodes to open at start (default is [])

  • opened_all (bool, optional) – If True, all the tree nodes are opened at start (default is False). This setting has prevalence over the opened parameter.

  • selected (list of str, optional) – List of fullnames of the nodes to select at start (default is []).

  • disabled (list of str, optional) – List of fullnames of the nodes to display as disabled in the tree (default is [])

  • iconsshow (bool, optional) – If True, an icon is added to each node of the tree (default is False)

  • iconscolor (str, optional) – Color of the icons (default is settings.color_first)

  • iconsfolder (bool, optional) – If True (and if iconsshow is True) it adds the open/closed folder icon to nodes that have children (default is True)

  • icons_folder_opened (str, optional) – Name of the icon to use for opened nodes that have children when iconsfolder is True (default ‘mdi-folder-open’)

  • icons_folder_closed (str, optional) – Name of the icon to use for closed nodes that have children when iconsfolder is True (default ‘mdi-folder’)

  • iconroot (str, optional) – Name of the icon for the root node of the tree (default is None)

  • iconsDict (dict, optional) – Dictionary to apply icons to the fullnames of the items, if iconsshow is True (default is None)

  • tooltips (bool, optional) – If True the nodes will show the tooltip (default is False)

  • tooltips_chars (int, optional) – Minimum lenght of the node label to show the tooltip (default is 20)

  • item_height (int, optional) – Item height in pixels (default is 24)

  • font_size (int, optional) – Font size in pixels (default is 15)

  • icon_size (int, optional) – Icon size in pixels (default is 18)

  • checkbox_size (int, optional) – Checkbox size in pixels (default is 24)


v.Card – An ipyvuetify v.Card widget having a v.Html as its only child. The v.Html has a treeview.CustomTreeview widget as its only child

Return type:

ipyvuetify Card widget


Creation and display of a treeview:

from vois.vuetify import treeview
from IPython.display import display

treecard = treeview.createTreeviewFromList(['A','A.1','A.2','A.1.1',
                                           substitutionDict={'A.1': 'A.1 new name'},
treeview widget

Fig. 106 Treeview widget created from a list of strings.

class treeview.treeviewOperations(treecard)[source]

Helper class to operate on a treeview returned by the createTreeviewFromList() and createTreeviewFromDF2Columns() functions. This class allows for activation and opening/closing of nodes of the tree


Value returned by a call to the functions createTreeviewFromList() and createTreeviewFromDF2Columns().


instance of ipyvuetify Card widget


Creation and display of a treeview and programmatical activation and opening of the nodes:

from vois.vuetify import treeview
from IPython.display import display

treecard = treeview.createTreeviewFromList(['A','A.1','A.2','A.1.1',
                                           substitutionDict={'A.1': 'A.1 new name'},

top = treeview.treeviewOperations(treecard)

# Print active node

# Set active node

# Set the list of opened nodes
top.setOpened(['Root', 'A', 'A.3'])

Returns the fullname of the node that is active in the treeview


Returns the list of full names of the children of a node


Given the fullname of a node, returns the fullname of its first child, or None if the node has no children


Returns the list of the fullnames of the opened nodes of the treeview


Returns the list of the fullnames of the selected nodes of the treeview


Open all the nodes of the treeview


Set the active node of the treeview by passing its fullname

setChildren(nodefullname, childrenfullnames)[source]

Dynamically change the children of a node


Creation and display of a treeview and programmatically add children to nodes:

from vois.vuetify import treeview
from IPython.display import display

treecard = treeview.createTreeviewFromList(['A','A.1','A.2','B'],


top = treeview.treeviewOperations(treecard)

top.setChildren('A.2', ['A.2.1', 'A.2.2'])

Set the list of opened nodes of the treeview given their fullnames


Search for a text string in the nodes of the tree


Set the list of selected nodes of the treeview given their fullnames


upload widget

Widget to upload files from the user local machine

class upload.upload(accept='', label='', placeholder='', color='#f8bd1a', width='100%', margins='pa-0 ma-0', multiple=False, show_progress=True, onchange=None)[source]

Widget to upload files from the user local machine.

  • accept (str, optional) – String containing the comma separated list of mime types of files accepted for the upload operation (example: ‘image/png, image/jpeg’)

  • label (str, optional) – Label displayed in the upper part of the widget (default is the empty string)

  • placeholder (str, optional) – String that provides some guidance to the user (default is the empty string)

  • color (str, optional) – Color used for the widget (default is the color_first defined in the module)

  • width (str, optional) – Width of the control in pixels or in percentage (default is “100%”)

  • margins (str, optional) – Margins to apply to the widgets (default is “pa-0 ma-0”)

  • multiple (bool, optional) – Flag to enable multiple selection of files to upload (default is False)

  • show_progress (bool, optional) – Flag to show a progress bar while uploading (default is True)

  • onchange (function, optional) – Python function to call when the user selects one or more files to upload. The function will receive a parameter of type list containing the files to upload


Creation and display of a widget for the upload of images:

from vois.vuetify import upload
from IPython.display import display

u = upload.upload(accept="image/png, image/jpeg, image/bmp",
                  placeholder='Click to select images to upload')
upload widget

Fig. 107 Upload widget for selecting images to upload.


Sets the widget to its initial state (no file selected)


Returns the ipyvuetify object to display


Display the upload widget:

import upload
u = upload.upload(accept="image/png, image/jpeg, image/bmp",
                  placeholder='Click to select images to upload')