Source code for fab

"""Floating-action-button to be displayed in absolute mode on the page. It will display a menu when hovered."""
# Author(s):
# Copyright © European Union 2022-2023
# Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.2 or as soon they will be approved by 
# the European Commission subsequent versions of the EUPL (the "Licence");
# You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence.
# You may obtain a copy of the Licence at:

# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the Licence is distributed on an "AS IS"
# express or implied.
# See the Licence for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the Licence.
import ipyvuetify as v

from ipywidgets import HTML, widgets, Layout
from IPython.display import display

    from . import settings
    from . import fontsettings
    from . import button
    from . import label
    from . import tooltip
    import settings
    import fontsettings
    import button
    import label
    import tooltip

# Class to manage a customizable FAB menu
[docs]class fab(): """ Floating-action-button to be displayed in absolute mode on the page. It will display a menu when hovered. Parameters ---------- left : int or string, optional Absolute left position of the button (example: '800px' or '90%' or 750) top : int or string, optional Absolute top position of the button (example: '100px' or '10%' or 120) items : list of strings, optional Strings to be displayed as text of the options (default is []) onclick : list of function, optional Python functions to call when the user clicks on one of the items. One function for each of the items (default is []) tooltipitems : list of strings, optional Tooltip text for the items (default is []) iconsmall : bool, optional Flag to display the icon in small dimension (default is True) menumode : bool, optional Flag to display the options as dropdown menu. If False, the items are displayed as horizontally displaced toggle buttons (default is True) width : int, optional Width in pixel of the toggle buttons when menumode is False (default is 200) height : int, optional Height in pixel of the toggle buttons when menumode is False (default is 36) textcolor : str, optional Color to be used for the text of the buttons when menumode is False (default is None) selected : bool, optional If True the buttons have the settings.color_first as background (default is False) disabled : bool, optional If True the buttons are disabled (default is False) dark : bool, optional Flag that controls the color of the text in foreground (if True, the text will be displayed in white, elsewhere in black) large : bool, optional Flag that displays the fab button larger small : bool, optional Flag that displays the fab button smaller xsmall : bool, optional Flag that displays the fab button extra smaller outlined : bool, optional Flag that displays the fab button outlined textweight : int, optional Weight of the text to be shown in the label (default is 500, Bold is any value greater or equal to 500) zindex : int, optional Z-index of the fab button (default is 9999) output : ipywidgets.Output, optional Output widget on which the widget has to be displayed Example ------- Creation and display of two fab widgets for the selection among 3 options:: from vois.vuetify import fab from ipywidgets import widgets from IPython.display import display output = widgets.Output() display(output) def on1(): with output: print('selected 1') def on2(): with output: print('selected 2') def on3(): with output: print('selected 3') b1 = fab.fab(left='70%', top='150px', items=['Option 1', 'Option 2', 'Option 3'], tooltipitems=['Tooltip for Option 1'], onclick=[on1,on2,on3], menumode=True, width=180, selected=True, dark=True, zindex=100, output=output) b2 = fab.fab(left='70%', top='250px', items=['Option 1', 'Option 2', 'Option 3'], tooltipitems=['Tooltip for Option 1'], onclick=[on1,on2,on3], menumode=False, width=180, selected=True, dark=True, zindex=100, output=output) b1.seticon('mdi-arrow-left-bold') b2.seticon('mdi-arrow-left',1) .. figure:: figures/fab.png :scale: 100 % :alt: fab widget Fab widget for selecting alternative options using a menu. .. figure:: figures/fab2.png :scale: 100 % :alt: fab widget as toggle buttons Fab widget for selecting alternative options using toggle buttons. """ # Initialization def __init__(self, left=100, top=100, items=[], onclick=[], icon='mdi-arrow-down-thick', tooltipitems=[], iconsmall=True, menumode=True, width=200, height=36, textcolor=None, selected=False, disabled=False, dark=settings.dark_mode, large=False, small=False, xsmall=False, outlined=False, textweight=500, zindex=9999, output=None): # Positioning self.left = left = top self.zindex = zindex # Callback functions to call self.onclick = onclick self.menumode = menumode self.width = width self.nav = None self.iconsmall = iconsmall self.iconcolor = settings.textcolor_notdark if dark: self.iconcolor = settings.textcolor_dark if self.menumode: # Strings for the items to add to the menu self.items = items # Items in the menu self.listitems = [] i = 0 for item in items: li = v.ListItem(children=[item]) li.on_event( 'click', self.