Source code for card

"""Simple card with title, subtitle and image."""
# Author(s):
# Copyright © European Union 2022-2023
# Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.2 or as soon they will be approved by 
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import ipyvuetify as v
import traitlets

[docs]class card(v.VuetifyTemplate): """ Simple card displaying title, subtitle and an image. Parameters ---------- width : str, optional Width of the card (default is '400px') color : str, optional Background color of the card (default is 'white') dark : bool, optional If True the title and subtitle texts are displayed in white color, if False they are displayed in black (default is False) ripple : bool, optional If True the click on the card is highlighted (default is False) elevation : int, optional Elevation of the card over the background of the page (default is 3) title : str, optional Title of the card (default is 'Title') subtitle : str, optional Subtitle of the card (default is 'Subtitle') icon : str, optional URL of the image to display as an icon before the card title (default is '') iconsize : str, optional Size of the area where the icon is displayed (default is '32px') image : str, optional URL of the image to display in the right side of the card (default is '') imagesize : str, optional Size of the area where the image is displayed (default is '190px') on_click : function, optional Python function to call when the user clicks on the card. The function will receive no parameters. (default is None) argument : any, optional Argument to pass to the on_click python function (default is None) responsive : bool, optional If True, the font size is automatically changed according to the page size (default is False) fontsizemultiplier : float, optional Multiply factor for changing the standard size of the font used for title and subtitle (default is 1.0) backgroundimageurl : str, optional URL of the optional image to display as background of the card (default is '') tooltip : str, optional Text to display as tooltip of the whole card (default is '') titletooltip : str, optional Text to display as tooltip of the card title (default is '') focusedopacity : float, optional Opacity of the card background when the card is clicked (has focus). Default is 0.1 textcolor : str, optional Color of the text (default is 'black') titleweight : int, optional Font weight for the title (default is 700) subtitleweight : int, optional Font weight for the subtitle (default is 400) Example ------- Creation of a card to display text and an image:: from vois.vuetify import card from ipywidgets import widgets from IPython.display import display output = widgets.Output() def on_click(): with output: print('clicked!') subtitle = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi...' width = 600 c = card.card(elevation=5, width='600px', title='Sample dataset', subtitle=subtitle, image='', on_click=on_click) display(c) display(output) .. figure:: figures/card.png :scale: 100 % :alt: card widget Example of a card with text and an image """ width = traitlets.Unicode('400px').tag(sync=True) height = traitlets.Unicode('').tag(sync=True) color = traitlets.Unicode('white').tag(sync=True) dark = traitlets.Bool(False).tag(sync=True) ripple = traitlets.Bool(False).tag(sync=True) # Ripple flag (if True the click on the card is highlighted) disabled = traitlets.Bool(False).tag(sync=True) elevation = traitlets.Int(5).tag(sync=True) title = traitlets.Unicode('Title').tag(sync=True) subtitle = traitlets.Unicode('Subtitle').tag(sync=True) icon = traitlets.Unicode('').tag(sync=True) iconsize = traitlets.Unicode('32px').tag(sync=True) image = traitlets.Unicode('').tag(sync=True) imagesize = traitlets.Unicode('190px').tag(sync=True) on_click = traitlets.Any(None).tag(sync=False) argument = traitlets.Any(None).tag(sync=False) responsive = traitlets.Bool(False).tag(sync=True) fontsizemultiplier = traitlets.Float(1.0).tag(sync=True) backgroundimageurl = traitlets.Unicode('').tag(sync=True) subtitlemargins = traitlets.Unicode('ma-0 ml-4 mb-4 mt-0 mr-4').tag(sync=True) focusedopacity = traitlets.Float(0.1).tag(sync=True) textcolor = traitlets.Unicode('black').tag(sync=True) titleweight = traitlets.Int(700).tag(sync=True) subtitleweight = traitlets.Int(400).tag(sync=True) @traitlets.default('template') def _template(self): pre = '' ttip = '' post = '' if len(self.tooltip) > 0: pre = '<v-hover v-slot="{ hover }">' ttip = '<v-tooltip attach allow-overflow absolute center bottom z-index=99999 v-model="hover"><span>%s</span></v-tooltip>' % self.tooltip post = '</v-hover>' title_pre = '' title_att = '' title_post = '' if len(self.titletooltip) > 0: title_pre = '<v-tooltip bottom max-width="%s"><template v-slot:activator="{ on, attrs }">' % str(self.width) title_att = 'v-bind="attrs" v-on="on"' title_post = '</template><span>%s</span></v-tooltip>' % self.titletooltip return ''' %s <v-card class="pa-1 ma-1" :width="width" :height="height" :color="color" :dark="dark" raised hover :elevation="elevation" :ripple="ripple" :disabled="disabled" @click="clicked" style="overflow: hidden;" :img="backgroundimageurl" > <div class="d-flex flex-no-wrap justify-space-between"> %s <div> <v-row dense> <v-avatar class="pa-0 ma-0 ml-3 mt-2 mr-n2" :size="iconsize" tile > <v-img :src="icon"></v-img> </v-avatar> %s <v-card-title %s class="mt-n2 mb-1" :style="fontSizeTitle" v-text="title"></v-card-title> %s </v-row> <div :class="subtitlemargins" :style="fontSizeSubTitle" v-html="subtitle"/> </div> <v-avatar class="ma-n1" :size="imagesize" tile > <v-img :src="image" contain></v-img> </v-avatar> </div> </v-card> %s <script> export default { computed: { fontSizeTitle () { if( this.responsive ) { switch( this.$ ) { case 'xs': return 'color: %s; font-weight: %d; font-size: ' + (0.75*this.fontsizemultiplier).toFixed(3) + 'em;' case 'sm': return 'color: %s; font-weight: %d; font-size: ' + (1.00*this.fontsizemultiplier).toFixed(3) + 'em;' case 'md': return 'color: %s; font-weight: %d; font-size: ' + (1.25*this.fontsizemultiplier).toFixed(3) + 'em;' case 'lg': return 'color: %s; font-weight: %d; font-size: ' + (1.45*this.fontsizemultiplier).toFixed(3) + 'em;' case 'xl': return 'color: %s; font-weight: %d; font-size: ' + (1.60*this.fontsizemultiplier).toFixed(3) + 'em;' } } else { return 'colors: %s; font-weight: %d; font-size: ' + (1.25*this.fontsizemultiplier).toFixed(3) + 'em;' } }, fontSizeSubTitle () { if( this.responsive ) { switch( this.$ ) { case 'xs': return 'color: %s; font-weight: %d; font-size: ' + (0.8*this.fontsizemultiplier).toFixed(3) + 'em;' case 'sm': return 'color: %s; font-weight: %d; font-size: ' + (0.9*this.fontsizemultiplier).toFixed(3) + 'em;' case 'md': return 'color: %s; font-weight: %d; font-size: ' + (1.0*this.fontsizemultiplier).toFixed(3) + 'em;' case 'lg': return 'color: %s; font-weight: %d; font-size: ' + (1.1*this.fontsizemultiplier).toFixed(3) + 'em;' case 'xl': return 'color: %s; font-weight: %d; font-size: ' + (1.2*this.fontsizemultiplier).toFixed(3) + 'em;' } } else { return 'color: %s; font-weight: %d; font-size: ' + (1.0*this.fontsizemultiplier).toFixed(3) + 'em;' } }, }, } </script> <style> .vuetify-styles .v-card--link:focus::before { opacity: %f; } </style> ''' % (pre,ttip, title_pre,title_att,title_post, post, self.textcolor,self.titleweight, self.textcolor,self.titleweight, self.textcolor,self.titleweight, self.textcolor,self.titleweight, self.textcolor,self.titleweight, self.textcolor,self.titleweight, self.textcolor,self.subtitleweight, self.textcolor,self.subtitleweight, self.textcolor,self.subtitleweight, self.textcolor,self.subtitleweight, self.textcolor,self.subtitleweight, self.textcolor,self.subtitleweight, self.focusedopacity) def __init__(self, *args, width='400px', height='', color='white', dark=False, ripple=False, disabled=False, elevation=3, title='Title', subtitle='Subtitle', icon='', iconsize='32px', image='', imagesize='190px', on_click=None, argument=None, responsive=False, fontsizemultiplier=1.0, backgroundimageurl='', tooltip='', titletooltip='', focusedopacity=0.1, # Opacity for the background when the card is clicked (has focus) textcolor='black', titleweight=700, subtitleweight=400, **kwargs): self.tooltip = tooltip self.titletooltip = titletooltip self.focusedopacity = focusedopacity self.textcolor = textcolor self.titleweight = titleweight self.subtitleweight = subtitleweight self.width = width self.height = height self.color = color self.dark = dark self.ripple = ripple self.disabled = disabled self.elevation = elevation self.title = title self.subtitle = subtitle if len(self.subtitle) == 0: self.subtitlemargins = 'ma-0 ml-4 mb-n4 mt-0' self.icon = icon if len(icon) == 0: self.iconsize = '0px' else: self.iconsize = iconsize self.image = image if len(image) == 0: self.imagesize = '0px' else: self.imagesize = imagesize self.on_click = on_click self.argument = argument self.responsive = responsive self.fontsizemultiplier = fontsizemultiplier self.backgroundimageurl = backgroundimageurl super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Manage event "click" def vue_clicked(self, data): if not self.on_click is None: if self.argument is None: self.on_click() else: self.on_click(self.argument)