Source code for treeview

"""Simplified creation of v-treeview vuetify widget to display hierarchical data in a tree"""
# Author(s):
# Copyright © European Union 2022-2023
# Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.2 or as soon they will be approved by 
# the European Commission subsequent versions of the EUPL (the "Licence");
# You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence.
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import traitlets
import ipyvuetify as v
from ipywidgets import widgets, Layout, HTML
from IPython.display import display
import pandas as pd
import copy

    from . import settings
    import settings

# Creation of ipyvuetify Treeview

# Customized Treeview created using VuetifyTemplate
# The nodes of the tree can have a checkbox (selectable=True) and/or can be activated (activatable=True)
# The height of each node is reduced, the font is smaller and the paddings/margins are reduced
# See last cell of
[docs]class CustomTreeview(v.VuetifyTemplate): """ Ipyvuetify template to display a custom treeview. The nodes of the tree can have a checkbox (selectable=True) and/or can be activated (activatable=True). Attributes ---------- items : list, optional JSON object to represent the tree: each object has 'id' and 'name' key, 'disabled', 'isfolder' and 'icon' are optional keys (default is []) selectable: bool, optional If True the nodes of the tree have a checkbox to select them (default is True) activatable: bool, optional If True, one of the nodes of the tree can be activated (default is False) selected: list, optional List of id of the nodes that are selected on start (default is []) selectednames: list, optional List of name of the nodes that are selected at any time (default is []) opened: list, optional List of id of the nodes that are to be opened on start (default is []) color: str, optional Color for the selected nodes (default is 'blue') on_change: function, optional Python function to call when the selection of the tree items changes (default is None) on_activated: function, optional Python function to call when the active item changes (user selecting a node) (default is None) expand_selection_to_parents: bool, optional If True, also the parent nodes are returned as selected when all children are selected (default is True) iconsshow : bool, optional If True, an icon is added to each node of the tree (default is False) iconscolor : str, optional Color of the icons (default is 'blue') icons_folder_opened : str, optional Name of the icon to use for opened nodes that have children when iconsfolder is True (default 'mdi-folder-open') icons_folder_closed : str, optional Name of the icon to use for closed nodes that have children when iconsfolder is True (default 'mdi-folder') tooltips : bool, optional If True the nodes will show the tooltip (default is False) tooltips_chars : int, optional Minimum lenght of the node label to show the tooltip (default is 20) search : str, optional Filter to display only the nodes of the tree that contain the text (default is '' which means that all the nodes of the tree are displayed) item_height : int, optional Item height in pixels (default is 24) font_size : int, optional Font size in pixels (default is 15) icon_size : int, optional Icon size in pixels (default is 18) checkbox_size : int, optional Checkbox size in pixels (default is 24) Note ---- This class is not intended to be called directly, but only through the functions :func:`~treeview.createTreeviewFromList` and :func:`~treeview.createTreeviewFromDF2Columns`. """ items = traitlets.Any([]).tag(sync=True) # JSON object to represent the tree (each object has 'id' and 'name' key. 'disabled' is an optional key) selectable = traitlets.Bool(True).tag(sync=True) # If True the nodes of the tree have a checkbox to select them activatable = traitlets.Bool(False).tag(sync=True) # If True, one the nodes of the tree can be activated open_on_click = traitlets.Bool(False).tag(sync=True) # If True, the nodes can be opened by clicking on the label active = traitlets.Any(None).tag(sync=True) # Id of the node that is active at start selected = traitlets.Any([]).tag(sync=True) # List of id of the nodes that are selected on start selectednames = traitlets.Any([]).tag(sync=True) # List of name of the nodes that are selected at any time opened = traitlets.Any([]).tag(sync=True) # List of id of the nodes that are to be opened on start color = traitlets.Unicode('blue').tag(sync=True) # Color for the selected nodes dark = traitlets.Bool(False).tag(sync=True) # If True show text in white transition = traitlets.Bool(False).tag(sync=True) # If True applies a transition when nodes are opened and closed on_change = traitlets.Any(None).tag(sync=False) # Name of a python function to call when the selected nodes change (user clicking in one of the checkboxes) on_activated = traitlets.Any(None).tag(sync=False) # Name of a python function to call when the active node changes (user selecting a node) expand_selection_to_parents = traitlets.Bool(True).tag(sync=True) # If True, also the parent nodes are returned as selected when all children are selected search = traitlets.Unicode('').tag(sync=True) # Search string to filter the nodes opened_all = traitlets.Bool(False).tag(sync=True) # If True all the nodes are opened at start @traitlets.default('template') def _template(self): # Code to add to activate the icons # if item.isfolder is True, the open/closed icon is added, else the item.icon is added icons_template = '' if self.iconsshow: icons_template = ''' <template v-slot:prepend="{ item, open }"> <v-icon color="%s" :disabled="item.disabled" v-if="item.isfolder"> {{ open ? '%s' : '%s' }} </v-icon> <v-icon color="%s" :disabled="item.disabled" v-else-if="item.icon"> {{ item.icon }} </v-icon> <v-html v-else> </v-html> </template> ''' % (self.iconscolor, self.icons_folder_opened, self.icons_folder_closed, self.iconscolor) # Code to add to activate the tooltip tooltip_template = '' if self.tooltips: tooltip_template = ''' <template v-slot:label="{ item }"> <v-tooltip bottom :disabled=" < %d"> <template v-slot:activator="{ on, attrs }"> <span v-bind="attrs" v-on="on"> {{ }} </span> </template> {{ }} </v-tooltip> </template> ''' % self.tooltips_chars return ''' <v-treeview :selectable="selectable" :activatable="activatable" :active="[active]" hoverable dense :dark="dark" :transition="transition" class="pa-0 ma-0" :items="items" v-model="selected" :search="search" :open="opened" :open-all="opened_all" :color="color" :selected-color="color" :open-on-click="open_on_click" @input="change_selection" @update:active="activate" @update:open="onopening"> %s %s </v-treeview> <style