Source code for layers

"""Widget to manage the layers Table Of Content for a ipyleaflet Map"""
# Author(s):
# Copyright © European Union 2022-2023
# Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.2 or as soon they will be approved by 
# the European Commission subsequent versions of the EUPL (the "Licence");
# You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence.
# You may obtain a copy of the Licence at:

# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the Licence is distributed on an "AS IS"
# express or implied.
# See the Licence for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the Licence.
import ipyvuetify as v
from ipywidgets import widgets, Layout
from IPython.display import display, HTML
import ipyleaflet
import base64
import json

    from jeodpp import inter

    from . import settings
    from . import sortableList
    from . import switch
    from . import tooltip
    from . import dialogGeneric
    from . import selectSingle
    from . import tabs
    from . import radio
    from . import palettePicker
    from . import paletteEditor
    from . import upload
    from . import dialogWait
    from . import dialogMessage
    import settings
    import sortableList
    import switch
    import tooltip
    import dialogGeneric
    import selectSingle
    import tabs
    import radio
    import palettePicker
    import paletteEditor
    import upload
    import dialogWait
    import dialogMessage


# interapro Layer class
[docs]class interaproLayer(): """ A Layer to be visualized by interapro """ def __init__(self, name, visible=True, opacity=1.0, path=None, file=None, epsg=None, nodata=None, colorfile=None, colortable=None, colormap=None, valuemap=None, colorscheme=None, colorcustom=None, scalemin=None, scalemax=None, interpolate=None, bands=None, rmin=None, rmax=None, gmin=None, gmax=None, bmin=None, bmax=None): = str(name) self.visible = bool(visible) self.opacity = float(opacity) self.path = path self.file = file self.epsg = epsg self.nodata = nodata self.colorfile = colorfile self.colortable = colortable self.colormap = colormap self.valuemap = valuemap self.colorscheme = colorscheme self.colorcustom = colorcustom self.scalemin = scalemin self.scalemax = scalemax self.interpolate = interpolate self.bands = bands self.rmin = rmin self.rmax = rmax self.gmin = gmin self.gmax = gmax self.bmin = bmin self.bmax = bmax self.colorscheme_reverse = False if not self.colorscheme is None: if self.colorscheme[:3] == 'inv': self.colorscheme_reverse = True self.colorscheme = self.colorscheme[3:] if self.interpolate is None or len(self.interpolate) == 0: self.interpolate = 'NEAREST' self.items = [] # for discrete mode self.colors = [] # for continuous mode self.predefined = 0 if not self.colormap is None: self.mode = 0 # discrete values self.getItems(self.colormap,self.valuemap) else: self.mode = 1 # continuous values if not self.colorcustom is None: self.predefined = 1 self.colors = self.colorcustom.split(',') # Direct download of a .txt file containing a string def downloadText(self, textobj, output, fileName="layer.json"): string_bytes = textobj.encode("ascii","ignore") base64_bytes = base64.b64encode(string_bytes) base64_string = base64_bytes.decode("ascii") output.clear_output() with output: display(HTML('<script>function downloadURI(uri, name) { var link = document.createElement("a"); = name; link.href = uri;;} downloadURI("data:application/octet-stream;charset=utf-8;base64,' + base64_string + '","' + fileName + '"); </script>')) # Calculate self.items from a colormap and a valuemap string def getItems(self, colormapstr, valuemapstr): self.items = [] dcolor = {} dvalue = {} if colormapstr and len(colormapstr) > 0: try: dcolor = eval(colormapstr) except: dcolor = {} if valuemapstr and len(valuemapstr) > 0: try: dvalue = eval(valuemapstr) except: dvalue = {} for key,value in dcolor.items(): item = { "value": key, "class": "", "color": value } if key in dvalue: item["class"] = dvalue[key] self.items.append(item) # Return a ipyleaflet.TileLayer instance
