Source code for rangeSliderFloat

"""Widget to select a range of float values"""
# Author(s):
# Copyright © European Union 2022-2023
# Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.2 or as soon they will be approved by 
# the European Commission subsequent versions of the EUPL (the "Licence");
# You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence.
# You may obtain a copy of the Licence at:

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from IPython.display import display
from ipywidgets import widgets
import ipyvuetify as v

    from . import settings
    from . import label
    from . import tooltip
    import settings
    import label
    import tooltip

# rangeSliderFloat control
[docs]class rangeSliderFloat(): """ Compound widget to select a range of float values in a specific range. Parameters ---------- selectedminvalue : float Initial minimum value of the slider selectedmaxvalue : float Initial maximum value of the slider minvalue : float, optional Minimum value of the slider (default is 0.0) maxvalue : float, optional Maximum value of the slider (default is 1.0) text : str, optional Text to display on the left of the slider (default is 'Select') showpercentage : bool, optional If True, the widget will write the current value as a percentage inside the allowed range and will append the % sign to the right of the current value (default is True) decimals : int, optional Number of decimal digits to use in case showpercentage is False (default is 2) maxint : int, optional Maximum integer number for the underlining integer slider (defines the slider sensitivity). Default value is None, meaning it will be automatically calculated labelwidth : int, optional Width of the label part of the widgets in pixels (default is 0, meaning it is automatically calculated based on the provided label text) sliderwidth : int, optional Width in pixels of the slider component of the widget (default is 200) resetbutton: bool, optional If True a reset button is displayed, allowing for resetting the widget to its initial value (default is False) showtooltip: bool, optional If True the up and down buttons will have a tooltip (default is False) onchange : function, optional Python function to call when the changes the range value of the slider. The function will receive a single parameter, containing the new value of the opacity in the range from 0.0 to 1.0 (default is None) editable : bool, optional If True the min and max label can be edited by clicking on them (default is False) editableWidth : int, optional If the slider is editable, set the width of the v.TextField widgets to enter the min and max value (default is 90) Example ------- Creation and display of a range slider widget to select an opacity range in a custom interval:: from vois.vuetify import rangeSliderFloat from ipywidgets import widgets from IPython.display import display output = widgets.Output() def onchange(value): with output: print(value) o = rangeSliderFloat.rangeSliderFloat(1.8, 2.5, text='Select Value in [1.0,3.0]:', minvalue=1.0, maxvalue=3.0, onchange=onchange) display(o.draw()) display(output) .. figure:: figures/rangeSliderFloat.png :scale: 100 % :alt: opacity widget Example of an range slider widget to select a floating point range. """ # Initialization def __init__(self, selectedminvalue, selectedmaxvalue, minvalue=0.0, maxvalue=1.0, text='Select', showpercentage=True, decimals=2, maxint=None, labelwidth=0, sliderwidth=200, resetbutton=False, showtooltip=False, onchange=None, editable=False, editableWidth=90): self.onchange = onchange self.editable = editable self.editableWidth = editableWidth self.minvalue = minvalue self.maxvalue = maxvalue self.showpercentage = showpercentage self.decimals = decimals if maxint is None: if self.decimals <= 1: self.maxint = 10 elif self.decimals == 2: self.maxint = 100 elif self.decimals == 3: self.maxint = 1000 elif self.decimals == 4: self.maxint = 10000 else: self.maxint = 100000 else: self.maxint = maxint