id="treeview-item-style"> .vuetify-styles .v-treeview-node__root { padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; } .vuetify-styles .v-treeview--dense .v-treeview-node__root { min-height: %dpx; font-size: %dpx; } .vuetify-styles .v-application--is-ltr .v-treeview-node__checkbox { margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 0px; } .vuetify-styles .v-treeview-node__checkbox { width: %dpx; } .vuetify-styles .v-icon.v-icon { font-size: %dpx; } </style> ''' % (tooltip_template, icons_template, self.item_height, self.font_size, self.checkbox_size, self.icon_size) # Expand the selection to parents that have all childrens selected def expandSelectionToParents(self, node): if 'children' in node: sel = True for n in node['children']: self.expandSelectionToParents(n) if n['id'] not in self.selected: sel = False if sel and not node['id'] in self.selected: self.selected.append(node['id']) # Transform a list of id in a list of fullnames def id2Names_selected(self, node, idlist): if node['id'] in idlist: self.selectednames.add(node['fullname']) if 'children' in node: for n in node['children']: self.id2Names_selected(n,idlist) # Return the fullname given the id def id2Name(self, node, id): if node['id'] == id: return node['fullname'] if 'children' in node: for n in node['children']: res = self.id2Name(n,id) if not res is None: return res # Updates self.selectednames with the selected nodes def updateSelectedNames(self): if self.expand_selection_to_parents: for i in self.items: self.expandSelectionToParents(i) self.selected.sort() self.selectednames = set() for i in self.items: self.id2Names_selected(i,self.selected) self.selectednames = sorted(list(self.selectednames)) # Manage event "input": when a checkbox of the tree is clicked def vue_change_selection(self, data): #print(data) self.selected = data if self.selectable and not self.on_change is None: self.updateSelectedNames() self.on_change(self.selectednames) # Manage the activation (selection) of a node of the tree def vue_activate(self, data): if len(data) > 0: self.current_active = data[0] if self.activatable and not self.on_activated is None: for i in self.items: name = self.id2Name(i,data[0]) if not name is None: self.on_activated(name) break else: self.current_active = None if self.activatable and not self.on_activated is None: self.on_activated(None) # Called every time a node is opened or closed def vue_onopening(self, data): self.current_open = data # Initialization def __init__(self, items = [], selectable = True, activatable = False, open_on_click = False, active = None, selected = [], selectednames = [], opened = [], color = 'blue', dark = False, transition = False, on_change = None, on_activated = None, expand_selection_to_parents = True, search = '', opened_all = False, item_height = 24, # Item height in pixels font_size = 15, # Font size in pixels icon_size = 18, # Icon size in pixels checkbox_size = 24, # Checkbox size in pixels iconsshow=False, iconscolor='blue', icons_folder_opened='mdi-folder-open', icons_folder_closed='mdi-folder', tooltips=False, tooltips_chars=20, *args, **kwargs): self.items = items self.selectable = selectable self.activatable = activatable self.open_on_click = open_on_click = active self.selected = selected self.selectednames = selectednames self.opened = opened self.color = color self.dark = dark self.transition = transition self.on_change = on_change self.on_activated = on_activated self.expand_selection_to_parents = expand_selection_to_parents = search self.opened_all = opened_all self.item_height = item_height # Item height in pixels self.font_size = font_size # Font size in pixels self.icon_size = icon_size # Icon size in pixels self.checkbox_size = checkbox_size # Checkbox size in pixels self.current_active = active self.current_open = [] self.iconsshow = iconsshow self.iconscolor = iconscolor self.icons_folder_opened = icons_folder_opened self.icons_folder_closed =icons_folder_closed self.tooltips = tooltips self.tooltips_chars = tooltips_chars super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
################################################################################################################################## # Helper class to operate on a treeview returned by the createTreeviewFromList or createTreeviewFromDF2Columns functions ##################################################################################################################################
[docs]class treeviewOperations(): """ Helper class to operate on a treeview returned by the :func:`~treeview.createTreeviewFromList` and :func:`~treeview.createTreeviewFromDF2Columns` functions. This class allows for activation and opening/closing of nodes of the tree Attributes ---------- treecard : instance of ipyvuetify Card widget Value returned by a call to the functions :func:`~treeview.createTreeviewFromList` and :func:`~treeview.createTreeviewFromDF2Columns`. Example ------- Creation and display of a treeview and programmatical activation and opening of the nodes:: from vois.vuetify import treeview from IPython.display import display treecard = treeview.createTreeviewFromList(['A','A.1','A.2','A.1.1', 'A.3.1','A.4.1.2','A.5.2.1', 'A.','B','B.A'], rootName='Root', activatable=True, expand_selection_to_parents=False, substitutionDict={'A.1': 'A.1 new name'}, color='green', height=350) display(treecard) top = treeview.treeviewOperations(treecard) # Print active node print(top.getActive()) # Set active node top.setActive('A.1.1') # Set the list of opened nodes top.setOpened(['Root', 'A', 'A.3']) """ # Initialisation def __init__(self, treecard): # Retrieve the underlying instance of CustomTreeview class self.treeview = treecard.children[0].children[0] self.doindex() # calculate indexing of the treeview nodes def doindex(self): # Dictionaries to index the three nodes # id2fullname Map nodes id to the fullname # key: id value : fullname of the node # fullname2id Map nodes fullname to the id # key: fullname value : id of the node # id2parentid Map node id to the id of the parent node # key: id value : id of the parent node # id2childrenid Map node id to the list of children ids # key: id value : list of id of the children nodes self.id2fullname = {} self.fullname2id = {} self.id2parentid = {} self.id2childrenid = {} for i in self.treeview.items: self.__indexItems(i) # Internal recursive function to create the indexing of the treeview nodes def __indexItems(self,node): self.id2fullname[node['id']] = node['fullname'] self.fullname2id[node['fullname']] = node['id'] if 'children' in node: self.id2childrenid[node['id']] = [] for n in node['children']: self.id2parentid[n['id']] = node['id'] self.id2childrenid[node['id']].append(n['id']) self.__indexItems(n) # Get the fullnames of the opened nodes