[docs] def tileLayer(self): """ Return a ipyleaflet.TileLayer instance """ if not self.path is None : if isinstance(self.path , str): coll = inter.Collection(eval(self.path)) else: coll = inter.Collection(self.path) else: coll = inter.ImageCollection("SIMPLE") if not self.file is None: coll.parameter('file',self.file) if not self.epsg is None: coll.parameter('epsg',str(self.epsg)) if not self.nodata is None: coll.parameter('nodata',str(self.nodata)) if not self.colorfile is None and len(self.colorfile) > 0: coll.parameter('colorfile',str(self.colorfile)) if not self.colortable is None and len(self.colortable) > 0: coll.parameter('colortable',str(self.colortable)) if not self.colormap is None and len(self.colormap) > 0: coll.parameter('colormap',str(self.colormap)) if not self.valuemap is None and len(self.valuemap) > 0: coll.parameter('valuemap',str(self.valuemap)) if not self.colorscheme is None and len(self.colorscheme) > 0: coll.parameter('colorscheme',str(self.colorscheme)) if not self.colorcustom is None and len(self.colorcustom) > 0: coll.parameter('colorcustom',str(self.colorcustom)) if not self.scalemin is None: coll.parameter('scalemin',str(self.scalemin)) if not self.scalemax is None: coll.parameter('scalemax',str(self.scalemax)) if not self.interpolate is None: coll.parameter('interpolate',str(self.interpolate)) if not self.bands is None: coll.parameter('bands',str(self.bands)) if not self.rmin is None: coll.parameter('rmin',str(self.rmin)) if not self.rmax is None: coll.parameter('rmax',str(self.rmax)) if not self.gmin is None: coll.parameter('gmin',str(self.gmin)) if not self.gmax is None: coll.parameter('gmax',str(self.gmax)) if not self.bmin is None: coll.parameter('bmin',str(self.bmin)) if not self.bmax is None: coll.parameter('bmax',str(self.bmax)) p = coll.process() procid = p.toLayer() #p.printProcess() return ipyleaflet.TileLayer(, visible=self.visible, opacity=self.opacity, url='{x}&y={y}&z={z}&procid=%s'%procid)
# Save layer info into a dictionary (for downloading it as a .json file) def toDict(self): d = { "format": "BDAP layer 1.0" } if not self.path is None: d['path'] = str(self.path) else: if not self.file is None: d['file'] = self.file if not self.epsg is None: d['epsg'] = self.epsg if not self.nodata is None: d['nodata'] = self.nodata if not self.colorfile is None and len(self.colorfile) > 0: d['colorfile'] = self.colorfile if not self.colortable is None and len(self.colortable) > 0: d['colortable'] = self.colortable if not self.colormap is None and len(self.colormap) > 0: d['colormap'] = self.colormap if not self.valuemap is None and len(self.valuemap) > 0: d['valuemap'] = self.valuemap if not self.colorscheme is None and len(self.colorscheme) > 0: d['colorscheme'] = self.colorscheme if not self.colorcustom is None and len(self.colorcustom) > 0: d['colorcustom'] = self.colorcustom if not self.scalemin is None: d['scalemin'] = self.scalemin if not self.scalemax is None: d['scalemax'] = self.scalemax if not self.interpolate is None: d['interpolate'] = self.interpolate if not self.bands is None: d['bands'] = self.bands if not self.rmin is None: d['rmin'] = self.rmin if not self.rmax is None: d['rmax'] = self.rmax if not self.gmin is None: d['gmin'] = self.gmin if not self.gmax is None: d['gmax'] = self.gmax if not self.bmin is None: d['bmin'] = self.bmin if not self.bmax is None: d['bmax'] = self.bmax return d # Load layer info from a dictionary (for uploading it from a .json file) def fromDict(self, d): = '' self.visible = True self.opacity = 1.0 self.path = None self.file = None self.epsg = None self.nodata = None self.colorfile = None self.colortable = None self.colormap = None self.valuemap = None self.colorscheme = None self.colorcustom = None self.scalemin = None self.scalemax = None self.interpolate = None self.bands = None self.rmin = None self.rmax = None self.gmin = None self.gmax = None self.bmin = None self.bmax = None if d['format'] == "BDAP layer 1.0": if 'path' in d and len(d['path']) > 0: self.path = d['path'] else: if 'file' in d: self.file = d['file'] if 'epsg' in d: self.epsg = d['epsg'] if 'nodata' in d: self.nodata = d['nodata'] if 'colorfile' in d and len(d['colorfile']) > 0: self.colorfile = d['colorfile'] if 'colortable' in d and len(d['colortable']) > 0: self.colortable = d['colortable'] if 'colormap' in d and len(d['colormap']) > 0: self.colormap = d['colormap'] if 'valuemap' in d and len(d['valuemap']) > 0: self.valuemap = d['valuemap'] if 'colorscheme' in d and len(d['colorscheme']) > 0: self.colorscheme = d['colorscheme'] if 'colorcustom' in d and len(d['colorcustom']) > 0: self.colorcustom = d['colorcustom'] if 'scalemin' in d: self.scalemin = d['scalemin'] if 'scalemax' in d: self.scalemax = d['scalemax'] if 'interpolate' in d: self.interpolate = d['interpolate'] if 'bands' in d: self.bands = d['bands'] if 'rmin' in d: self.rmin = d['rmin'] if 'rmax' in d: self.rmax = d['rmax'] if 'gmin' in d: self.gmin = d['gmin'] if 'gmax' in d: self.gmax = d['gmax'] if 'bmin' in d: self.bmin = d['bmin'] if 'bmax' in d: self.bmax = d['bmax'] self.colorscheme_reverse = False if not self.colorscheme is None: if self.colorscheme[:3] == 'inv': self.colorscheme_reverse = True self.colorscheme = self.colorscheme[3:] if self.interpolate is None or len(self.interpolate) == 0: self.interpolate = 'NEAREST' self.items = [] # for discrete mode self.colors = [] # for continuous mode self.predefined = 0 if not self.colormap is None: self.mode = 0 # discrete values self.getItems(self.colormap,self.valuemap) else: self.mode = 1 # continuous values if not self.colorcustom is None: self.predefined = 1 self.colors = self.colorcustom.split(',') # Open a dialog-box to edit the layer
[docs] def edit(self, output, outdebug, onok=None, oncancel=None): """ Open a dialog-box to edit the layer """ pconteditor = None outscheme = widgets.Output(layout=Layout(width='90%', height='80px')) outpalette = widgets.Output(layout=Layout(width='90%', height='80px')) outdiscrete = widgets.Output(layout=Layout(width='95%', height='130px')) outcontinuous = widgets.Output(layout=Layout(width='95%', height='130px')) btnEditDisc = v.Btn(icon=True, class_="pa-0 ma-0 mt-4", children=[v.Icon(children=['mdi-palette-outline'])]) btnEditCont = v.Btn(icon=True, class_="pa-0 ma-0 mt-4", children=[v.Icon(children=['mdi-palette-outline'])]) tf_colormap = v.TextField(label='Colormap:', v_model=self.colormap, color=settings.color_first, class_="pa-0 ma-0 ml-4 mr-4", style_='width: 650px; max-width: 650px;') tf_valuemap = v.TextField(label='Valuemap:', v_model=self.valuemap, color=settings.color_first, class_="pa-0 ma-0 ml-4 mr-4", style_='width: 650px; max-width: 650px;') # Selected a discrete palette def on_palette_discrete_ok(): self.items = pconteditor.items tf_colormap.v_model = str(dict([ (x['value'],x['color']) for x in self.items])) tf_valuemap.v_model = str(dict([ (x['value'],x['class']) for x in self.items])) # Edit of a discrete palette def onEditDiscrete(widget, event, data): nonlocal pconteditor #with outdebug: # print(tf_colormap.v_model) self.getItems(tf_colormap.v_model,tf_valuemap.v_model) pconteditor = paletteEditor.paletteEditor(items=self.items, width=450, interpolate=False) dlg = dialogGeneric.dialogGeneric(title='Discrete palette editor', text='', show=True, addclosebuttons=True, width=560, persistent=True, addokcancelbuttons=True, on_ok=on_palette_discrete_ok, fullscreen=False, content=[pconteditor.draw()], output=output) # Selected a continuous palette def on_palette_continuous_ok(): self.colors = pconteditor.colors outpalette.clear_output(wait=True) with outpalette: c = v.Card(outlined=True, class_="pa-0 ma-0 mt-3", style_='width: 400px; max-width: 400px; height: 40px; max-height: 40px;' , children=[v.Img(class_="pa-0 ma-1", src=palettePicker.image2Base64(palettePicker.paletteImage(self.colors, width=360, height=29, interpolate=True)))]) display(widgets.HBox([c,spacer,tooltip.tooltip("Edit palette",btnEditCont)])) # Edit a continuous palette def onEditContinuous(widget, event, data): nonlocal pconteditor items = paletteEditor.colorlist2Items(self.colors) pconteditor = paletteEditor.paletteEditor(items=items, width=450, interpolate=True) dlg = dialogGeneric.dialogGeneric(title='Continuous palette