Source code for svgBubblesChart

"""SVG bubbles chart from a pandas DataFrame."""
# Author(s):
# Copyright © European Union 2022-2023
# Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.2 or as soon they will be approved by 
# the European Commission subsequent versions of the EUPL (the "Licence");
# You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence.
# You may obtain a copy of the Licence at:

# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the Licence is distributed on an "AS IS"
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# See the Licence for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the Licence.
import pandas as pd
from datetime import datetime
from dateutil.rrule import rrule, DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY

from ipywidgets import HTML, widgets, Layout
from ipyevents import Event
from IPython.display import display

import as px

    from . import colors
    from .vuetify import fontsettings
    import colors
    from vuetify import fontsettings

# Returns a list of strings (splitted at ' ')
def splitstring(s, maxlen):
    nrows = int( (len(s)+maxlen-1) / maxlen )
    s = s.replace('_',' ')
    s = s.replace('-',' ')
    words = s.split(' ')

    rows = ['']
    pos = 0
    for www in words:
        if len(rows[pos]) <= maxlen - len(www):
            if len(rows[pos]) == 0:  rows[pos] = www
            else:                    rows[pos] += ' ' + www
            pos += 1
    return rows

# Vertical text in an SVG where X coordinate are in percentage!!!
def verticalText(text, x, y, size, color, fontfamily, weight):
    return '''
<text x="%fvw" y="%fvh" font-size="%fvh" fill="%s" font-weight="%d" style="font-family: %s; pointer-events: none; transform: rotate(90deg); transform-origin: %fvw %fvh; transform-box: view-box; overflow: visible;">%s</text>
''' % (x, y, size, color, weight, fontfamily, x, y, text)

# Bubbles chart visualization of 3 discrete variables + a size
[docs]class svgBubblesChart: """ Creation of a bubbles chart given an input DataFrame. It is a convenient chart for representing a numerical value that depends on 3 discrete variables. It displays a bi-dimensional grid where the unique values of the x column are displayed on the X axis, while the unique values of the y column are displayed on the Y axis. Inside each cell of the grid, a group of bubbles is displayed, one for each distinct value of the color column, while the size of the circles is proportional to the numerical value read from the size column. See the below example on a mushrooms dataset (taken from The SVG chart has the x coordinates expressed in vw coordinates and the y coordinates expressed in vh coordinates. Cliks on the legend is managed so that individual color categories can be excluded from the chart. Parameters ---------- df : pandas DataFrame Input DataFrame xcolumn : str Name of the DataFrame column containing the values to be displayed on the X axis ycolumn : str Name of the DataFrame column containing the values to be displayed on the X axis sizecolumn : str Name of the DataFrame column containing the numerical values to be used to size the bubbles colorcolumn : str Name of the DataFrame column containing the values to be used to give a color to the bubbles and to display the color legend width : float, optional Width of the chart in vw units (default is 100.0) height : float, optional Height of the chart in vh units (default is 50.0) xstart : float, optional X coordinate on vw units where the grid starts (default is 6.0). This value can be used to leave more or less space to the Y axis strings strokewidth : int, optional Width in pixels of the stroke to use for the bubbles (default is 1) strokecolor : str, optional Color of the stroke to use for the bubbles (default is '#ffffff') backcolor : str, optional Background color of the grid (default is '#aaaaaa') backlinecolor : str, optional Color of the lines defining the cells of the grid (default id '#888888') bubblecolors : list of colors, optional List of colors to use for the bubble. Each color is assigned to one of the unique values of the color column of the input DataFrame (default is px.colors.qualitative.Dark2) textcolor : str, optional Color to use for the texts, chart title, axis titles, axis values, etc. (default is 'black') textweight : int, optional Weight of the text (default is 400). The chart title, the axis titles and the legend title will be displayed with weight equal to textweight+100 fontsize : float, optional Size of the standard font to use for values displayed in the X and Y axis in vh coordinates (default is 1.1vh). The chart title, the axis titles and the legend title will be displayed with sizes proportional to the fontsize parameter (up to two times for the chart title) xtextangle : float, optional Angle to use for the rotation of values displayed on the X axis (default is 0.0) title : str, optional Title of the chart (default is '') mode : str, optional Mode to use for the placement of bubbles inside the cells of the grid. Possible values are 'spread' (circles are horizontally displaced), 'concentric' (all circles have their centre in the center of the cell) or 'tangent' (circles are all tangent on the center-bottom point of the cell). Default is 'spread'. legendrows : int, optional Number of rows to use for the legend (default is 2) legenditemwidth : int, optional Width in percent of the total width of each item of the legend (default is 10) Returns ------- an instance of widgets.Output with the svg chart displayed in it Example ------- Creation of a SVG bubble chart chart to display some of the columns of the mushroom dataset (see from IPython.display import display import pandas as pd import as px colorlist = px.colors.qualitative.Dark2 from vois import svgBubblesChart df = pd.read_csv('') xcolumn = 'cap-shape' ycolumn = 'cap-surface' colorcolumn = 'habitat' sizecolumn = 'count' dfgrouped = df.groupby([xcolumn, ycolumn, colorcolumn]).size().reset_index(name=sizecolumn) dfgrouped.columns = ['Shape', 'Cap surface', 'Mushroom habitat:', 'count'] b = svgBubblesChart.svgBubblesChart(dfgrouped, height=50.0, xcolumn=dfgrouped.columns[0], ycolumn=dfgrouped.columns[1], colorcolumn=dfgrouped.columns[2], sizecolumn=dfgrouped.columns[3], strokewidth=1, strokecolor='#ffffff', backcolor='#f0f0f0', backlinecolor='#000000', bubblecolors=colorlist, fontsize=1.1, title='Mushrooms analysis', mode='spread') display(b.draw()) display(HTML(b.getlegendsvg())) .. figure:: figures/bubblechart.png :scale: 100 % :alt: svgBubblesChart example Example of an interactive bubbles chart in SVG """ # Initialization: width in vw units, height in vhunits def __init__(self, df, xcolumn, ycolumn, sizecolumn, colorcolumn, width=100.0, height=50.0, xstart=6.0, strokewidth=1, strokecolor='#ffffff', backcolor='#aaaaaa', backlinecolor='#888888', bubblecolors=px.colors.qualitative.Dark2, textcolor='black', textweight=400, fontsize=1.1, xtextangle=0.0, title='', mode='spread', # 