[docs] def getOpened(self): """ Returns the list of the fullnames of the opened nodes of the treeview """ #fullnames = [self.id2fullname[x] for x in self.treeview.opened] fullnames = [self.id2fullname[x] for x in self.treeview.current_open] return fullnames
# Set the nodes opened given a list of fullnames of the nodes
[docs] def setOpened(self, fullnames): """ Set the list of opened nodes of the treeview given their fullnames """ ids = list(set([self.fullname2id[x] for x in fullnames])) self.treeview.opened = ids
# Get the fullnames of the selected nodes
[docs] def getSelected(self): """ Returns the list of the fullnames of the selected nodes of the treeview """ fullnames = [self.id2fullname[x] for x in self.treeview.selected] return fullnames
# Set the nodes selected given a list of fullnames of the nodes
[docs] def setSelected(self, fullnames): """ Set the list of selected nodes of the treeview given their fullnames """ ids = list(set([self.fullname2id[x] for x in fullnames])) self.treeview.selected = ids
# Open all the nodes of the tree
[docs] def openAll(self): """ Open all the nodes of the treeview """ allfullnames = list(self.fullname2id.keys()) self.setOpened(allfullnames)
# Get the fullname of the active node
[docs] def getActive(self): """ Returns the fullname of the node that is active in the treeview """ nodeid = self.treeview.current_active if not nodeid is None: return self.id2fullname[nodeid] return None
# Set the active node by passing its fullname
[docs] def setActive(self, fullname): """ Set the active node of the treeview by passing its fullname """ if fullname in self.fullname2id: nodeid = self.fullname2id[fullname] = nodeid self.treeview.current_active = nodeid # Opens all the parent nodes idparents = [] while not nodeid is None: if nodeid in self.id2parentid: nodeid = self.id2parentid[nodeid] if not nodeid is None: idparents.append(nodeid) else: nodeid = None if not 1 in idparents: idparents.append(1) op = set(self.treeview.opened + idparents) self.treeview.opened = list(op)
# Given the fullname of a node, returns the fullname of its first child, or None if the node has no children
[docs] def getFirstChildFullname(self, fullname): """ Given the fullname of a node, returns the fullname of its first child, or None if the node has no children """ if fullname in self.fullname2id: nodeid = self.fullname2id[fullname] if nodeid in self.id2childrenid: return self.id2fullname[self.id2childrenid[nodeid][0]] return None
# Search for a text in the nodes of the tree
[docs] def setSearch(self, text2search=''): """ Search for a text string in the nodes of the tree """ = text2search
# Retrieve the children of a node
[docs] def getChildren(self, nodefullname): """ Returns the list of full names of the children of a node """ # Recursive function def __getchildren(node, nodeid): if node['id'] == nodeid: if 'children' in node: return [x['id'] for x in node['children']] if 'children' in node: for n in node['children']: res = __getchildren(n, nodeid) if len(res) > 0: return res return [] if nodefullname in self.fullname2id: nodeid = self.fullname2id[nodefullname] res = __getchildren(self.treeview.items[0],nodeid) return [self.id2fullname[x] for x in res] return []
# Dynamic setting of children to nodes
[docs] def setChildren(self, nodefullname, childrenfullnames): """ Dynamically change the children of a node Example ------- Creation and display of a treeview and programmatically add children to nodes:: from vois.vuetify import treeview from IPython.display import display treecard = treeview.createTreeviewFromList(['A','A.1','A.2','B'], separator='.', rootName='Root', expand_selection_to_parents=False, color='green', width='500px', height='350px', selectable=False, activatable=True) display(treecard) top = treeview.treeviewOperations(treecard) top.setChildren('A.2', ['A.2.1', 'A.2.2']) """ # Recursive function def __setchildren(node, nodeid, children): if node['id'] == nodeid: node['children'] = children if 'children' in node: for n in node['children']: __setchildren(n, nodeid, children) if nodefullname in self.fullname2id: nodeid = self.fullname2id[nodefullname] nextid = 1 + max(self.id2fullname.keys()) children = [] for name in childrenfullnames: c = {'id': nextid, 'name': name, 'fullname': name} children.append(c) nextid += 1 root = copy.deepcopy(self.treeview.items[0]) __setchildren(root, nodeid, children) self.treeview.items = [root] self.doindex()
################################################################################################################################## # Create a ipyvuetify Treeview from a list of names with an implicit tree structure, example: ['JRC', 'JRC.D', 'JRC.D.3', ...] # Returns an ipyvuetify widget containing the tree # Example: # createTreeviewFromList(['A','A.1','A.2','A.1.1'], rootName='A') ##################################################################################################################################
[docs]def createTreeviewFromList(nameslist=[], rootName='Root', separator='.', select_all=True, on_change=None, on_activated=None, expand_selection_to_parents=True, displayfullname=True, width='200px', height='500px', elevation=0, repeat_parent_as_first_child=False, substitutionDict=None, color=settings.color_first, dark=settings.dark_mode, transition=False, selectable=True, activatable=False, active=None, open_on_click=False, opened=[], opened_all=False, selected=[], disabled=[], iconsshow=False, iconscolor=settings.color_first, iconsfolder=True, icons_folder_opened='mdi-folder-open', icons_folder_closed='mdi-folder', iconroot=None, iconsDict=None, tooltips=False, tooltips_chars=20, item_height=24, font_size=15, icon_size=18, checkbox_size=24): """ Create a treeview form a list of strings and a separator that defines the hierarchical structure (example: ['A', 'A.1', 'A.2', 'B', 'B.3']). Parameters ---------- nameslist : list, optional List of strings that contain a hierarchical structure, considering the separator character (default is []) rootName : str, optional Name to be displayed as root of the tree (default is 'Root') separator : str, optional String or character to be considered as separator for extracting the hierarchical structure from the nameslist list of strings (default is '.') select_all : bool, optional Flag to control the initial selection of all the nodes of the tree (default is True) on_change : function, optional Python function to call when the selected nodes change caused by user clicking in one of the checkboxes (default is None) on_activated : function, optional