editor', text='', show=True, addclosebuttons=True, width=560, persistent=True, addokcancelbuttons=True, on_ok=on_palette_continuous_ok, fullscreen=False, content=[pconteditor.draw()], output=output) btnEditDisc.on_event('click', onEditDiscrete) btnEditCont.on_event('click', onEditContinuous) spacer = v.Html(tag='div',children=[' '], style_='width: 15px;') outcolorschema = widgets.Output(layout=Layout(width='330px', height='66px')) layer_text = '' # Called when a .json file is selected for upload def on_upload_layer(files): nonlocal layer_text if len(files) > 0: f = files[0] layer_text = f['file_obj'].read().decode("utf-8") try: j = json.loads(layer_text) if ("format" in j) and (j["format"] == "BDAP layer 1.0"): pass else: upload_file.clear() e = dialogMessage.dialogMessage(title='Error', text='The uploaded file is not in the \"BDAP layer 1.0\" format', addclosebuttons=False, show=True, width=400, output=output) except: upload_file.clear() e = dialogMessage.dialogMessage(title='Error', text='Cannot read the uploaded file!', addclosebuttons=False, show=True, width=400, output=output) else: layer_text = '' upload_file = upload.upload(accept="application/json", multiple=False, show_progress=False, onchange=on_upload_layer, label='Layer file:', placeholder='Click to select the layer to upload', width='480px', margins="pa-0 ma-0 ml-4") # Display of the selected color scheme def display_colorschema(arg=None): outcolorschema.clear_output() if not self.colorscheme is None: with outcolorschema: colorscheme = ss_colorscheme.value if s_reverse.value: colorscheme = 'inv' + colorscheme display(HTML("<br/>")) display(HTML(inter.colorSchemaLegend(colorscheme, Height=25))) # Save values from widgets to self. members def widgets2members(): with outdebug: if len(tf_path.v_model) > 0: try: self.path = 'inter.' + tf_path.v_model.replace('inter.','') except: self.path = None else: self.path = None = tf_name.v_model self.file = tf_file.v_model self.epsg = ss_epsg.value self.nodata = float(tf_nodata.v_model) self.scalemin = float(tf_scalemin.v_model) self.scalemax = float(tf_scalemax.v_model) self.interpolate = ss_interpolate.value self.colorfile = tf_colorfile.v_model self.colortable = tf_colortable.v_model self.colorscheme_reverse = s_reverse.value if tmode.value == 0: # Discrete self.colormap = tf_colormap.v_model self.valuemap = tf_valuemap.v_model else: # Continuous self.colormap = None self.valuemap = None if tscheme.value == 0: # Predefined schemas self.colorscheme = ss_colorscheme.value if self.colorscheme_reverse: self.colorscheme = 'inv' + self.colorscheme self.colorcustom = None else: # Custom palette self.colorscheme = None self.colorcustom = ','.join(self.colors) if s_rgb.value: self.bands = str(ss_bandR.value) + '#' + str(ss_bandG.value) + '#' + str(ss_bandB.value) self.rmin = float(tf_rmin.v_model) self.rmax = float(tf_rmax.v_model) self.gmin = float(tf_gmin.v_model) self.gmax = float(tf_gmax.v_model) self.bmin = float(tf_bmin.v_model) self.bmax = float(tf_bmax.v_model) else: self.bands = None self.rmin = None self.rmax = None self.gmin = None self.gmax = None self.bmin = None self.bmax = None # load self. members to widgets def members2widgets(): with outdebug: pathvalue = '' if not self.path is None: pathvalue = str(self.path) tf_path.v_model = pathvalue tf_name.v_model = tf_file.v_model = self.file ss_epsg.value = self.epsg tf_nodata.v_model = self.nodata tf_scalemin.v_model = self.scalemin tf_scalemax.v_model = self.scalemax ss_interpolate.value = self.interpolate tf_colorfile.v_model = self.colorfile tf_colortable.v_model = self.colortable tmode.value = self.mode tscheme.value = self.predefined s_reverse.value = self.colorscheme_reverse if self.colormap and len(self.colormap) > 0: # Discrete tf_colormap.v_model = self.colormap tf_valuemap.v_model = self.valuemap else: # Continuous tf_colormap.v_model = None tf_valuemap.v_model = None if self.colorscheme and len(self.colorscheme) > 0: # Predefined schemas if self.colorscheme[:3] == 'inv': self.colorscheme_reverse = True s_reverse.value = self.colorscheme_reverse self.colorscheme = self.colorscheme[3:] ss_colorscheme.value = self.colorscheme if self.bands and len(self.bands) > 0: v = self.bands.split('#') if len(v) >= 3: ss_bandR.value = v[0] ss_bandG.value = v[1] ss_bandB.value = v[2] tf_rmin.v_model = self.rmin tf_rmax.v_model = self.rmax tf_gmin.v_model = self.gmin tf_gmax.v_model = self.gmax tf_bmin.v_model = self.bmin tf_bmax.v_model = self.bmax # Exit with OK: update the values def edit_onok(): widgets2members() if onok: onok() # Manage rgb switch def on_rgb(arg=None): disabled = True if s_rgb.value: disabled = False ss_bandR.disabled = disabled ss_bandG.disabled = disabled ss_bandB.disabled = disabled tf_rmin.disabled = disabled tf_rmax.disabled = disabled tf_gmin.disabled = disabled tf_gmax.disabled = disabled tf_bmin.disabled = disabled tf_bmax.disabled = disabled # Control disable state when path is entered def onpathchanged(widget, event, data): disabled = False if tf_path.v_model and len(tf_path.v_model) > 0: disabled = True tf_file.disabled = disabled ss_epsg.disabled = disabled tf_nodata.disabled = disabled tf_scalemin.disabled = disabled tf_scalemax.disabled = disabled ss_interpolate.disabled = disabled tf_colorfile.disabled = disabled tf_colortable.disabled = disabled tscheme.disabled = disabled tmode.disabled = disabled ss_colorscheme.disabled = disabled s_reverse.disabled = disabled btnEditDisc.disabled = disabled btnEditCont.disabled = disabled tf_colormap.disabled = disabled tf_valuemap.disabled = disabled s_rgb.disabled = disabled if (not disabled) and (not s_rgb.value): disabled = True ss_bandR.disabled = disabled ss_bandG.disabled = disabled ss_bandB.disabled = disabled tf_rmin.disabled = disabled tf_rmax.disabled = disabled tf_gmin.disabled = disabled tf_gmax.disabled = disabled tf_bmin.disabled = disabled tf_bmax.disabled = disabled # Called when the file upload dialog is closed with the "OK" button def on_upload_ok(): nonlocal layer_text if len(layer_text) > 2: dlg = dialogWait.dialogWait(text='Loading layer...', output=output) try: d = json.loads(layer_text) if ("format" in d) and (d["format"] == "BDAP layer 1.0"): self.fromDict(d) members2widgets() else: e = dialogMessage.dialogMessage(title='Error', text='The uploaded file is not in the \"BDAP layer 1.0\" format', addclosebuttons=False, show=True, width=400, output=output) except: e = dialogMessage.dialogMessage(title='Error', text='Cannot read the uploaded file!', addclosebuttons=False, show=True, width=400, output=output) dlg.close() layer_text = '' upload_file.clear() # Called when the file upload dialog is closed with the "cancel" button def on_upload_cancel(): upload_file.clear() # Upload def onupload(widget, event, data): dlg = dialogGeneric.dialogGeneric(title='Load a layer from local disk', text='', show=True, addclosebuttons=False, width=520, addokcancelbuttons=True, on_ok=on_upload_ok, on_cancel=on_upload_cancel, fullscreen=False, content=[upload_file.draw()], output=output) # Download def ondownload(widget, event, data): def on_ok(): widgets2members() d = self.toDict() txt = json.dumps(d) filename = tf.v_model if filename[-5:] != ".json": filename += ".json" self.downloadText(txt, fileName=filename, output=output) tf = v.TextField(v_model="Layer", label="Layer file name", autofocus=True, color=settings.color_first, class_="pa-0 ma-0 ml-4 mr-4") dlg = dialogGeneric.dialogGeneric(title='Save current layer to local disk', text='', show=True, addclosebuttons=False, width=500, addokcancelbuttons=True, on_ok=on_ok, fullscreen=False, content=[tf], output=output) with outdebug: pathvalue = '' if not self.path is None: pathvalue = str(self.path) tf_name = v.TextField(label='Layer name:',, color=settings.color_first, class_="pa-0 ma-0 mt-7 ml-4 mr-4", autofocus=True) btnupload = v.Btn(icon=True, class_="mr-0", children=[v.Icon(children=['mdi-folder-open-outline'])]) btndownload = v.Btn(icon=True, class_="mr-0", children=[v.Icon(children=['mdi-content-save'])]) btnupload.on_event('click', onupload) btndownload.on_event('click', ondownload) r0 = v.Row(no_gutters=True, justify="space-between", children=[tf_name, btnupload, btndownload], class_="pa-0 ma-0") tf_path = v.TextField(label='Collections Path:', v_model=pathvalue, color=settings.color_first, class_="pa-0 