Source code for title

"""Class that implements a title bar that can be used as a simple main interface for a dashboard."""
# Author(s):
# Copyright © European Union 2022-2023
# Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.2 or as soon they will be approved by 
# the European Commission subsequent versions of the EUPL (the "Licence");
# You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence.
# You may obtain a copy of the Licence at:

# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# See the Licence for the specific language governing permissions and
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from IPython.display import display
import ipyvuetify as v

    from . import settings
    from . import fontsettings
    import settings
    import fontsettings

# Display a title panel with some buttons
[docs]class title(): """ Class that implements a title bar that can be used as a simple main interface for a dashboard. Parameters ---------- text : str, optional Text to display in the title widget textweight : int, optional Weight of the title text (default is 500) height : int, optional Height of the title bar in pixels (default is 85 pixels) color : str, optional Background color of the title bar (default is the color_first defined in the module) dark : bool, optional Flag that controls the color of the text in foreground (if True, the text will be displayed in white, elsewhere in black) buttons : list of strings, optional List of strings to be used as text of the buttons to display below the title bar main text onclick : function, optional Python function to call when the user clicks on one of the buttons. The function will receive a parameter of string containing the name of the button clicked menu : bool, optional Flag that controls the display of a menu icon on the left side of the title bar (default is True) menumarginy : int, optional Vertical displace of the menu icon from the top of the title bar (default is 2) onmenuclick : Python function to call when the user clicks on the menu icon. The function will receive no parameters logo : str, optional String conaining the URL of the logo image to display on the right side of the title bar logowidth : int, optional Width in pixels of the area where the logo has to be displayed logomarginy : int, optional Vertical displace of the logo from the top of the title bar (default is 0) output : ipywidgets.Output, optional Output widget on which the title bar has to be displayed Example ------- Creation and display of a title bar with additional buttons and left menu icon:: from vois.vuetify import title from ipywidgets import widgets from IPython.display import display output = widgets.Output() display(output) def onclick(arg): with output: print(arg) def onmenu(): with output: print('MENU') f = title.title(text='Title text to display', color='amber', menu=True, onmenuclick=onmenu, buttons=['Home', 'About Us', 'Team', 'Services', 'Blog', 'Contact Us'], logo='', logomarginy=6, menumarginy=4, height=80, onclick=onclick, output=output) .. figure:: figures/title.png :scale: 100 % :alt: title widget Example of a title bar. """ def __init__(self, text='', textweight=500, buttons=[], menu=True, onmenuclick=None, dark=settings.dark_mode, height=85, color=settings.color_first, onclick=None, logo='', logowidth=100, logomarginy=0, menumarginy=2, output=None): self.onclick = onclick self.onmenuclick = onmenuclick if dark: textcol = settings.textcolor_dark else: textcol = settings.textcolor_notdark s = 'font-family: %s; font-size: 30px; font-weight: %d; text-transform: none; overflow: hidden;' % (fontsettings.font_name, textweight) h = v.Html(tag='div', style_=s, children=[text]) c = v.Col(color=color, class_="pa-0 ma-0 mt-n1 mb-n2 text-center %s--text" % textcol, cols="12", children=[h]) self.buttons_text = buttons self.buttons = [v.Btn(color=textcol, text=True, rounded=True, class_='my-2', children=[x]) for x in self.buttons_text] for b in self.buttons: b.on_event('click', self.__internal_onclick) if menu: m = v.Btn(icon=True, dark=dark, children=[v.Icon(children=['mdi-menu'])]) m.on_event('click', self.__internal_onmenu) else: m = v.Spacer() r = v.Row(class_='pa-0 ma-0 mb-n2', justify="center", no_gutters=True, children=self.buttons, style_='overflow: hidden;') img = v.Img(src=logo, class_='pa-0 ma-0 mt-%d mr-1'%logomarginy, max_width=logowidth) c0 = v.Col(cols="1", children=[m], class_='pa-0 ma-0 ml-1 mr-n1 mt-%d' % menumarginy) c1 = v.Col(cols="10", children=[c,r]) c2 = v.Col(cols="1", children=[img], class_='pa-0 ma-0 mt-1') rfull = v.Row(class_='pa-0 ma-0', no_gutters=True, children=[c0,c1,c2], style_='overflow: hidden;') self.f = v.Footer(color=color, padless=True, children=[rfull], style_='overflow: hidden;') if not height is None: self.f.height = height # Display of the footer if not output is None: with output: display(self.f) # Manage click on the buttons def __internal_onclick(self,widget,event,data): i = self.buttons.index(widget) if not self.onclick is None: self.onclick(self.buttons_text[i]) # Manage click on the menu def __internal_onmenu(self, *args): if not self.onmenuclick is None: self.onmenuclick()