Source code for paletteEditor

"""Widget for the creation and editing of color palettes."""
# Author(s):
# Copyright © European Union 2022-2023
# Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.2 or as soon they will be approved by 
# the European Commission subsequent versions of the EUPL (the "Licence");
# You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence.
# You may obtain a copy of the Licence at:

# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the Licence is distributed on an "AS IS"
# express or implied.
# See the Licence for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the Licence.
import ipyvuetify as v
from ipywidgets import widgets, Layout
from IPython.display import display, HTML
import random
import base64
import json

    from . import settings
    from . import sortableList
    from . import palettePicker
    from . import colorPicker
    from . import switch
    from . import tooltip
    from . import dialogGeneric
    from . import dialogWait
    from . import dialogMessage
    from . import selectSingle
    from . import upload
    import settings
    import sortableList
    import palettePicker
    import colorPicker
    import switch
    import tooltip
    import dialogGeneric
    import dialogWait
    import dialogMessage
    import selectSingle
    import upload

# Utility to return items from a list of colors
[docs]def colorlist2Items(colors=[]): """ Utility function to convert a list of colors to a list of items to pass as parameter to the :py:class:`paletteEditor.paletteEditor` class Parameters ---------- colorlist : list of str, optional List of string representing colors in the format '#RRGGBB' (default is []) Return ------ A list of items ready to be passed to the :py:class:`paletteEditor.paletteEditor` class constructor """ return [{ "value": 0, "class": "", "color": x } for x in colors]
# Utility: 3 integers to '#RRGGBB' def RGB(r,g,b): return '#{:02X}{:02X}{:02X}'.format(r, g, b) # Class paletteEditor
[docs]class paletteEditor(): """ Widget for the creation and editing of color palettes. Parameters ---------- title : str, optional Title of the palette (default is '') items : list of dicts, optional List of dicts containing "value", "class" and "color" (default is []) interpolate : bool, optional Flag to control the interpolation of the colorlist: if True the palette will be displayed by adding intermediate colors (default is True) width : int, optional Width of the widget in pixels (default is 420) color : str, optional Color used for the widget (default is the color_first defined in the module) dark : bool, optional Flag to invert the text and backcolor (default is the value of settings.dark_mode) onchange : function, optional Python function to call when the user changes the order of colors or removes a color. The function will receive no parameters as input (default is None) buttonstooltip : bool, optional If True, the buttons to mode, add, remove colors and assign values to colors will have a tooltip (default is True) Example ------- Example of a widget to create and edit a color palette:: from vois.vuetify import paletteEditor from ipywidgets import widgets from IPython.display import display output = widgets.Output() def onchange(): with output: print('onchange!') p = paletteEditor(items=[], width=450, onchange=onchange) display(p.draw()) display(output) .. figure:: figures/paletteEditor.png :scale: 100 % :alt: card widget Example of a widget to create and edit a color palette """ # Initialization def __init__(self, title='', items=[], interpolate=True, width=420, maxheightlist=600, color=settings.color_first, dark=settings.dark_mode, onchange=None, buttonstooltip=True): self.width = width self.color = color self.dark = dark self.onchange = onchange self.buttonstooltip = buttonstooltip self.outputdialog = widgets.Output(layout=Layout(width='0px', min_width='0px', height='0px')) self.outputtoolbar = widgets.Output() self.outputtitle = widgets.Output() self.outputpalette = widgets.Output() self.outputlist = widgets.Output() self.outputpreview = widgets.Output(layout=Layout(width='480px', min_width='480px', height='50px')) self.tfTitle = v.TextField(v_model=title, label="Title", color=self.color, class_="pa-0 ma-0 mt-3", style_="width: %dpx; max-width: %dpx"%(self.width,self.width)) self.sp = v.Html(tag='div', class_="pa-0 ma-0 mr-3", children=['']) self.palette_text = '' = v.TextField(v_model="Palette", label="Palette file name", autofocus=True, color=self.color, class_="pa-0 ma-0 ml-4 