self.postchar = '' if self.showpercentage: self.postchar = '%' self.labelwidth = labelwidth self.sliderwidth = sliderwidth self.resetbutton = resetbutton self.intvaluemin = self.float2integer(selectedminvalue) self.intvaluemax = self.float2integer(selectedmaxvalue) #self.label = label.label(text, textweight=400, margins=0, margintop=4, height=22) if self.labelwidth > 0: spx = '%dpx'%self.labelwidth style = 'width: %s; min-width: %s; max-width: %s;'%(spx,spx,spx) else: style = '' self.label = v.Html(tag='div', children=[text], class_='pa-0 ma-0 mt-4', style_=style) self.slider = v.RangeSlider(v_model=[self.intvaluemin,self.intvaluemax], dense=True, xsmall=True, ticks=False, thumb_size=10, dark=settings.dark_mode, color=settings.color_first, track_color="grey", class_="pa-0 ma-0 ml-3 mr-5 mt-3 mb-n1", style_='max-width: %dpx; width: %dpx;'%(self.sliderwidth,self.sliderwidth), min=0, max=self.maxint, vertical=False, height=32) self.slider.on_event('input', self.oninput) self.slider.on_event('change', self.onsliderchange) self.fieldmin = v.TextField(autofocus=True, hide_details=True, single_line=True, hide_spin_buttons=False, dense=True, outlined=True, color=settings.color_first, type="number", class_='pa-0 ma-0 mt-2') self.cfieldmin = v.Card(flat=True, children=[self.fieldmin], width=self.editableWidth, max_width=self.editableWidth) self.fieldmin.on_event('change', self.onchangefieldmin) self.fieldmin.on_event('blur', self.onchangefieldmin) self.fieldmax = v.TextField(autofocus=True, hide_details=True, single_line=True, hide_spin_buttons=False, dense=True, outlined=True, color=settings.color_first, type="number",class_='pa-0 ma-0 mt-2') self.cfieldmax = v.Card(flat=True, children=[self.fieldmax], width=self.editableWidth, max_width=self.editableWidth) self.fieldmax.on_event('change', self.onchangefieldmax) self.fieldmax.on_event('blur', self.onchangefieldmax) if self.showpercentage: self.labelvaluemin = v.Html(tag='div', children=[str(self.intvaluemin) + self.postchar], class_='pa-0 ma-0 mt-4 ml-4') self.labelvaluemax = v.Html(tag='div', children=[str(self.intvaluemax) + self.postchar], class_='pa-0 ma-0 mt-4') self.fieldmin.v_model = self.intvaluemin self.fieldmax.v_model = self.intvaluemax else: self.labelvaluemin = v.Html(tag='div', children=['{:.{prec}f}'.format(selectedminvalue, prec=self.decimals) + self.postchar], class_='pa-0 ma-0 mt-4 ml-4') self.labelvaluemax = v.Html(tag='div', children=['{:.{prec}f}'.format(selectedmaxvalue, prec=self.decimals) + self.postchar], class_='pa-0 ma-0 mt-4') self.fieldmin.v_model = selectedminvalue self.fieldmax.v_model = selectedmaxvalue self.labelvaluemin.on_event('click', self.onvaluemin) self.labelvaluemax.on_event('click', self.onvaluemax) if self.resetbutton: self.bupmin = v.Btn(icon=True, small=True, rounded=False, elevation=0, width=15, height=20, class_='pa-0 ma-0', children=[v.Icon(color='grey', children=['mdi-menu-right'])]) self.bupmin.on_event('click', self.onupmin) self.cupmin = v.Card(children=[self.bupmin], elevation=0, class_='pa-0 ma-0 mr-1 mt-4', style_="overflow: hidden;") if showtooltip: self.cupmin = tooltip.tooltip("Increase min",self.cupmin) self.bdnmin = v.Btn(icon=True, small=True, rounded=False, elevation=0, width=15, height=20, class_='pa-0 ma-0', children=[v.Icon(color='grey', children=['mdi-menu-left'])]) self.bdnmin.on_event('click', self.ondnmin) self.cdnmin = v.Card(children=[self.bdnmin], elevation=0, class_='pa-0 ma-0 mr-1 mt-4', style_="overflow: hidden;") if showtooltip: self.cdnmin = tooltip.tooltip("Decrease min",self.cdnmin) self.bresmin = v.Btn(icon=True, x_small=True, rounded=False, elevation=0, width=15, height=15, class_='pa-0 ma-0', children=[v.Icon(color='grey', children=['mdi-close'])]) self.bresmin.on_event('click', self.onresetmin) self.cresmin = v.Card(children=[self.bresmin], elevation=0, class_='pa-0 ma-0 mr-1 mt-4', style_="overflow: hidden;") if showtooltip: self.cresmin = tooltip.tooltip("Reset min value",self.cresmin) self.buttonsmin = widgets.HBox([self.cdnmin,self.cresmin,self.cupmin]) self.bupmax = v.Btn(icon=True, small=True, rounded=False, elevation=0, width=15, height=20, class_='pa-0 ma-0', children=[v.Icon(color='grey', children=['mdi-menu-right'])]) self.bupmax.on_event('click', self.onupmax) self.cupmax = v.Card(children=[self.bupmax], elevation=0, class_='pa-0 ma-0 mr-1 mt-4', style_="overflow: hidden;") if showtooltip: self.cupmax = tooltip.tooltip("Increase max",self.cupmax) self.bdnmax = v.Btn(icon=True, small=True, rounded=False, elevation=0, width=15, height=20, class_='pa-0 ma-0', children=[v.Icon(color='grey', children=['mdi-menu-left'])]) self.bdnmax.on_event('click', self.ondnmax) self.cdnmax = v.Card(children=[self.bdnmax], elevation=0, class_='pa-0 ma-0 mr-1 mt-4', style_="overflow: hidden;") if showtooltip: self.cdnmax = tooltip.tooltip("Decrease max",self.cdnmax) self.bresmax = v.Btn(icon=True, x_small=True, rounded=False, elevation=0, width=15, height=15, class_='pa-0 ma-0', children=[v.Icon(color='grey', children=['mdi-close'])]) self.bresmax.on_event('click', self.onresetmax) self.cresmax = v.Card(children=[self.bresmax], elevation=0, class_='pa-0 ma-0 mr-1 mt-4', style_="overflow: hidden;") if showtooltip: self.cresmax = tooltip.tooltip("Reset max value",self.cresmax) self.buttonsmax = widgets.HBox([self.cdnmax,self.cresmax,self.cupmax]) else: self.bupmin = v.Btn(icon=True, small=True, rounded=False, elevation=0, width=15, height=20, class_='pa-0 ma-0', children=[v.Icon(color='grey', children=['mdi-menu-up'])]) self.bupmin.on_event('click', self.onupmin) self.cupmin = v.Card(children=[self.bupmin], elevation=0, class_='pa-0 ma-0 mr-1 mt-2', style_="overflow: hidden;") if showtooltip: self.cupmin = tooltip.tooltip("Increase min",self.cupmin) self.bdnmin = v.Btn(icon=True, small=True, rounded=False, elevation=0, width=15, height=20, class_='pa-0 ma-0', children=[v.Icon(color='grey', children=['mdi-menu-down'])]) self.bdnmin.on_event('click', self.ondnmin) self.cdnmin = v.Card(children=[self.bdnmin], elevation=0, class_='pa-0 ma-0 mr-1 mt-n1', style_="overflow: hidden;") if showtooltip: self.cdnmin = tooltip.tooltip("Decrease min",self.cdnmin) self.buttonsmin = widgets.VBox([self.cupmin,self.cdnmin]) self.bupmax = v.Btn(icon=True, small=True, rounded=False, elevation=0, width=15, height=20, class_='pa-0 ma-0', children=[v.Icon(color='grey', children=['mdi-menu-up'])]) self.bupmax.on_event('click', self.onupmax) self.cupmax = v.Card(children=[self.bupmax], elevation=0, class_='pa-0 ma-0 mr-1 mt-2', style_="overflow: hidden;") if showtooltip: self.cupmax = tooltip.tooltip("Increase max",self.cupmax) self.bdnmax = v.Btn(icon=True, small=True, rounded=False, elevation=0, width=15, height=20, class_='pa-0 ma-0', children=[v.Icon(color='grey', children=['mdi-menu-down'])]) self.bdnmax.on_event('click', self.ondnmax) self.cdnmax = v.Card(children=[self.bdnmax], elevation=0, class_='pa-0 ma-0 mr-1 mt-n1', style_="overflow: hidden;") if showtooltip: self.cdnmax = tooltip.tooltip("Decrease max",self.cdnmax) self.buttonsmax = widgets.VBox([self.cupmax,self.cdnmax]) self.row = v.Row(justify='start', class_='pa-0 ma-0', no_gutters=True, children=[self.label, self.labelvaluemin, self.buttonsmin, self.slider, self.buttonsmax, self.labelvaluemax], style_="overflow: hidden;") # When carriage return on the self.fieldmin or an external click def onchangefieldmin(self, *args): self.row.children = [self.label, self.labelvaluemin, self.buttonsmin, self.slider, self.buttonsmax, self.labelvaluemax] v = self.value self.value = float(self.fieldmin.v_model), v[1] self.fieldmin.v_model = self.value[0] # When carriage return on the self.fieldmax or an external click def onchangefieldmax(self, *args): self.row.children = [self.label, self.labelvaluemin, self.buttonsmin, self.slider, self.buttonsmax, self.labelvaluemax] v = self.value self.value = v[0], float(self.fieldmax.v_model) self.fieldmax.v_model = self.value[1] # On click on the self.labelvaluemin: display the