ma-0 ml-4 mr-4") tf_path.on_event('input', onpathchanged) tf_file = v.TextField(label='File:', v_model=self.file, color=settings.color_first, class_="pa-0 ma-0 ml-4 mr-4") ss_epsg = selectSingle.selectSingle(label='Epsg:', values=['3857', '4326', '3035'], selection=str(self.epsg), width=180, newvalues_enabled=True, newvalues_type='number', clearable=False) tf_nodata = v.TextField(label='Nodata:', v_model=self.nodata, type='number', color=settings.color_first, class_="pa-0 ma-0 ml-4 mr-4 mt-2", style_="width: 110px; max-width: 120px") tf_scalemin = v.TextField(label='Scalemin:', v_model=self.scalemin, type='number', color=settings.color_first, class_="pa-0 ma-0 ml-4 mr-4 mt-2", style_="width: 110px; max-width: 120px") tf_scalemax = v.TextField(label='Scalemax:', v_model=self.scalemax, type='number', color=settings.color_first, class_="pa-0 ma-0 ml-4 mr-4 mt-2", style_="width: 110px; max-width: 120px") ss_interpolate = selectSingle.selectSingle(label='Interpolation:', values=['NEAREST', 'BILINEAR', 'CUBIC', 'CUBICSPLINE', 'LANCZOS', 'AVERAGE', 'MODE', 'MAX', 'MIN', 'MED'], selection=self.interpolate, width=200, newvalues_enabled=False, clearable=False) r1 = v.Row(no_gutters=True, justify="space-between", children=[ss_epsg.draw(),tf_nodata, tf_scalemin, tf_scalemax, ss_interpolate.draw()], class_="pa-0 ma-0 ml-4 mr-4") tf_colorfile = v.TextField(label='Color file:', v_model=self.colorfile, color=settings.color_first, class_="pa-0 ma-0 ml-4 mr-4") tf_colortable = v.TextField(label='Color table file:', v_model=self.colortable, color=settings.color_first, class_="pa-0 ma-0 ml-4 mr-4") coll = inter.ImageCollection("SIMPLE") colorschemes = coll.listColorSchemes() ss_colorscheme = selectSingle.selectSingle(label='Color scheme:', values=colorschemes, selection=self.colorscheme, width=220, newvalues_enabled=False, marginy=4, clearable=False, onchange=display_colorschema) s_reverse = switch.switch(self.colorscheme_reverse, 'Reverse color order', inset=True, dense=True, onchange=display_colorschema) tscheme = tabs.tabs(self.predefined, ['Predefined color schemes', 'Custom color palette'], contents=[outscheme,outpalette], row=True) display_colorschema() outscheme.clear_output(wait=True) with outscheme: display(widgets.HBox([ss_colorscheme.draw(),spacer,v.Row(no_gutters=True, justify="start", children=[s_reverse.draw()], class_="pa-0 ma-0 mt-3"),spacer,outcolorschema])) outpalette.clear_output(wait=True) with outpalette: c = v.Card(outlined=True, class_="pa-0 ma-0 mt-3", style_='width: 400px; max-width: 400px; height: 40px; max-height: 40px;' , children=[v.Img(class_="pa-0 ma-1", src=palettePicker.image2Base64(palettePicker.paletteImage(self.colors, width=360, height=29, interpolate=True)))]) display(widgets.HBox([c,spacer,tooltip.tooltip("Edit palette",btnEditCont)])) outdiscrete.clear_output(wait=True) with outdiscrete: display(widgets.HBox([btnEditDisc,spacer,widgets.VBox([tf_colormap,tf_valuemap])])) outcontinuous.clear_output(wait=True) with outcontinuous: display(tscheme.draw()) tmode = tabs.tabs(self.mode, ['Discrete values', 'Continuous values'], contents=[outdiscrete,outcontinuous], row=False) r2 = v.Row(no_gutters=True, justify="start", children=[tmode.draw()], class_="pa-0 ma-0 ml-4 mr-4") s_rgb = switch.switch(self.colorscheme_reverse, 'RGB', inset=True, dense=True, onchange=on_rgb) bands = [str(x) for x in range(1,11)] ss_bandR = selectSingle.selectSingle(label='R:', values=bands, selection="1", width=75, newvalues_enabled=True, newvalues_type='number', clearable=False) ss_bandG = selectSingle.selectSingle(label='G:', values=bands, selection="2", width=75, newvalues_enabled=True, newvalues_type='number', clearable=False) ss_bandB = selectSingle.selectSingle(label='B:', values=bands, selection="3", width=75, newvalues_enabled=True, newvalues_type='number', clearable=False) tf_rmin = v.TextField(label='Rmin:', v_model=self.rmin, type='number', color=settings.color_first, class_="pa-0 ma-0 ml-4 mr-4 mt-2", style_="width: 65px; max-width: 65px") tf_rmax = v.TextField(label='Rmax:', v_model=self.rmax, type='number', color=settings.color_first, class_="pa-0 