'spread' or 'concentric' or 'tangent' legendrows=2, # Number of rows to use for the legend legenditemwidth=10, # Width in percent of each item of the legend ): self.df = df self.xcolumn = xcolumn self.ycolumn = ycolumn self.sizecolumn = sizecolumn self.colorcolumn = colorcolumn if not self.colorcolumn is None and len(self.colorcolumn) <= 0: self.colorcolumn = None self.width = width self.height = height self.strokewidth = strokewidth self.strokecolor = strokecolor self.backcolor = backcolor self.backlinecolor = backlinecolor self.colorlist = [colors.rgb2hex(colors.string2rgb(x)) for x in bubblecolors] # Convert all colors to '#rrggbb' format !!! self.textcolor = textcolor self.textweight = textweight self.fontsize = fontsize self.xtextangle = xtextangle self.title = title self.mode = mode self.legendrows = legendrows self.legenditemwidth = legenditemwidth self.nrows = self.df.shape[0] self.xvalues = sorted(list(self.df[self.xcolumn].unique())) self.yvalues = sorted(list(self.df[self.ycolumn].unique())) self.nx = len(self.xvalues) self.ny = len(self.yvalues) self.maxlenx = 20 # Max number of characters in xvalues: otherwise --> split self.maxleny = 12 # Max number of characters in yvalues: otherwise --> split if len(self.xvalues) > 15: self.maxlenx = 12 nrows = 1 for xvalue in self.xvalues: if len(xvalue) > self.maxlenx: rows = splitstring(xvalue,self.maxlenx) if len(rows) > nrows: nrows = len(rows) self.xvaluesindex = {} for x in self.xvalues: self.xvaluesindex[x] = self.xvalues.index(x) self.yvaluesindex = {} for y in self.yvalues: self.yvaluesindex[y] = self.yvalues.index(y) self.colorvalues = [] self.ncolors = 0 self.display = [] if not self.colorcolumn is None: self.colorvalues = sorted(list(self.df[self.colorcolumn].unique())) self.ncolors = len(self.colorvalues) self.display = [True] * self.ncolors # Flag to display or not a series self.legenditemheight = 3.5 self.titlefontsize = self.fontsize*2 #self.totalheight = self.fontsize + self.height + (min(self.legendrows,self.ncolors) + 1)*self.legenditemheight + 1.4 self.minvalue = 0.0 if self.nrows > 0: self.maxvalue = float(self.df[self.sizecolumn].max()) else: self.maxvalue = 0.0 self.ystart = 0.08 + self.fontsize*3 # In vh self.yend = self.height - self.fontsize*2- (min(self.legendrows,self.ncolors) + 1)*self.legenditemheight self.xstart = xstart # In vw self.xend = self.width if self.nx > 0: self.xspace = (self.xend - self.xstart) / float(self.nx) else: self.xspace = 0.0 if self.ny > 0: self.yspace = (self.yend - self.ystart) / float(self.ny) else: self.yspace = 0.0 #self.rmax = min(self.xspace, self.yspace) self.rmax = self.yspace/2.0 - 0.1 self.rmin = self.rmax/20.0 # Create Output and Event self.out = widgets.Output(layout=Layout(width='calc(%fvw + 10px)'%self.width, height='calc(%fvh + 20px)'%self.height, margin='0px 0px 0px 0px')) #, border='1px dashed green')) self.event = Event(source=self.out, watched_events=['click']) #, 'dblclick']) self.event.on_dom_event(self.handle_event) self.debug = widgets.Output() # Management of 'click' event on the SVG Output def handle_event(self, event): x = event['relativeX'] y = event['relativeY'] w = event['boundingRectWidth'] h = event['boundingRectHeight'] xp = self.width * (x / w) yp = self.height * (y / h) # Click on a legend item if yp >= self.yend: for i in range(len(self.legendpos)): xitem = self.legendpos[i][0] yitem = self.legendpos[i][1]-1.5 if yp >= yitem and yp <= yitem+self.legenditemheight and xp >= xitem and xp <= (xitem+1.5): item = i if item >= 0 and item < len(self.display): if event['type'] == 'click': self.display[item] = not self.display[item] self.draw() break # Return radius from a size value def getradius(self, size): if (self.maxvalue-self.minvalue) < 0.001: return self.rmax return self.rmin + (self.rmax - self.rmin) * (size - self.minvalue)/(self.maxvalue-self.minvalue) # Returns an SVG for the size legend
[docs] def getlegendsvg(self): """ Returns a string containing the SVG legend for the sizes of the circles. """ titlefontsize = self.fontsize*1.4 y = self.rmax + 2*titlefontsize fontsize = self.rmax/4.0 sidetext = False if fontsize < 1.0: sidetext = True fontsize = 1.0 w = self.yspace*1.3 else: w = self.yspace h = w * 2.2 svg = '<svg version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0" y="0" width="%fvw" height="%fvh">' % (w,h) x = w/2.0 svg += '<text text-anchor="middle" x="%fvw" y="%fvh" font-size="%fvh" fill="%s" style="font-family: %s;" font-weight="%d">Size legend:</text>' % (x-0.01, titlefontsize+0.6, titlefontsize, self.textcolor, fontsettings.font_name, self.textweight+100) if sidetext: svg += '<text text-anchor="start" x="%fvw" y="%fvh" font-size="%fvh" fill="%s" style="font-family: %s;" font-weight="%d">%d</text>' % (x+self.rmax-0.3, y+fontsize/2-0.2, fontsize, self.textcolor, fontsettings.font_name, self.textweight, int(self.maxvalue)) else: svg += '<text text-anchor="middle" x="%fvw" y="%fvh" font-size="%fvh" fill="%s" style="font-family: %s;" font-weight="%d">%d</text>' % (x-0.01,y+fontsize/2-0.2, fontsize, self.textcolor, fontsettings.font_name, self.textweight, int(self.maxvalue)) svg += '<circle cx="%fvw" cy="%fvh" r="%fvh" style="fill:none; stroke:black; stroke-width:1.5; opacity:1.0;"></circle>' % (x,y, self.rmax) if sidetext: y += self.rmax * 1.8 svg += '<text text-anchor="start" x="%fvw" y="%fvh" font-size="%fvh" fill="%s" style="font-family: %s;" font-weight="%d">%d</text>' % (x+self.rmax-0.3,y+fontsize/2-0.2, fontsize, self.textcolor, fontsettings.font_name, self.textweight, int(self.maxvalue/2.0)) else: y += self.rmax * 1.65 svg += '<text text-anchor="middle" x="%fvw" y="%fvh" font-size="%fvh" fill="%s" style="font-family: %s;" font-weight="%d">%d</text>' % (x-0.01,y+fontsize/2-0.2, fontsize, self.textcolor, fontsettings.font_name, self.textweight, int(self.maxvalue/2.0)) svg += '<circle cx="%fvw" cy="%fvh" r="%fvh" style="fill:none; stroke:black; stroke-width:1.5; opacity:1.0;"></circle>' % (x,y, self.rmax/2.0) if sidetext: y += self.rmax * 1.0 svg += '<text text-anchor="start" x="%fvw" y="%fvh" font-size="%fvh" fill="%s" style="font-family: %s;" font-weight="%d">%d</text>' % (x+self.rmax-0.3, y+fontsize/2-0.2, fontsize, self.textcolor, fontsettings.font_name, self.textweight, int(self.maxvalue/4.0)) else: y += self.rmax * 0.85 svg += '<text text-anchor="middle" x="%fvw" y="%fvh" font-size="%fvh" fill="%s" style="font-family: %s;" font-weight="%d">%d</text>' % (x-0.01,y+fontsize/2-0.2, fontsize, self.textcolor, fontsettings.font_name, self.textweight, int(self.maxvalue/4.0)) svg += '<circle cx="%fvw" cy="%fvh" r="%fvh" style="fill:none; stroke:black; stroke-width:1.5; opacity:1.0;"></circle>' % (x,y, self.rmax/4.0) svg += '</svg>' return svg
