Source code for sortableList

"""Vertically aligned list of customizable cards with items that can be moved, added and removed."""
# Author(s):
# Copyright © European Union 2022-2023
# Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.2 or as soon they will be approved by 
# the European Commission subsequent versions of the EUPL (the "Licence");
# You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence.
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from ipywidgets import widgets, Layout
from IPython.display import display
import ipyvuetify as v

    from . import settings
    from . import tooltip
    import settings
    import tooltip

# Vertically aligned list of customizable cards with items that can be moved, added and removed.
[docs]class sortableList: """ Vertically aligned list of customizable cards with items that can be moved, added and removed. Parameters ---------- items : list of dicts, optional List of items to display in the list (default is []) width : int, optional Width of widget in pixels (default is 400) outlined : bool, optional Flag to show each of the items with a border (default is True) dark : bool, optional Flag to invert the text and backcolor (default is the value of settings.dark_mode) allowNew : bool, optional If True, a 'plus' button is displayed that allows for adding new items (default is True) newOnTop: bool, optional If True, the '+' button adds a new item in first position on the items list (default False, new items are added as last in the items list) newButtonOnTop: bool, optional If True, the '+' button is displayed on top of the first item, otherwise it is displayed below the last item (default is False, the '+' button is on the bottom) itemNew : function, optional Python function called when a new items is added. The function is called with no arguments and it must return the dict initialized with the new item content (default is None). As an alternative, the function can return None, but then the real adding of the new item must be done by directly calling the doAddItem method itemContent : function, optional Python function called when an item is displayed. The function is called with an item as its first argument and the index (position of the item) as second argument. The function must return a list containing the ipyvuetify widgets to display the item content (default is None) bottomContent : list of ipyvuetify widgets, optional Additional widgets content to display in the bottom line (containing the 'plus' button), aligned to the right (default is []) onchange : function, optional Python function to call when the user changes the order of items or removes an item. The function will receive no parameters as input (default is None) onmovedown : function, optional Python function to call when the user moves one item down. The function will receive as parameter the zero-based index, before the move, of the moved item (default is None) onmoveup : function, optional Python function to call when the user moves one item up. The function will receive as parameter the zero-based index, before the move, of the moved item (default is None) onremoving : function, optional Python function to call when the user is about to remove an item. The function will receive as parameter the zero-based index of the item that is going to be removed (default is None) onremoved : function, optional Python function to call just after the user removes an item. The function will receive as parameter the zero-based index of the removed item (default is None) onadded : function, optional Python function to call just after a new item is added. The function will receive as parameter the zero-based index of the new item (default is None) buttonstooltip : bool, optional If True, the buttons to mode, add, remove items will have a tooltip (default is False) tooltipadd : str, optional Tooltip text for the "add" button (default is 'Add new') tooltipdown : str, optional Tooltip text for the "move down" buttons (default is 'Move down') tooltipup : str, optional Tooltip text for the "move up" buttons (default is 'Move up') tooltipremove : str, optional Tooltip text for the "remove" buttons (default is 'Remove') activatable : bool, optional If True the items can be activated by clicking on them (default is False) ondeactivated : function, optional Python function to call just after an item that was the active one, is deactivated. The function will receive as parameter the zero-based index of the deactivated item (default is None) onactivated : function, optional Python function to call just after an item becomes the active one (or by user-clicking or by setting the active property). The function will receive as parameter the zero-based index of the active item (default is None) Examples -------- Simple list displaying static text:: from vois.vuetify import sortableList from ipywidgets import widgets from IPython.display import display import ipyvuetify as v items = [{ "name": 'Jane Adams', "email": '' }, { "name": 'Paul Davis', "email": '' }, { "name": 'Amanda Brown', "email": '' } ] # Creation of a new item def itemNew(): return {"name": "new", "email": "empty"} # Content of an item def itemContent(item, index): return [ v.CardSubtitle(class_="mb-n4", children=[item['name']]), v.CardText( class_="mt-n2", children=[item['email']]) ] s = sortableList.sortableList(items=items, dark=False, allowNew=True, itemNew=itemNew, itemContent=itemContent) display(s.draw()) .. figure:: figures/sortableList1.png :scale: 100 % :alt: label widget Example of a simple sortableList displaying static text Example of a sortable list displaying editable text, boolean and date values (using the :py:class:`datePicker.datePicker` class):: from vois.vuetify import sortableList, datePicker, switch, tooltip from ipywidgets import widgets from IPython.display import display import ipyvuetify as v output = widgets.Output() items = [ { "name": "Paul", "surname": "Dockery", "married": False, "date": "" }, { "name": "July", "surname": "Winters", "married": True, "date": "1997-07-28" }, { "name": "David", "surname": "Forest", "married": True, "date": "1999-03-03" }, { "name": "Dorothy", "surname": "Landmann", "married": False, "date": "" } ] dark = False # Called when an item is moved or deleted def onchange(): with output: print('Changed!') # Creation of a new item def itemNew(): return { "name": "", "surname": "", "married": False, "date": "" } # Remove all items def itemRemoveAll(widget, event, data): s.items = [] reset = v.Btn(icon=True, children=[v.Icon(children=['mdi-playlist-remove'])]) reset.on_event('click', itemRemoveAll) # Content of an item def itemContent(item, index): def onname(widget, event, data): item["name"] = int(data) def onsurname(widget, event, data): item["surname"] = data def onmarried(flag): item["married"] = flag dp.disabled = not flag if not flag: item["date"] = '' = None def ondate(): item["date"] = tfname = v.TextField(label='Name:', value=item['name'], color='amber', dense=True, style_="max-width: 70px", class_="pa-0 ma-0 mt-2") tfname.on_event('input', onname) tfsurname = v.TextField(label='Surname:', value=item['surname'], color='amber', dense=True, style_="max-width: 100px", class_="pa-0 ma-0 mt-2") tfsurname.on_event('input', onsurname) sw = switch.switch(item['married'], "Married", onchange=onmarried) dp = datePicker.datePicker(date=item['date'], dark=dark, width=88, onchange=ondate, offset_x=True, offset_y=False) dp.disabled = not item['married'] sp = v.Html(tag='div', class_="pa-0 ma-0 mr-3", children=['']) return [ v.Row(class_="pa-0 ma-0 ml-2", no_gutters=True, children=[tfname, sp, tfsurname, sp, sw.draw(), sp, dp.draw()]) ] s = sortableList.sortableList(items=items, width=520, outlined=False, dark=dark, allowNew=True, itemNew=itemNew, itemContent=itemContent, bottomContent=[tooltip.tooltip("Remove all persons", reset)], onchange=onchange, buttonstooltip=True) display(s.draw()) display(output) .. figure:: figures/sortableList2.png :scale: 100 % :alt: label widget Example of a sortableList to edit textual, boolean and date values on persons. """ # Initialization def __init__(self, items=[], width=400, maxheightlist=10000, outlined=True, dark=settings.dark_mode, allowNew=True, newOnTop=False, newButtonOnTop=False, itemNew=None, itemContent=None, bottomContent=[], onchange=None, onmovedown=None, onmoveup=None, onremoving=None, onremoved=None, onadded=None, buttonstooltip=False, tooltipadd='Add new', tooltipdown='Move down', tooltipup='Move up', tooltipremove='Remove', activatable=False, ondeactivated=None, onactivated=None): self._items = items self.width = width self.outlined = outlined self.dark = dark self.allowNew = allowNew self.newOnTop = newOnTop self.newButtonOnTop = newButtonOnTop self.itemNew = itemNew self.itemContent = itemContent self.bottomContent = bottomContent self.onchange = onchange self.buttonstooltip = buttonstooltip self.tooltipadd = tooltipadd self.tooltipdown = tooltipdown self.tooltipup = tooltipup self.tooltipremove = tooltipremove self.onmovedown = onmovedown self.onmoveup = onmoveup self.onremoving = onremoving self.onremoved = onremoved self.onadded = onadded self.activatable = activatable self.ondeactivated = ondeactivated self.onactivated = onactivated self.activeindex = -1 self.output = v.Card(flat=True, max_height='%dpx'%maxheightlist, children=[]) self.outputplus = v.Card(flat=True, children=[]) = [] self.bdowns = [] self.bups = [] self.bremoves = [] # Create the + button to add a new item = "min-width: %dpx; max-width: %dpx" %(self.width,self.width) if self.allowNew: self.plusbutton = v.Btn(icon=True, dark=self.dark, children=[v.Icon(children=['mdi-plus'])]) self.plusbutton.on_event('click', self.onadd) if self.buttonstooltip: self.outputplus.children = [v.Row(no_gutters=True,, justify='space-between', children=[tooltip.tooltip(self.tooltipadd, self.plusbutton)] + self.bottomContent)] else: self.outputplus.children = [v.Row(no_gutters=True,, justify='space-between', children=[self.plusbutton] + self.bottomContent)] # Add all the items for index, item in enumerate(self._items): self.additem(item, index==0, index==len(self._items)-1) if self.activatable: bottomspace = 'mb-2' else: bottomspace = '' self.col = v.Col(class_="pa-0 ma-0 %s"%bottomspace, self.output.children = [self.col] # Click on + button def onadd(self, widget, event, data): if self.itemNew: item = self.itemNew() if not item is None: self.doAddItem(item) if not self.onadded is None: if self.newOnTop: self.onadded(0) else: self.onadded(len( # Effective add of a new item
[docs] def doAddItem(self, item): """ Manual adding of a new item """ if self.newOnTop: if len(self.bups) > 0: self.bups[0].disabled = False self._items.insert(0,item) if self.activeindex >= 0: self.activeindex += 1 self.additem(item, True, len(, onTop=True) else: if len(self.bdowns) > 0: self.bdowns[-1].disabled = False self._items.append(item) self.additem(item, len(, True) if self.activatable: bottomspace = 'mb-2' else: bottomspace = '' self.col = v.Col(class_="pa-0 ma-0 %s"%bottomspace, self.output.children = [self.col] if self.onchange: self.onchange()
# Update the disabled state of the buttons def update_buttons(self): for i in range(len(self.bdowns)): self.bdowns[i].disabled = False if len(self.bdowns)>0: self.bdowns[-1].disabled = True for i in range(len(self.bups)): self.bups[i].disabled = False if len(self.bups)>0: self.bups[0].disabled = True # Move item down def ondown(self, widget, event, data): index = self.bdowns.index(widget) wasactive = False if index == self.activeindex: wasactive = True changewithactive = False if index+1 == self.activeindex: changewithactive = True a = index b = index + 1 self.updateCard(self._items[a], a) self.updateCard(self._items[b], b) self._items[b], self._items[a] = self._items[a], self._items[b][b],[a] =[a],[b] self.bdowns[b], self.bdowns[a] = self.bdowns[a], self.bdowns[b] self.bups[b], self.bups[a] = self.bups[a], self.bups[b] self.bremoves[b], self.bremoves[a] = self.bremoves[a], self.bremoves[b] self.update_buttons() if self.activatable: bottomspace = 'mb-2' else: bottomspace = '' self.col = v.Col(class_="pa-0 ma-0 %s"%bottomspace, self.output.children = [self.col] if self.onchange: self.onchange() if self.onmovedown: self.onmovedown(index) if wasactive: = index + 1 elif changewithactive: = index # Move item up def onup(self, widget, event, data): index = self.bups.index(widget) wasactive = False if index == self.activeindex: wasactive = True changewithactive = False if index-1 == self.activeindex: changewithactive = True a = index - 1 b = index self.updateCard(self._items[a], a) self.updateCard(self._items[b], b) self._items[b], self._items[a] = self._items[a], self._items[b][b],[a] =[a],[b] self.bdowns[b], self.bdowns[a] = self.bdowns[a], self.bdowns[b] self.bups[b], self.bups[a] = self.bups[a], self.bups[b] self.bremoves[b], self.bremoves[a] = self.bremoves[a], self.bremoves[b] self.update_buttons() if