mr-4") custompalettes = [ { "name": "Simple", "colors": ['#000000', '#FF0000', '#00FF00', '#0000FF', '#FFFF00', '#FF00FF', '#00FFFF', '#FFFFFF']}, { "name": "Dem", "colors": [RGB(255,255,170), RGB( 39,168, 39), RGB( 11,128, 64), RGB(255,255, 0), RGB(255,186, 3), RGB(158, 30, 2), RGB(110, 40, 10), RGB(138, 94, 66), RGB(255,255,255)]}, { "name": "NDVI", "colors": [RGB(120,69,25), RGB(255,178,74), RGB(255,237,166), RGB(173,232,94), RGB(135,181,64), RGB(3,156,0), RGB(1,100,0), RGB(1,80,0)]} ] families = ['carto', 'cmocean', 'cyclical', 'diverging', 'plotlyjs', 'qualitative', 'sequential', 'custom'] family = 'sequential' self.selfam = selectSingle.selectSingle('Family:', families, selection=family, width=160, onchange=self.onchangeFamily, marginy=1, clearable=False) self.pp = palettePicker.palettePicker(family=family, custompalettes=custompalettes, label='Palette:', height=26) self.upload_file = upload.upload(accept="application/json", multiple=False, show_progress=False, onchange=self.on_upload_palette, label='Palette file:', placeholder='Click to select the palette to upload', width='480px', margins="pa-0 ma-0 ml-4") # Top buttons = v.Btn(icon=True, class_="mr-0", dark=self.dark, children=[v.Icon(children=['mdi-file-outline'])])'click', self.onnew) self.upload = v.Btn(icon=True, class_="mr-0", dark=self.dark, children=[v.Icon(children=['mdi-folder-open-outline'])]) self.upload.on_event('click', self.onupload) = v.Btn(icon=True, class_="mr-0", dark=self.dark, children=[v.Icon(children=['mdi-content-save'])])'click', self.ondownload) = v.Btn(icon=True, class_="mr-0", dark=self.dark, children=[v.Icon(children=['mdi-folder-search-outline'])])'click', self.onselect) self.revert = v.Btn(icon=True, class_="mr-0", dark=self.dark, children=[v.Icon(children=['mdi-autorenew'])]) self.revert.on_event('click', self.onrevert) self.random = v.Btn(icon=True, class_="mr-0", dark=self.dark, children=[v.Icon(children=['mdi-palette'])]) self.random.on_event('click', self.onrandom) with self.outputtoolbar: display(v.Row(no_gutters=True, style_="min-width: 300px;", justify="start", class_="pa-0 ma-0", children=[tooltip.tooltip("New palette",, tooltip.tooltip("Load a palette from local disk",self.upload), tooltip.tooltip("Save current palette to local disk",, tooltip.tooltip("Select one of the pre-defined palettes",, tooltip.tooltip("Revert palette order",self.revert), tooltip.tooltip("Assign random colors",self.random)])) with self.outputtitle: display(self.tfTitle) # Bottom buttons = v.Btn(icon=True, class_="mr-0", dark=self.dark, children=[v.Icon(children=['mdi-numeric-0'])])'click', self.onzero) self.asc = v.Btn(icon=True, class_="mr-0", dark=self.dark, children=[v.Icon(children=['mdi-numeric-1'])]) self.asc.on_event('click', self.onasc) self.desc = v.Btn(icon=True, class_="mr-0", dark=self.dark, children=[v.Icon(children=['mdi-numeric-negative-1'])]) self.desc.on_event('click', self.ondesc) self.sw = switch.switch(interpolate, "Interpolate", color=self.color, onchange=self.__internal_onchange) self.s = sortableList.sortableList(items=items, width=self.width, maxheightlist=maxheightlist, outlined=False, dark=self.dark, allowNew=True, itemNew=self.itemNew, itemContent=self.itemContent, bottomContent=[#self.sp,self.sp, tooltip.tooltip("Set all values to 0",, tooltip.tooltip("Set increasing values starting from first color",self.asc), tooltip.tooltip("Set decreasing values starting from last color", self.desc), tooltip.tooltip("Interpolate colors",self.sw.draw())], onchange=self.__internal_onchange, buttonstooltip=self.buttonstooltip, tooltipadd='Add new color', tooltipdown='Move color down', tooltipup='Move color up', tooltipremove='Remove color') self.updatePalette() with self.outputlist: display(self.s.draw()) # Change family in the palette picker def onchangeFamily(self): family = self.selfam.value if family == 'carto' or family == 'qualitative': interpolate = False else: interpolate = True self.pp.updatePalettes(family,interpolate) # New palette def onnew(self, widget, event, data): self.s.items = [] self.sw.value = True self.tfTitle.v_model = '' # Select def onselect(self, widget, event, data): def on_ok(): dlg = dialogWait.dialogWait(text='Loading palette...', output=self.outputdialog) self.s.items = colorlist2Items(self.pp.colors) self.sw.value = self.pp.interpolate dlg.close() content1 = v.Row(no_gutters=True, justify="start", class_="pa-0 ma-0 ml-6", children=[self.selfam.draw()]) content2 = v.Row(no_gutters=True, justify="start", class_="pa-0 ma-0 ml-6", children=[self.pp.draw()]) dlg = dialogGeneric.dialogGeneric(title='Palette selection', text='Please select one of the predefined palettes:', show=True, addclosebuttons=False, width=600, addokcancelbuttons=True, on_ok=on_ok, fullscreen=False, content=[widgets.VBox([content1, content2])], output=self.outputdialog) # Called when a .json file is selected for upload def on_upload_palette(self, files): self.outputpreview.clear_output(wait=False) if len(files) > 0: f = files[0] self.palette_text = f['file_obj'].read().decode("utf-8") try: j = json.loads(self.palette_text) if ("format" in j) and ("interpolate" in j) and ("items" in j) and (j["format"] == "BDAP palette 1.0"): items = j["items"] interpolate = j["interpolate"] colors = [x["color"] for x in items] with self.outputpreview: display(v.Card(outlined=True, dark=self.dark, class_="pa-0 ma-0", style_='width: 400px; max-width: 400px; height: 40px; max-height: 40px;' , children=[v.Img(class_="pa-0 ma-1", src=palettePicker.image2Base64(palettePicker.paletteImage(colors, width=360, height=29, interpolate=interpolate)))])) else: self.upload_file.clear() e = dialogMessage.dialogMessage(title='Error', text='The uploaded file is not in the \"BDAP palette 1.0\" format', addclosebuttons=False, show=True, width=400, output=self.outputdialog) except: self.upload_file.clear() e = dialogMessage.dialogMessage(title='Error', text='Cannot read the uploaded file!', addclosebuttons=False, show=True, width=400, output=self.outputdialog) else: self.palette_text = '' # Called when the file upload dialog is closed with the "OK" button def on_upload_ok(self): if len(self.palette_text) > 2: dlg = dialogWait.dialogWait(text='Loading palette...', output=self.outputdialog) try: j = json.loads(self.palette_text) if ("format" in j) and ("interpolate" in j) and ("items" in j) and (j["format"] == "BDAP palette 1.0"): self.s.items, self.sw.value = j["items"], j["interpolate"] if "title" in j: self.tfTitle.v_model = j["title"] else: self.tfTitle.v_model = '' else: e = dialogMessage.dialogMessage(title='Error', text='The uploaded file is not in the \"BDAP palette 1.0\" format', addclosebuttons=False, show=True, width=400, output=self.outputdialog) except: e = dialogMessage.dialogMessage(title='Error', text='Cannot read the uploaded file!', addclosebuttons=False, show=True, width=400, output=self.outputdialog) dlg.close() self.palette_text = '' self.upload_file.clear() # Called when the file upload dialog is closed with the "cancel" button def on_upload_cancel(self): self.palette_text = '' self.upload_file.clear() # Upload def onupload(self, widget, event, data): self.outputpreview.clear_output() dlg = dialogGeneric.dialogGeneric(title='Load a palette from local disk', text='', show=True, addclosebuttons=False, width=520, addokcancelbuttons=True, on_ok=self.on_upload_ok, on_cancel=self.on_upload_cancel, fullscreen=False, content=[self.upload_file.draw(), self.outputpreview], output=self.outputdialog) # Direct download of a .txt file containing a string def downloadText(self, textobj, fileName="palette.json"): string_bytes = textobj.encode("ascii","ignore") base64_bytes = base64.b64encode(string_bytes) base64_string = base64_bytes.decode("ascii") self.outputdialog.clear_output() with self.outputdialog: display(HTML('<script>function downloadURI(uri, name) { var link = document.createElement("a"); = name; link.href = uri;;} downloadURI("data:application/octet-stream;charset=utf-8;base64,' + base64_string + '","' + fileName + '"); </script>')) # Download def ondownload(self, widget, event, data): def on_ok(): items = self.s.items j = { "format": "BDAP palette 1.0", "interpolate": self.sw.value, "items" : items, "title" : self.tfTitle.v_model } txt = json.dumps(j) filename = if filename[-5:] != ".json": filename += ".json" self.downloadText(txt, fileName=filename) dlg = dialogGeneric.dialogGeneric(title='Save current palette to local disk', text='', show=True, addclosebuttons=False, width=500, addokcancelbuttons=True, on_ok=on_ok, fullscreen=False, content=[], output=self.outputdialog) # Revert palette order def onrevert(self, widget, event, data): dlg = dialogWait.dialogWait(text='Updating palette...', output=self.outputdialog) self.s.items = list(reversed(self.s.items)) dlg.close() # Assign random colors def onrandom(self, widget, event, data): dlg = dialogWait.dialogWait(text='Updating palette...', output=self.outputdialog) items = self.s.items for item in items: item['color'] = "#" + ''.join([random.choice('0123456789ABCDEF') for j in range(6)]) self.s.items = items dlg.close() # Set all values to zero def onzero(self, widget, event, data): dlg = dialogWait.dialogWait(text='Updating palette...', output=self.outputdialog) items = self.s.items for item in items: item['value'] = 0 self.s.items = items dlg.close() # Set all increasing values starting from first color def onasc(self, widget, event, data): dlg = dialogWait.dialogWait(text='Updating palette...', output=self.outputdialog) items = self.s.items if len(items) > 0: start = items[0]['value'] for index, item in enumerate(items): item['value'] = start + index self.s.items = items dlg.close() # Set all decreasing values starting from last color def ondesc(self, widget, event, data): dlg = dialogWait.dialogWait(text='Updating palette...', output=self.outputdialog) items = self.s.items if len(items) > 0: start = items[-1]['value'] for index, item in enumerate(items): item['value'] = start - len(items) + 1 + index self.s.items = items dlg.close() # Update the palette image def updatePalette(self): colors = [] for item in self.s.items: colors.append(item['color']) self.outputpalette.clear_output(wait=True) with self.outputpalette: display(v.Card(outlined=True, dark=self.dark, style_='width: %dpx; max-width: %dpx; height: 40px; max-height: 40px;' %(self.width,self.width), children=[v.Img(class_="pa-0 ma-1", src=palettePicker.image2Base64(palettePicker.paletteImage(colors, width=self.width-20, height=29, interpolate=self.sw.value)))])) # Creation of a new item def itemNew(self): return { "value": 0, "class": "", "color": "#FF0000" } # Content of an item def itemContent(self, item, index): def onvalue(widget, event, data): item["value"] = int(data) def onclass(widget, event, data): item["class"] = data def oncolor(): item["color"] = cp.color self.updatePalette() netw = self.width - 140 tfvalue = v.TextField(label='Value:', value=item['value'], color=self.color, type="number", dense=True, style_="max-width: %dpx"%(int(0.25*netw)), class_="pa-0 ma-0 mt-2") tfvalue.on_event('input', onvalue) tfclass = v.TextField(label='Class:', value=item['class'], color=self.color, dense=True, style_="max-width: %dpx"%(int(0.74*netw)), class_="pa-0 ma-0 mt-2") tfclass.on_event('input', onclass) cp = colorPicker.colorPicker(color=item['color'], dark=self.dark, width=30, show_swatches=False, onchange=oncolor) sp = v.Html(tag='div', class_="pa-0 ma-0 mr-3", children=['']) return [ v.Row(class_="pa-0 ma-0 ml-2", no_gutters=True, children=[tfvalue, sp, tfclass, sp, cp.draw()]) ] # Manage onchange on the sortableList widget def __internal_onchange(self, arg=None): self.updatePalette() if self.onchange: self.onchange() # Returns the vuetify object to display
[docs] def draw(self): """Returns the ipyvuetify object to display (a v.Html object displaying two output widgets)""" return v.Html(tag='div',children=[widgets.VBox([v.Html(tag='div',children=[''], class_='pa-0 ma-0 mb-2'), widgets.HBox([self.outputtoolbar,self.outputdialog]),self.outputtitle,self.outputpalette,self.outputlist])])
# colors property @property def colors(self): """ Get/set the colors of the palette. Returns -------- colorlist : list of strings in '#RRGGBB' format List of colors of the palette Example ------- Get the edited palette colors:: print(editor.colors) """ return [x['color'] for x in self.s.items] # Set the colors @colors.setter def colors(self, colorlist): dlg = dialogWait.dialogWait(text='Updating palette...', output=self.outputdialog) items = self.s.items for index,item in enumerate(items): item['color'] = colorlist[index%len(colorlist)] self.s.items = items dlg.close() # items property @property def items(self): """ Get/set the items of the palette. Returns -------- items : list of dicts List of dicts containing "value", "class" and "color" Example ------- Print the edited palette items:: print(editor.items) """ return self.s.items # Set the items @items.setter def items(self, items): dlg = dialogWait.dialogWait(text='Updating palette...', output=self.outputdialog) self.s.items = items dlg.close() # title property @property def title(self): """ Get/set the title of the palette. Returns -------- t : str Title of the palette """ return self.tfTitle.v_model # Set the title @title.setter def title(self, t): self.tfTitle.v_model = str(t) # interpolate property @property def interpolate(self): """ Get/set the interpolate flag. Returns -------- flag : bool Interpolate flag """ return self.sw.value # Set the interpolate @interpolate.setter def interpolate(self, flag): self.sw.value = flag self.updatePalette()