ma-0 ml-4 mr-4 mt-2", style_="width: 65px; max-width: 65px") tf_gmin = v.TextField(label='Gmin:', v_model=self.gmin, type='number', color=settings.color_first, class_="pa-0 ma-0 ml-4 mr-4 mt-2", style_="width: 65px; max-width: 65px") tf_gmax = v.TextField(label='Gmax:', v_model=self.gmax, type='number', color=settings.color_first, class_="pa-0 ma-0 ml-4 mr-4 mt-2", style_="width: 65px; max-width: 65px") tf_bmin = v.TextField(label='Bmin:', v_model=self.bmin, type='number', color=settings.color_first, class_="pa-0 ma-0 ml-4 mr-4 mt-2", style_="width: 65px; max-width: 65px") tf_bmax = v.TextField(label='Bmax:', v_model=self.bmax, type='number', color=settings.color_first, class_="pa-0 ma-0 ml-4 mr-4 mt-2", style_="width: 65px; max-width: 65px") r3 = v.Row(no_gutters=True, justify="start", children=[s_rgb.draw(), spacer, ss_bandR.draw(),spacer,ss_bandG.draw(),spacer,ss_bandB.draw(), tf_rmin,tf_rmax,tf_gmin,tf_gmax,tf_bmin,tf_bmax], class_="pa-0 ma-0 ml-4 mr-4") on_rgb() dlg = dialogGeneric.dialogGeneric(title='Edit Layer', text='', show=True, addclosebuttons=False, width=1000, persistent=True, addokcancelbuttons=True, on_ok=edit_onok, on_cancel=oncancel, fullscreen=False, content=[r0, tf_path, tf_file, r1, tf_colorfile, tf_colortable, r2, r3], output=output)
##################################################################################################################################################### # Layers TOC widget class #####################################################################################################################################################
[docs]class layers(): """ Widget to manage the layers Table Of Content for a ipyleaflet Map Parameters ---------- m : ipyleaflet.Map instance Map instance to connect to the layers widget color : str, optional Color to use for the widget (default is settings.color_first) dark : bool, optional If True, the widget will have a dark background (default is settings.dark_mode) width : int, optional Width of the widget in pixels (default is 320) Example ------- Creation of a layers management widget:: import ipyleaflet from jeodpp import inter, imap from ipywidgets import widgets, Layout from vois.vuetify import layers # Given a collection path returns a ipyleaflet.TileLayer def tileLayer(name, collectionpath): p = inter.Collection(collectionpath).process() procid = p.toLayer() return ipyleaflet.TileLayer(name=name, url='{x}&y={y}&z={z}&procid=%s'%procid) layer1 = tileLayer('Merit DEM', inter.collections.BaseData.Elevation.MERIT.Hillshade) layer2 = tileLayer('Corine 2018', inter.collections.BaseData.Landcover.CLC2018) layer3 = tileLayer('Gisco Labels', inter.collections.Basemaps.Gisco.OSMCartoLabels) height = 500 m = imap.Map(layout=Layout(height='%dpx'%height)) m.add_layer(layer1) m.add_layer(layer2) m.add_layer(layer3) ly = layers.layers(m, width=400, dark=False) display(widgets.HBox([ly.draw(),m])) .. figure:: figures/layers.png :scale: 100 % :alt: layers widget Example of a layers management widget """ def __init__(self, m, color=settings.color_first, dark=settings.dark_mode, width=400): = m self.color = color self.dark = dark self.width = width # Retrieve non-base layers from the map and assign a unique layerid self.layers = [] self.nextlayerid = 0 for index,layer in enumerate( if not layer.base: self.layers.insert(0, { "name":, "base": layer.base, "visible": layer.visible, "opacity": layer.opacity, "mapindex": index, # Index of the layer in the map "layerid": self.nextlayerid}) # Unique layer identifier (unmutable) self.nextlayerid += 1 # Calculate indexing of the layers: self.layerid2mapindex and self.mapindex2layerid self.indexLayers() # Create the sortableList widget self.s = sortableList.sortableList(items=self.layers, width=width, dark=dark, allowNew=True, newOnTop=True, buttonstooltip=True, itemNew=self.layerNew, itemContent=self.layerContent, onmovedown=self._onmovedown, onmoveup=self._onmoveup, onremoving=self._onremoving, onremoved=self._onremoved) self.outservice = widgets.Output(layout=Layout(width='0px', height='0px')) self.debug = widgets.Output() # Calculate indexing of the