Source code for svgUtils

"""SVG drawings for general use."""
# Author(s):
# Copyright © European Union 2022-2023
# Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.2 or as soon they will be approved by 
# the European Commission subsequent versions of the EUPL (the "Licence");
# You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence.
# You may obtain a copy of the Licence at:

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from ipywidgets import HTML, widgets, Layout
from ipyevents import Event
from IPython.display import display
import math
from datetime import datetime
from textwrap import wrap

    from . import colors
    from .vuetify import fontsettings
    from .vuetify import settings
    import colors
    from vuetify import fontsettings
    from vuetify import settings

# Returns a string containing the legend for a vector layer classification in SVG format
[docs]def categoriesLegend(title, descriptions, width=200, elemHeight=38, bordercolor='black', borderWidth=2, textcolor='black', colorlist=['#fef4ef', '#fdd3c0', '#fca080', '#fa6a49', '#e23026', '#b11117', '#66000c'], dark=settings.dark_mode): """ Creation of a legend for categories given title and descriptions of the classes. Parameters ---------- title : str Title of the legend descriptions : list of strings Description of each of the classe of the legend. If a description contains a '\t' character, the text after it is displayed as multi-line text in smaller font width : int, optional Width in pixel of the legend (default is 200) elemHeight : int, optional Height in pixels of each of the elements of the legend (default is 38) bordercolor : str, optional Color of the border of the legend elements (default is 'black') borderWidth : int, optional Width in pixels of the border of the legend elements (default is 2) textcolor : str, optional Color of text for the legend elements (default is 'black') colorlist : list of colors, optional List of colors to assign to the country polygons (see `Plotly sequential color scales <>`_ and `Plotly qualitative color sequences <>`_ ) dark : bool, optional If True, the bordercolor and textcolor are set to white (default is False) Return ------ a string containing SVG text to display the legend Example ------- Example of the creation of an SVG drawing for a categories legend:: from vois import svgUtils import as px svg = svgUtils.categoriesLegend("Legend title", ['1:\tVery long class description that can span multiple lines and that contains no info at all', 'Class 2', 'Class 3', 'Class 4'], colorlist=px.colors.sequential.Blues, width=250) display(HTML(svg)) .. figure:: figures/categoriesLegend.png :scale: 100 % :alt: categoriesLegend example Example of a categories legend """ def multilineText(x,y,width,height, text): return ''' <switch> <foreignObject x="%d" y="%d" width="%d" height="%d"> <div style="display: table-cell; vertical-align: middle; width: %dpx; height: %dpx;"> <p xmlns="" style="line-height: 14px; font-size: 8pt;">%s</p> </div> </foreignObject> <text x="%d" y="%d">Your SVG viewer cannot display html.</text> <title>%s</title> </switch>''' % (x,y,width,height,width,height, text, x,y, text) if dark: if bordercolor=='black': bordercolor='white' if textcolor =='black': textcolor ='white' x = 0 y = 12 space = 4 n = len(descriptions) svg = '<svg xmlns="" width="%d" height="%d" version="1.1">\n' % (width, 28+n*(elemHeight+space)) svg += '<text text-anchor="start" x="%d" y="%d" font-size="15" fill="%s" font-weight="500">%s</text>' % (x, y+5, textcolor, title) y += elemHeight/2 s = colors.colorInterpolator(colorlist, 1, max(2,n)) for i in range(n): col = s.GetColor(i+1) text = descriptions[i] if '\t' in text: value = text.split('\t')[0] text = text.split('\t')[1] svg += '<rect style="fill:%s;" x="%d" y="%d" width="%d" height="%d" stroke="%s" stroke-width="%d"><title>%s</title></rect>\n' % (col, x+1, y, elemHeight-1, elemHeight-1, bordercolor, borderWidth, value) svg += '<text text-anchor="start" x="%d" y="%d" font-size="15" fill="%s" font-weight="400">%s<title>%s</title></text>' % (x+elemHeight+space, y+elemHeight/2+4, textcolor, value, text) if len(text) > 0: svg += multilineText(x+2*elemHeight,y-1,width-2*elemHeight-space,elemHeight+10, text) else: value = text svg += '<rect style="fill:%s;" x="%d" y="%d" width="%d" height="%d" stroke="%s" stroke-width="%d"><title>%s</title></rect>\n' % (col, x+1, y, elemHeight-1, elemHeight-1, bordercolor, borderWidth, text) svg += '<text text-anchor="start" x="%d" y="%d" font-size="15" fill="%s" font-weight="400">%s<title>%s</title></text>' % (x+elemHeight+space, y+elemHeight/2+4, textcolor, value, text) y += elemHeight + space svg += '</svg>' return svg
########################################################################################################################################################################### # Returns svg string containing a vertical graduated/colors legend ###########################################################################################################################################################################
[docs]def graduatedLegend(df, # Pandas dataframe indexed on code_column and containing 'value' and 'label' columns code_column=None, # Name of the column containing the code of the country (None = the country code is the index of the dataframe) value_column='value', # Name of the column containing the value label_column='label', # Name of the column containing the label dictnames=None, # Dict to convert codes to names codes_selected=[], # codes of the countries selected colorlist=['#0d0887', '#46039f', '#7201a8', '#9c179e', '#bd3786', '#d8576b', '#ed7953', '#fb9f3a', '#fdca26', '#f0f921'], # default color scale stdevnumber=2.0, # Number of stddev to calculate (minvalue,maxvalue) range fill='#f1f1f1', # fill color for countries stroke_selected='#00ffff', # stroke color for border of selected country decimals=2, # Number of decimals for the legend number display minallowed_value=None, # Minimum value allowed maxallowed_value=None, # Maximum value allowed hoveronempty=False, # If True highlights polygon on hover even if no value present in