__on_item_clicked) if type(tooltipitems) is list and i < len(tooltipitems): li = tooltip.tooltip(tooltipitems[i],li) self.listitems.append(li) i += 1 # Creation of the menu self.button = v.Btn(v_on='menuData.on', color=settings.color_first, fab=True, dark=settings.dark_mode, depressed=True, x_small=True, disabled=False, width=40, height=40, rounded=True, children=[v.Icon(small=self.iconsmall, color=self.iconcolor, children=[str(icon)])]) = v.Menu(offset_y=True, open_on_hover=True, dense=True, v_slots=[{ 'name': 'activator', 'variable': 'menuData', 'children': self.button, }], children=[v.List(children=self.listitems)] ) else: # Strings for the buttons self.items = items if not textcolor is None: color = textcolor else: if selected: color = settings.color_first else: color = settings.color_second # Buttons self.listitems = [] self.buttons = [] i = 0 for item in items: content = [item] if type(icon) is list and i < len(icon): content.append(v.Icon(small=self.iconsmall, color=self.iconcolor, children=[icon[i]])) b = v.Btn(color=color, dark=dark, icon=False, depressed=True, outlined=outlined, large=large, small=small, x_small=xsmall, disabled=disabled, width=width-38, height=height, fab=True, children=content, style_='font-family: %s; font-size: 17; font-weight: %d; text-transform: none' % (fontsettings.font_name, textweight), rounded=True) b.on_event( 'click', self.__on_item_clicked) self.buttons.append(b) if type(tooltipitems) is list and i < len(tooltipitems): bt = tooltip.tooltip(tooltipitems[i],b) else: bt = b self.listitems.append(bt) i += 1 # Display of the panel if not output is None: with output: # Manage click menu item def __on_item_clicked(self, widget=None, event=None, data=None): txt = widget.children[0] if txt in self.items: index = self.items.index(txt) if index >= 0 and index < len(self.onclick): self.onclick[index]() # Set the icon of one of the buttons
[docs] def seticon(self, iconname, index=0): """Set a different icon for the fab button""" if self.menumode: self.button.children = [v.Icon(small=self.iconsmall, color=self.iconcolor, children=[str(iconname)])] else: if index >= 0 and index < len(self.buttons): self.buttons[index].children = [self.buttons[index].children[0], v.Icon(small=self.iconsmall, color=self.iconcolor, children=[str(iconname)])]
# Set the tooltip of one of the buttons (only if tooltip is already present and not in menumode!)
[docs] def settooltip(self, text, index=0): """Change the tooltip text of one of the buttons""" if not self.menumode: if index >= 0 and index < len(self.listitems): if isinstance(self.listitems[index].children[0], v.generated.Tooltip): self.listitems[index].children[0].children = [text]
# Display/Hide the fab button
[docs] def show(self, flag=True): """Show/hide the fab button""" if flag: if self.menumode: self.nav = v.NavigationDrawer(stateless=True, permanent=True, floating=True, fixed=True, left=True, color="transparent", width="'100px'", height="'100px'", style_="left:%s; top:%s; z-index:%d;" % (self.left,,self.zindex), class_="pa-0 ma-0", children=[]) else: # Add an element between any element of a list !!! def intersperse(lst, item): result = [item] * (len(lst) * 2 - 1) result[0::2] = lst return result #buttons = intersperse(self.listitems, label.label('').draw()) buttons = self.listitems if len(self.listitems) > 1: w = len(self.listitems)*(self.width - 30) else: w = self.width r = v.Row(no_gutters=True, justify="space-between", children=buttons) self.nav = v.NavigationDrawer(stateless=True, permanent=True, floating=True, fixed=True, left=True, color="transparent", width='%dpx'%w, height='100px', style_="left:%s; top:%s; z-index:%d;" % (self.left,,self.zindex), class_="pa-0 ma-0", children=[r]) display(self.nav) else: if not self.nav is None: self.nav.close()
# Close/hide the fab button
[docs] def close(self): """Close/hide the fab button""" if not self.nav is None: self.nav.close()