layers: self.layerid2mapindex and self.mapindex2layerid def indexLayers(self): self.layerid2mapindex = {} self.mapindex2layerid = {} mapindex = len(self.layers) for layer in self.layers: layer['mapindex'] = mapindex mapindex -= 1 self.layerid2mapindex[layer['layerid'] ] = layer['mapindex'] self.mapindex2layerid[layer['mapindex']] = layer['layerid'] # Manage movedown event def _onmovedown(self, index): a = self.layers[index]['mapindex'] b = self.layers[index+1]['mapindex'] layerlist = list( layerlist[b], layerlist[a] = layerlist[a], layerlist[b] = tuple(layerlist) self.indexLayers() # Manage moveup event def _onmoveup(self, index): a = self.layers[index]['mapindex'] b = self.layers[index-1]['mapindex'] layerlist = list( layerlist[b], layerlist[a] = layerlist[a], layerlist[b] = tuple(layerlist) self.indexLayers() # Manage pre-remove event def _onremoving(self, index): indexinmap = self.layers[index]['mapindex'] =[:indexinmap] +[indexinmap+1:] # Manage post-remove event def _onremoved(self, index): self.indexLayers() # Add the new edited layer to the map def addNewLayer(self): with self.debug: mapindex = len( layerid = self.nextlayerid self.nextlayerid += 1 # Define the new item of the sortableList newItem = { "name":, "base": False, "visible": self.newlayer.visible, "opacity": self.newlayer.opacity, "mapindex": mapindex, "layerid": layerid } # Add the new item to the sortableList widget self.s.doAddItem(newItem) # Add the new layer to the map # Add element to the index dicts self.layerid2mapindex[layerid] = mapindex self.mapindex2layerid[mapindex] = layerid # Creation of a new layer def layerNew(self): self.newlayer = interaproLayer('Population 2020', visible=True, opacity=1.0, file='/eos/jeodpp/data/base/Population/GLOBAL/WorldPop/VER1-0/Data/VRT/MOSAIC_ppp_prj_2020.vrt', epsg=4326, nodata=-99999.0, colorscheme='RdYlGn_mixed', scalemin=0.0, scalemax=15.0) self.newlayer.edit(self.outservice, self.debug, onok=self.addNewLayer) return None # Content of a layer def layerContent(self, layer, index): # Toggle visibility of the layer def onvisible(flag): layerid = layer['layerid'] mapindex = self.layerid2mapindex[layerid] layer['visible'] = not layer['visible'][mapindex].visible = layer['visible'] # Change opacity of a layer def onopacity(widget, event, data): layerid = layer['layerid'] mapindex = self.layerid2mapindex[layerid] layer['opacity'] = opacity.v_model/10.0[mapindex].opacity = layer['opacity'] visible = switch.switch(layer['visible'], '', onchange=onvisible, inset=True, dense=True) opacity = v.Slider(v_model=int(10*layer['opacity']), dense=True, xsmall=True, ticks=True, thumb_size=10, dark=self.dark, color=self.color, track_color="grey", class_="pa-0 ma-0 ml-5 mr-5 mt-3 mb-n1", style_='max-width: 140px; width: 140px;', min=0, max=10, vertical=False, height=32) opacity.on_event('input', onopacity) htmlopacity = v.Card(dark=self.dark, children=[v.Html(tag='div', children=[opacity], style_='overflow: hidden;')]) m = v.Menu(offset_y=True, open_on_hover=False, dense=True, dark=self.dark, v_slots=[{ 'name': 'activator', 'variable': 'menuData', 'children': v.Btn(v_on='menuData.on', icon=True, depressed=True, large=False, dense=True, class_='pa-0 ma-0', children=[v.Icon(color='#aaaaaa', children=['mdi-opacity'])]), }], children=[htmlopacity] ) bcolor = v.Btn(icon=True, depressed=True, large=False, dense=True, class_='pa-0 ma-0', children=[v.Icon(color='#aaaaaa', children=['mdi-palette-outline'])]) name = v.CardSubtitle(class_="pa-0 ma-0 ml-1 mt-2 mb-2", children=[layer['name']]) spacer = v.Html(tag='div',children=[' '], style_='width: 3px; height: 44px;') return [ v.Row(class_="pa-0 ma-0", no_gutters=True, children=[tooltip.tooltip('Hide/Show the layer', visible.draw()), tooltip.tooltip('Layer colors',bcolor), spacer, tooltip.tooltip('Layer opacity',m), spacer, name]) ] # Returns the vuetify object to display (the treeview widget)
[docs] def draw(self): """Returns the ipyvuetify object to display (the internal card containing the widgets)""" #return widgets.VBox([self.outservice, self.s.draw()]) return widgets.VBox([self.outservice, self.s.draw(), self.debug])