input df for the polygon legendtitle='', # Title to add to the legend (top) legendunits='', # Units of measure to add to the legend (bottom) fontsize=20, width=200, height=600, bordercolor='black', textcolor='black', dark=False): """ Creation of graduated legend in SVG format. Given a Pandas DataFrame in the same format of the one in input to :py:func:`interMap.geojsonMap` function, this functions generates an SVG drawing displaying a graduated colors legend. Parameters ---------- df : Pandas DataFrame Pandas DataFrame to use for assigning values to features. It has to contain at least a column with numeric values. code_column : str, optional Name of the column of the df Pandas DataFrame containing the unique code of the features. This column is used to perform the join with the internal attribute of the geojson vector dataset that contains the unique code. If the code_column is None, the code is taken from the index of the DataFrame, (default is None) value_column : str, optional Name of the column of the Pandas DataFrame containing the values to be assigned to the features using the join on geojson unique codes (default is 'value') label_column : str, optional Name of the column of the Pandas DataFrame containing the label to be assigned to the features using the join on geojson unique codes (default is 'label') dictnames : dict, optional Dictionary to convert codes to names when displaying the selection (default is None) codes_selected : list of strings, optional List of codes of features to display as selected (default is []) colorlist : list of colors, optional List of colors to assign to the country polygons (default is the Plotly px.colors.sequential.Plasma, see `Plotly sequential color scales <>`_ and `Plotly qualitative color sequences <>`_ ) stdevnumber : float, optional The correspondance between the values assigned to features and the colors list is done by calculating a range of values [min,max] to linearly map the values to the colors. This range is defined by calculating the mean and standard deviation of the country values and applying this formula [mean - stdevnumber*stddev, mean + stdevnumber*stddev]. Default is 2.0 fill : str, optional Fill color to use for the features that are not joined (default is '#f1f1f1') stroke_selected : str, optional Color to use for the selected features (default is '#00ffff') decimals : int, optional Number of decimals for the legend numbers display (default is 2) minallowed_value : float, optional Minimum value allowed, to force the calculation of the [min,max] range to map the values to the colors maxallowed_value : float, optional Maximum value allowed, to force the calculation of the [min,max] range to map the values to the colors hoveronempty : bool, optional If True highlights polygon on hover even if no value present in input df for the feature (default is False) legendtitle : str, optional Title to add on top of the legend (default is '') legendunits : str, optional Units of measure to add to the bottom of the legend (default is '') fontsize : int, optional Size in pixels of the font used for texts (default is 20) width : int, optional Width of the SVG drawing in pixels (default is 200) height : int, optional Height of the SVG drawing in pixels (default is 600) bordercolor : str, optional Color for lines and rects of the legend (default is 'black') textcolor : str, optional Color for texts of the legend (default is 'black') dark : bool, optional If True, the bordercolor and textcolor are set to white (default is False) Returns ------- a string containing SVG text to display the graduated legend Example ------- Creation of a SVG drawing to display a graduated legend. Input is prepared in the same way of the example provided for the :py:func:`interMap.geojsonMap` function:: import numpy as np import pandas as pd import as px from vois import svgMap, svgUtils countries = svgMap.country_codes # Generate random values and create a dictionary: key=countrycode, value=random in [0.0,100.0] d = dict(zip(countries, list(np.random.uniform(size=len(countries),low=0.0,high=100.0)))) # Create a pandas dataframe from the dictionary df = pd.DataFrame(d.items(), columns=['iso2code', 'value']) svg = svgUtils.graduatedLegend(df, code_column='iso2code', codes_selected=['IT', 'FR', 'CH'], stroke_selected='red', colorlist=px.colors.sequential.Viridis[::-1], stdevnumber=2.0, legendtitle='2020 Total energy consumption', legendunits='KTOE per 100K inhabit.', fontsize=18, width=340, height=600) display(HTML(svg)) .. figure:: figures/graduatedLegend.png :scale: 100 % :alt: graduatedLegend example Example of a graduatedLegend in SVG """ if df.shape[0] <= 0: minvalue = 1.0 maxvalue = 2.0 else: mean = df[value_column].mean() if df.shape[0] <= 1: minvalue = mean maxvalue = mean else: stddev = df[value_column].std() valuemin = df[value_column].min() valuemax = df[value_column].max() minvalue = mean - stdevnumber*stddev maxvalue = mean + stdevnumber*stddev if minvalue < valuemin: minvalue = valuemin if maxvalue > valuemax: maxvalue = valuemax if not minallowed_value is None: if minvalue < minallowed_value: minvalue = minallowed_value if not maxallowed_value is None: if maxvalue > maxallowed_value: maxvalue = maxallowed_value #print(mean,stddev, minvalue, maxvalue) if minvalue >= maxvalue: maxvalue = minvalue + 1 ci = colors.colorInterpolator(colorlist,minvalue,maxvalue) if dark: if bordercolor=='black': bordercolor='white' if textcolor =='black': textcolor ='white' # Positioning of the legend w = width // 5 x1 = (width-w)/2 x2 = x1 + w wlineette = width // 20 #y1 = height // 18 y1 = 2*fontsize h = height - int(1.5*y1) if len(legendunits) > 0: h -= y1//2 y2 = y1 + h barthickness = width/120 fontsize1 = fontsize - 1 fontsize2 = fontsize - 2 # Calculate the legend in SVG format svg = ''' <svg xmlns:svg="" xmlns="" width="%d" height="%d" version="1.1"> <style type="text/css"> @import url('%s'); ''' % (width,height,fontsettings.font_url) # Colors indexed by iso2_code of countries polycolors = {} # Fill color of the polygon polyclass = {} # class to assign to the polygon ("country" or "") polybary = {} # Y coordinate of the bar