Source code for svgGraph

"""SVG visualization of a graph."""
# Author(s):
# Copyright © European Union 2022-2023
# Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.2 or as soon they will be approved by 
# the European Commission subsequent versions of the EUPL (the "Licence");
# You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence.
# You may obtain a copy of the Licence at:

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from ipywidgets import HTML, widgets, Layout
from ipyevents import Event
from IPython.display import display
import math
from textwrap import wrap

    from . import colors
    from .vuetify import fontsettings
    from .vuetify import settings
    import colors
    from vuetify import fontsettings
    from vuetify import settings

# Visualization of a Graph with predefined positions
[docs]def svgGraph(nodes_name, nodes_label, nodes_color, nodes_pos, edges, edge_label='Value', textcolor='white', edgestrokecolor='lightgrey', edgestrokewidth=0.3, nodestrokecolor='grey', nodestrokewidth=0.3, selectedcolor='red', selectedstrokewidth=0.7, width=300.0, heightpercent=100.0, borderspercent=10.0, nodesradius=3.0, fontsize=3.0, onclick=None): """ Display of a graph. Parameters ---------- nodes_name : dict Dictionary with Key=nodeid and Value=name (short label to display inside the node) nodes_label : dict Dictionary with Key=nodeid and Value=description (long description to display as tooltip of the nodes) nodes_color : dict Dictionary with Key=nodeid and Value=color to use for the node nodes_pos : dict Dictionary with Key=nodeid and Value=[x,y] coordinates of the node edges : dict Dictionary with Key=(nodeid1,nodeid2) and Value containing a numerical value to display in the tooltip edge_label : str, optional String to display inside the tooltip over an edge of the graph (default is 'Value') textcolor : str, optional Color to use for text of nodes (default is 'white') edgestrokecolor : str, optional Color to use to display the edges (default is 'lightgrey') edgestrokewidth : float, optional Stroke width of the line used to display the edges (default is 0.3) nodestrokecolor : str, optional Color to use for the border of the nodes (default is 'grey') nodestrokewidth : float, optional Stroke width of the line used to display the border of the nodes (default is 0.3) selectedcolor : str, optional Color to use to display the border of the selected node (default is 'red') selectedstrokewidth : float, optional Stroke width of the line used to display the border of the selected node (default is 0.7) width : int or float or str, optional Width of the drawing. If an integer or a float is passed, the size is intended in pixels units, otherwise a string containing the units must be passed (example: '4vw'). The default is 300.0 for 300 pixels heightpercent : float, optional Height of the drawing in percentage of the Width (default is 100.0, meaning that a square chart will be created) borderspercent : float, optional Border to add in percentage on each side of the chart to be sure that the nodes circles are completely inside (default is 10.0) nodesradius : float, optional Radius of the circles that represent the nodes. The total graph drawing is created in SVG coordinates [0,100]. Default is 3.0. fontsize : float, optional Size of the font used for nodes' texts. The total graph drawing is created in SVG coordinates [0,100]. Default is 3.0. onclick : function, optional Python function to call when the user clicks on one of the nodes of the graph. The function will receive as parameter the nodeid of the clicked node, or -1 when the click is outside of all the nodes Returns ------- an ipywidgets.Output instance with the graph displayed inside Example ------- Example of a generation and display of a random graph using networkx library and svgGraph module:: from vois import svgGraph import networkx as nx import random r = lambda: random.randint(0,255) # Generate a random graph using networkx G = nx.gnp_random_graph(20, 0.2, seed=12345) # Assign position to nodes using Fruchterman-Reingold force-directed algorithm nodes_pos = nx.spring_layout(G, weight='weight', seed=12345) # Extract nodes and