Source code for selectImage

"""Select widget that displays images and enables for single selection.""" 
# Author(s):
# Copyright © European Union 2022-2023
# Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.2 or as soon they will be approved by 
# the European Commission subsequent versions of the EUPL (the "Licence");
# You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence.
# You may obtain a copy of the Licence at:

# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# See the Licence for the specific language governing permissions and
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import ipyvuetify as v
import traitlets 

    from . import settings
    import settings

[docs]class selectImage(v.VuetifyTemplate): """ Select widget that displays images and enables for single selection. Parameters ---------- images : list of json element, one for each image to display, optional Each of the json elements must have "name", and "image" tags. Optional tags are "max_width", "max_height", "margins" label : str, optional Label to show in the select widget (default is '') selection : int, optional Index of the image to display as selected in the selection widgets at start (default is -1) onchange : function, optional Python function to call when the user selects one of the images. The function will receive no parameters. (default is None) color : str, optional Main color of the selection widget (default is settings.color_first) outlined : bool, optional If True the selection widget will have a border around it (default is True) clearable : Bool, optional If True the selection widget will show a -x- button to clear the selection (default is True) width : str, optional Width of the select widget. It can be expressed as pixels (ex: "400px") or percentage (ex: "50%"). Default is "100%" dense : Bool, optional If True the items of the widgets have a reduced height (default is True) max_width : int, optional Max width in pixels of the images displayed inside the selection widget (default is 100) max_height : int, optional Max height in pixels of the images displayed inside the selection widget (default is 100) margins : str, optional Margins to apply to the images in the selection list and when displayed as selected in the widget (default is "ma-0 mr-1 mb-1") Example ------- Creation of a select widget to select an image:: from vois.vuetify import selectImage from ipywidgets import widgets from IPython.display import display output = widgets.Output() def onchange(): with output: print(s.value) images = [ { "name": 'Image 0', "image": ''}, { "name": 'Image 1', "image": ''}, { "name": 'Image 2', "image": ''}, { "name": 'Image 3', "image": ''} ] s = selectImage.selectImage(images=images, selection=1, max_height=100, onchange=onchange, label='Please select an image from the list', outlined=True, clearable=True, margins="ma-1") display(s) display(output) .. figure:: figures/selectImage.png :scale: 100 % :alt: selectImage widget Example of a selectImage widget """ images = traitlets.Any([]).tag(sync=True) # images to display (array of json objects containing "name", and "image" tags). # Optional tags are "max_width", "max_height", "margins" selection = traitlets.Any(None).tag(sync=True) label = traitlets.Unicode('').tag(sync=True) color = traitlets.Unicode(settings.color_first).tag(sync=True) outlined = traitlets.Bool(True).tag(sync=True) clearable = traitlets.Bool(True).tag(sync=True) dense = traitlets.Bool(True).tag(sync=True) style = traitlets.Unicode('width: %100%; max-width: 100%;').tag(sync=True) template = traitlets.Unicode(''' <v-card style="overflow: hidden;"> <v-select :value="selection" :v-model="selection" :items="images" :color="color" :clearable="clearable" :outlined="outlined" :label="label" class="pa-0 ma-0 mt-1 mb-n6" :dense="dense" :style="style" @input="input"> <template v-slot:selection="{ item, index }"> <v-img :class="item.margins" :src="item.image" :max-width="item.max_width" :max-height="item.max_height" ></v-img> {{}} </template> <template v-slot:item="{ item }"> <v-img :class="item.margins" :src="item.image" :max-width="item.max_width" :max-height="item.max_height" ></v-img> {{}} </template> </v-select> </template> <style id="treeview-item-style"> .v-application .primary--text { color: #000000 !important; background-color: #ffffff !important; caret-color: #000000 !important; } .v-list .v-list-item--active { background-color: #ffffff !important; } .v-list .v-list-item--active .v-list-item__title { color: #000000 !important; } </style> ''').tag(sync=True) def __init__(self, images=[], label='', selection=-1, onchange=None, color=settings.color_first, width="100%", dense=True, outlined=True, clearable=True, max_width=100, max_height=100, margins="ma-0 mr-1 mb-1"): super().__init__() self.max_width = max_width self.max_height = max_height self.margins = margins i = 0 for img in images: img["index"] = i i += 1 if not "name" in img: img["name"] = "" if not "max_width" in img: img["max_width"] = str(self.max_width) if not "max_height" in img: img["max_height"] = str(self.max_height) if not "margins" in img: img["margins"] = self.margins self.images = images self.label = label self.onchange = onchange self.color = color self.dense = dense self.outlined = outlined self.clearable = clearable = 'width: %s; max-width: %s;' % (str(width), str(width)) self._value = -1 self.selection = None if isinstance(selection, int) and selection >= 0 and selection < len(self.images): self._value = selection self.selection = self.images[selection] # Manage event "input" def vue_input(self, data): if 'index' in data: self._value = data['index'] else: self._value = -1 if self.onchange: self.onchange() # value property @property def value(self): """ Get/Set the selected image index. Returns -------- v : int index of the image currently selected Example ------- Programmatically select one of the images given its index:: sel.value = 3 print(sel.value) """ return self._value @value.setter def value(self, v): if isinstance(v, int) and v >= 0 and v < len(self.images): self._value = v self.selection = self.images[v] else: self._value = -1 self.selection = '' if self.onchange: self.onchange() # Set the images
[docs] def setImages(self, images): """ Change the images to be selected. Parameters ---------- images : list of json element, one for each image to display Each of the json elements must have "name", and "image" tags. Optional tags are "max_width", "max_height", "margins" """ i = 0 for img in images: img["index"] = i i += 1 if not "name" in img: img["name"] = "" if not "max_width" in img: img["max_width"] = str(self.max_width) if not "max_height" in img: img["max_height"] = str(self.max_height) if not "margins" in img: img["margins"] = self.margins self.images = images self._value = -1 self.selection = None