Source code for treemapPlotly

"""Utility functions to prepare data for Plotly Treemap, Sunburst and Icicle plots."""
# Author(s):
# Copyright © European Union 2022-2023
# Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.2 or as soon they will be approved by 
# the European Commission subsequent versions of the EUPL (the "Licence");
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# Creation of a plotly treemap

# Node class to construct the treemap: stores a name and a float value
class TreemapNode():
    def __init__(self, name, value=0.0):  = name
        self.value = value
    def __repr__(self):

    def __str__(self):

# Creation of Treemap to be displayed with Plotly

# Create a treemap from a list of names with an implicit tree structure, example: ['JRC', 'JRC.D', 'JRC.D.3', ...]
# Returns 3 lists to be input to Plotly treemap: labels, parents, values!
# The values for intermediate nodes are calculated automatically
# Example:
# valuefor = {'A.1.1': 10.0, 'A.2': 5.0}
# labels, parents, values = createTreemapFromList(['A','A.1','A.2','A.1.1'], rootName='A', valuefor=valuefor)
# import plotly.graph_objects as go
# fig = go.Figure()
# fig.add_trace(go.Treemap(ids=labels, labels=labels, parents=parents, values=values, branchvalues='total', maxdepth=3, root_color="lightgrey"))
# fig.add_trace(go.Sunburst(ids=labels, labels=labels, parents=parents, values=values, branchvalues='total', maxdepth=3, root_color="lightgrey"))
[docs]def createTreemapFromList(nameslist=[], rootName='Root', separator='.', valuefor={}): """ Preprocessing of a list of strings having a hierarchical structure (defined by a separator, e.g. '.'), in view of the display of a Plotly Treemap, Sunburst or Icicle chart. Each node of the tree will have a 'dimension' that influences the way to display it (the space occupied, or the size, etc.) Parameters ---------- nameslist : list of strings, optional List of strings to preprocess. The hierarchical structure is defined by the separator character. Default is [] rootName : str, optional Name to assign to the root node of the hierarchical structure (default is 'Root') separator : str, optional Separator character that defines the hierarchical structure (default is '.') valuefor : dict, optional Dictionary to assign a numerical value to each node of the tree (default is {}) Return ------ a tuple of 3 elements: labels, parents, values labels is a list of the names of the nodes parents is the list of the parents of each of the nodes values is the list of numerical values assigned to each of the node (and summed up in the parent-son relation) These 3 lists can be given as input to the plotly.graph_objects.Treemap/Sunburst/Icicle functions Example ------- Creation of a Treemap chart in Plotly using numerical data associated to JRC units and directorates:: import plotly.graph_objects as go from vois import treemapPlotly valuefor = {'JRC.A.1': 3.0, 'JRC.A.2': 5.0, 'JRC.B.1': 12.0, 'JRC.B.2': 7.0, 'JRC.B.3': 3.0, 'JRC.C.1': 7.0, 'JRC.C.2': 2.0} labels, parents, values = treemapPlotly.createTreemapFromList(['JRC.A','JRC.A.1', 'JRC.A.2','JRC.B.1', 'JRC.B.2','JRC.B.3', 'JRC.C.1','JRC.C.2',], rootName='JRC', valuefor=valuefor) fig = go.Figure() fig.add_trace(go.Treemap(ids=labels, labels=labels, parents=parents, values=values, branchvalues='total', maxdepth=3, root_color="lightgrey")) fig.update_layout(margin=dict(t=38, l=0, r=0, b=10), height=400, hoverlabel=dict(bgcolor="#eee", align="left"), title={'text': "JRC units", 'y':0.96, 'x':0.5, 'xanchor': 'center', 'yanchor': 'top'}) .. figure:: figures/treemap.png :scale: 100 % :alt: treemap example Display of a Plotly Treemap extracted from a list of strings separated by '.' """ # Add a node to a tree-node def addNode(name, value, parent): nonlocal nodes, parent_of if not name in nodes: elem = TreemapNode(name, value=value) nodes[name] = elem parent_of[name] = parent while parent != None: parent.value += value parent = parent_of[] return elem nodes = {} parent_of = {} root = addNode(rootName,0.0,None) # Manage an implicit tree with separator! for name in nameslist: parts = name.split(separator) fullname = '' for part in parts: parentname = fullname if len(fullname) == 0: fullname += part else: fullname += separator + part parent = root if parentname in nodes: parent = nodes[parentname] value = 0.0 if fullname in valuefor: value = valuefor[fullname] addNode(fullname,value,parent) #return nodes, parent_of labels = [] parents = [] values = [] for key, value in nodes.items(): labels.append(key) pname = str(parent_of[key]) if pname == 'None': parents.append(None) else: parents.append(pname) values.append(value.value) return labels, parents, values