on the legend highlighted when hover on a country polyover = {} # True if a value is outside of the legend polyname = {} # Name assigned to the polygon country_codes = df[code_column].unique() for c in country_codes: polycolors[c] = fill polybary[c] = -1000 polyover[c] = False if hoveronempty: polyclass[c] = 'country' else: polyclass[c] = '' # Set colors for all the countries for index, row in df.iterrows(): if code_column is None: code = index else: code = row[code_column] polyname[code] = code if not dictnames is None and code in dictnames: polyname[code] = dictnames[code] value = row[value_column] polycolors[code] = ci.GetColor(value) polyclass[code] = 'country' if label_column in df: v = row[label_column] else: v = str(value) y = y2 - (y2-y1) * (value - minvalue) / (maxvalue - minvalue) if y < y1: y = y1 if y > y2: y = y2 polybary[code] = y if value < minvalue or value > maxvalue: polyover[code] = True #print(minvalue,maxvalue, y1, y2) # Add color for every polygon for c in country_codes: svg += 'svg #%s { fill: %s; }\n' % (c, polycolors[c]) svg += '</style>' # Legend on the right if len(legendtitle) > 0: svg += '<text x="%d" y="%d" text-anchor="middle" font-size="%f" font-family="%s" font-weight="bold" fill="%s">%s</text>' % (x1+w/2.0, y1-fontsize, fontsize, fontsettings.font_name, textcolor, legendtitle) if len(legendunits) > 0: svg += '<text x="%d" y="%d" text-anchor="middle" font-size="%f" font-family="%s" font-weight="bold" fill="%s">%s</text>' % (x1+w/2.0, int(y2+fontsize*1.5), fontsize2, fontsettings.font_name, textcolor, legendunits) svg += '<rect x="%d" y="%d" width="%d" height="%d" style="fill:none; stroke-width:%f; stroke:%s;" />' % (x1, y1, w, h+1, barthickness*2, bordercolor) y = y2 for i in range(h): value = maxvalue - (y - y1) * (maxvalue - minvalue) / (y2 - y1) svg += '<line x1="%d" y1="%d" x2="%d" y2="%d" style="stroke:%s;stroke-width:%f" />' % ( x1,y,x2,y, ci.GetColor(value), barthickness ) y -= 1 svg += '<line x1="%d" y1="%d" x2="%d" y2="%d" style="stroke:%s; stroke-width:%f" />' % ( x2,y2+3,x2+wlineette,y2+3, bordercolor, barthickness/2.0 ) svg += '<line x1="%d" y1="%d" x2="%d" y2="%d" style="stroke:%s; stroke-width:%f" />' % ( x2,y1-2,x2+wlineette,y1-2, bordercolor, barthickness/2.0 ) valmin = '{:.{prec}f}'.format(minvalue, prec=decimals) svg += '<text x="%d" y="%d" font-size="%f" font-family="%s" fill="%s">%s</text>' % (x2+wlineette+5, y2+fontsize2/3, fontsize1, fontsettings.font_name, textcolor, valmin) valmax = '{:.{prec}f}'.format(maxvalue, prec=decimals) svg += '<text x="%d" y="%d" font-size="%f" font-family="%s" fill="%s">%s</text>' % (x2+wlineette+5, int(y1+fontsize2*0.4), fontsize1, fontsettings.font_name, textcolor, valmax) valmed = '{:.{prec}f}'.format((minvalue+maxvalue)/2.0, prec=decimals) if valmed != valmin and valmed != valmax: y = (y1+y2)/2.0 svg += '<line x1="%d" y1="%f" x2="%d" y2="%f" style="stroke:%s; stroke-width:%f" />' % ( x2,y,x2+wlineette,y, bordercolor, barthickness/2.0 ) svg += '<text x="%d" y="%d" font-size="%f" font-family="%s" fill="%s">%s</text>' % (x2+wlineette+5, y+fontsize2/3, fontsize1, fontsettings.font_name, textcolor, valmed) val = '{:.{prec}f}'.format(minvalue + 3.0*(maxvalue-minvalue)/4.0, prec=decimals) if val != valmed and val != valmax: y = y1+(y2-y1)/4.0 svg += '<line x1="%d" y1="%f" x2="%d" y2="%f" style="stroke:%s; stroke-width:%f" />' % ( x2,y,x2+wlineette,y, bordercolor, barthickness/2.0 ) svg += '<text x="%d" y="%d" font-size="%f" font-family="%s" fill="%s">%s</text>' % (x2+wlineette+5, y+fontsize2/3, fontsize1, fontsettings.font_name, textcolor, val) val = '{:.{prec}f}'.format(minvalue + (maxvalue-minvalue)/4.0, prec=decimals) if val != valmin and val != valmed: y = y1+3.0*(y2-y1)/4.0 svg += '<line x1="%d" y1="%f" x2="%d" y2="%f" style="stroke:%s; stroke-width:%f" />' % ( x2,y,x2+wlineette,y, bordercolor, barthickness/2.0 ) svg += '<text x="%d" y="%d" font-size="%f" font-family="%s" fill="%s">%s</text>' % (x2+wlineette+5, y+fontsize2/3, fontsize1, fontsettings.font_name, textcolor, val) # Add horizontal lines in the legend for the selected countries for code in codes_selected: if code in country_codes: if polybary[code] >= y1 and polybary[code] <= y2: svg += '<text x="%f" y="%f" text-anchor="end" font-size="%f" font-family="%s" font-weight="bold" fill="%s">%s<title>%s</title></text>' % (x1-wlineette/2, polybary[code]+fontsize2/3, fontsize2, fontsettings.font_name, textcolor, polyname[code], polyname[code]) dash = '' if polyover[code]: dash = 'stroke-dasharray="%f,%f"' % (wlineette*1.1, wlineette*0.5) svg += '<line x1="%d" y1="%d" x2="%d" y2="%d" style="stroke:%s; stroke-width:%f" %s />' % (x1, polybary[code], x2, polybary[code], stroke_selected, barthickness, dash) svg += '</svg>' return svg
########################################################################################################################################################################### # Returns svg string containing a vertical graduated/colors legend ###########################################################################################################################################################################
[docs]def graduatedLegendVWVH(df, # Pandas dataframe indexed on code_column and containing 'value' and 'label' columns code_column=None, # Name of the column containing the code of the country (None = the country code is the index of the dataframe) value_column='value', # Name of the column containing the value label_column='label', # Name of the column containing the label codes_selected=[], # codes of the countries selected colorlist=['#0d0887', '#46039f', '#7201a8', '#9c179e', '#bd3786', '#d8576b', '#ed7953', '#fb9f3a', '#fdca26', '#f0f921'], # default color scale stdevnumber=2.0, # Number of stddev to calculate (minvalue,maxvalue) range fill='#f1f1f1', # fill color for countries stroke_selected='#00ffff', # stroke color for border of selected country decimals=2, # Number of decimals for the legend number display minallowed_value=None, # Minimum value allowed maxallowed_value=None, # Maximum value allowed hoveronempty=False, # If True highlights polygon on hover even if no value