Python function to call when the active item changes (user selecting a node) (default is None) expand_selection_to_parents : bool, optional If True, also the parent nodes are returned as selected when all children are selected (default is True) displayfullname : bool, optional If True the nodes will display the full names, id False only the last part splitted by the separator (default is True) width : str, optional Width of the treeview widget (default is '200px') height : str, optional Height of the treeview widget (default is '500px') elevation : int, optional Elevation to assign to the widget (default is 0) repeat_parent_as_first_child : bool, optional If True each parent node will have a first children with its name (default is False) substitutionDict: dict, optional Dictionary to apply substitutions to the fullnames of the items extracted from the nameslist parameters (default is None) color : str, optional Color to be used as main color of the Treeview widget (default is settings.color_first) dark : bool, optional If True, the treeview widget will have a dark background (default is settings.dark_mode) transition : bool, optional If True applies a transition when nodes are opened and closed (default is False) selectable : bool, optional If True the nodes of the tree have a checkbox to select them (default is True) activatable : bool, optional If True, one of the nodes of the tree can be activated (default is False) active : str, optional Name of the node to activate on start (default is None) open_on_click : bool, optional If True, the nodes of the tree can be opened also by clicking on the node label (default is False) opened : list of str, optional List of names of the nodes to open at start (default is []) opened_all : bool, optional If True, all the tree nodes are opened at start (default is False). This setting has prevalence over the opened parameter. selected : list of str, optional List of fullnames of the nodes to select at start (default is []). disabled : list of str, optional List of fullnames of the nodes to display as disabled in the tree (default is []) iconsshow : bool, optional If True, an icon is added to each node of the tree (default is False) iconscolor : str, optional Color of the icons (default is settings.color_first) iconsfolder : bool, optional If True (and if iconsshow is True) it adds the open/closed folder icon to nodes that have children (default is True) icons_folder_opened : str, optional Name of the icon to use for opened nodes that have children when iconsfolder is True (default 'mdi-folder-open') icons_folder_closed : str, optional Name of the icon to use for closed nodes that have children when iconsfolder is True (default 'mdi-folder') iconroot : str, optional Name of the icon for the root node of the tree (default is None) iconsDict: dict, optional Dictionary to apply icons to the fullnames of the items, if iconsshow is True (default is None) tooltips : bool, optional If True the nodes will show the tooltip (default is False) tooltips_chars : int, optional Minimum lenght of the node label to show the tooltip (default is 20) item_height : int, optional Item height in pixels (default is 24) font_size : int, optional Font size in pixels (default is 15) icon_size : int, optional Icon size in pixels (default is 18) checkbox_size : int, optional Checkbox size in pixels (default is 24) Returns ------- v.Card: ipyvuetify Card widget An ipyvuetify v.Card widget having a v.Html as its only child. The v.Html has a treeview.CustomTreeview widget as its only child Example ------- Creation and display of a treeview:: from vois.vuetify import treeview from IPython.display import display treecard = treeview.createTreeviewFromList(['A','A.1','A.2','A.1.1', 'A.3.1','A.4.1.2','A.5.2.1', 'A.','B','B.A'], rootName='Root', expand_selection_to_parents=False, substitutionDict={'A.1': 'A.1 new name'}, color='green', height='350px') display(treecard) .. figure:: figures/treeview1.png :scale: 100 % :alt: treeview widget Treeview widget created from a list of strings. """ # Return the string to display in the tree for a node, given its fullname def GetNodeString(fullname): if displayfullname: return fullname else: parts = fullname.split(separator) if len(parts) > 0: return parts[-1] return fullname # Add a new node to the tree def addNode(name, parent): nonlocal nextid, nodes, names2id if not name in nodes: elemname = name if not substitutionDict is None: if elemname in substitutionDict: elemname = substitutionDict[elemname] elem = {'id': nextid, 'name': GetNodeString(elemname), 'fullname': elemname } if name in disabled: elem['disabled'] = True if not iconsDict is None: if elemname in iconsDict: elem['icon'] = iconsDict[elemname] names2id[elemname] = nextid nextid += 1 nodes[name] = elem if parent != None: if not 'children' in parent: parent['children'] = [] if repeat_parent_as_first_child and parent['name'] != rootName: firstelem = {'id': nextid, 'name': GetNodeString(parent['name']), 'fullname': parent['name'] } if parent['name'] in disabled: firstelem['disabled'] = True names2id[parent['name']] = nextid nextid += 1 parent['children'].append(firstelem) parent['children'].append(elem) if iconsshow and iconsfolder: parent['isfolder'] = True return elem nextid = 1 nodes = {} names2id = {} # Convert a fullname to its id root = addNode(rootName,None) # Manage an implicit tree with separator! for name in nameslist: parts = name.split(separator) fullname = '' for part in parts: parentname = fullname if len(fullname) == 0: fullname += part else: fullname += separator + part parent = root if parentname in nodes: parent = nodes[parentname] addNode(fullname,parent) # Returns the list of all the ids of the children of node def calculateIdsOfLeaves(node, listofids): if not 'children' in node: listofids.append(node['id']) else: for n in node['children']: listofids = calculateIdsOfLeaves(n,listofids) return listofids selectedids = [] if select_all: selectedids = calculateIdsOfLeaves(root,[]) else: selectedids = [names2id[x] for x in selected if x in names2id] # Convert opened names to ids openedids = [] if not opened_all: if len(opened) == 0: openedids = [1] # Only Root is opened by default else: openedids = [names2id[x] for x in opened if x in names2id] # Convert active name to id if not active is None: activeid = names2id[active] else: activeid = None tree = CustomTreeview(items=[root], selected=selectedids, opened=openedids, on_change=on_change, on_activated=on_activated, expand_selection_to_parents=expand_selection_to_parents, dark=dark, transition=transition, opened_all=opened_all, color=color, selectable=selectable, activatable=activatable, active=activeid, open_on_click=open_on_click, tooltips=tooltips, tooltips_chars=tooltips_chars, iconsshow=iconsshow, iconscolor=iconscolor, icons_folder_opened=icons_folder_opened, icons_folder_closed=icons_folder_closed, item_height=item_height, font_size=font_size, icon_size=icon_size, checkbox_size=checkbox_size) treehtml = v.Html(tag='div', height=height, children=[tree], style_='overflow: hidden;') treecard = v.Card(width=width, height=height, elevation=elevation, children=[treehtml], dark=dark, style_='overflow-x: visible;') return treecard
