Source code for geojsonUtils

"""Utility functions to manage geospatial vector data in geojson format."""
# Author(s):
# Copyright © European Union 2022-2023
# Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.2 or as soon they will be approved by 
# the European Commission subsequent versions of the EUPL (the "Licence");
# You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence.
# You may obtain a copy of the Licence at:

# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the Licence is distributed on an "AS IS"
# express or implied.
# See the Licence for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the Licence.import json
import json

# Given a geojson string, returns a json object after having tested that the input string contains a valid geojson
[docs]def geojsonJson(geojson): """ Given a geojson string, returns a json dictionary after having tested that the input string contains a valid geojson Parameters ---------- geojson : str String containing data in geojson format Returns ------- Json dictionary Raises ------ Exception if the input string is not in geojson format """ j = json.loads(geojson) if j.get('type', None) != 'FeatureCollection': raise Exception('Sorry, input string does not look like GeoJSON') if type(j.get('features', None)) != list: raise Exception('Sorry, input string does not contains GeoJSON features') return j
# Load a geojson from file, testing that it contains a valid geojson # Returns a string
[docs]def geojsonLoadFile(filepath): """ Load a geojson content from file, testing that it contains valid geojson data Parameters ---------- filepath : str File path of the geojson file to load Returns ------- File content as a geojson string Example ------- Load a geojson from file, print the geojson string:: from vois import geojsonUtils geojson = geojsonUtils.geojsonLoadFile('./data/example.geojson') print(geojson) .. figure:: figures/geojsonLoad.png :scale: 100 % :alt: Geojson example geojsonLoadFile Read a geojson file and print its content """ with open(filepath,"r") as f: geojson = j = geojsonJson(geojson) return json.dumps(j)
# Given a geojson string, returns the number of features
[docs]def geojsonCount(geojson): """ Given a geojson string, returns the number of features Parameters ---------- geojson : str String containing data in geojson format Returns ------- Integer corresponding to the number of features in the input geojson string """ j = geojsonJson(geojson) return len(j['features'])
# Given a geojson string, returns the list of the attribute names of the features
[docs]def geojsonAttributes(geojson): """ Given a geojson string, returns the list of the attribute names of the features Parameters ---------- geojson : str String containing data in geojson format Returns ------- List of strings containing the names of the attributes of the features in the input geojson string Example ------- Load a geojson from file and print the names of its attributes:: from vois import geojsonUtils geojson = geojsonUtils.geojsonLoadFile('./data/example.geojson') print('Attributes = ', geojsonUtils.geojsonAttributes(geojson)) .. figure:: figures/geojsonAttributes.png :scale: 100 % :alt: Geojson example geojsonAttributes Read a geojson file and print the names of its attributes """ j = geojsonJson(geojson) features = j['features'] attributes = set() for f in features: attributes.update(f['properties'].keys()) return list(attributes)
# Given a geojson string, returns the list of values of the attribute attributeName for all the features
[docs]def geojsonAll(geojson, attributeName): """ Given a geojson string, returns the list of values of the attribute attributeName for all the features Parameters ---------- geojson : str String containing data in geojson format attributeName : str Name of one of the attributes Returns ------- List containing the values of the attribute for all the features of the input geojson dataset Example ------- Load a geojson from file and print all the values of one if its attributes:: from vois import geojsonUtils geojson = geojsonUtils.geojsonLoadFile('./data/example.geojson') print('Values = ', geojsonUtils.geojsonAll(geojson,'ha')) .. figure:: figures/geojsonAll.png :scale: 100 % :alt: Geojson example geojsonAll Read a geojson file and print the values of one of its attributes for all the features of the dataset """ j = geojsonJson(geojson) features = j['features'] attributes = set() values = [f['properties'][attributeName] if attributeName in f['properties'] else None for f in features] return values
# Add a field to a geojson by joining a python dictionary through match with the field named keyname. # If innerMode is True, the output geojson will only keep the joined features, otherwise all the original features are returned # Returns the modified geojson
[docs]def geojsonJoin(geojson, keyname, addedfieldname, keytovaluedict, innerMode=False): """ Add a field to a geojson by joining a python dictionary through match with the field named keyname. If innerMode is True, the output geojson will only keep the joined features, otherwise all the original features are returned Parameters ---------- geojson : str String containing data in geojson format keyname : str Name of the attribute of the input geojson to use as internal key for the join operation addedfieldname : str Name of the attribute to add to the input geojson as a result of the join operation keytovaluedict : dict Dictionary (key-value pairs) to use as joined values. The keys of the <keytovaluedict> are used as foreign keys to match the values of the <keyname> attribute of the input geojson. When a match is found, the attribute <addedfieldname> is added to the corresponding feature having the value read from the <keytovaluedict> innerMode : bool, optional If innerMode is True, the output geojson will only keep the successfully joined features, otherwise all the original features are returned Returns ------- a string containing the modified geojson after the join operation Example ------- Load a geojson from file, print some information on attributes and values of the features, then join the features with a dictionary:: from vois import geojsonUtils # Load a geojson file geojson = geojsonUtils.geojsonLoadFile('./data/example.geojson') # Add a new field by joining with a dictionary (with innerMode flag set to True) keytovalue = { 37661: 'aaa', 37662: 'bbb'} geojsonnew = geojsonUtils.geojsonJoin(geojson,'id', 'value', keytovalue, innerMode=True) # Print the 'value' attribute values for the joined geojson dataset print('Joined values =', geojsonUtils.geojsonAll(geojsonnew,'value')) .. figure:: figures/geojsonJoin.png :scale: 100 % :alt: Geojson example Result of the Join operation """ j = geojsonJson(geojson) # Feature collection to return res = { "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [] } if 'crs' in j: res['crs'] = j['crs'] for f in j['features']: if 'properties' in f: if keyname in f['properties']: key = f['properties'][keyname] if key in keytovaluedict: value = keytovaluedict[key] f['properties'][addedfieldname] = value if innerMode: res['features'].append(f) if not innerMode: res['features'].append(f) return json.dumps(res)
# Filter a geojson by keeping only the features for which <fieldname> has value <fieldvalue> (fieldvalue can be also a list!) # Returns the modified geojson
[docs]def geojsonFilter(geojson, fieldname, fieldvalue): """ Filter a geojson by keeping only the features for which <fieldname> has value <fieldvalue> (fieldvalue can be also a list) Parameters ---------- geojson : str String containing data in geojson format fieldname : str Name of one of the attributes of the input geojson fieldvalue : single value or list of values Comparison value. Only the input features having this value on the <fieldname> attribute are kept in the output geojson returned Returns ------- a string containing the modified geojson containing only the features that pass the filter operation """ j = geojsonJson(geojson) # Feature collection to return res = { "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [] } if 'crs' in j: res['crs'] = j['crs'] for f in j['features']: if 'properties' in f: if fieldname in f['properties']: fvalue = f['properties'][fieldname] if (type(fieldvalue) is list and fvalue in fieldvalue) or (fvalue == fieldvalue): res['features'].append(f) return json.dumps(res)