Source code for dialogGeneric

"""Generic modal dialog-box to ask input from the user."""
# Author(s):
# Copyright © European Union 2022-2023
# Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.2 or as soon they will be approved by 
# the European Commission subsequent versions of the EUPL (the "Licence");
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from IPython.display import display
import ipyvuetify as v

    from . import tooltip
    from . import settings
    import tooltip
    import settings

# Display a generic dialog with a close button (and possibly fullscreen)
[docs]class dialogGeneric(): """ Generic modal dialog-box to ask input from the user. Parameters ---------- title : str, optional Title of the dialog-box to be displayed in the top toolbar (default is '') text : str, optional Text to display on top of the dialog-box body (default is '') color: str, optional Color of the title bar of the dialog (default is settings.color_first) dark : bool, optional Flag that controls the color of the text in foreground (if True, the text will be displayed in white, elsewhere in black) show : bool, optional Flag to immediately show the dialog-box upon creation (default is False) content: list of ipyvuetify widgets, optional List of ipyvuietify widgets to be displayed in the body of the dialog-box (default is []) width : int or str, optional Width of the dialog-box. If an integer is passed the width is intended in pixels. Default is 500 pixels fullscreen : bool, optional If True, the dialog-box is opened in fullscreen mode (default is False) persistent : bool, optional If True, clicking outside of the dialog or pressing esc key will not deactivate it (default is False) no_click_animation : bool, optional If True, disables the bounce effect when clicking outside of a dialog's content when using the persistent property (default is False) addclosebuttons : bool, optional If True, the dialog will have a 'close' button in the top toolbar (default is True) addokcancelbuttons : bool, optional If True, the dialog will have 'ok' and 'cancel' buttons in the bottom row (default is False) on_ok : function, optional Python function to call when the user clicks on the OK button. The function will receive no parameters (default is None) on_cancel : function, optional Python function to call when the user clicks on the CANCEL button. The function will receive no parameters (default is None) on_close : function, optional Python function to call when the user clicks on the CLOSE button. The function will receive no parameters (default is None) transition : str, optional Transition to use for the dialog display and close (default is 'dialog-fade-transition'. See: for a list of available transitions (substitute 'v-' with 'dialog-'') output : ipywidgets.Output, optional Output widget on which the widget has to be displayed titleheight : str, optional Height of the title toolbar. It can be: 'prominent', 'dense', 'extended' or a value in pixels (default is 'dense') custom_icon : str, optional Name of the optional icon to display in the top toolbar (default is '') custom_tooltip : str, optional Tooltip to display when hovering on the custom icon in the top toolbar (default is '') custom_icon_onclick : function, optional Python function to call when the user clicks on the custom icon on the topbar. The function will receive no parameters (default is None) Example ------- Creation and display of a modal dialog-box containing a switch widget:: from vois.vuetify import dialogGeneric, switch from ipywidgets import widgets from IPython.display import display output = widgets.Output() display(output) def on_s_change(value): with output: print(value) s = switch.switch(True, 'PNG format', onchange=on_s_change) dlg = dialogGeneric.dialogGeneric(title='Settings', text='Please select the format for download:', show=True, addclosebuttons=True, width=600, fullscreen=False, content=[s.draw()], output=output) .. figure:: figures/dialogGeneric.png :scale: 100 % :alt: dialogGeneric widget Example of a dialogGeneric containing a switch widget. """ def __init__(self, title='', text='', color=settings.color_first, dark=settings.dark_mode, show=False, content=[], width=500, fullscreen=False, persistent=False, no_click_animation=False, addclosebuttons=True, addokcancelbuttons=False, on_ok=None, on_cancel=None, on_close=None, transition='dialog-fade-transition', output=None, titleheight="dense", customclass="", custom_icon='', custom_tooltip='', custom_icon_onclick=None): self.on_ok = on_ok self.on_cancel = on_cancel self.on_close = on_close self.custom_icon_onclick = custom_icon_onclick text = text.replace('<br>','\n') vvv = text.split('\n') if dark: buttontext = settings.textcolor_dark styletext = 'color: ' + settings.textcolor_dark + ';' else: buttontext = settings.textcolor_notdark styletext = 'color: ' + settings.textcolor_notdark + ';' # Close button if addclosebuttons: bclose = v.Btn(text=True, children=['Close'], color=buttontext) bclose.on_event('click', self.close) bclose = tooltip.tooltip('Close the dialog',bclose) else: bclose = '' # Close X button if addclosebuttons: bx = v.Btn(icon=True, children=[v.Icon(children=['mdi-close'])], color=buttontext) bx.on_event('click', self.close) bx = tooltip.tooltip('Close the dialog',bx) else: bx = '' # Custom icon on the top toolbar if len(custom_icon) > 0: bi = v.Btn(icon=True, children=[v.Icon(children=[custom_icon])], color=buttontext) bi.on_event('click', self.oncustomicon) if len(custom_tooltip) > 0: bi = tooltip.tooltip(custom_tooltip,bi) else: bi = '' # OK and Cancel buttons if addokcancelbuttons: self.bok = v.Btn(text=True, children=['OK']) self.bok.on_event('click', self.__internal_on_ok) self.bcancel = v.Btn(text=True, children=['Cancel']) self.bcancel.on_event('click', self.__internal_on_cancel) r = [v.Row(no_gutters=True, justify="end", class_="pa-0 ma-0 mt-4", children=[self.bok,self.bcancel])] else: self.bok = None self.bcancel = None r = [] # Toolbar ttitle = v.ToolbarTitle(children=[title], style_=styletext) spacer = v.Spacer() titems = v.ToolbarItems(children=[bi,bclose]) toolbar = v.Toolbar(height=titleheight, dark=dark, color=color, children=[bx,ttitle,spacer,titems]) # Dialog clist = [toolbar] if len(text) > 0: clist += [ v.CardText(class_='pa-0 ma-0 mt-9', children=['']) ] clist += [ v.CardText(children=[x], class_="mt-n5") for x in vvv ] clist += content + r if type(width)==int: swidth = "%dpx"%width else: swidth = str(width) self.dialog = v.Dialog(width=swidth, v_model=show, fullscreen=fullscreen, transition=transition, persistent=persistent, no_click_animation=no_click_animation, style_="background-color: transparent; z-index:20001;", content_class=customclass, children=[v.Card(children=clist)]) # Display of the dialog if not output is None: with output: display(self.dialog) # Open the dialog
[docs] def show(self): """Open the dialog.""" self.dialog.v_model = True
# Close the dialog
[docs] def close(self, *args): """Close the dialog.""" self.dialog.v_model = False if not self.on_close is None: self.on_close()
# Click on the custom icon def oncustomicon(self, *args): if not self.custom_icon_onclick is None: self.custom_icon_onclick() # Cliked ok def __internal_on_ok(self,*args): self.dialog.v_model = False if not self.on_ok is None: self.on_ok() # Cliked cancel def __internal_on_cancel(self,*args): self.dialog.v_model = False if not self.on_cancel is None: self.on_cancel() # Enable/disable the ok button @property def okdisabled(self): """ Get/Set the disabled status of the ok button. Returns -------- flag : bool True if the ok button is disabled, False otherwise Example ------- Programmatically set the disabled status and print it:: dlg.okdisabled = True print(dlg.okdisabled) """ if self.bok is None: return True else: return self.bok.disabled # Set the disabled status of the ok button @okdisabled.setter def okdisabled(self, flag): if not self.bok is None: self.bok.disabled = bool(flag)