Source code for colorPicker

"""Input widget to select a color"""
# Author(s):
# Copyright © European Union 2022-2023
# Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.2 or as soon they will be approved by 
# the European Commission subsequent versions of the EUPL (the "Licence");
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import ipyvuetify as v

    from . import settings
    import settings

[docs]class colorPicker(): """ Input widget to select a color. Parameters ---------- color : str, optional Initial color selected on the widget expressed in hexadecimal format '#RRGGBB' (default is '#FF0000') dark : bool, optional If True, the popup color selection will have a dark background (default is settings.dark_mode) width : int, optional Width of the widget in pixels (default is 40) height : int, optional Height of the widget in pixels (default is 30) rounded : bool, optional If True the color widget is displayed as a round button (default is False) canvas_height : int, optional Height of the canvas displayed on top of the popup window to select the colors (default is True) show_canvas : bool, optional If True the popup window will show the color canvas (default is True) show_mode_switch : bool, optional If True the popup window will show mode switch control among RGB, HSL and HAX (default is True) show_inputs : bool, optional If True the popup window will show the input field for the color components (default is True) show_swatches : bool, optional If True the popup window will show the color swatches (default is True) swatches_max_height : int, optional Height in pixels of the swatches area in the popup window (default is 164) text : str, optional Text to display in the color button (default is '') textweight : int, optional Weight of the text to be shown in the button (default is 400, Bold is any value greater or equal to 500) onchange : function, optional Python function to call when the user selects a different color. The function will receive the argument parameter. If the argument is None, the function will receive no parameters. (default is None) argument : any, optional Argument to be passed to the onchange function (default is None) offset_x : bool, optional If True the popup window will be opened on the right of the color button (default is False) offset_y : bool, optional If True the popup window will be opened on the bottom of the color button (default is True) disabled : bool, optional True if the selection of the color is disabled, False otherwise (default is False) Example ------- Creation of a color picker widget to select a color:: from vois.vuetify import colorPicker from ipywidgets import widgets from IPython.display import display output = widgets.Output() def onchange(): with output: print('Changed to', c.color) c = colorPicker.colorPicker(color='#00AAFF', width=30, height=30, rounded=False, onchange=onchange, offset_x=True, offset_y=False) display(c.draw()) display(output) .. figure:: figures/colorPicker.png :scale: 100 % :alt: colorPicker widget Example of a colorPicker to select a color """ def hex2rgb(self, color): if color[0] == '#': color = color[1:] rgb = (int(color[0:2],16), int(color[2:4],16), int(color[4:6],16)) return rgb def textDark(self, color): r,g,b = self.hex2rgb(color) if r+g+b <= 255+128: return True return False def __init__(self, color="#FF0000", dark=settings.dark_mode, width=40, height=30, rounded=False, canvas_height=100, show_canvas=True, show_mode_switch=True, show_inputs=True, show_swatches=True, swatches_max_height=164, text='', textweight=400, onchange=None, argument=None, offset_x=False, offset_y=True, disabled=False): self._color = str(color).upper() self.dark = dark self.width = width self.height = height self.rounded = rounded self.canvas_height = canvas_height self.show_canvas = show_canvas self.show_mode_switch = show_mode_switch self.show_inputs = show_inputs self.show_swatches = show_swatches self.swatches_max_height = swatches_max_height self.text = text self.textweight = textweight self.onchange = onchange self.argument = argument self.offset_x = offset_x self.offset_y = offset_y self._disabled = disabled if self._disabled: von = '' else: von = 'menuData.on' self.button = v.Btn(v_on=von, depressed=True, large=False, dense=True, class_='pa-0 ma-0', color=self._color, rounded=self.rounded, height=self.height, width=self.width, min_width=self.width, dark=self.textDark(self._color), style_='font-weight: %d; text-transform: none' % self.textweight, children=[self.text]) self.p = v.ColorPicker(value=self._color, flat=True, class_="pa-0 ma-0", style_="min-width: 300px;", canvas_height=self.canvas_height, show_swatches=self.show_swatches, dark=self.dark, swatches_max_height=self.swatches_max_height, hide_canvas=not self.show_canvas, hide_mode_switch=not self.show_mode_switch, hide_inputs=not self.show_inputs) self.p.on_event('input', self.__internal_onchange) self.m = v.Menu(offset_x=self.offset_x, offset_y=self.offset_y, open_on_hover=False, dense=True, close_on_click=True, close_on_content_click=False, v_slots=[{'name': 'activator', 'variable': 'menuData', 'children': self.button}], children=[self.p]) # Manage 'input' event def __internal_onchange(self, widget, event, data): if data.upper() != self._color.upper(): self._color = data.upper() self.button.color = self._color self.button.dark = self.textDark(self._color) if self.onchange: if self.argument is None: self.onchange() else: self.onchange(self.argument) # Returns the vuetify object to display (the v.Menu)
[docs] def draw(self): """Returns the ipyvuetify object to display (the internal v.Menu)""" return self.m
# color property @property def color(self): """ Get/Set the selected color. Returns -------- c : str color currently selected Example ------- Programmatically change the color:: picker.color = '#00FF00' print(picker.color) """ return self._color @color.setter def color(self, c): if isinstance(c, str): self._color = c self.p.value = self._color self.button.color = self._color self.button.dark = self.textDark(self._color) if self.onchange: if self.argument is None: self.onchange() else: self.onchange(self.argument) # disabled property @property def disabled(self): """ Get/Set the disabled state of the widget. Returns -------- flag : bool True if the widget is disabled, False otherwise Example ------- Programmatically change the date:: picker.disabled = True print(picker.disabled) """ return self._disabled @disabled.setter def disabled(self, flag): self._disabled = bool(flag) if self._disabled: von = '' else: von = 'menuData.on' self.button.v_on = von