self.fieldmin def onvaluemin(self, *args): if self.editable: self.fieldmin.v_model = self.value[0] self.row.children = [self.label, self.cfieldmin, self.buttonsmin, self.slider, self.buttonsmax, self.labelvaluemax] # On click on the self.labelvaluemax: display the self.fieldmax def onvaluemax(self, *args): if self.editable: self.fieldmax.v_model = self.value[1] self.row.children = [self.label, self.labelvaluemin, self.buttonsmin, self.slider, self.buttonsmax, self.cfieldmax] # Input event on the slider def oninput(self, *args): if self.showpercentage: valuemin,valuemax = self.slider.v_model self.labelvaluemin.children=[str(valuemin) + self.postchar] self.labelvaluemax.children=[str(valuemax) + self.postchar] else: valuemin,valuemax = self.slider.v_model valuemin = self.integer2float(valuemin) valuemax = self.integer2float(valuemax) self.labelvaluemin.children=['{:.{prec}f}'.format(valuemin, prec=self.decimals) + self.postchar] self.labelvaluemax.children=['{:.{prec}f}'.format(valuemax, prec=self.decimals) + self.postchar] # Input change on the slider def onsliderchange(self, *args): if self.showpercentage: valuemin,valuemax = self.slider.v_model self.labelvaluemin.children=[str(valuemin) + self.postchar] self.labelvaluemax.children=[str(valuemax) + self.postchar] else: valuemin,valuemax = self.slider.v_model valuemin = self.integer2float(valuemin) valuemax = self.integer2float(valuemax) self.labelvaluemin.children=['{:.{prec}f}'.format(valuemin, prec=self.decimals) + self.postchar] self.labelvaluemax.children=['{:.{prec}f}'.format(valuemax, prec=self.decimals) + self.postchar] if not self.onchange is None: self.onchange([self.integer2float(x) for x in self.slider.v_model]) v1,v2 = self.slider.v_model self.bupmin.disabled = v1 >= v2 self.bdnmin.disabled = v1 <= 0 self.bupmax.disabled = v2 >= self.maxint self.bdnmax.disabled = v2 <= v1 # Click on the up button def onupmin(self, *args): v1,v2 = self.slider.v_model if v1 < v2: self.slider.v_model = [v1+1, v2] self.onsliderchange() # Click on the down button def ondnmin(self, *args): v1,v2 = self.slider.v_model if v1 > 0: self.slider.v_model = [v1-1, v2] self.onsliderchange() # Click on the reset min button def onresetmin(self, *args): v1,v2 = self.slider.v_model self.slider.v_model = [self.intvaluemin, v2] self.onsliderchange() # Click on the up button def onupmax(self, *args): v1,v2 = self.slider.v_model if v2 < self.maxint: self.slider.v_model = [v1, v2+1] self.onsliderchange() # Click on the down button def ondnmax(self, *args): v1,v2 = self.slider.v_model if v2 > v1: self.slider.v_model = [v1, v2-1] self.onsliderchange() # Click on the reset max button def onresetmax(self, *args): v1,v2 = self.slider.v_model self.slider.v_model = [v1, self.intvaluemax] self.onsliderchange() # Conversion of float value [minvalue,maxvalue] to integer in [0,self.maxint] def float2integer(self, value): return int(self.maxint * (max(self.minvalue, min(self.maxvalue, float(value))) - self.minvalue) / (self.maxvalue - self.minvalue)) # Conversion of integer value [0,self.maxint] to float in [0.0,1.0] def integer2float(self, value): return ((self.maxvalue - self.minvalue) * float(value)) / float(self.maxint) + self.minvalue # Draw the widget
[docs] def draw(self): """Returns the ipyvuetify object to display (a v.Row widget)""" return self.row
# Get the slider value @property def value(self): """ Get/Set the slider range value as a list of min and max selected value. Returns -------- value : list of 2 floats Current value of the range slider Example ------- Programmatically set the slider value s.value = [0.56, 0.83] """ return [self.integer2float(x) for x in self.slider.v_model] # Set the slider value @value.setter def value(self, newvalue): v1,v2 = newvalue if v1 > v2: v1,v2 = v2,v1 if v1 < self.minvalue: v1 = self.minvalue if v2 > self.maxvalue: v2 = self.maxvalue intvaluemin = self.float2integer(v1) intvaluemax = self.float2integer(v2) self.slider.v_model = [intvaluemin,intvaluemax] self.onsliderchange()