Source code for mainPage

"""Initial page for an application"""
# Author(s):
# Copyright © European Union 2022-2023
# Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.2 or as soon they will be approved by 
# the European Commission subsequent versions of the EUPL (the "Licence");
# You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence.
# You may obtain a copy of the Licence at:

# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the Licence is distributed on an "AS IS"
# express or implied.
# See the Licence for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the Licence.

# Imports
from vois.vuetify import settings, dialogGeneric, card
from ipywidgets import widgets, Layout, HTML
from IPython.display import display
import ipyvuetify as v
import os

# Check if running in Voila: /eos is not mounted...
def RunningInVoila():
    return not os.path.isdir("/eos/jeodpp/data/SRS/")

# Main page o the application
[docs]class mainPage(): """ Initial page of an application. The page contains a box for the title/subtitle/logo of the application, a box containing one or more buttons, each of them calling a callback function, and a box containing credits information. All these boxes are horizontally centered inside the page, while their vertical position can be customized (by default the title is on top, the buttons in central position and the credit box is at the bottom of the page). Parameters ---------- title : str, optional Title of the page (default is 'Application main title') subtitle : str, optional Subtitle of the page (default is 'Subtitle to be displayed below the main title') applogo_url : str, optional Url of the application logo (default is a sample logo) applogo_widthpercent : float, optional Width of the area where the application logo is displayed in percentage of the screen (default is 35.0) credits : str, optional Credits string to display inside the credit box on the bottom of the page (default is 'Credits Team XXX') creditslogo_url : str, optional Url of the image to display inside the credit box on the bottom of the page (default is '') text_color : str, optional Color to use for text (title, subtitle, credits, buttons text, etc.). Default is '#0e446e'. background_image : str or int, optional Image to use as fullscreen background. If an integer in the range [0,59] is passed, one of the sixty predefined wallpapers is used, otherwise any image URL can be used (default is 22) background_filter : str, optional CSS image filter to apply to the background image (default is ''). See for a list of available filters. vois_show : bool, optional Is True, a credit to the vois library is displayed in the top-right side of the page (default is True) vois_opacity : float, optional Opacity to apply to the vois logo, in case vois_show is set to True (default is 0.4) titlebox_widthpercent : float, optional Width of the top box containing the title, in percentage of the screen width. Default is 40.0. titlebox_heightpercent : float, optional Height of the box containing the title, in percentage of the screen height. Default is 24.0. titlebox_toppercent : float, optional Top position of the box containing the title, in percentage of the screen height, measured from the top of the page. Default is 14.0. titlebox_opacity : float, optional Opacity to apply to the box containing the title (default is 0.4) titlebox_border : int, optional Border width in pixels of the box containing the title (default is 4) buttonbox_widthpercent : float, optional Width of the box containing the buttons, in percentage of the screen width. Default is 80.0. buttonbox_heightpercent : float, optional Height of the box containing the buttons, in percentage of the screen height. Default is 50.0. buttonbox_toppercent : float, optional Top position of the box containing the buttons, in percentage of the screen height, measured from the top of the page. Default is 43.0. creditbox_widthpercent : float, optional Width of the box containing the credits, in percentage of the screen width. Default is 80.0. creditbox_heightpercent : float, optional Height of the box containing the credits, in percentage of the screen height. Default is 17.0. creditbox_toppercent : float, optional Top position of the box containing the credits, in percentage of the screen height, measured from the top of the page. Default is 80.0. creditbox_opacity : float, optional Opacity to apply to the box containing the credits (default is 0.6) button_widthpercent : float, optional Width of each of the buttons, in percentage of the screen width. Default is 30.0. button_heightpercent : float, optional Height of each of the buttons, in percentage of the screen height. Default is 10.0. button_elevation : int, optional Elevation in pixels to apply to the buttons (default is 6) button_opacity: float, optional Opacity to apply to the buttons (default is 0.5) disclaimer: str, optional Text to display at the bottom of the creditbox (default is the empty string) Examples -------- Creation of a main page with 6 buttons displaying random images from from vois.vuetify import mainPage from random import randrange def onclick1(): print("Clicked Function 1") m = mainPage.mainPage(title='mainPage demo', subtitle='Showcase how easy is to create a front page for an app', credits="vois library development