Source code for colors

"""Utility functions and classes to manage colors and color interpolation."""
# Author(s):
# Copyright © European Union 2022-2023
# Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.2 or as soon they will be approved by 
# the European Commission subsequent versions of the EUPL (the "Licence");
# You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence.
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import base64
import PIL
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
from io import BytesIO
import math
import random
import numpy as np

# Returns True if the (r,g,b) color id dark
[docs]def isColorDark(rgb): """ Returns True if the color (r,g,b) is dark Parameters ---------- rgb : tuple Tuple of 3 integers representing the RGB components in the range [0,255] """ [r,g,b] = rgb hsp = math.sqrt(0.299 * (r * r) + 0.587 * (g * g) + 0.114 * (b * b)) if hsp > 127.5: return False else: return True
# Returns the Multiply blend of two colors strings
[docs]def multiply(color1,color2): """ Returns the Multiply blend of two colors strings """ rgb1 = string2rgb(color1) rgb2 = string2rgb(color2) norm1 = [x/255.0 for x in rgb1] norm2 = [x/255.0 for x in rgb2] return rgb2hex(tuple([int(255.0*x[0]*x[1]) for x in zip(norm1,norm2)]))
# Returns the Darken blend of two colors strings
[docs]def darken(color1,color2): """ Returns the Darken blend of two colors strings """ rgb1 = string2rgb(color1) rgb2 = string2rgb(color2) return rgb2hex(tuple([min(x[0],x[1]) for x in zip(rgb1,rgb2)]))
# Return a random color in the '#rrggbb' format
[docs]def randomColor(): """ Returns a random color in the '#rrggbb' format """ r = random.randint(0,255) g = random.randint(0,255) b = random.randint(0,255) return rgb2hex((r,g,b))
# Utility: From (r,g,b) to '#rrggbb'
[docs]def rgb2hex(rgb): """ Converts from a color represented as a (r,g,b) tuple to a hexadecimal string representation of the color '#rrggbb' Parameters ---------- rgb : tuple of 3 int values Input color described by its RGB components as 3 integer values in the range [0,255] Returns ------- A string containing the color represented as hexadecimals in the '#rrggbb' format Example ------- Convert a color from (r,g,b) to '#rrggbb':: from vois import colors print( colors.rgb2hex( (255,0,0) ) ) """ return '#{:02x}{:02x}{:02x}'.format(rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2])
# Utility: From '#rrggbb' to (r,g,b)
[docs]def hex2rgb(color): """ Converts from a hexadecimal string representation of the color '#rrggbb' to a (r,g,b) tuple Parameters ---------- color : string A string containing the color represented as hexadecimals in the '#rrggbb' format Returns ------- Tuple of 3 integers representing the RGB components in the range [0,255] Example ------- Convert a color from '#rrggbb' to (r,g,b):: from vois import colors print( colors.hex2rgb( '#ff0000' ) ) """ if color[0] == '#': color = color[1:] rgb = (int(color[0:2],16), int(color[2:4],16), int(color[4:6],16)) return rgb
# Utility: From 'rgb(a,b,c)' to (r,g,b)
[docs]def text2rgb(color): """ Converts from string representation of the color 'rgb(r,g,b)' to a (r,g,b) tuple Parameters ---------- color : string A string containing the color represented in the 'rgb(r,g,b)' format Returns ------- Tuple of 3 integers representing the RGB components in the range [0,255] Example ------- Convert a color from 'rgb(r,g,b)' to (r,g,b):: from vois import colors print( colors.text2rgb( 'rgb(255,0,0)' ) ) """ if color[0:4] == 'rgb(': rgb = color[4:].replace(')','').split(',') if len(rgb) >= 3: return ((int(rgb[0]),int(rgb[1]),int(rgb[2]))) return (0,0,0)
# Utility: Convert a color string in '#rrggbb' or in 'rgb(...)' format into a tuple (r,g,b)
[docs]def string2rgb(s): """ Converts from string representation of the color 'rgb(r,g,b)' or '#rrggbb' to a (r,g,b) tuple Parameters ---------- color : string A string containing the color represented in the 'rgb(r,g,b)' format or in the '#rrggbb' format Returns ------- Tuple of 3 integers representing the RGB components in the range [0,255] """ if s[0] == '#': return hex2rgb(s) elif s[0:4] == 'rgb(': return text2rgb(s) return (0,0,0)
