Source code for selectSingle

"""Single selection widget from a dropdown list."""
# Author(s):
# Copyright © European Union 2022-2023
# Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.2 or as soon they will be approved by 
# the European Commission subsequent versions of the EUPL (the "Licence");
# You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence.
# You may obtain a copy of the Licence at:

# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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from IPython.display import display
import ipyvuetify as v

    from . import settings
    from . import fontsettings
    import settings
    import fontsettings

# Class to display a single selection widget
[docs]class selectSingle(): """ Single selection widget from a dropdown list. Passing the parameter newvalues_enabled=True enables the user to insert new strings in the widget. Parameters ---------- label : str Help text to display values : list of strings Strings to be displayed in the dropdown list of the widget selection : str, optional String that is initially selected (default is '') mapping : function, optional Python function to call to transform the visible strings into codes (for example names of countries to their iso2 codes) reverse_mapping : function, optional Python function to call to transform the codes into visible strings (for example iso2 codes of countries to their names) onchange : function, optional Python function to call when the user selects one of the values in the list. The function will receive no parameter (use value property to retrieve the current selection) width : int, optional Width in pixel of the widget (default is 300 pixels) clearable : bool, optional Flag that controls if the widget should show to the user the 'X' button to clear its content (default is True) marginy : int, optional Margin in y coordinates to position the widget from top (default is 1) newvalues_enabled : bool, optional Flag that enables the user to insert new values beside those listed in the dropdown (default is False) newvalues_type : str, optional Type of the new values that the user can add in case newvalues_enabled is True (default is 'text') colorbackground : bool, optional Flag that controls the filling of the widget background with color when a value of the list is selected (default is False) Example ------- Creation and display of a single select widget for the selection of a country:: from vois.vuetify import selectSingle from ipywidgets import widgets from IPython.display import display output = widgets.Output() display(output) def onchange(): with output: print(sel.value) sel = selectSingle.selectSingle('Country:', ['Belgium', 'France', 'Italy', 'Germany'], selection='France', width=200, onchange=onchange) sel.draw() .. figure:: figures/selectSingle.png :scale: 100 % :alt: selectSingle widget Example of a selectSingle widget to select from a list of countries. """ # Initialization def __init__(self, label, values, selection='', mapping=None, reverse_mapping=None, width=300, onchange=None, clearable=True, marginy=1, newvalues_enabled=False, newvalues_type='text', colorbackground=False): self.label = label self.values = values self.mapping = mapping # Function to convert names to codes self.reverse_mapping = reverse_mapping # Function to convert codes to names self.width = width self.onchange = onchange = None self.value = selection self.colorbackground = colorbackground color,backcolor = self.__getColors() if newvalues_enabled: = v.Combobox(v_model=self._value, label=self.label, dense=True, solo=False, outlined=True, multiple=False, chips=False, clearable=clearable, item_color=settings.color_first, color=color, class_='pa-0 mx-0 my-%d mb-n4' % marginy, background_color=backcolor, items=self.values, style_='max-width: %dpx; font-family: %s; font-weight:400; text-transform: none' % (self.width, fontsettings.font_name), type_=newvalues_type, autofocus=False, disabled=False)'keydown', self.__internal_onchange)'change', self.__internal_onchange) else: = v.Select(v_model=self._value, label=self.label, dense=True, solo=False, outlined=True, multiple=False, chips=False, clearable=clearable, item_color=settings.color_first, color=color, class_='pa-0 mx-0 my-%d mb-n4' % marginy, background_color=backcolor, # menu_props="{ auto: true, maxHeight: 600 }", # menu_props seems not working! items=self.values, style_='max-width: %dpx; font-family: %s; font-weight:400; text-transform: none' % (self.width, fontsettings.font_name), disabled=False)'input', self.__internal_onchange) def __getColors(self): color = settings.color_first backcolor = 'white' if self.colorbackground and not self._value is None and len(str(self._value)) > 0 and self._value in self.values: color = settings.select_textcolor backcolor = settings.color_first return color,backcolor def __internal_onchange(self, widget, event, data): self._value = color,backcolor = self.__getColors() = color = backcolor if self.onchange: self.onchange()
[docs] def draw(self): """Returns the ipyvuetify object to display (the internal v.Html widget that contains a v.Select or a v.Combobox as its unique child)""" return v.Html(tag='div',children=[], style_='overflow: hidden;')
# value property @property def value(self): """ Get/Set the selected value. Returns -------- v : str text of the item currently selected Example ------- Programmatically select one value:: sel.value = 'Italy' print(sel.value) """ if not self.mapping is None: return self.mapping(self._value) return self._value @value.setter def value(self, v): if not self.reverse_mapping is None: newv = self.reverse_mapping(v) else: newv = v if newv in self.values: self._value = newv if not is None: = self._value if self.onchange: self.onchange() else: if newv is None or len(newv) == 0: self._value = '' else: raise ValueError('Trying to set a value that is not in the list of allowed values.') # disabled property @property def disabled(self): """ Get/Set the disabled state. """ return @disabled.setter def disabled(self, flag): = flag