# Return the SVG code def getsvg(self): svg = '<svg version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0vw" y="0vh" width="%fvw" height="%fvh">' % (self.width, self.height) svg += ''' <style type="text/css"> @import url('%s'); .fullrow:hover { stroke: #000044; stroke-dasharray: 3.5,3.5; cursor: pointer; !important; } </style> ''' % (fontsettings.font_url) # Title text if len(self.title) > 0: svg += '<text text-anchor="middle" x="%fvw" y="%fvh" font-size="%fvh" fill="%s" style="font-family: %s;" font-weight="%d">%s</text>' % ((self.xstart+self.xend)/2.0, self.fontsize*1.75, self.titlefontsize, self.textcolor, fontsettings.font_name, self.textweight+100, self.title) # Text for the axis svg += verticalText(self.ycolumn, 0.4, self.ystart, 1.75*self.fontsize, self.textcolor, fontsettings.font_name, self.textweight+100) svg += '<text text-anchor="end" x="%fvw" y="%fvh" font-size="%fvh" fill="%s" style="font-family: %s;" font-weight="%d">%s</text>' % (self.xstart, (self.fontsize + self.yend + 0.3), 1.75*self.fontsize, self.textcolor, fontsettings.font_name, self.textweight+100, self.xcolumn) # Background svg += '<rect x="%fvw" y="%fvh" width="%fvw" height="%fvh" fill="%s" fill-opacity="1.0"></rect>' % (self.xstart, self.ystart, self.xend-self.xstart, self.yend-self.ystart, self.backcolor) # Vertical back lines and xaxis texts x = self.xstart for xvalue in self.xvalues: svg += '<line style="pointer-events:none; stroke:%s; stroke-width:0.2" x1="%fvw" y1="%fvh" x2="%fvw" y2="%fvh"></line>' % (self.backlinecolor, x, self.ystart, x, self.yend) if self.xtextangle == 0.0: if len(xvalue) <= self.maxlenx: svg += '<text text-anchor="middle" x="%fvw" y="%fvh" font-size="%fvh" fill="%s" style="font-family: %s;" font-weight="%d">%s</text>' % (x + 0.5*self.xspace, self.yend+self.fontsize+0.3, self.fontsize, self.textcolor, fontsettings.font_name, self.textweight, xvalue) else: rows = splitstring(xvalue,self.maxlenx) y = 0 for r in rows: svg += '<text text-anchor="middle" x="%fvw" y="%fvh" font-size="%fvh" fill="%s" style="font-family: %s;" font-weight="%d">%s</text>' % (x + 0.5*self.xspace, self.yend+self.fontsize+3+y, self.fontsize, self.textcolor, fontsettings.font_name, self.textweight, r) y += self.fontsize else: svg += ''' <svg x="%fvw" y="%fvh" overflow="visible"> <text style="pointer-events: none" text-anchor="end" x="0vw" y="0vh" font-size="%fvh" fill="%s" style="font-family: %s;" font-weight="%d" transform="rotate(%f)">%s</text> </svg> ''' % (x + 0.5*self.xspace, self.yend+self.fontsize+0.3, self.fontsize, self.textcolor, fontsettings.font_name, self.textweight, self.xtextangle, xvalue) x += self.xspace svg += '<line style="pointer-events:none; stroke:%s; stroke-width:0.2" x1="%fvw" y1="%fvh" x2="%fvw" y2="%fvh"></line>' % (self.backlinecolor, x, self.ystart, x, self.yend) # Horizontal back lines and y axis texts y = self.ystart for yvalue in self.yvalues: svg += '<line style="pointer-events:none; stroke:%s; stroke-width:0.2" x1="%fvw" y1="%fvh" x2="%fvw" y2="%fvh"></line>' % (self.backlinecolor, self.xstart, y, self.xend, y) if len(yvalue) <= self.maxleny: svg += '<text text-anchor="end" x="%fvw" y="%fvh" font-size="%fvh" fill="%s" style="font-family: %s;" font-weight="%d">%s</text>' % (self.xstart*0.92, y + 0.5*self.yspace, self.fontsize, self.textcolor, fontsettings.font_name, self.textweight, yvalue) else: rows = splitstring(yvalue,self.maxleny) dy = -self.fontsize*(len(rows)/2 - 1) for r in rows: svg += '<text text-anchor="end" x="%fvw" y="%fvh" font-size="%fvh" fill="%s" style="font-family: %s;" font-weight="%d">%s</text>' % (self.xstart*0.92, y + 0.5*self.yspace+dy, self.fontsize, self.textcolor, fontsettings.font_name, self.textweight, r) dy += self.fontsize y += self.yspace svg += '<line style="pointer-events:none; stroke:%s; stroke-width:0.2" x1="%fvw" y1="%fvh" x2="%fvw" y2="%fvh"></line>' % (self.backlinecolor, self.xstart, y, self.xend, y) # Cycle on all combinations of (x,y) values to display circles for xvalue in self.xvalues: for yvalue in self.yvalues: df = self.df[(self.df[self.xcolumn]==xvalue) & (self.df[self.ycolumn]==yvalue)].sort_values(by=[self.sizecolumn], ascending=False) # Cycle on circles sorted by descending dimension if df.shape[0] > 0: ix = self.xvaluesindex[xvalue] iy = self.yvaluesindex[yvalue] x = self.xstart + self.xspace*(ix + 0.5) y = self.ystart + self.yspace*(iy + 0.5) dx = 0 dxnext = self.xspace/min(max(3.0,df.shape[0]), 8.0) maxsize = df.iloc[0]['count'] maxr = self.getradius(maxsize) for index, row in df.iterrows(): size = row[self.sizecolumn] color = self.colorlist[0] tooltip = xvalue + '/' + yvalue + ': ' + str(int(size)) if self.mode == 'spread': opacity = 0.7 else: opacity = 1.0 dodisplay = True if self.ncolors > 0: colorvalue = row[self.colorcolumn] if colorvalue in self.colorvalues: icolor = self.colorvalues.index(colorvalue) color = self.colorlist[icolor % len(self.colorlist)] if self.display[icolor]: tooltip = xvalue + '/' + yvalue + '/' + colorvalue + ': ' + str(int(size)) else: dodisplay = False if dodisplay: r = self.getradius(size) yc = y if self.mode == 'tangent': yc = y+maxr-r svg += '<circle class="fullrow" cx="%fvw" cy="%fvh" r="%fvh" style="fill:%s; stroke:%s; stroke-width:%f; opacity:%f;"><title>%s</title></circle>' % (x+dx,yc, r, color, self.strokecolor,self.strokewidth, opacity, tooltip) if self.mode == 'spread': if dx == 0: dx -= dxnext elif dx < 0: dx = -dx else: dx = -dx - dxnext dxnext = dxnext / 2.0 # Display the legend self.legendpos = [] y = self.yend + self.legenditemheight*1.1 x = self.xstart svg += '<text text-anchor="start" x="%fvw" y="%fvh" font-size="%fvh" fill="%s" style="font-family: %s;" font-weight="%d">%s</text>' % (x, y+self.fontsize*1.56, self.fontsize*1.75, self.textcolor, fontsettings.font_name, self.textweight+100, self.colorcolumn) y = self.yend + 2*self.legenditemheight dx = self.legenditemwidth if self.ncolors > 0: maxlen = len(max(self.colorvalues, key=len)) dx = max(maxlen*0.75,dx) for i in range(self.ncolors): icolor = i % len(self.colorlist) color = self.colorlist[icolor] name = self.colorvalues[i] if self.display[i]: opacity = 1.0 else: opacity = 0.3333 svg += '<rect class="fullrow" style="cursor: pointer;" width="1.35vw" height="%fvh" x="%fvw" y="%fvh" fill="%s" fill-opacity="%f"><title>%s</title></rect>' % (2.7*self.legenditemheight/5, x, y, color, opacity, name) svg += '<text text-anchor="start" x="%fvw" y="%fvh" font-size="%fvh" fill="%s" fill-opacity="%f" style="font-family: %s;" font-weight="%d">%s</text>' % (x+1.6, y+self.fontsize*1.5, self.fontsize*1.5, self.textcolor, opacity, fontsettings.font_name, self.textweight, name) self.legendpos.append([x,y]) y += self.legenditemheight if (i+1) % self.legendrows == 0: y = self.yend + 2*self.legenditemheight x += dx svg += '</svg>' return svg # Returns Output widget containing the line chart def draw(self): self.out.clear_output(wait=True) with self.out: self.svg_picture = self.getsvg() display(HTML(self.svg_picture)) #display(self.debug) return self.out