self.activatable: bottomspace = 'mb-2' else: bottomspace = '' self.col = v.Col(class_="pa-0 ma-0 %s"%bottomspace, self.output.children = [self.col] if self.onchange: self.onchange() if self.onmoveup: self.onmoveup(index) if wasactive: = index - 1 elif changewithactive: = index # Remove item def ondel(self, widget, event, data): index = self.bremoves.index(widget) if self.onremoving: self.onremoving(index) if index == self.activeindex: if not self.ondeactivated is None: self.ondeactivated(self.activeindex) self.activeindex = -1 elif index <= self.activeindex: self.activeindex -= 1 del self._items[index] del[index] del self.bdowns[index] del self.bups[index] del self.bremoves[index] self.col.children = self.col.children[:index] + self.col.children[index+1 :] self.update_buttons() self.output.children = [self.col] if self.onchange: self.onchange() if self.onremoved: self.onremoved(index) # Update the card for an item given its index def updateCard(self, item, index): if self.itemContent: c = self.col.children[index] c.children = [c.children[0]] + self.itemContent(item,index) # Management of click on an item card def __internal_onclick(self, widget=None, event=None, data=None): if widget in index = if self.activatable: = index # Add an item to the lists def additem(self, item, isfirst, islast, onTop=False): if self.itemContent: bdown = v.Btn(icon=True, class_="mr-n3", disabled=islast, children=[v.Icon(small=True, children=['mdi-arrow-down'])]) bup = v.Btn(icon=True, class_="mr-n3", disabled=isfirst, children=[v.Icon(small=True, children=['mdi-arrow-up'])]) bremove = v.Btn(icon=True, children=[v.Icon(small=True, children=['mdi-close'])]) if onTop: self.bdowns.insert(0,bdown) self.bups.insert(0,bup) self.bremoves.insert(0,bremove) else: self.bdowns.append(bdown) self.bups.append(bup) self.bremoves.append(bremove) bdown.on_event('click.stop', self.ondown) bup.on_event('click.stop', self.onup) bremove.on_event('click.stop', self.ondel) if self.buttonstooltip: buttons = [tooltip.tooltip(self.tooltipdown, bdown), tooltip.tooltip(self.tooltipup, bup), tooltip.tooltip(self.tooltipremove, bremove)] else: buttons = [bdown,bup,bremove] if self.activatable: ripple = True else: ripple = False if onTop: index = 0 else: index = len( if self.activatable: bottom = "mb-2" else: bottom = "" c = v.Card(outlined=self.outlined, dark=self.dark, flat=True, dense=True, class_="pa-0 ma-0 mt-1 %s"%bottom,, ripple=ripple, raised=False, children=[v.CardTitle(class_="justify-end pa-0 ma-0 mt-n1 mb-n5", children=buttons)] + self.itemContent(item,index)) c.on_event('click', self.__internal_onclick) if onTop:,c) else: # Returns the vuetify object to display
[docs] def draw(self): """Returns the ipyvuetify object to display (a v.Html object displaying two output widgets)""" if self.allowNew: if self.newButtonOnTop: return v.Html(tag='div',children=[widgets.VBox([self.outputplus,self.output])]) else: return v.Html(tag='div',children=[widgets.VBox([self.output,self.outputplus])]) else: return self.output
# Get the items @property def items(self): """ Get/Set the updated items. Returns -------- items : list of dicts List of items in their updated position """ return self._items # Set the items @items.setter def items(self, items): self._items = items = [] self.bdowns = [] self.bups = [] self.bremoves = [] self.activeindex = -1 # Add all the items for index, item in enumerate(self._items): self.additem(item, index==0, index==len(self._items)-1) if self.activatable: bottomspace = 'mb-2' else: bottomspace = '' self.col = v.Col(class_="pa-0 ma-0 %s"%bottomspace, self.output.children = [self.col] if self.onchange: self.onchange() # Get the index of the active item @property def active(self): """ Get/Set the active item. Returns -------- index : int index of the active item """ return self.activeindex # Set the active item @active.setter def active(self, index): if index >= 0 and index < len( if self.activeindex >= 0:[self.activeindex].raised = False if not self.ondeactivated is None: self.ondeactivated(self.activeindex) self.activeindex = index[self.activeindex].raised = True if not self.onactivated is None: self.onactivated(self.activeindex)