################################################################################################################################## # Create a flat ipyvuetify Treeview from a list of names # Returns an ipyvuetify widget containing the tree # Example: # createFlatTreeview(['A','B','C','D']) ##################################################################################################################################
[docs]def createFlatTreeview(nameslist=[], select_all=True, on_change=None, on_activated=None, displayfullname=True, width='200px', height='500px', elevation=0, color=settings.color_first, dark=settings.dark_mode, transition=False, selectable=True, activatable=False, active=None, selected=[], disabled=[], iconsshow=False, iconscolor=settings.color_first, iconsDict=None, tooltips=False, tooltips_chars=20, item_height=24, font_size=15, icon_size=18, checkbox_size=24): """ Create a flat treeview form a list of strings Parameters ---------- nameslist : list, optional List of strings that contain a hierarchical structure, considering the separator character (default is []) select_all : bool, optional Flag to control the initial selection of all the nodes of the tree (default is True) on_change : function, optional Python function to call when the selected nodes change caused by user clicking in one of the checkboxes (default is None) on_activated : function, optional Python function to call when the active item changes (user selecting a node) (default is None) displayfullname : bool, optional If True the nodes will display the full names, id False only the last part splitted by the separator (default is True) width : str, optional Width of the treeview widget (default is '200px') height : str, optional Height of the treeview widget (default is '500px') elevation : int, optional Elevation to assign to the widget (default is 0) color : str, optional Color to be used as main color of the Treeview widget (default is settings.color_first) dark : bool, optional If True, the treeview widget will have a dark background (default is settings.dark_mode) transition : bool, optional If True applies a transition when nodes are opened and closed (default is False) selectable : bool, optional If True the nodes of the tree have a checkbox to select them (default is True) activatable : bool, optional If True, one of the nodes of the tree can be activated (default is False) active : str, optional Name of the node to activate on start (default is None) selected : list of str, optional List of fullnames of the nodes to select at start (default is []). disabled : list of str, optional List of fullnames of the nodes to display as disabled in the tree (default is []) iconsshow : bool, optional If True, an icon is added to each node of the tree (default is False) iconscolor : str, optional Color of the icons (default is settings.color_first) iconsDict: dict, optional Dictionary to apply icons to the fullnames of the items, if iconsshow is True (default is None) tooltips : bool, optional If True the nodes will show the tooltip (default is False) tooltips_chars : int, optional Minimum lenght of the node label to show the tooltip (default is 20) item_height : int, optional Item height in pixels (default is 24) font_size : int, optional Font size in pixels (default is 15) icon_size : int, optional Icon size in pixels (default is 18) checkbox_size : int, optional Checkbox size in pixels (default is 24) Returns ------- v.Card: ipyvuetify Card widget An ipyvuetify v.Card widget having a v.Html as its only child. The v.Html has a treeview.CustomTreeview widget as its only child Example ------- Creation and display of a treeview:: from vois.vuetify import treeview from IPython.display import display treecard = treeview.createFlatTreeview(['A','B','C','D','E'], color='green', height='150px') display(treecard) .. figure:: figures/treeview4.png :scale: 100 % :alt: flat treeview widget Flat treeview widget created from a list of strings. """ nextid = 1 roots = [] names2id = {} for name in nameslist: elem = {'id': nextid, 'name': name, 'fullname': name} if name in disabled: elem['disabled'] = True if not iconsDict is None: if name in iconsDict: elem['icon'] = iconsDict[name] roots.append(elem) names2id[name] = nextid nextid += 1 selectedids = [] if select_all: selectedids = [(x+1) for x in range(nextid)] else: selectedids = [names2id[x] for x in selected if x in names2id] # Convert active name to id if not active is None: activeid = names2id[active] else: activeid = None tree = CustomTreeview(items=roots, selected=selectedids, on_change=on_change, on_activated=on_activated, expand_selection_to_parents=False, dark=dark, transition=transition, color=color, selectable=selectable, activatable=activatable, active=activeid, tooltips=tooltips, tooltips_chars=tooltips_chars, iconsshow=iconsshow, iconscolor=iconscolor, item_height=item_height, font_size=font_size, icon_size=icon_size, checkbox_size=checkbox_size) treehtml = v.Html(tag='div', height=height, children=[tree], style_='overflow: hidden;') treecard = v.Card(width=width, height=height, elevation=elevation, children=[treehtml], dark=dark, style_='overflow-x: visible;') return treecard