present in input df for the polygon legendtitle='', # Title to add to the legend (top) legendunits='', # Units of measure to add to the legend (bottom) fontsize=20, width=20.0, height=40.0, bordercolor='black', textcolor='black', dark=False): """ Creation of graduated legend in SVG format. Given a Pandas DataFrame in the same format of the one in input to :py:func:`interMap.geojsonMap` function, this functions generates an SVG drawing displaying a graduated colors legend. Parameters ---------- df : Pandas DataFrame Pandas DataFrame to use for assigning values to features. It has to contain at least a column with numeric values. code_column : str, optional Name of the column of the df Pandas DataFrame containing the unique code of the features. This column is used to perform the join with the internal attribute of the geojson vector dataset that contains the unique code. If the code_column is None, the code is taken from the index of the DataFrame, (default is None) value_column : str, optional Name of the column of the Pandas DataFrame containing the values to be assigned to the features using the join on geojson unique codes (default is 'value') label_column : str, optional Name of the column of the Pandas DataFrame containing the label to be assigned to the features using the join on geojson unique codes (default is 'label') codes_selected : list of strings, optional List of codes of features to display as selected (default is []) colorlist : list of colors, optional List of colors to assign to the country polygons (default is the Plotly px.colors.sequential.Plasma, see `Plotly sequential color scales <>`_ and `Plotly qualitative color sequences <>`_ ) stdevnumber : float, optional The correspondance between the values assigned to features and the colors list is done by calculating a range of values [min,max] to linearly map the values to the colors. This range is defined by calculating the mean and standard deviation of the country values and applying this formula [mean - stdevnumber*stddev, mean + stdevnumber*stddev]. Default is 2.0 fill : str, optional Fill color to use for the features that are not joined (default is '#f1f1f1') stroke_selected : str, optional Color to use for the border of the selected features (default is '#00ffff') decimals : int, optional Number of decimals for the legend numbers display (default is 2) minallowed_value : float, optional Minimum value allowed, to force the calculation of the [min,max] range to map the values to the colors maxallowed_value : float, optional Maximum value allowed, to force the calculation of the [min,max] range to map the values to the colors hoveronempty : bool, optional If True highlights polygon on hover even if no value present in input df for the feature (default is False) legendtitle : str, optional Title to add on top of the legend (default is '') legendunits : str, optional Units of measure to add to the bottom of the legend (default is '') fontsize : int, optional Size in pixels of the font used for texts (default is 20) width : float, optional Width of the SVG drawing in vw units (default is 20.0) height : float, optional Height of the SVG drawing in vh units (default is 40.0) bordercolor : str, optional Color for lines and rects of the legend (default is 'black') textcolor : str, optional Color for texts of the legend (default is 'black') dark : bool, optional If True, the bordercolor and textcolor are set to white (default is False) Returns ------- a string containing SVG text to display the graduated legend Example ------- Creation of a SVG drawing to display a graduated legend. Input is prepared in the same way of the example provided for the :py:func:`interMap.geojsonMap` function:: import numpy as np import pandas as pd import as px from vois import svgMap, svgUtils countries = svgMap.country_codes # Generate random values and create a dictionary: key=countrycode, value=random in [0.0,100.0] d = dict(zip(countries, list(np.random.uniform(size=len(countries),low=0.0,high=100.0)))) # Create a pandas dataframe from the dictionary df = pd.DataFrame(d.items(), columns=['iso2code', 'value']) svg = svgUtils.graduatedLegend(df, code_column='iso2code', codes_selected=['IT', 'FR', 'CH'], stroke_selected='red', colorlist=px.colors.sequential.Viridis[::-1], stdevnumber=2.0, legendtitle='2020 Total energy consumption', legendunits='KTOE per 100K inhabit.', fontsize=18, width=340, height=600) display(HTML(svg)) .. figure:: figures/graduatedLegend.png :scale: 100 % :alt: graduatedLegend example Example of a graduatedLegend in SVG """ if df.shape[0] <= 0: minvalue = 1.0 maxvalue = 2.0 else: mean = df[value_column].mean() if df.shape[0] <= 1: minvalue = mean maxvalue = mean else: stddev = df[value_column].std() valuemin = df[value_column].min() valuemax = df[value_column].max() minvalue = mean - stdevnumber*stddev maxvalue = mean + stdevnumber*stddev if minvalue < valuemin: minvalue = valuemin if maxvalue > valuemax: maxvalue = valuemax if not minallowed_value is None: if minvalue < minallowed_value: minvalue = minallowed_value if not maxallowed_value is None: if maxvalue > maxallowed_value: maxvalue = maxallowed_value #print(mean,stddev, minvalue, maxvalue) if minvalue >= maxvalue: maxvalue = minvalue + 1 ci = colors.colorInterpolator(colorlist,minvalue,maxvalue) if dark: if bordercolor=='black': bordercolor='white' if textcolor =='black': textcolor ='white' # Sizable dimensioning svgwidth = 100.0 aspectratio = 0.5*height / width # In landscape mode, usually the height is half the width dimension!!! svgheight = svgwidth * aspectratio # Positioning of the legend w = svgwidth / 5.0 x1 = (svgwidth-w)/2 x2 = x1 + w wlineette = svgwidth / 25.0 #y1 = height // 18 y1 = 2*fontsize h = svgheight - 1.5*y1 if len(legendunits) > 0: h -= y1/2.0 y2 = y1 + h barthickness = width/50.0 fontsize1 = fontsize*0.92 fontsize2 = fontsize*0.85 # Calculate the legend in SVG format preserve = 'xMidYMid meet' svg = '<svg version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" xml:space="preserve" viewBox="0 0 %f %f" preserveAspectRatio="%s" width="%fvw" height="%fvh">' % (svgwidth,svgheight, preserve, width,height) svg += ''' <style type="text/css"> @import url('%s'); ''' % fontsettings.font_url # Colors indexed by iso2_code of countries polycolors = {} # Fill color of the polygon polyclass = {} # class to assign to the polygon ("country" or "") polybary = {} # Y coordinate of the bar on the legend highlighted when hover on a country country_codes = df[code_column].unique() for c in country_codes: polycolors[c] = fill polybary[c] = -1000 if hoveronempty: polyclass[c] = 'country' else: polyclass[c] = '' # Set colors for all the countries for index, row in df.iterrows(): if code_column is None: code = index else: code = row[code_column] value = row[value_column] polycolors[code] = ci.GetColor(value) polyclass[code] = 'country' if label_column in df: v = row[label_column] else: v = str(value) y = y2 - (y2-y1) * (value - minvalue) / (maxvalue - minvalue) if y < y1: y = y1 if y > y2: y = y2 polybary[code] = y #print(minvalue,maxvalue, y1, y2) # Add color for every polygon for c in country_codes: svg += 'svg #%s { fill: %s; }\n' % (c, polycolors[c]) svg += '</style>' # Legend on the right if len(legendtitle) > 0: svg += '<text x="%d" y="%d" text-anchor="middle" font-size="%f" font-family="%s" font-weight="bold" fill="%s">%s</text>' % (x1+w/2.0, y1-fontsize, fontsize, fontsettings.font_name, textcolor, legendtitle) if len(legendunits) > 0: svg += '<text x="%f" y="%f" text-anchor="middle" font-size="%f" font-family="%s" font-weight="bold" fill="%s">%s</text>' % (x1+w/2.0, y2+fontsize*1.5, fontsize2, fontsettings.font_name, textcolor, legendunits) svg += '<rect x="%f" y="%f" width="%f" height="%f" style="fill:none; stroke-width:%f; stroke:%s;" />' % (x1, y1, w, h, barthickness*4.0, bordercolor) y = y1 while y <= y2: value = maxvalue - (y - y1) * (maxvalue - minvalue) / (y2 - y1) svg += '<line x1="%f" y1="%f" x2="%f" y2="%f" style="stroke:%s;stroke-width:%f" />' % ( x1,y,x2,y, ci.GetColor(value), barthickness ) y += 0.06666 svg += '<line x1="%f" y1="%f" x2="%f" y2="%f" style="stroke:%s; stroke-width:%f" />' % ( x2,y2,x2+wlineette,y2, bordercolor, barthickness/2.0 ) svg += '<line x1="%f" y1="%f" x2="%f" y2="%f" style="stroke:%s; stroke-width:%f" />' % ( x2,y1,x2+wlineette,y1, bordercolor, barthickness/2.0 ) xtext = x2 + wlineette*1.25 valmin = '{:.{prec}f}'.format(minvalue, prec=decimals) svg += '<text x="%f" y="%f" font-size="%f" font-family="%s" fill="%s">%s</text>' % (xtext, y2+fontsize2/3, fontsize1, fontsettings.font_name, textcolor, valmin) valmax = '{:.{prec}f}'.format(maxvalue, prec=decimals) svg += '<text x="%f" y="%f" font-size="%f" font-family="%s" fill="%s">%s</text>' % (xtext, int(y1+fontsize2*0.4), fontsize1, fontsettings.font_name, textcolor, valmax) valmed = '{:.{prec}f}'.format((minvalue+maxvalue)/2.0, prec=decimals) if valmed != valmin and valmed != valmax: y = (y1+y2)/2.0 svg += '<line x1="%f" y1="%f" x2="%f" y2="%f" style="stroke:%s; stroke-width:%f" />' % ( x2,y,x2+wlineette,y, bordercolor, barthickness/2.0 ) svg += '<text x="%f" y="%f" font-size="%f" font-family="%s" fill="%s">%s</text>' % (xtext, y+fontsize2/3.0, fontsize1, fontsettings.font_name, textcolor, valmed) val = '{:.{prec}f}'.format(minvalue + 3.0*(maxvalue-minvalue)/4.0, prec=decimals) if val != valmed and val != valmax: y = y1+(y2-y1)/4.0 svg += '<line x1="%f" y1="%f" x2="%f" y2="%f" style="stroke:%s; stroke-width:%f" />' % ( x2,y,x2+wlineette,y, bordercolor, barthickness/2.0 ) svg += '<text x="%f" y="%f" font-size="%f" font-family="%s" fill="%s">%s</text>' % (xtext, y+fontsize2/3.0, fontsize1, fontsettings.font_name, textcolor, val) val = '{:.{prec}f}'.format(minvalue + (maxvalue-minvalue)/4.0, prec=decimals) if val != valmin and val != valmed: y = y1+3.0*(y2-y1)/4.0 svg += '<line x1="%f" y1="%f" x2="%f" y2="%f" style="stroke:%s; stroke-width:%f" />' % ( x2,y,x2+wlineette,y, bordercolor, barthickness/2.0 ) svg += '<text x="%f" y="%f" font-size="%f" font-family="%s" fill="%s">%s</text>' % (xtext, y+fontsize2/3.0, fontsize1, fontsettings.font_name, textcolor, val) # Add horizontal lines in the legend for the selected countries for code in codes_selected: if code in country_codes: if polybary[code] >= y1 and polybary[code] <= y2: svg += '<text x="%f" y="%f" text-anchor="end" font-size="%f" font-family="%s" font-weight="bold" fill="%s">%s</text>' % (x1-wlineette/2, polybary[code]+fontsize2/3, fontsize2, fontsettings.font_name, textcolor, code) svg += '<line x1="%f" y1="%f" x2="%f" y2="%f" style="stroke:%s; stroke-width:%f" />' % (x1, polybary[code], x2, polybary[code], stroke_selected, barthickness*3.0) svg += '</svg>' return svg
########################################################################################################################################################################### # # Small circle with animation: returns a widgets.Output object with the SVG displayed on it ###########################################################################################################################################################################
[docs]def SmallCircle(text1, text2, percentage, forecolor="#308040", backcolor=None, textcolor='white', dimension=300.0, fontsize=16.0, textsize=0.0): """ Display of a circle graphics displaying a text and a percentage value. It shows an animation to reach the requested percentage of the full circle. Parameters ---------- text1 : str First string of text to display inside the circle (usually a brief description of the variable displayed) text2 : str Second string of text to display inside the circle (usually the numercal value) percentage : float Value in percentage to be displayed forecolor : str, optional Color to use for the circle border (default is '#308040') backcolor : str, optional Color to use for the interior of the circle (default is None, so a lighter color is generated from the forecolor) textcolor : str, optional Color to use for text (default is 'white') dimension : int or float or str, optional Side of the drawing. If an integer or a float is passed, the size is intended in pixels units, otherwise a string containing the units must be passed (example: '4vh'). The default is 300.0 for 300 pixels textsize : float, optional Text dimension in pixels (default is 0.0 which means that it is automatically calculated from the dimension of the drawing) Returns ------- an ipywidgets.Output instance with the circle already displayed inside Example ------- Example of a circle to represent a percentage with an animation:: from vois import svgUtils from random import randrange percentage = randrange(1000)/10.0 svgUtils.SmallCircle('Green<br>deal', '%.1f%%' % percentage, percentage, forecolor="#308040", dimension=200) .. figure:: figures/smallCircle.png :scale: 100 % :alt: smallCircle example Example of an animated SVG to graphically represent a percentage value """ def circumference(r): return 2.0 * r * math.pi def complementaryColor(color): if color[0] == '#': color = color[1:] rgb = (color[0:2], color[2:4], color[4:6]) comp = ['%02X' % (255 - int(a, 16)) for a in rgb] return '#' + ''.join(comp) def lighterColor(color): if color[0] == '#': color = color[1:] rgb = (color[0:2], color[2:4], color[4:6]) comp = ['%02X' % min(255,int(int(a, 16)*1.5)) for a in rgb] return '#' + ''.join(comp) if backcolor is None: backcolor = lighterColor(forecolor) tooltip = text1.replace('<br>',' ') + ': ' + text2 if percentage < 0.0: percentage = 0.0 if percentage > 100.0: percentage = 100.0 r = 44 circle = circumference(r) #value = 276.46015351590177 # empty #value = 0.0 # full value = 0.01 * (100.0 - percentage)*circle seconds = 1.0 + (circle - value) / circle svg = '<svg version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 100 100" xml:space="preserve">' # CSS styling svg += ''' <style type="text/css"> @import url('%s'); </style> ''' % (fontsettings.font_url) svg += '<circle fill="%s" cx="50" cy="50" r="44"><title>%s</title></circle>' % (backcolor,tooltip) svg += '<circle fill="none" stroke="#f1f1f1" stroke-width="10" stroke-mitterlimit="0" cx="50" cy="50" r="%d"><title>%s</title></circle>' % (r,tooltip) svg += ''' <circle fill="none" stroke="%s" stroke-width="10.5" stroke-mitterlimit="0" cx="50" cy="50" r="%d" stroke-dasharray="%d" stroke-dashoffset="%d" stroke-linecap="butt" transform="rotate(-90 ) translate(-100 0)"> <animate attributeName="stroke-dashoffset" values="%d;%d;%d" dur="%fs"></animate> <title>%s</title> </circle> ''' % (forecolor, r, circle, value, circle, value, value, seconds, tooltip) vtext = text1.split('<br>') maxlen = 0 for t in vtext: if len(t) > maxlen: maxlen = len(t) if textsize <= 0: size = 1.0 * 10.0 / float(maxlen) else: size = textsize if size > 0.9: size = 0.9 if size < 0.4: size = 0.4 h = int(14 * size) y = 47 - (len(vtext)-1)*h for t in vtext: svg += '<text font-size="%.2fem" text-anchor="middle" x="50" y="%d" fill="%s" font-weight="bold" style="font-family: %s;">%s<title>%s</title></text>' % (size,y, textcolor, fontsettings.font_name,t,tooltip) y += h svg += '<text font-size="1em" text-anchor="middle" x="50" y="62" fill="%s" font-weight="bold" style="font-family: %s;">%s<title>%s</title></text>' % (textcolor, fontsettings.font_name, text2, tooltip) svg += '</svg>' # Create an output widget and display SVG in it if isinstance(dimension, int): w = '%dpx' % dimension elif isinstance(dimension, float): w = '%fpx' % dimension else: w = str(dimension) out = widgets.Output(layout=Layout(width=w, height='calc(%s + 14px)' % w)) with out: display(HTML(svg)) return out
########################################################################################################################################################################### # # Pie chart with animation: returns a widgets.Output object with the SVG displayed on it + the svg text ########################################################################################################################################################################### # Enumeration class FillPercentage(): fill100 = 0 fill75 = 1 fill60 = 2 fill50 = 3 fill40 = 4
[docs]def AnimatedPieChart(values=[10.0, 25.0, 34.0, 24.0, 23.0], colors=['#2d82c2', '#95cb92', '#e7ee99', '#ffde88', '#ff945a', '#e34e4f'], labels=None, duration=0.75, # Seconds fillpercentage=FillPercentage.fill60, backcolor="#f1f1f1", dimension=400, textcolor=settings.select_textcolor, fontsize=15, textweight=400, decimals=1, centertext='', centercolor=settings.select_textcolor, centerfontsize=18, centertextweight=500, onclick=None, additional_argument=None, is_selected=False, displayvalues=True): """ Creation of an animated pie chart in SVG format. Given an array of float values, and optional labels, the function draws a pie chart that fills its slices with a short animation. An ipywidgets.Output instance is returned, which has the SVG chart displayed in it. By passing a value to the onclick parameter, it is possible to manage the click event on the slices of the pie, providing interactivity to the drawing. The capture of the click event is done using the `ipyevents library <>`_ . Parameters ---------- values : list of float values, optional List of float values that represent the relative dimension of each of the slices (default is [10.0, 25.0, 34.0, 24.0, 23.0]) colors : list of strings representing colors, optional Colors to use for each of the slices of the pie (default is ['#2d82c2', '#95cb92', '#e7ee99', '#ffde88', '#ff945a', '#e34e4f']) labels, list of strings, optional Labels for each of the slices of the pie (default is None) duration : float, optional Duration in seconds of the animation (default is 0.75 seconds) fillpercentage : int, optional (in 0,1,2,3,4) Amount of the circle that is filled by the slices (default is 2 which means 60%) backcolor : str, optional Background color of the pie (default is '#f1f1f1') dimension : int or float or str, optional Side of the drawing. If an integer or a float is passed, the size is intended in pixels units, otherwise a string containing the units must be passed (example: '4vh'). Th default is 400.0 for 400 pixels textcolor : str, optional Color of text fontsize : int, optional Dimension of text in pixels (default is 15) textweight : int, optional Weight of text (default is 400, >= 500 is Bold) decimals : int, optional Number of decimal to use for the display of numbers (default is 1) centertext : str, optional Text string to display at the center of the pie (default is '') centercolor : str, optional Color to use for the central text centerfontsize : int, optional Text dimension for the text displayed at the center of the pie centertextweight : int, optional Weight of central text (default is 500, >= 500 is Bold) onclick : function, optional Python function to call when the user clicks on one of the slices of the pie. The function will receive as first parameter the index of the clicked slice, and the additional_argument as second parameter additional_argument : any, optional Additional parameter passed to the onclick function when the user clicks on one of the slices of the pie (default is None) is_selected : bool, optional Flag to select the pie chart (default is False) displayvalues: bool, optional If True each slide of the pie will display, inside parenthesis, the corresponding value (default is True) Return ------ a tuple containing an instance of ipywidgets.Output() widget, and a string containing the SVG code of the drawing Example ------- Example of a pie chart:: from vois import svgUtils import as px from ipywidgets import widgets debug = widgets.Output() display(debug) def onclick(arg): with debug: print('clicked %s' % arg) out, txt = svgUtils.AnimatedPieChart(values=[10.0, 25.0, 18.0, 20.0, 9.5], labels=['Option<br>1', 'Option<br>2', 'Option 3', 'Option 4', 'Others'], centerfontsize=28, fontsize=16, textweight=400, colors=px.colors.qualitative.D3, backcolor='#dfdfdf', centertext='Example Pie', onclick=onclick, dimension=380.0, duration=1.0) display(out) .. figure:: figures/pieChart2.png :scale: 100 % :alt: pieChart example Example of an animated SVG to graphically represent a pie chart """ # From polar to cartesian coordinates def polar2cart(r, phi): arad = math.radians(-phi) x = r * math.cos(arad) y = r * math.sin(arad) return x,-y # From cartesian to polar coordinates: returns r, theta(degrees)` def cart2polar(x,y): return math.hypot(x,y), math.degrees(math.atan2(y,x)) # Calculate text position: returns x,y def textPosition(angle, r): while angle > 360: angle -= 360 while angle < 0: angle += 360 return polar2cart(r, angle) if fillpercentage == FillPercentage.fill100: textdistance = 120 width = 100.0 elif fillpercentage == FillPercentage.fill75: textdistance = 125 width = 75.0 elif fillpercentage == FillPercentage.fill60: textdistance = 140 width = 60.0 elif fillpercentage == FillPercentage.fill50: textdistance = 150 width = 50.0 else: textdistance = 170 width = 40.0 svgdimension = 400 # Centre and external radius of the circle cx = svgdimension/2 cy = svgdimension/2 externalradius = svgdimension/2 # Internal Radius r = 200.0 - width stroke = width * 2.0 - 10.0 # Percentages calculation tot = sum(values) perc = [100.0*x/tot for x in values] # Pre-processing of all labels if not labels is None: for i in range(len(labels)): labels[i] = labels[i].replace('-',' ').replace('_',' ') # Calculation of all coordinates and dimensioning: key is the index of the sector, from 0 to len(values)-1 coordinates = {} startangle = -90.0 for i in range(len(perc)): angle = 360.0 * perc[i] / 100.0 # Sorry! if fillpercentage == FillPercentage.fill100: span = 628.8 * perc[i] / 100.0 elif fillpercentage == FillPercentage.fill75: span = 790.0 * perc[i] / 100.0 elif fillpercentage == FillPercentage.fill60: span = 890.0 * perc[i] / 100.0 elif fillpercentage == FillPercentage.fill50: span = 945.0 * perc[i] / 100.0 else: span = 1010.0 * perc[i] / 100.0 color = colors[i % len(colors)] color_no_answer = '#757575' strvalue = '{:.{prec}f}'.format(perc[i], prec=decimals) if not labels is None and i < len(labels): if displayvalues: text = '%s<br>%s%%<br>(%s)' % (labels[i],strvalue,values[i]) else: text = '%s<br>%s%%' % (labels[i],strvalue) if text[:9] == 'no answer' or text[:12] == 'no<br>answer': color = color_no_answer # Request for same color for all the "no answer" slices #print(text) else: if displayvalues: text = strvalue + '<br>(' + str(values[i])+ ')' else: text = strvalue fulltext = centertext + ': ' + text.replace('<br>',' ') tooltip = '<title>%s</title>' % (fulltext) x,y = textPosition(startangle+angle/2.0, textdistance) svgtext = '' if perc[i] > 5.0: vtext = text.split('<br>') y -= fontsize * (len(vtext) - 1.0) svgtext = '<text id="text" class="portion-text" style="pointer-events: none" font-size="%f" text-anchor="middle" x="%f" y="%f" fill="%s" font-weight="%f" style="font-family: %s;">' % (fontsize, x+200,y+225, textcolor, textweight, fontsettings.font_name) for t in vtext: svgtext += '<tspan x="%f" dy="%f">%s</tspan>' % (x+200, fontsize, t) svgtext += '</text>' coordinates[i] = { 'startangle': startangle, 'angle' : angle, 'span' : span, 'color' : color, 'text' : text, 'tooltip' : tooltip, 'x' : x, 'y' : y, 'svgtext' : svgtext } startangle += angle underline = '' if is_selected: class_name = 'portion-out' underline = 'text-decoration="underline"' centertextweight = 700 #centercolor = settings.color_first else: class_name = 'portion' # Creation of the SVG def createSVG(): svg = '<svg version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 %d %d" xml:space="preserve">' % (svgdimension,svgdimension) # CSS styling svg += ''' <style type="text/css"> @import url('%s'); .portion:hover , .portion:hover + .portion-text { cursor: pointer; stroke-width: %f; font-weight: %d; text-decoration: underline; } </style> ''' % (fontsettings.font_url, stroke*1.1, textweight+0) # Back circle strclass = '' if is_selected: strclass = 'class="portion-out"' svg += '<circle %s fill="%s" cx="200" cy="200" r="200" />' % ( strclass, backcolor ) if is_selected: svg += '<circle %s fill="%s" cx="200" cy="200" r="85" />' % ( strclass, settings.color_first ) # Animated circles svgtextall = '' for i in range(len(perc)): angle = coordinates[i]['angle'] startangle = coordinates[i]['startangle'] span = coordinates[i]['span'] color = coordinates[i]['color'] text = coordinates[i]['text'] tooltip = coordinates[i]['tooltip'] x = coordinates[i]['x'] y = coordinates[i]['y'] # Text svgtext = coordinates[i]['svgtext'] svgtextall += svgtext # Circle sector if duration <= 0.0: svg += ''' <circle class="%s" cx="%d" cy="%d" r="%f" transform="rotate(%f, 200, 200)" stroke-dasharray="%d, 1000" fill="none" stroke-width="%f" stroke="%s" stroke-linecap="butt">%s</circle> %s ''' % (class_name, cx,cy, r, startangle, int(span), stroke, color, tooltip, svgtext) else: svg += ''' <circle class="%s" cx="%d" cy="%d" r="%f" transform="rotate(%f, 200, 200)" stroke-dasharray="0, 1000" fill="none" stroke-width="%f" stroke="%s" stroke-linecap="butt"> <animate attributeName="stroke-dasharray" dur="%fs" to="%d,1000" fill="freeze" />%s</circle> %s ''' % (class_name, cx,cy, r, startangle, stroke, color, duration, int(span), tooltip, svgtext) # Center text svg += '<text style="pointer-events: none" font-size="%f" text-anchor="middle" x="200" y="%d" fill="%s" font-weight="%f" %s style="font-family: %s;">%s</text>' % (centerfontsize, 200+fontsize/4, centercolor, centertextweight, underline, fontsettings.font_name, centertext) # Display text again so that it is always visible!!! svg += svgtextall svg += '</svg>' return svg # Create an output widget and display SVG in it if isinstance(dimension, int): w = '%dpx' % dimension elif isinstance(dimension, float): w = '%fpx' % dimension else: w = str(dimension) out = widgets.Output(layout=Layout(width=w, height='calc(%s + 14px)' % w)) svg = createSVG() with out: display(HTML(svg)) # Add an event manager to the out Output widgets d = Event(source=out, watched_events=['click']) cx = svgdimension/2.0 cy = svgdimension/2.0 radius = svgdimension/2.0 if fillpercentage == FillPercentage.fill100: rmin = 0.0 elif fillpercentage == FillPercentage.fill75: rmin = radius * 0.25 elif fillpercentage == FillPercentage.fill60: rmin = radius * 0.40 elif fillpercentage == FillPercentage.fill50: rmin = radius * 0.50 else: rmin = 1.0 # Convert clik angle to startangle values def clickangle2startangle(a): # Convert in [0,360) if a < 0: a += 360.0 # Invert direction sa = -a # Take inside interval [-90,270) if sa < -90.0: sa += 360.0 return sa def handle_event(event): if is_selected: # Call callback function if not onclick is None: if not additional_argument is None: onclick(-1, additional_argument) else: onclick(-1) out.clear_output(wait=True) with out: display(HTML(createSVG())) else: x = event['relativeX'] y = event['relativeY'] w = event['boundingRectWidth'] h = event['boundingRectHeight'] xp = (x / w) * svgdimension yp = (y / h) * svgdimension px = xp - cx py = cy - yp #with out: # print(x,y, xp,yp ) clickdist,clickangle = cart2polar(px,py) if clickdist >= rmin and clickdist <= radius: sa = clickangle2startangle(clickangle) #with out: # print(clickangle, sa) for i in range(len(perc)): angle = coordinates[i]['angle'] startangle = coordinates[i]['startangle'] if sa >= startangle and sa <= startangle+angle: # Call callback function if not onclick is None: if not additional_argument is None: onclick(i, additional_argument) else: onclick(i) #out.clear_output(wait=True) #with out: # display(HTML(createSVG())) break d.on_dom_event(handle_event) return out, svg
########################################################################################################################################################################### # Title ###########################################################################################################################################################################
[docs]def svgTitle(title='Dashboard title', subtitle1='Subtitle1', subtitle2='Subtitle2', xline=290): """ Creation of a simple title for a dashboard in SVG format Parameters ---------- title : str, optional Title of the dashboard (default is 'Dashboard title') subtitle1 : str, optional First line of the subtitle (default is 'Subtitle1') subtitle2 : str, optional Second line of the subtitle (default is 'Subtitle2') xline : int, optional X position of a vertical line to divide title from subtitles (default is 290) Returns ------- a string containing a SVG drawing that spans 100% of the width and 46 pixels in height Example ------- Example of a title and logo SVG:: from vois import svgUtils from ipywidgets import HTML, widgets, Layout outTitle = widgets.Output(layout=Layout(width='99%', height='64px')) outLogo = widgets.Output(layout=Layout(width='1%', min_width='110px', height='82px')) outTitle.clear_output() with outTitle: display(HTML(svgUtils.svgTitle())) outLogo.clear_output() with outLogo: display(HTML(svgUtils.svgLogo())) display(widgets.HBox([outTitle,outLogo])) .. figure:: figures/svgTitle.png :scale: 100 % :alt: svgTitle example Example of a simple svgTitle and svgLogo Note ---- This function is completely superseeded by the more complete examples of dashboard titles available using the :py:class:`title.title` or :py:class:`` """ svg = '<svg version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px" width="100%" height="46" xml:space="preserve">' LastData ='%d %b %Y') svg += '<text x="0" y="36" font-size="40" fill="%s" font-weight="400">%s</text>' % (settings.label_textcolor,title) svg += '<line x1="%d" y1="0" x2="%d" y2="38" style="stroke:%s;stroke-width:1.0" />' % (xline, xline, settings.line_color) svg += '<text x="%d" y="20" font-size="18" fill="%s" font-weight="400">%s</text>' % (xline+15, settings.label_textcolor, subtitle1) svg += '<text x="%d" y="38" font-size="18" fill="%s" font-weight="400">%s</text>' % (xline+15, settings.label_textcolor, subtitle2) svg += '<text x="60%%" y="24" text-anchor="middle" font-size="26" fill="%s" font-weight="400">%s</text>' % (settings.label_textcolor, LastData) svg += '<text x="60%%" y="40" text-anchor="middle" font-size="12" fill="%s" font-weight="400">Last data update</text>' % (settings.label_textcolor) svg += '<line x1="0" y1="45" x2="100%%" y2="45" style="stroke:%s;stroke-width:0.3" />' % (settings.line_color) svg += '</svg>' return svg
########################################################################################################################################################################### # Logo ###########################################################################################################################################################################