edges information from the graph nodes = list(G.nodes) edges = list(G.edges) # Generate dictionaries requested by the svgGraph module nodes_name = dict(zip(nodes,['N'+str(x) for x in nodes])) nodes_label = dict(zip(nodes,['Description of node '+str(x) for x in nodes])) nodes_color = dict(zip(nodes,['#%02X%02X%02X' % (r(),r(),r()) for x in nodes])) # Random colors edges_value = dict(zip(edges,[random.randint(0,100) for x in edges])) # Display the graph svgGraph.svgGraph(nodes_name, nodes_label, nodes_color, nodes_pos, edges_value, width=800) .. figure:: figures/graph.png :scale: 100 % :alt: Graph example Example of a graph visualization """ # Calculate bounding box xmin = ymin = 1.0e+300 xmax = ymax = -1.0e+300 for node, coords in nodes_pos.items(): x = coords[0] y = coords[1] if x < xmin: xmin = x if x > xmax: xmax = x if y < ymin: ymin = y if y > ymax: ymax = y dx = xmax - xmin dy = ymax - ymin # If the height is bigger than requested opimaldy = dx * heightpercent / 100.0 if dy != opimaldy: ymin = 1.0e+300 ymax = -1.0e+300 f = opimaldy/dy for node, coords in nodes_pos.items(): coords[1] *= f if coords[1] < ymin: ymin = coords[1] if coords[1] > ymax: ymax = coords[1] # Enlarge on each side enlarge = borderspercent / 100.0 xmin -= enlarge*dx xmax += enlarge*dx ymin -= enlarge*dy ymax += enlarge*dy dx = xmax - xmin dy = ymax - ymin height = 100.0 * dy / dx radiussvg = nodesradius # Circles radius in SVG coordinates # Convert coordinates to [0,100] range def x2svg(x): return 100.0 * (x-xmin)/(xmax-xmin) def y2svg(y): return height * (y-ymin)/(ymax-ymin) # Convert svg coordinates to nodes positions def svg2x(x): return xmin + x * (xmax-xmin) / 100.0 def svg2y(y): return ymin + y * (ymax-ymin) / height # ID of the selected node selected_node = -1 def createSVG(): svg = '<svg version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 100 %d" xml:space="preserve">' % int(height) # CSS styling svg += ''' <style type="text/css"> @import url('%s'); </style> ''' % (fontsettings.font_url) for edge, value in edges.items(): n1 = edge[0] n2 = edge[1] if n1 in nodes_pos and n2 in nodes_pos: x1 = x2svg(nodes_pos[n1][0]) y1 = y2svg(nodes_pos[n1][1]) x2 = x2svg(nodes_pos[n2][0]) y2 = y2svg(nodes_pos[n2][1]) tooltip = nodes_label[n1] + '\n' + nodes_label[n2] + '\n%s: %f' % (edge_label,value) svg += '<line x1="%f" y1="%f" x2="%f" y2="%f" style="stroke:%s;stroke-width:%f"><title>%s</title></line>' % (x1,y1, x2,y2, edgestrokecolor,edgestrokewidth, tooltip) for node, coords in nodes_pos.items(): x = x2svg(coords[0]) y = y2svg(coords[1]) color = nodes_color[node] name = nodes_name[node] label = nodes_label[node] sc = nodestrokecolor sw = nodestrokewidth if node == selected_node: sc = selectedcolor sw = selectedstrokewidth svg += '<circle cx="%f" cy="%f" fill="%s" r="%f" style="stroke:%s;stroke-width:%f"><title>%s</title></circle>' % (x,y,color,radiussvg,sc,sw,label) svg += '<text style="pointer-events: none" text-anchor="middle" x="%f" y="%f" font-size="%f" fill="%s" font-weight="500">%s</text>' % (x, y+fontsize/3, fontsize, textcolor, name) svg += '</svg>' return svg # Create an output widget and display SVG in it if isinstance(width, int): w = '%dpx' % width elif isinstance(width, float): w = '%fpx' % width else: w = str(width) out = widgets.Output(layout=Layout(width=w, height='calc(calc(%s * %f) + 18px)' % (w,0.01*height))) svg = createSVG() with out: display(HTML(svg)) d = Event(source=out, watched_events=['click']) def handle_event(event): nonlocal selected_node x = event['relativeX'] y = event['relativeY'] w = event['boundingRectWidth'] h = event['boundingRectHeight'] xsvg = (x / w) * 100.0 ysvg = (y / h) * height xnode = svg2x(xsvg) ynode = svg2y(ysvg) r = svg2x(50.0+radiussvg) - svg2x(50.0) new_selected_node = -1 for node, coords in nodes_pos.items(): x = coords[0] y = coords[1] if math.hypot(xnode - x, ynode - y) <= r: if node == selected_node: new_selected_node = -1 else: new_selected_node = node if new_selected_node != selected_node: selected_node = new_selected_node if not onclick is None: onclick(selected_node) out.clear_output(wait=True) with out: display(HTML(createSVG())) d.on_dom_event(handle_event) return out