# colorInterpolator class
[docs]class colorInterpolator: """ Class to perform color interpolation given a list of colors and a numerical range [minvalue,maxvalue]. The list of colors is considered as a linear range spanning from minvalue to maxvalue and the method :py:meth:`colors.colorInterpolator.GetColor` can be used to calculate any intermediate color by passing as input any numeric value. Parameters ---------- colorlist : list of strings representing colors in 'rgb(r,g,b)' or '#rrggbb' format Input list of colors minvalue: float, optional Minimum value for the interpolation (default is 0.0) maxvalue: float, optional Maximum numerical value for the interpolation (default is 100.0) Examples -------- Creation of a color interpolator from a list of custom colors:: from vois import colors colorlist = ['rgb(247,251,255)', 'rgb(198,219,239)', 'rgb(107,174,214)', 'rgb(33,113,181)', 'rgb(8,48,107)'] c = colors.colorInterpolator(colorlist) print( c.GetColor(50.0) ) Creation of a color interpolator using one of the Plotly library predefined colorscales (see `Plotly sequential color scales <>`_ and `Plotly qualitative color sequences <>`_ ):: import as px from vois import colors c = colors.colorInterpolator(px.colors.sequential.Viridis, 0.0, 100.0) print( c.GetColor(33.3) ) To visualize a color palette from a list of colors, the :py:func:`colors.paletteImage` function can be used:: from vois import colors import as px img = colors.paletteImage(px.colors.sequential.Blues, width=400, height=40) display(img) .. figure:: figures/paletteImage.png :scale: 100 % :alt: Plotly colorscale Display of a Plotly colorscale. """ # Initialization def __init__(self, colorlist, minValue=0.0, maxValue=100.0): self.minValue = minValue self.maxValue = maxValue self.colors = [string2rgb(color) for color in colorlist] # Return '#rrggbb' color linearly interpolated
[docs] def GetColor(self, value): """ Returns a color in the '#rrggbb' format linearly interpolated in the [minvalue,maxvalue] range Parameters ---------- value : float Numeric value for which the color has to be calculated Returns ------- A string containing the color represented as hexadecimals in the '#rrggbb' format """ if self.minValue >= self.maxValue: # Avoid division by zero! return rgb2hex(self.palette[-1]) if value < self.minValue: value = self.minValue if value > self.maxValue: value = self.maxValue n = len(self.colors) a = list(np.linspace(self.minValue, self.maxValue, n)) i2 = next(x[0] for x in enumerate(a) if x[1] >= value) i1 = i2 - 1 d1 = abs(value - a[i1]) d2 = abs(a[i2] - value) d = d1 + d2 w1 = 1.0 - d1/d w2 = 1.0 - w1 c1 = self.colors[i1] c2 = self.colors[i2] r = int(c1[0]*w1 + c2[0]*w2) g = int(c1[1]*w1 + c2[1]*w2) b = int(c1[2]*w1 + c2[2]*w2) return rgb2hex((r,g,b))
# Interpolate colors and returns a list of num_classes colors
[docs] def GetColors(self, num_classes): """ Returns a list of colors in the '#rrggbb' format covering all the input colors Parameters ---------- num_classes : int Number of colors to interpolate Returns ------- A list of strings containing the colors represented as hexadecimals in the '#rrggbb' format """ if num_classes >= 2: return [self.GetColor(perc) for perc in np.linspace(self.minValue, self.maxValue, num_classes)] return self.colors
# repr def __repr__(self): s = [str(x) for x in self.colors] return '-'.join(s)
# Utility: Given a list of colors, returns a PIL image displaying the palette
[docs]def paletteImage(colorlist, width=400, height=40, interpolate=True): """ Given a list of colors, calculates and returns a PIL image displaying the color palette. Parameters ---------- colorlist : list of strings representing colors in 'rgb(r,g,b)' or '#rrggbb' format Input list of colors width : int, optional Width in pixel of the image (default is 400) height : int, optional Height in pixel of the image (default is 40) interpolate : bool, optional If True the colors of the list are interpolated, if False, only the color in the list are displayed (default is True) Returns ------- A PIL image displaying the color palette Examples -------- Creation of a color palette image from a list of colors:: from vois import colors import as px img = colors.paletteImage(px.colors.sequential.Viridis, width=400, height=40) display(img) .. figure:: figures/plotlycolorscale.png :scale: 100 % :alt: Plotly colorscale Display of a Plotly colorscale. """ img ='RGBA', (width,height), (255, 255, 255, 0)) d = ImageDraw.Draw(img) if interpolate: ci = colorInterpolator(colorlist,0,width-1.0) for x in range(width): d.line([x,0,x,height], fill=ci.GetColor(x), width=1) else: n = len(colorlist) wcolor = float(width)/float(n) x = 0.0 for c in colorlist: d.rectangle([x,0.0,x+wcolor,height], fill=c) x += wcolor return img
# Utility: convert a PIL image into a string containing the image in base64
[docs]def image2Base64(img): """ Given a PIL image, returns a string containing the image in base64 format Parameters ---------- img : PIL image Input PIL image Returns ------- A string containing the image in base64 format """ buffered = BytesIO(), format="PNG") img_str = base64.b64encode(buffered.getvalue()).decode('utf-8') return 'data:image/png;base64,' + img_str