################################################################################################################################## # UTILITY FUNCTIONS FOR CREATING THE TREE ################################################################################################################################## # Add a node to the tree def addNode(name, parent, icon, iconsshow, iconsfolder, repeat_parent_as_first_child, rootName, separator, nextid, fullnamenodes, fullnames2id, disabled): # Calculates the fullname of a node def getFullname(name, parent): if parent: return parent['fullname'] + separator + name else: return name fullname = getFullname(name,parent) if fullname in fullnamenodes: return fullnamenodes[fullname], nextid, fullnamenodes, fullnames2id else: elem = {'id': nextid, 'name': name, 'fullname': fullname } if (not icon is None) and (len(icon) > 0): elem['icon'] = icon if fullname in disabled: elem['disabled'] = True fullnamenodes[fullname] = elem fullnames2id[fullname] = nextid nextid += 1 if parent != None: if not 'children' in parent: parent['children'] = [] if repeat_parent_as_first_child and parent['name'] != rootName: firstelem = {'id': nextid, 'name': parent['name'], 'fullname': getFullname(parent['name'],parent) } if parent['fullname'] in disabled: firstelem['disabled'] = True fullnames2id[firstelem['fullname']] = nextid nextid += 1 parent['children'].append(firstelem) parent['children'].append(elem) if iconsshow and iconsfolder: parent['isfolder'] = True return elem, nextid, fullnamenodes, fullnames2id # Given a node: returns def calculateIdsOfLeaves(node, listofids=[]): if not 'children' in node: listofids.append(node['id']) else: for n in node['children']: listofids = calculateIdsOfLeaves(n,listofids) return listofids ################################################################################################################################## # Create a ipyvuetify Treeview from two columns of a DataFrame # Returns an ipyvuetify widget containing the tree # Example: # createTreeviewFromDF2Columns(df, 'col1', 'col2', rootName='A') ##################################################################################################################################
[docs]def createTreeviewFromDF2Columns(df, columnName1, columnName2, rootName='Root', separator='.', select_all=True, on_change=None, on_activated=None, expand_selection_to_parents=True, width='200px', height='500px', elevation=0, repeat_parent_as_first_child=False, color=settings.color_first, dark=settings.dark_mode, transition=False, selectable=True, activatable=False, active=None, open_on_click=False, opened=[], opened_all=False, selected=[], disabled=[], iconsshow=False, iconscolor=settings.color_first, iconsfolder=True, icons_folder_opened='mdi-folder-open', icons_folder_closed='mdi-folder', iconroot=None, iconscolumnName1=None, iconscolumnName2=None, tooltips=False, tooltips_chars=20, item_height=24, font_size=15, icon_size=18, checkbox_size=24): """ Create a two levels treeview form the strings contained in two columns of a Pandas DataFrame. Parameters ---------- df : Pandas DataFrame Pandas DataFrame containing at least two columns of type string columnName1 : str Name of the column of the Pandas DataFrame df containing the parent strings columnName2 : str Name of the column of the Pandas DataFrame df containing the child strings rootName : str, optional Name to be displayed as root of the tree (default is 'Root') separator : str, optional String or character to be considered as separator for calculating the fullname of a node (default is '.'). The full name of a node is the concatenation of the path to reach the node, using the separator character select_all : bool, optional Flag to control the initial selection of all the nodes of the tree (default is True) on_change : function, optional Python function to call when the selected nodes change caused by user clicking in one of the checkboxes (default is None). The function receives as argument a list of all the fullnames of the selected nodes on_activated : function, optional Python function to call when the active item changes (user selecting a node) (default is None) expand_selection_to_parents : bool, optional If True, also the parent nodes are returned as selected when all children are selected (default is True) width : str, optional Width of the treeview widget (default is '200px') height : int, optional Height of the treeview widget (default is '500px') elevation : int, optional Elevation to assign to the widget (default is 0) repeat_parent_as_first_child : bool, optional If True each parent node will have a first children with its name (default is False) color : str, optional Color to be used as main color of the Treeview widget (default is settings.color_first) dark : bool, optional If True, the treeview widget will have a dark background (default is settings.dark_mode) transition : bool, optional If True applies a transition when nodes are opened and closed (default is False) selectable : bool, optional If True the nodes of the tree have a checkbox to select them (default is True) activatable : bool, optional If True, one of the nodes of the tree can be activated (default is False) active : str, optional Fullname of the node to activate on start (default is None). The full name of a node is the concatenation of the path to reach the node, using the separator character open_on_click : bool, optional If True, the nodes of the tree can be opened also by clicking on the node label (default is False) opened : list of str, optional List of fullnames of the nodes to open at start (default is []). The full name of a node is the concatenation of the path to reach the node, using the separator character opened_all : bool, optional If True, all the tree nodes are opened at start (default is False). This setting has prevalence over the opened parameter. selected : list of str, optional List of fullnames of the nodes to select at start (default is []). The full name of a node is the concatenation of the path to reach the node, using the separator character disabled : list of str, optional List of fullnames of the nodes to display as disabled in the tree (default is []) iconsshow : bool, optional If True, an icon is added to each node of the tree (default is False) iconscolor : str, optional Color of the icons (default is settings.color_first) iconsfolder : bool, optional If True (and if iconsshow is True) it adds the open/closed folder icon to nodes that have children (default is True) icons_folder_opened : str, optional Name of the icon to use for opened nodes that have children when iconsfolder is True (default 'mdi-folder-open') icons_folder_closed : str, optional Name of the icon to use for closed nodes that have children when iconsfolder is True (default 'mdi-folder') iconroot : str, optional Name of the icon for the root node of the tree (default is None) iconscolumnName1 : str, optional Name of the DataFrame column that contains the icon name for the node on the first level of the tree (default is None) iconscolumnName2 : str, optional Name of the DataFrame column that contains the icon name for the node on the second level of the tree (default is None) tooltips : bool, optional If True the nodes will show the tooltip (default is False) tooltips_chars : int, optional Minimum lenght of the node label to show the tooltip (default is 20) item_height : int, optional Item height in pixels (default is 24) font_size : int, optional Font size in pixels (default is 15) icon_size : int, optional Icon size in pixels (default is 18) checkbox_size : int, optional