team", titlebox_widthpercent=50, titlebox_opacity=0.2, titlebox_border=0, vois_show=True, vois_opacity=0.1, button_widthpercent=23, button_heightpercent=14, button_elevation=16, button_opacity=0.6, background_image=55, background_filter='blur(2px) brightness(1.2) contrast(0.7) sepia(0.05) saturate(1.2)', creditbox_opacity=0, text_color='#222222') m.addButton('Function 1', subtitle='Launch calculation of ...', tooltip='Tooltip text to display on hover', image=''%randrange(1000), onclick=onclick1) for i in range(2,7): m.addButton('Function %d'%i, image=''%randrange(1000)) .. figure:: figures/mainPage.png :scale: 100 % :alt: mainPage widget Example of a mainPage """ # Initialization def __init__(self, title='Application main title', subtitle='Subtitle to be shown below the main title', applogo_url='', applogo_widthpercent=35.0, credits='Credits Team XXX', creditslogo_url='', text_color='#0e446e', background_image=22, background_filter='', vois_show=True, vois_opacity=0.4, titlebox_widthpercent=40.0, titlebox_heightpercent=24.0, titlebox_toppercent=14.0, titlebox_opacity=0.4, titlebox_border=4, buttonbox_widthpercent=80.0, buttonbox_heightpercent=50.0, buttonbox_toppercent=43.0, creditbox_widthpercent=80.0, creditbox_heightpercent=17.0, creditbox_toppercent=80.0, creditbox_opacity=0.6, button_widthpercent=30.0, button_heightpercent=10.0, button_elevation=6, button_opacity=0.5, disclaimer=''): self.output = widgets.Output(layout=Layout(width='0px', height='0px')) self.title = title self.subtitle = subtitle self.applogo_url = applogo_url self.applogo_widthpercent = applogo_widthpercent self.credits = credits self.creditslogo_url = creditslogo_url self.text_color = text_color self.background_image = background_image self.background_filter = background_filter self.vois_show = vois_show self.vois_opacity = vois_opacity self.titlebox_widthpercent = titlebox_widthpercent self.titlebox_heightpercent = titlebox_heightpercent self.titlebox_toppercent = titlebox_toppercent self.titlebox_opacity = titlebox_opacity self.titlebox_border = titlebox_border self.buttonbox_widthpercent = buttonbox_widthpercent self.buttonbox_heightpercent = buttonbox_heightpercent self.buttonbox_toppercent = buttonbox_toppercent self.creditbox_widthpercent = creditbox_widthpercent self.creditbox_heightpercent = creditbox_heightpercent self.creditbox_toppercent = creditbox_toppercent self.creditbox_opacity = creditbox_opacity self.button_widthpercent = button_widthpercent self.button_heightpercent = button_heightpercent self.button_elevation = button_elevation self.button_opacity = button_opacity self.disclaimer = disclaimer self.buttons = [] # Spacers self.spacer = v.Html(tag='div',children=[' '], style_='width: 16px; height: 20px;') # Dimension of the main title rectangle width = '%fvw'%self.titlebox_widthpercent height = '%fvh'%self.titlebox_heightpercent ###################################################################################################################################################### # Main titles ###################################################################################################################################################### html_main = ''' <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'> <style> .big { font-family: 'PT Sans', sans-serif; font-size: min(5.0vh, 3.7vw); font-weight: 700; text-shadow: -0.06vh -0.06vh 0 #fff, 0.06vh -0.06vh 0 #fff, -0.06vh 0.06vh 0 #fff, 0.06vh 0.06vh 0 #fff; text-align: center; line-height: 2.0; color: %s; } .normal { font-family: 'PT Sans', sans-serif; font-size: min(2.65vh, 2.0vw); font-weight: 700; text-align: center; line-height: 1.0; color: %s; } .responsive4 { width: %fvh; vertical-align: middle; height: auto; } </style> </head> <body> <div class="big"> %s </div> <div class="normal"> %s </div> <div class="normal"> <br/> <img src="%s" alt="" class="responsive4"> </div> </body> ''' % (self.text_color, self.text_color, self.applogo_widthpercent, self.title, self.subtitle, self.applogo_url) cardmain = v.Card(flat=True, children=[HTML(html_main)], style_="background-color: #ffffff00;") bcol = '#ffffff%0.2X'%(int(self.titlebox_opacity*255)) self.hmain = v.Html(tag='div', children=[cardmain], class_="pa-0 ma-0", style_='width: %s; height: %s; border: %dpx solid %s; border-radius: 12px; position: absolute; top: %fvh; left: %fvw; background-color: %s; overflow: hidden;'%(width,height, self.titlebox_border, self.text_color, self.titlebox_toppercent, (100.0-self.titlebox_widthpercent)/2.0, bcol)) ###################################################################################################################################################### # Credit to vois ###################################################################################################################################################### if self.vois_show: html_vois = ''' <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'> <style> .normal2 { font-family: 'PT Sans', sans-serif; font-size: min(2.20vh, 1.5vw); font-weight: 700; text-align: center; line-height: 1.0; color: %s; } .responsive2 { width: 10vw; vertical-align: middle; height: auto; background-color: #ffffff%0.2X; padding: 10px; } </style> </head> <body> <div class="normal2"> <br/> <span style="">created using the: </span> <img src="" alt="" class="responsive2"> </div> </body> ''' % (self.text_color, int(self.vois_opacity*255)) cardvois = v.Card(flat=True, children=[HTML(html_vois)], style_="background-color: #ffffff00;") self.hvois = v.Html(tag='div', children=[cardvois], class_="pa-0 ma-0", style_='width: 34vw; height: 11vh; border: 0px solid #000000; border-radius: 12px; position: absolute; top: 1vh; left: 65vw; background-color: #ffffff00; overflow: hidden;') else: self.hvois = '' ###################################################################################################################################################### # Logo and credits ###################################################################################################################################################### html_credits = ''' <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'> <style> .normal3 { font-family: 'PT Sans', sans-serif; font-size: min(2.0vh, 1.4vw); font-weight: 700; text-align: center; line-height: 1.0; color: %s; overflow: hidden; } .normal4 { font-family: 'PT Sans', sans-serif; font-size: min(1.3vh, 0.9vw); font-weight: 400; text-align: center; line-height: 1.0; color: %s; overflow: hidden; } .responsive3 { width: 14vw; vertical-align: middle; height: auto; } </style> </head> <body> <div class="normal3"> <img src="%s" alt="" class="responsive3"> </div> <div class="normal3"> <br/> %s </div> <div class="normal4"> <br/> %s </div> </body> '''%(self.text_color, self.text_color, self.creditslogo_url, self.credits, self.disclaimer) cardunit = v.Card(flat=True, children=[HTML(html_credits)], style_="background-color: #ffffff00;", class_="pa-0 ma-0 mt-2") bcol = '#ffffff%0.2X'%(int(self.creditbox_opacity*255)) self.hunit = v.Html(tag='div', children=[cardunit], class_="pa-0 ma-0", style_='width: %fvw; height: %fvh; border: 0px solid #000000; border-radius: 12px; position: absolute; top: %fvh; left: %fvw; background-color: %s; overflow: hidden;'%(self.creditbox_widthpercent, self.creditbox_heightpercent, self.creditbox_toppercent, (100.0-self.creditbox_widthpercent)/2.0, bcol)) # Add a button
[docs] def addButton(self, title, subtitle='', tooltip='', image='', onclick=None, argument=None): """ Add a button to the page Parameters ---------- title : str Title of the button subtitle : str, optional Subtitle of the button (default is '') tooltip : str, optional Tooltip to show when hovering the button title (default is '') image : str, optional Image to show on the right side of the button (default is '') onclick : function, optional Python function to call when the user clicks on the button. The function will receive the argument value as parameter if it is not None, otherwise it will be calle with no parameters. Default is None argument : any, optional Argument to pass to the onclick python function (default is None) """ self.buttons.append({'title': title, 'subtitle': subtitle, 'tooltip': tooltip, 'image': image, 'onclick': onclick, 'argument': argument})
# Display the page as a fullscreen dialog-box
[docs] def open(self): """Open the page""" nbuttons_per_row = self.buttonbox_widthpercent // self.button_widthpercent rows = [] children = [] i = 0 for b in self.buttons: c = card.card(elevation=self.button_elevation, width='%fvw'%self.button_widthpercent, imagesize="%fvh"%self.button_heightpercent, responsive=True, title=b['title'], subtitle=b['subtitle'], titletooltip=b['tooltip'], color='#ffffff%0.2X'%int(self.button_opacity*255), fontsizemultiplier=1.1, subtitleweight=400, image=b['image'], on_click=b['onclick'], argument=b['argument'], textcolor=self.text_color) if len(children) > 0: children.append(self.spacer) children.append(c) i += 1 if i >= nbuttons_per_row: r = v.Row(justify="center", children=children, class_="pa-0 ma-0 mt-2") rows.append(r) i = 0 children = [] if len(children) > 0: r = v.Row(justify="center", children=children, class_="pa-0 ma-0 mt-2") rows.append(r) hpages = v.Html(tag='div', children=rows, class_="pa-0 ma-0", style_='width: %fvw; height: %fvh; position: absolute; top: %fvh; left: %fvw; background-color: #ffffff00; overflow: hidden;'%(self.buttonbox_widthpercent, self.buttonbox_heightpercent, self.buttonbox_toppercent, (100.0-self.buttonbox_widthpercent)/2.0)) ###################################################################################################################################################### # Background image ###################################################################################################################################################### if isinstance(self.background_image, int): url = ''%self.background_image else: url = self.background_image # See: self.back = v.Html(tag='div', children=[], class_="pa-0 ma-0", style_=''' width: 100vw; height: 100vh; background-image: url('%s'); no-repeat center center fixed; -webkit-background-size: cover; -moz-background-size: cover; -o-background-size: cover; background-size: cover; filter: %s; '''%(url,self.background_filter)) display(self.output) self.dlg = dialogGeneric.dialogGeneric(title='', titleheight='0px', text='', show=True, addclosebuttons=False, persistent=RunningInVoila(), no_click_animation=True, # In JEO-lab the page closes with the "ESC" key!!! fullscreen=True, content=[self.back, self.hmain, self.hvois, hpages, self.hunit], output=self.output)
# Close the dialog
[docs] def close(self): """Close the page""" = None if not self.dlg is None: self.dlg.close()