Checkbox size in pixels (default is 24) Returns ------- v.Card An ipyvuetify v.Card widget having a v.Html as its only child. The v.Html has a treeview.CustomTreeview widget as its only child Example ------- Creation of a treeview from a simple Pandas DataFrame:: from vois.vuetify import treeview import pandas as pd table = [['parent', 'child'], ['John', 'Mary'], ['John', 'Peter'], ['Ann', 'Hellen'], ['Ann', 'Sue'], ['Ann', 'Claire']] headers = table.pop(0) df = pd.DataFrame(table, columns=headers) display(df) def on_change(arg): print(arg) treecard = treeview.createTreeviewFromDF2Columns(df, headers[0], headers[1], rootName='Families', on_change=on_change) display(treecard) .. figure:: figures/treeview2.png :scale: 100 % :alt: treeview widget Treeview widget created from a Pandas DataFrame. """ nextid = 1 # id of the next node fullnamenodes = {} # All the nodes inserted, key is the fullname of the node fullnames2id = {} # Convert a fullname to its id if len(rootName) == 0: rootName = 'Root' root, nextid, fullnamenodes, fullnames2id = addNode(rootName,None,iconroot, iconsshow,iconsfolder,repeat_parent_as_first_child,rootName,separator,nextid,fullnamenodes,fullnames2id,disabled) # Create the tree from two columns of a df for index,row in df.iterrows(): parentname = str(row[columnName1]) name = str(row[columnName2]) parenticon = None if iconsshow and (not iconscolumnName1 is None) and (iconscolumnName1 in row): parenticon = str(row[iconscolumnName1]) parent, nextid, fullnamenodes, fullnames2id = addNode(parentname, root, parenticon, iconsshow,iconsfolder,repeat_parent_as_first_child,rootName,separator,nextid,fullnamenodes,fullnames2id,disabled) icon = None if iconsshow and (not iconscolumnName2 is None) and (iconscolumnName2 in row): icon = str(row[iconscolumnName2]) elem, nextid, fullnamenodes, fullnames2id = addNode(name,parent,icon, iconsshow,iconsfolder,repeat_parent_as_first_child,rootName,separator,nextid,fullnamenodes,fullnames2id,disabled) # List of selected ids selectedids = [] if select_all: selectedids = calculateIdsOfLeaves(root) else: selectedids = [fullnames2id[x] for x in selected if x in fullnames2id] # Convert opened fullnames to ids openedids = [] if not opened_all: if len(opened) == 0: openedids = [1] # Only Root is opened by default else: openedids = [fullnames2id[x] for x in opened if x in fullnames2id] # Convert active fullname to id if not active is None and active in fullnames2id: activeid = fullnames2id[active] else: activeid = None #import json #print(json.dumps(root, indent=4)) tree = CustomTreeview(items=[root], selected=selectedids, opened=openedids, on_change=on_change, on_activated=on_activated, expand_selection_to_parents=expand_selection_to_parents, dark=dark, transition=transition, opened_all=opened_all, color=color, selectable=selectable, activatable=activatable, active=activeid, open_on_click=open_on_click, tooltips=tooltips, tooltips_chars=tooltips_chars, iconsshow=iconsshow, iconscolor=iconscolor, icons_folder_opened=icons_folder_opened, icons_folder_closed=icons_folder_closed, item_height=item_height, font_size=font_size, icon_size=icon_size, checkbox_size=checkbox_size) treehtml = v.Html(tag='div',height=height, children=[tree], style_='overflow: hidden;') treecard = v.Card(width=width, height=height, elevation=elevation, children=[treehtml], dark=dark, style_='overflow-x: visible;') return treecard
################################################################################################################################## # Create a ipyvuetify Treeview from three columns of a DataFrame # Returns an ipyvuetify widget containing the tree # Example: # createTreeviewFromDF3Columns(df, 'col1', 'col2', 'col3', rootName='A') ##################################################################################################################################
[docs]def createTreeviewFromDF3Columns(df, columnName1, columnName2, columnName3, rootName='Root', separator='.', select_all=True, on_change=None, on_activated=None, expand_selection_to_parents=True, width='200px', height='500px', elevation=0, repeat_parent_as_first_child=False, color=settings.color_first, dark=settings.dark_mode, transition=False, selectable=True, activatable=False, active=None, open_on_click=False, opened=[], opened_all=False, selected=[], disabled=[], iconsshow=False, iconscolor=settings.color_first, iconsfolder=True, icons_folder_opened='mdi-folder-open', icons_folder_closed='mdi-folder', iconroot=None, iconscolumnName1=None, iconscolumnName2=None, iconscolumnName3=None, tooltips=False, tooltips_chars=20, item_height=24, font_size=15, icon_size=18, checkbox_size=24): """ Create a three levels treeview form the strings contained in three columns of a Pandas DataFrame. Parameters ---------- df : Pandas DataFrame Pandas DataFrame containing at least two columns of type string columnName1 : str Name of the column of the Pandas DataFrame df containing the parent strings columnName2 : str Name of the column of the Pandas DataFrame df containing the child strings columnName3 : str Name of the column of the Pandas DataFrame df containing the sub-child strings rootName : str, optional Name to be displayed as root of the tree (default is 'Root') separator : str, optional String or character to be considered as separator for calculating the fullname of a node (default is '.'). The full name of a node is the concatenation of the path to reach the node, using the separator character select_all : bool, optional Flag to control the initial selection of all the nodes of the tree (default is True) on_change : function, optional Python function to call when the selected nodes change caused by user clicking in one of the checkboxes (default is None). The function receives as argument a list of all the fullnames of the selected nodes on_activated : function, optional Python function to call when the active item changes (user selecting a node) (default is None) expand_selection_to_parents : bool, optional If True, also the parent nodes are returned as selected when all children are selected (default is True) width : str, optional Width of the treeview widget (default is '200px') height : int, optional Height of the treeview widget (default is '500px') elevation : int, optional Elevation to assign to the widget (default is 0) repeat_parent_as_first_child : bool, optional If True each parent node will have a first children with its name (default is False) color : str, optional Color to be used as main color of the Treeview widget (default is settings.color_first) dark : bool, optional If True, the treeview widget will have a dark background (default is settings.dark_mode) transition : bool, optional If True applies a transition when nodes are opened and closed (default is False) selectable : bool, optional If True the nodes of the tree have a checkbox to select them (default is True) activatable : bool, optional If True, one of the nodes of the tree can be activated (default is False) active : str, optional Fullname of the node to activate on start (default is None). The full name of a node is the concatenation of the path to reach the node, using the separator character open_on_click : bool, optional If True, the nodes of the tree can be opened also by clicking on the node label (default is False) opened : list of str, optional List of fullnames of the nodes to open at start (default is []). The full name of a node is the concatenation of the path to reach the node, using the separator character opened_all : bool, optional If True, all the tree nodes are opened at start (default is False). This setting has prevalence over the opened parameter. selected : list of str, optional List of fullnames of the nodes to select at start (default is []). The full name of a node is the concatenation of the path to reach the node, using the separator character disabled : list of str, optional List of fullnames of the nodes to display as disabled in the tree (default is []) iconsshow : bool, optional If True, an icon is added to each node of the tree (default is False) iconscolor : str, optional Color of the icons (default is settings.color_first) iconsfolder : bool, optional If True (and if iconsshow is True) it adds the open/closed folder icon to nodes that have children (default is True) icons_folder_opened : str, optional Name of the icon to use for opened nodes that have children when iconsfolder is True (default 'mdi-folder-open') icons_folder_closed : str, optional Name of the icon to use for closed nodes that have children when iconsfolder is True (default 'mdi-folder') iconroot : str, optional Name of the icon for the root node of the tree (default is None) iconscolumnName1 : str, optional Name of the DataFrame column that contains the icon name for the node on the first level of the tree (default is None) iconscolumnName2 : str, optional Name of the DataFrame column that contains the icon name for the node on the second level of the tree (default is None) iconscolumnName3 : str, optional Name of the DataFrame column that contains the icon name for the node on the third level of the tree (default is None) tooltips : bool, optional If True the nodes will show the tooltip (default is False) tooltips_chars : int, optional Minimum lenght of the node label to show the tooltip (default is 20) item_height : int, optional Item height in pixels (default is 24) font_size : int, optional Font size in pixels (default is 15) icon_size : int, optional Icon size in pixels (default is 18) checkbox_size : int, optional Checkbox size in pixels (default is 24) Returns ------- v.Card An ipyvuetify v.Card widget having a v.Html as its only child. The v.Html has a treeview.CustomTreeview widget as its only child Example ------- Creation of a treeview from a simple Pandas DataFrame:: from vois.vuetify import treeview import pandas as pd table = [['parent', 'child', 'nephew'], ['John', 'Mary', 'Johnny'], ['John', 'Peter', 'Lisa'], ['Ann', 'Hellen', 'July'], ['Ann', 'Sue', 'Hellen'], ['Ann', 'Claire', 'Pieter']] headers = table.pop(0) df = pd.DataFrame(table, columns=headers) display(df) def on_change(arg): print(arg) treecard = treeview.createTreeviewFromDF3Columns(df, headers[0], headers[1], headers[2], rootName='Families', on_change=on_change) display(treecard) .. figure:: figures/treeview3.png :scale: 100 % :alt: treeview widget Treeview widget created from a Pandas DataFrame. """ nextid = 1 # id of the next node fullnamenodes = {} # All the nodes inserted, key is the fullname of the node fullnames2id = {} # Convert a fullname to its id if len(rootName) == 0: rootName = 'Root' root, nextid, fullnamenodes, fullnames2id = addNode(rootName,None,iconroot, iconsshow,iconsfolder,repeat_parent_as_first_child,rootName,separator,nextid,fullnamenodes,fullnames2id,disabled) # Create the tree from 3 columns of a df for index,row in df.iterrows(): parentname = str(row[columnName1]) name = str(row[columnName2]) subname = str(row[columnName3]) parenticon = None if iconsshow and (not iconscolumnName1 is None) and (iconscolumnName1 in row): parenticon = str(row[iconscolumnName1]) parent, nextid, fullnamenodes, fullnames2id = addNode(parentname, root, parenticon, iconsshow,iconsfolder,repeat_parent_as_first_child,rootName,separator,nextid,fullnamenodes,fullnames2id,disabled) icon = None if iconsshow and (not iconscolumnName2 is None) and (iconscolumnName2 in row): icon = str(row[iconscolumnName2]) elem, nextid, fullnamenodes, fullnames2id = addNode(name,parent,icon, iconsshow,iconsfolder,repeat_parent_as_first_child,rootName,separator,nextid,fullnamenodes,fullnames2id,disabled) icon = None if iconsshow and (not iconscolumnName3 is None) and (iconscolumnName3 in row): icon = str(row[iconscolumnName3]) elem, nextid, fullnamenodes, fullnames2id = addNode(subname,elem,icon, iconsshow,iconsfolder,repeat_parent_as_first_child,rootName,separator,nextid,fullnamenodes,fullnames2id,disabled) # List of selected ids selectedids = [] if select_all: selectedids = calculateIdsOfLeaves(root) else: selectedids = [fullnames2id[x] for x in selected if x in fullnames2id] # Convert opened fullnames to ids openedids = [] if not opened_all: if len(opened) == 0: openedids = [1] # Only Root is opened by default else: openedids = [fullnames2id[x] for x in opened if x in fullnames2id] # Convert active fullname to id if not active is None and active in fullnames2id: activeid = fullnames2id[active] else: activeid = None #import json #print(json.dumps(root, indent=4)) tree = CustomTreeview(items=[root], selected=selectedids, opened=openedids, on_change=on_change, on_activated=on_activated, expand_selection_to_parents=expand_selection_to_parents, dark=dark, transition=transition, opened_all=opened_all, color=color, selectable=selectable, activatable=activatable, active=activeid, open_on_click=open_on_click, tooltips=tooltips, tooltips_chars=tooltips_chars, iconsshow=iconsshow, iconscolor=iconscolor, icons_folder_opened=icons_folder_opened, icons_folder_closed=icons_folder_closed, item_height=item_height, font_size=font_size, icon_size=icon_size, checkbox_size=checkbox_size) treehtml = v.Html(tag='div',height=height, children=[tree], style_='overflow: hidden;') treecard = v.Card(width=width, height=height, elevation=elevation, children=[treehtml], dark=dark, style_='overflow-x: visible;') return treecard